IS31SE5001 IR SENSOR FOR TOUCHLESS PROXIMITY July 2013 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The IS31SE5001 is a low-power, reflectance-based infrared light sensor with advanced signal processing and digital output. The sensor can detect making touchless motion possible. The IS31SE5001 uses one infrared LED and an internal receiver which pick up the reflectance signal to perform touchless motion detection. When proximity motion happens, the flag bit in status register will be triggered and an interrupt signal is generated to inform the master to read the flag bit through I2C interface. Supply voltage from 2.7V~5.5V 400kHz I2C compatible interface 1A shutdown current 0.6mA low supply current Detection range can be adjusted Integrated signal processing and digital output Auto interrupt clear Package in QFN-8 (2mm x 2mm) APPLICATIONS IS31SE5001 is available in QFN-8 (2mm x 2mm). It operates from 2.7V to 5.5V over the temperature range of -40C to +85C. Smart phones/GPS/MID/PAD/MP3 Lighting/switch controller/ household electrical appliances Toys/game machine TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VBattery 1 F 7 VBattery VCC 0.1 F VDD 4.7k IRLED 4.7k 8 IRLED 4.7k 5 4 Micro Controller 3 2 IS31SE5001 SDA RX 6 SCL INTB SDB GND 1 100k IS31SE5001 IRLED LCD IS31SE5001 Figure 1 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 IRLED Typical Application Circuit 1 IS31SE5001 PIN CONFIGURATION QFN-8 Scenograph (Top View) 6 RX 7 VCC Pin Configuration (Top View) 8 IRLED Package SCL 4 INTB 3 5 SDA SDB 2 GND 1 Bottom View Top View PD Pin1 Pin1 Actual Picture PIN DESCRIPTION No. Pin Description 1 GND Ground. 2 SDB Shutdown pin, low active. 3 INTB Interrupt signal, pulled down to inform master to read data. 4 SCL The input for the I2C clock signal. 5 SDA The input for the I2C data signal. 6 RX Input signal of infrared LED receiver. 7 VCC Power supply. 8 IRLED IRLED emitting pin. Connect to IRLED. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 2 IS31SE5001 ORDERING INFORMATION Industrial Range: -40C to +85C Order Part No. Package QTY/Reel IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR QFN-8, Lead-free 3000 Copyright (c) 2013 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to this specification and its products at any time without notice. ISSI assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of any information, products or services described herein. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of this device specification before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications unless Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. receives written assurance to its satisfaction, that: a.) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized; b.) the user assume all such risks; and c.) potential liability of Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc is adequately protected under the circumstances Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 3 IS31SE5001 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply voltage, VCC Voltage at any input pin Operating temperature range, TA Storage temperature range, TSTG -0.3V ~ +6.0V -0.3V ~ VCC+0.3V -40C ~ +85C -40C ~ +85C Note: Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = 25C, VCC = 2.7V ~ 5.5V, unless otherwise noted. Typical value are TA = +25C, VCC = 3.6V. Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Unit 5.5 V VCC Supply voltage ICC Quiescent current VSDB = VCC 0.6 ISD Shutdown current VSDB = 0V 1 IIR Average current of IRLED VLED =3.6V(Note 1) 0.8 mA IP Peak current of IRLED EC = "0001" (Note 1,2) 400 mA INTB pin output voltage low IOL = 4mA Maximum detect distance EC = "0001" (Note 3) VIH Input logic high voltage VCC = 2.7V VIL Input logic low voltage VCC = 5.5V VINT L 2.7 Max. mA 3 0.2 15 A V cm 0.4 1.4 V V DIGITAL INPUT SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit 400 kHz fSCL Serial-Clock frequency tBUF Bus free time between a STOP and a START condition 1.3 s tHD, STA Hold time (repeated) START condition 0.6 s tSU, STA Repeated START condition setup time 0.6 s tSU, STO STOP condition setup time 0.6 s tHD, DAT Data hold time tSU, DAT Data setup time 100 ns tLOW SCL clock low period 1.3 s tHIGH SCL clock high period 0.7 s 0.9 s tR Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals, receiving (Note 4) 20+0.1Cb 300 ns tF Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals, receiving (Note 4) 20+0.1Cb 300 ns Note 1: Guaranteed by design. Note 2: The EC bit is used to set emitting current. Please refer to the detailed information in Page 7. Note 3: Because of different IRLED and material of cover, the detection distance will be different. The detail parameter should be tested. IR26-21C/L110/CT for IRLED is recommended. Note 4: Cb = total capacitance of one bus line in pF. ISINK 6mA. tR and tF measured between 0.3 x VCC and 0.7 x VCC. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 4 IS31SE5001 DETAILED DESCRIPTION After the last bit of the chip address is sent, the master checks for the IS31SE5001's acknowledge. The master releases the SDA line high (through a pull-up resistor). Then the master sends an SCL pulse. If the IS31SE5001 has received the address correctly, then it holds the SDA line low during the SCL pulse. If the SDA line is not low, then the master should send a "STOP" signal (discussed later) and abort the transfer. I2C INTERFACE The IS31SE5001 uses a serial bus, which conforms to the I2C protocol, to control the chip's functions with two wires: SCL and SDA. The IS31SE5001 has a 7-bit slave address (A7:A1), followed by the R/W bit, A0. Set A0 to "0" for a write command and set A0 to "1" for a read command. The complete slave address is: Following acknowledge of IS31SE5001, the register address byte is sent, most significant bit first. IS31SE5001 must generate another acknowledge indicating that the register address has been received. Table 1 Slave Address (Write only): Bit A7:A1 A0 Value 1010101 1/0 Then 8-bit of data byte are sent next, most significant bit first. Each data bit should be valid while the SCL level is stable high. After the data byte is sent, the IS31SE5001 must generate another acknowledge to indicate that the data was received. The SCL line is uni-directional. The SDA line is bi-directional (open-collector) with a pull-up resistor (typically 4.7k). The maximum clock frequency specified by the I2C standard is 400kHz. In this discussion, the master is the microcontroller and the slave is the IS31SE5001. The "STOP" signal ends the transfer. To signal "STOP", the SDA signal goes high while the SCL signal is high. READING PORT REGISTERS The timing diagram for the I2C is shown in Figure 2. The SDA is latched in on the stable high level of the SCL. When there is no interface activity, the SDA line should be held high. To read the device data, the bus master must first send ____ the IS31SE5001 address with the R/W bit set to "0", followed by the command byte, which determines which register is accessed. After a restart, the bus master must then send the IS31SE5001 address with The "START" signal is generated by lowering the SDA signal while the SCL signal is high. The start signal will alert all devices attached to the I2C bus to check the incoming address against their own chip address. ____ the R/W bit set to "1". Data from the register defined by the command byte is then sent from the IS31SE5001 to the master (Figure 5). The 8-bit chip address is sent next, most significant bit first. Each address bit must be stable while the SCL level is high. Figure 2 Interface timing Figure 3 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 Bit transfer 5 IS31SE5001 Figure 4 Writing to IS31SE5001 Figure 5 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 Reading from IS31SE5001 6 IS31SE5001 REGISTERS DEFINITIONS Table 2 Register Function Address Name Function R/W Table Default xxxx xxxx 00h Status Register Store the motion information R 3 01h Shutdown Register Set software shutdown W 4 11h Configuration Register Configure operating function W 5 Table 3 00h Status Register (Read Only) Table 5 11h 0000 0000 Configuration Register Bit D7:D4 D3:D2 D1:D0 Bit D7:D4 D3:D0 Name - PD - Name - EC Default 0000 0000 Default - The Status Register stores the motion information which detected by IS31SE5001. PD 01 10 Others The Configuration Register sets the operating function. EC Emitting Current Setting (Adjusting detection distance, information in Page 9) 0001 400mA 0011 280mA 0111 210mA 1111 70mA Proximity Detection (Figure 6) Be off Be close No motion refer to detail Note the default value of EC is "0000". The EC bit must be configured when power on. The INTB pin will be triggered when configure the EC bit first time. This interrupt can be ignored. IS31SE5001 Figure 6 Table 4 IRLED Proximity Detect (Side View) 01h Shutdown Register Bit D7:D1 D0 Name - SSD Default 0000000 0 The Shutdown Register sets software shutdown mode of IS31SE5001. SSD 0 1 Software Shutdown Enable Software shutdown mode Normal operation Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 7 IS31SE5001 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 8 IS31SE5001 APPLICATION INFORMATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION DETECTION DISTANCE The IS31SE5001 is a low-power, reflectance-based infrared light sensor with advanced signal processing and digital output. The sensor can detect making touchless motion possible. The emitting current can be adjusted by the EC bit of Configuration Register (11h). The larger current is, the longer distance detected. STATUS INFORMATION Master can get the current motion information by reading the PD bit of Status Register (00h). The PD bit is available when IS31SE5001 operates. If the PD bit is "01", it means the object is away from the IC. If the PD bit is "10", it means the object is close to the IC (Table 3). If PD bit is other data, there is no motion. INTERRUPTION The changing of motion can be signed by the INTB pin. The INTB pin will be pulled low when object moving before the LCD panel (PD bit changing). And the MCU can get the information via reading the Status Register (00h). The INTB will be back to high until the MCU reading the Status Register (00h). The INTB pin will be high automatically when it stays low last 10ms to ensure system operating normally. Because of the different IRLED and material of cover, the detection distance will be different for the same emitting current. Detail information should be decided by testing. In the stable mode and operating mode, the average emitting current for both two modes, IIR, can be calculated by the Equation (1): I IR 1 I 512 EC (1) The IEC is the emitting current which setting by the EC bit. SHUTDOWN MODE Shutdown mode can be used as a means of reducing power consumption. During shutdown mode all registers retain their data. SOFTWARE SHUTDOWN By setting SSD bit of the Shutdown Register (01h) to "0", the IS31SE5001 will operate in software shutdown mode. HARDWARE SHUTDOWN The chip enters hardware shutdown mode when the SDB pin is pulled low, wherein they consume only 1A (Typ.) current. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 9 IS31SE5001 CLASSIFICATION REFLOW PROFILES Profile Feature Pb-Free Assembly Preheat & Soak Temperature min (Tsmin) Temperature max (Tsmax) Time (Tsmin to Tsmax) (ts) 150C 200C 60-120 seconds Average ramp-up rate (Tsmax to Tp) 3C/second max. Liquidous temperature (TL) Time at liquidous (tL) 217C 60-150 seconds Peak package body temperature (Tp)* Max 260C Time (tp)** within 5C of the specified classification temperature (Tc) Max 30 seconds Average ramp-down rate (Tp to Tsmax) 6C/second max. Time 25C to peak temperature Figure 7 8 minutes max. Classification Profile Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 10 IS31SE5001 PACKAGE INFORMATION QFN-8 Note: All dimensions in millimeters unless otherwise stated. Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. - Rev. B, 07/04/2013 11 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ISSI: IS31SE5001-QFLS2-TR IS31SE5001-QFLS2-EB