MOTOROLA SC (XSTRS/R F) 4YBE D MM 63967254 0095244 4 MEMOTL MOTOROLA I=55-05 = SEMICONDUCTOR oxy TECHNICAL DATA TP3401 The RF Line TP3401S UHF Linear Power Transistors The TP3401/S are NPN transistors, gold metallized for reliability. They use diffused Ic = 200 mA emitter ballast resistors for linearity and ruggedness. UHF LINEAR The transition frequency of 5 GHz makes these transistors idea! for UHF broadband TRANSISTORS linear amplification such as in high level 1.2 Volts MATV amplifiers up to 860 MHz, low NPN SILICON power TV transposer stages or instrumentation. High Output 1.2 V (DIN 45004/B) 5 GHz fr High Gain 16 dB Typ @ 500 MHz MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage VcEO 13 Vde CASE 244C-01, STYLE 1 Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 24 Vde (280 SOE) Emitter-Base Voitage VEBO 35 Vde TP3401 Total Device Dissipation Tc = 25C Pp 5 Watts Derate above 25C 25 mw C Collector Current Continuous 200 mA Operating Junction Temperature Ty 200 c Storage Temperature Range Tstg 65 to + 200 c THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CASE 2494-01, STYLE 1 Characteristic Symbol Max Unit (.280 SOE S) Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Rac 40 cw TP3401S ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25C unless otherwise noted} Charactoristic | Symbol Min Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voitage {ic = 5 mA, ig = 0} ViBRICEO 13 _ - Vde Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage (Ic = 1 mA, IE = 0} ViBRICBO 24 - - Vde Emitter-Base Breakdown Voitage (Ig = 0.1 mA, Ic = 0) VIBRIEBO 3.5 _ _ Vde Collector Cutoff Current (VcE = 9 V, IB = 0) ICEO - _ 0.6 mAdc ON CHARACTERISTICS | OC Current Gain (I = 50 mA, VcE = 5 V) | hee | 70 | - | 190 | _ | DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS | Output Capacitance (Vcg = 10 V, Ie = 0, f = 1 MHz) | Cob | - [ 3.5 | 45 | pF | FUNCTIONAL TESTS Cutoff Frequency (Vce = 12.5 V, Ic = 150 mA, f = 500 MHz) f, 45 5 _ GHz Maximum Unilateral Gain (Vce = 12.5 V, Ic = 150 mA, f = 500 MHz} Gumax 8 16.3 _ dB Insertion Gain (Vee = 12.5 V, ic = 150 mA, f = 500 MHz) (Sai/2 12.5 14 - dB intermodulation Distortion 3 Tone DIN 45004/B IMD - -60 $8 d8 (fyigion = 800 MHz, Rioag = 75 Ohms, Vcg = 12.5 V, tc = 150 mA, Vout = 1.2 V) ean MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA 2-1222MOTOROLA SC (CXSTRS/R F) IMD, INTERMODULATION DISTORTION {dB} \ 8 | & \ & I s -70 WBE D MM b3b72S4 0095245 & MeNolb TP3401, TP3401S 7293-05 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS T_T a Vee = 125V f = 800 Miz * Vout =1275Q = 200 N G 150 NY 3 S PL Z 100 ee ftneenae a 50 50 100 150 200 KT = 120C Ic, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) 0 Figure 1. 3rd Order intermodulation 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 Veg. COLLECTOR-EMITTER VOLTAGE {VOLTS} Figure 3. DC Safe Operating Area (DIN 45004 B} 6 0B FROM REF 800 MHz 2MH2 505 MHz f2 3 Figure 2. Intermodulation Distortion Test RF INPUT 50 C1 0.1 uF Lie uo ,, RE OUTPUT c4 5012 is oe RI L1 509 Line, L = 10mm L2 509 Une, L = 27 mm cs R2 Circuit Board Teflon Glass 1/16 All Ormensions n Millimeters L3 502 Line, L = O08 mm L4 1752 tine, L = 10 mm C1 120 pF, Chip Capacitor L5 17.6.9 tine, L = 10mm C2 10 pF, Electrolytic Capacitor L6 50.0 Line, L = 33 mm L7 502 Line, L = 12mm L8 Ferrite Bead = 30 nH Lo Ferrite Bead > 30 nH R1 562 R2 180 fk C3 10 wf, Electrolytic Capacitor C4 50 $2 Line, Chip Capacitor C5 10 pF, Electrotytic Capacitor C6, C7 0.1 pF C8, C9 ~ 15 nF C10, C11 1 nF Figure 4. 800 MHz Test Circuit MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA 2-1223MOTOROLA SC CXSTRS/R F) WBE D MM 6367254 0095246 8&8 MBMOTL TP3401, TP3401S T-33-05 S-PARAMETERS (TYPICAL) , VcE = 7.5 V, ic = 100 mA, 2, = 50.2, Te = 25C $11 $21 $12 $22 F(MHz) | MAG] ANG | MAG | ANG | MAG | ANG [| MAG | ANG 200 | 0.605]-156.9| 10.19| +92.1| 0.046| 42.8 | 0.437]-137.7 300 0.636 1-167.6) 7.52 | 80.9 | 0.059] 46.1 | 0.438] -149.2 400 0.600]-174.9) 5.56 | 72.6 | 0.070] 47.9 | 0.415) -155.1 500 | 0.885|-179.0] 4.68 | 66.1 | 0.083] 49.1 | 0.426{-157.5 600 0.562|+177.2] 4.02 | 60.0 | 0.095} 49.4 | 0.396}-158.7 700 0.536 | +174.5) 3.45 | 53.9 | 0.107] 48.7 | 0.402]-159.3 B00 | 0.535|+171.6| 3.02 | 47.1 | 0.118| 45.9 | 0.399]-159.5 900 | 0.517|+169.5| 2.78 | 39.8 | 0.131| 43.8 | 0.392/-159.6 1000 | 0.504|+167.7| 2.43] 33.4 [0.149] 40.1 | 0.397|-159.6 VceE = 12.5 V, ic = 150 mA, Zo = 50 2, Te = 25C $11 $21 $12 $22 F (MHz) MAG [ ANG | MAG 7 ANG | MAG | ANG | MAG | ANG 200 0.5591-156.8) 10.8 | 93.8 | 0.044) 43.5 | 0.38 |-136.3 300 0.594] -166.9] 7.807] 84.5 | 0.058] 47.2 | 0.395]-147.5 400 0.584] -173.8] 6.138} 74.1 | 0.069) 48.5 | 0.385)-152.9 500 0.561] -177.9] 5.046] 67.3 | 0.08 | 49.6 | 0.375]-155.1 600 0.546] +178.3) 4.345] 61.0 | 0.094] 49.6 | 0.369/-156.5 700 0.515] +175.8| 3.648} 54.7 | 0.103] 48.9 | 0.372|-156.0 800 0.5141 4173.0) 3.217} 48 0.113] 46.2 | 0.369/}-155.8 900 0.502] +170.0] 3.000] 40.9 |] 0.129] 44.0 | 0.364)-155.5 1000 0.4841 +169.1) 2.812] 34.2 | 0.145] 40.4 | 0.368/-154.9 ee MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA 2-1224