184pin Unbuffered DDR SDRAM MODULEM368L2923MT1
Rev. 0.0 Sep. 2001
Recommended operating conditions Unless Otherwise Noted, TA=0 to 70°C)
Typical case: VDD = 2.5V, T = 25’C
Worst case : VDD = 2.7V, T = 10’C
Conditions Symbol Typical Worst
Operating current - One bank Active-Precharge;
tRC=tRCmin;tCK=100Mhz for DDR200, 133Mhz for DDR266A & DDR266B;
DQ,DM and DQS inputs changing twice per clock cycle;
address and control inputs changing once per clock cycle
IDD0 - -
Operating current - One bank operation ; One bank open, BL=4, Reads
- Refer to the following page for detailed test condition IDD1 - -
Percharge power-down standby current; All banks idle; power - down mode;
CKE = <VIL(max); tCK=100Mhz for DDR200, 133Mhz for DDR266A & DDR266B;
Vin = Vref for DQ,DQS and DM
IDD2P - -
Precharge Floating standby current; CS# > =VIH(min);All banks idle;
CKE > = VIH(min); tCK=100Mhz for DDR200, 133Mhz for DDR266A & DDR266B;
Address and other control inputs changing once per clock cycle;
Vin = Vref for DQ,DQS and DM
IDD2F - -
Precharge Quiet standby current; CS# > = VIH(min); All banks idle;
CKE > = VIH(min); tCK = 100Mhz for DDR200, 133Mhz for DDR266A & DDR266B;
Address and other control inputs stable with keeping >= VIH(min) or =<VIL(max);
Vin = Vref for DQ ,DQS and DM
IDD2Q - -
Active power - down standby current ; one bank active; power-down mode;
CKE=< VIL (max); tCK = 100Mhz for DDR200, 133Mhz for DDR266A & DDR266B;
Vin = Vref for DQ,DQS and DM
IDD3P - -
Active standby current; CS# >= VIH(min); CKE>=VIH(min);
one bank active; active - precharge; tRC=tRASmax; tCK = 100Mhz for DDR200,
133Mhz for DDR266A & DDR266B; DQ, DQS and DM inputs changing twice
per clock cycle; address and other control inputs changing once
per clock cycle
IDD3N - -
Operating current - burst read; Burst length = 2; reads; continguous burst;
One bank active; address and control inputs changing once per clock cycle;
CL=2 at tCK = 100Mhz for DDR200, CL=2 at tCK = 133Mhz for DDR266A, CL=2.5 at tCK =
133Mhz for DDR266B ; 50% of data changing at every burst; lout = 0 m A
IDD4R - -
Operating current - burst write; Burst length = 2; writes; continuous burst;
One bank active address and control inputs changing once per clock cycle;
CL=2 at tCK = 100Mhz for DDR200, CL=2 at tCK = 133Mhz for DDR266A,
CL=2.5 at tCK = 133Mhz for DDR266B ; DQ, DM and DQS inputs changing twice
per clock cycle, 50% of input data changing at every burst
IDD4W - -
Auto refresh current; tRC = tRFC(min) - 8*tCK for DDR200 at 100Mhz,
10*tCK for DDR266A & DDR266B at 133Mhz; distributed refresh IDD5 - -
Self refresh current; CKE =< 0.2V; External clock should be on;
tCK = 100Mhz for DDR200, 133Mhz for DDR266A & DDR266B IDD6 - -
Orerating current - Four bank operation ; Four bank interleaving with BL=4
-Refer to the following page for detailed test condition IDD7A - -
DDR SDRAM SPEC Items and Test Conditions