LT3089 800mA Single Resistor Rugged Linear Regulator with Monitors DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Extended Safe Operating Area Maximum Output Current: 800mA Stable with or without Input/Output Capacitors Wide Input Voltage Range: 1.2V to 36V Single Resistor Sets Output Voltage Output Current Monitor: IMON = IOUT/5000 Junction Temperature Monitor: 1A/C Output Adjustable to 0V 50A SET Pin Current: 1% Initial Accuracy Output Voltage Noise: 27VRMS Parallel Multiple Devices for Higher Current or Heat Spreading Programmable Current Limit Reverse-Battery and Reverse-Current Protection <1mV Load Regulation Typical Independent of VOUT <0.001%/V Line Regulation Typical Available in Thermally-Enhanced 12-Lead 4mm x 4mm DFN, 16-Lead TSSOP, and 7-Lead DD-Pak n n n n The LT3089's precision 50A reference current source allows a single resistor to program output voltage to any level between zero and 34.5V. The current reference architecture enables load regulation to be independent of output voltage. The LT3089 is stable with or without input and output capacitors. The output current monitor (IOUT/5000) and die junction temperature output (1A/C) provide system monitoring and debug capability. In addition, a single resistor programs current limit. Internal protection circuitry includes reverse-battery and reverse-current protection, current limiting and thermal limiting. The LT3089 is offered in the 12-lead 4mm x 4mm DFN and 16-lead TSSOP (both with exposed pad for improved thermal performance), and 7-lead DD-Pak power package. APPLICATIONS n The LT(R)3089 is an 800mA low dropout linear regulator designed for rugged industrial applications. Key features of the IC are the extended safe operating area (SOA), output current monitor, temperature monitor and programmable current limit. The LT3089 can be paralleled for higher output current or heat spreading. The device withstands reverse input and reverse output-to-input voltages without reverse current flow. All Surface Mount Power Supply Rugged Industrial Power Supply Post Regulator for Switching Supplies Low Output Voltage Supply Intrinsic Safety Applications L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. TYPICAL APPLICATION SET Pin Current 50.5 Wide Safe Operating Area Supply 50.4 VIN 1A/C 50A + - IMON TEMP SET 1k 1k 30.1k OUT ILIM 10F* 4.12k 499* IOUT 1.5V 0.75A 3089 TA01a *OPTIONAL SET PIN CURRENT (A) ILOAD/5000 50.3 IN LT3089 ILOAD = 3mA 50.2 50.1 50.0 49.9 49.8 49.7 49.6 49.5 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 TEMPERATURE (C) 3089 TA01b 3089f For more information 1 LT3089 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) All voltages Relative to VOUT. IN Pin to OUT Pin Differential Voltage......................40V SET Pin Current (Note 6)......................................25mA SET Pin Voltage (Relative to OUT, Note 6)............... 10V TEMP Pin Voltage (Relative to OUT)..................1V, -40V ILIM Pin Voltage (Relative to OUT)..........................0.2V IMON Pin Voltage (Relative to OUT)....................1V, -40V Output Short-Circuit Duration........................... Indefinite Operating Junction Temperature Range (Note 2) E-, I-Grades........................................ -40C to 125C Storage Temperature Range................... -65C to 150C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) FE, R Packages Only.......................................... 300C PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW TOP VIEW OUT 1 16 OUT OUT 2 15 IN 3 14 IN OUT 1 12 IN OUT 2 11 IN OUT OUT 3 10 IN OUT 4 OUT 4 9 IN OUT 5 ILIM 6 11 TEMP SET 7 10 IMON OUT 8 9 13 OUT ILIM 5 8 TEMP SET 6 7 IMON DF PACKAGE 12-LEAD (4mm x 4mm) PLASTIC DFN TJMAX = 125C, JA = 41C/W, JC = 1.6C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 13) IS OUT, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB 17 OUT 13 IN 12 IN FRONT VIEW TAB IS OUT NC IN TEMP OUT IMON SET ILIM R PACKAGE 7-LEAD PLASTIC DD OUT FE PACKAGE 16-LEAD PLASTIC TSSOP TJMAX = 125C, JA = 35C/W, JC = 2.3C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 17) IS OUT, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TJMAX = 125C, JA = 34C/W, JC = 3C/W ORDER INFORMATION LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LT3089EDF#PBF LT3089EDF#TRPBF 3089 12-Lead (4mm x 4mm) Plastic DFN -40C to 125C LT3089IDF#PBF LT3089IDF#TRPBF 3089 12-Lead (4mm x 4mm) Plastic DFN -40C to 125C LT3089EFE#PBF LT3089EFE#TRPBF 3089FE 16-Lead Plastic TSSOP -40C to 125C LT3089IFE#PBF LT3089IFE#TRPBF 3089FE 16-Lead Plastic TSSOP -40C to 125C LT3089ER#PBF LT3089ER#TRPBF LT3089R 7-Lead Plastic DD-Pak -40C to 125C LT3089IR#PBF LT3089IR#TRPBF LT3089R 7-Lead Plastic DD-Pak -40C to 125C Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: Some packages are available in 500 unit reels through designated sales channels with #TRMPBF suffix. 2 3089f For more information LT3089 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TJ = 25C. (Note 2) PARAMETER CONDITIONS ISET SET Pin Current VOS Offset Voltage (VOUT - VSET) ISET Load Regulation VOS Load Regulation (Note 7) MIN TYP MAX UNITS VIN = 2V, ILOAD = 3mA 2V VIN 36V, 3mA ILOAD 800mA l 49.5 48.75 50 50 50.5 51.25 A A VIN = 2V, ILOAD = 3mA VIN = 2V, ILOAD = 3mA l -1.5 -3.5 0 0 1.5 3.5 mV mV ILOAD = 3mA to 800mA ILOAD = 3mA to 800mA Line Regulation ISET VOS -0.1 nA DF, FE Packages l -0.5 -3 mV R Package l -1.5 -4 mV VIN = 2V to 36V, ILOAD = 3mA VIN = 2V to 36V, ILOAD = 3mA 1.5 0.001 nA/V mV/V Minimum Load Current (Note 3) 2V VIN 36V l 1.1 3 Dropout Voltage (Note 4) ILOAD = 100mA ILOAD = 800mA l 1.21 1.47 1.65 VIN = 5V, VSET = 0V, VOUT = -0.1V l 0.8 1 l 155 175 l 130 160 Internal Current Limit ILIM Programming Ratio ILIM Minimum Output Current Resistance mA V V A 210 mA/k 190 A 300 IMON Full-Scale Output Current ILOAD = 800mA IMON Scale Factor 100mA ILOAD 800mA 200 IMON Operating Range l VOUT - 40V A/A VOUT + 0.4V TJ > 5C TEMP Output Current Absolute Error (Note 9) 0C 1 minute) as well as impulse conditions. Connected as shown, system load regulation is the sum of the LT3089's load regulation and the parasitic line resistance multiplied by the output current. To minimize load regulation, keep the positive connection between the regulator and load as short as possible. If possible, use large diameter wire or wide PC board traces. The LT3089's IMON pin outputs a current proportional to the load current supplied at a ratio of 1:5000. The IMON pin current is valid for voltages up to 40V below and 0.4V above the OUT pin, allowing operation even during short-circuit conditions. IMON Pin Operation (Current Monitor) 3089f For more information 17 LT3089 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Connecting a resistor from IMON to ground converts the IMON pin current into a voltage to allow for monitoring by an ADC. With a 1k resistor, 0mV to 160mV indicates 0A to 800mA of load current. Compensating for Cable Drops with IMON The IMON pin can compensate for resistive drops in wires or cables between the LT3089 and the load. Breaking the SET resistor into two pieces adjusts the output voltage as a function of load current. The ratio of the output wire/cable impedance to the bottom resistor should be 1:5000. The sum total of the two SET resistor values determines the initial output voltage. Figure 11 shows a typical application and formulas for calculating resistor values. OUT IN RCABLE2 0.02 LT3089 SET CIN 1F IMON RSET 29.8k RCOMP 200 COUT 10F RCABLE 0.02 LOAD 3089 F11 RCOMP = 5000 * RCABLE(TOTAL) VOUT(LOAD) = 50A (RSET + RCOMP) PC board, copper traces and planes. Surface mount heat sinks, plated through-holes and solder-filled vias can also spread the heat generated by power devices. Junction-to-case thermal resistance is specified from the IC junction to the bottom of the case directly, or the bottom of the pin most directly in the heat path. This is the lowest thermal resistance path for heat flow. Only proper device mounting ensures the best possible thermal flow from this area of the packages to the heat sinking material. Note that the exposed pad of the DFN and TSSOP packages and the tab of the DD-Pak package are electrically connected to the output (VOUT). Tables 3 through 5 list thermal resistance as a function of copper areas on a fixed board size. All measurements were taken in still air on a 4-layer FR-4 board with 1oz solid internal planes and 2oz external trace planes with a total finished board thickness of 1.6mm. Table 3. DF Package, 12-Lead DFN COPPER AREA TOPSIDE* BACKSIDE BOARD AREA THERMAL RESISTANCE (JUNCTION-TO-AMBIENT) 2500mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 21C/W 1000mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 24C/W 225mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 30C/W 100mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 35C/W *Device is mounted on topside Figure 11. Using IMON to Compensate for Cable Drops Table 4. FE Package, 16-Lead TSSOP COPPER AREA Thermal Considerations The LT3089's internal power and thermal limiting circuitry protects itself under overload conditions. For continuous normal load conditions, do not exceed the 125C (E- and I-grades) maximum junction temperature. Carefully consider all sources of thermal resistance from junctionto-ambient. This includes (but is not limited to) junctionto-case, case-to-heat sink interface, heat sink resistance or circuit board-to-ambient as the application dictates. Consider all additional, adjacent heat generating sources in proximity on the PCB. Surface mount packages provide the necessary heat sinking by using the heat spreading capabilities of the 18 TOPSIDE* BACKSIDE BOARD AREA THERMAL RESISTANCE (JUNCTION-TO-AMBIENT) 2500mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 18C/W 1000mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 22C/W 225mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 27C/W 100mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 32C/W *Device is mounted on topside Table 5. R Package, 7-Lead DD-Pak COPPER AREA TOPSIDE* BACKSIDE BOARD AREA THERMAL RESISTANCE (JUNCTION-TO-AMBIENT) 2500mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 13C/W 1000mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 14C/W 225mm2 2500mm2 2500mm2 16C/W *Device is mounted on topside 3089f For more information LT3089 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION For further information on thermal resistance and using thermal information, refer to JEDEC standard JESD51, notably JESD51-12. PCB layers, copper weight, board layout and thermal vias affect the resultant thermal resistance. Tables 3 through 5 provide thermal resistance numbers for best-case 4-layer boards with 1oz internal and 2oz external copper. Modern, multilayer PCBs may not be able to achieve quite the same level performance as found in these tables. Demo circuit 2318A's board layout using multiple inner VOUT planes and multiple thermal vias achieves 17C/W performance for the DF package. Calculating Junction Temperature Example: Given an output voltage of 0.9V, an IN voltage of 2.5V 5%, output current range from 10mA to 0.8A and a maximum ambient temperature of 50C, what is the maximum junction temperature for the DD-Pak on a 2500mm2 board with topside copper of 1000mm2? Reducing Power Dissipation In some applications it may be necessary to reduce the power dissipation in the LT3089 package without sacrificing output current capability. Two techniques are available. The first technique, illustrated in Figure 12, employs a resistor in series with the regulator's input. The voltage drop across RS decreases the LT3089's IN-to-OUT differential voltage and correspondingly decreases the LT3089's power dissipation. As an example, assume: VIN = 7V, VOUT = 3.3V and IOUT(MAX) = 0.8A. Use the formulas from the Calculating Junction Temperature section previously discussed. Without series resistor RS, power dissipation in the LT3089 equals: PTOTAL = (7V - 3.3V) * 0.8A = 2.96W If the voltage differential (VDIFF) across the LT3089 is chosen as 1.5V, then RS equals: RS = The power in the circuit equals: PTOTAL = (VIN - VOUT)(IOUT) The current delivered to the SET pin is negligible and can be ignored. VIN(MAX_CONTINUOUS) = 2.625V (2.5V + 5%) VOUT = 0.9V, IOUT = 0.8A, TA = 50C Power dissipation under these conditions equals: 7V - 3.3V - 1.5V = 2.8 0.8A Power dissipation in the LT3089 now equals: PTOTAL = 1.5V * 0.8A = 1.2W The LT3089's power dissipation is now only 40% compared to no series resistor. RS dissipates 1.8W of power. Choose appropriate wattage resistors or use multiple resistors in parallel to handle and dissipate the power properly. PTOTAL = (VIN - VOUT)(IOUT) VIN RS PTOTAL = (2.625V - 0.9V)(0.8A) = 1.38W VIN Junction Temperature equals: TJ = TA + PTOTAL * JA (using tables) C1 IN LT3089 50A + - TJ = 50C + 1.38W * 14C/W = 69.3C In this case, the junction temperature is below the maximum rating, ensuring reliable operation. SET RSET OUT C2 VOUT 3089 F12 Figure 12. Reducing Power Dissipation Using a Series Resistor 3089f For more information 19 LT3089 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The second technique for reducing power dissipation, shown in Figure 13, uses a resistor in parallel with the LT3089. This resistor provides a parallel path for current flow, reducing the current flowing through the LT3089. This technique works well if input voltage is reasonably constant and output load current changes are small. This technique also increases the maximum available output current at the expense of minimum load requirements. VIN C1 IN LT3089 50A RP + - SET OUT RSET VOUT C2 3089 F13 Figure 13. Reducing Power Dissipation Using a Parallel Resistor RP dissipates 0.85W of power. As with the first technique, choose appropriate wattage resistors to handle and dissipate the power properly. With this configuration, the LT3089 supplies only 0.43A. Therefore, load current can increase by 0.37A to a total output current of 1.17A while keeping the LT3089 in its normal operating range. Protection Features The LT3089 incorporates several protection features ideal for harsh industrial and automotive environments, among other applications. In addition to normal monolithic regulator protection features such as current limiting and thermal limiting, the LT3089 protects itself against reverse-input voltages, reverse-output voltages, and large OUT-to-SET pin voltages. Current limit protection and thermal overload protection protect the IC against output current overload conditions. For normal operation, do not exceed the rated absolute maximum junction temperature. The thermal shutdown circuit's temperature threshold is typically 165C and incorporates about 5C of hysteresis. As an example, assume: VIN = 5V, VIN(MAX) = 5.5V, VOUT = 3.3V, VOUT(MIN) = 3.2V, IOUT(MAX) = 0.8A and IOUT(MIN) = 0.4A. Also, assuming that RP carries no more than 90% of IOUT(MIN) = 360mA. The LT3089's IN pin withstands 40V voltages with respect to the OUT and SET pins. Reverse current flow, if OUT is greater than IN, is less than 1mA (typically under 100A), protecting the LT3089 and sensitive loads. Calculating RP yields: Clamping diodes and 400 limiting resistors protect the LT3089's SET pin relative to the OUT pin voltage. These protection components typically only carry current under transient overload conditions. These devices are sized to handle 10V differential voltages and 25mA crosspin current flow without concern. Relative to these application concerns, note the following two scenarios. The first scenario employs a noise-reducing SET pin bypass capacitor while OUT is instantaneously shorted to GND. The second scenario follows improper shutdown techniques in which the SET pin is reset to GND quickly while OUT is held up by a large output capacitance with light load. RP = 5.5V - 3.2V = 6.39 0.36A (5% Standard value = 6.2) The maximum total power dissipation is: (5.5V - 3.2V) * 0.8A = 1.84W However, the LT3089 supplies only: 0.8A - 5.5V - 3.2V = 0.43A 6.2 Therefore, the LT3089's power dissipation is only: PDISS = (5.5V - 3.2V) * 0.43A = 0.99W 20 3089f For more information LT3089 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Paralleling Regulators VIN IN LT3089 ISET 50A + - IMON OUT 20m OUT 20m VOUT 3V 1.6A ILIM SET TEMP 1k IN LT3089 ISET 50A + - IMON SET TEMP 3.01k 1k RSET 30.1k 1k 3089 TA02 ILIM Using IMON Cancels Ballast Resistor Drop VIN IN LT3089 ISET 50A + - IMON SET TEMP OUT RBALLAST 20m OUT RBALLAST 20m ILIM VOUT 1.5V 1.6A 1k IN LT3089 ISET 50A + - IMON SET TEMP RSET 15k ILIM 3089 TA03 1k RCOMP 50 3089f For more information 21 LT3089 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Load Sharing Without Ballast Resistors VIN 3V TO 18V 22F IN OUT IN 22F LT3089 SET 0.1F 20k OUT OUT LT3089 IMON 5.1k 20k 0.1F LT3089 IMON SET 1k IN SET 1k 0.1F 100k 20k VOUT 1V 2.4A IMON 1k 100k + + 1/2 LT1638 1/2 LT1638 5.1k - - 0.47F 0.47F 5.1k 5.1k 3089 TA04 Load Current Sharing Without Ballasting VOUT 1V 1.6A VIN 3V TO 36V 4.7F IN OUT LT3089 100 IMON SET 0.1F ILIM OUT 2.2F 20k ILIM IMON IN LT3089 SET 20k = 2N3904 1k 0.1F 1k 3089 TA05 22 3089f For more information LT3089 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Boosting Fixed Output Regulators IN LT3089 ISET 50A + - IMON 5V OUT 20m ILIM SET TEMP 20m LT1963-3.3 3.3VOUT 2.3A 8.2* 10F 47F 3089 TA06 6.2k *4mV DROP ENSURES LT3089 IS OFF WITH NO LOAD MULTIPLE LT3089s CAN BE USED Reference Buffer VIN IN LT3089 ISET 50A + - IMON SET TEMP 1k INPUT LT1019 OUT VOUT ILIM 1k 1k* 47F OUTPUT 1F GND *MIN LOAD 3mA 3089 TA07 Adding Soft-Start VIN 4.8V TO 36V IN LT3089 10F ISET 50A + - 1N4148 IMON OUT SET TEMP 1k ILIM 1k VOUT 3.3V 0.8A 10F 3089 TA08 0.1F 66.5k 3089f For more information 23 LT3089 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Using a Lower Value Set Resistor VIN 12V 4.7F IN LT3089 ISET 50A + - IMON OUT SET TEMP 1k 4.02k VOUT 0.2V TO 10V ILIM 1k 40.2 4.7F 3089 TA09 RSET 2k VOUT = 0.2V + 5mA * RSET Using an External Reference Current VIN 1F LT3092 IN 10A ISET 50A + - SET 20k IN LT3089 + - OUT OUT 215 IMON SET TEMP 1k 1k ILIM VOUT 0V TO 20V 1F 3089 TA10 20k 24 1mA 3089f For more information LT3089 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. DF Package 12-Lead Plastic DFN (4mm x 4mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1733 Rev A) 2.50 REF 0.70 0.05 3.38 0.05 4.50 0.05 3.10 0.05 2.65 0.05 PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.25 0.05 0.50 BSC RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS APPLY SOLDER MASK TO AREAS THAT ARE NOT SOLDERED 4.00 0.10 (4 SIDES) 2.50 REF 7 12 0.40 0.10 3.38 0.10 2.65 0.10 PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.20 TYP OR 0.35 x 45 CHAMFER PIN 1 TOP MARK (NOTE 6) 0.200 REF 6 R = 0.115 TYP 0.75 0.05 1 (DF12) DFN 1112 REV A 0.25 0.05 0.50 BSC BOTTOM VIEW--EXPOSED PAD 0.00 - 0.05 NOTE: 1. PACKAGE OUTLINE DOES NOT CONFORM TO JEDEC MO-229 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 3089f For more information 25 LT3089 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. FE Package 16-Lead Plastic TSSOP (4.4mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1663 Rev K) Exposed Pad Variation BB 4.70 (.185) 3.58 (.141) DETAIL A 4.90 - 5.10* (.193 - .201) 0.56 (.022) REF 3.58 (.141) NOTE 5 16 1514 13 12 1110 9 NOTE 5 6.60 0.10 2.94 3.05 (.116) (.120) 4.50 0.10 DETAIL A SEE NOTE 4 2.94 6.40 (.116) (.252) BSC 0.53 (.021) REF DETAIL A IS THE PART OF THE LEAD FRAME FEATURE FOR REFERENCE ONLY NO MEASUREMENT PURPOSE 1.05 0.10 0.65 BSC 0.45 0.05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT 4.30 - 4.50* (.169 - .177) 0.09 - 0.20 (.0035 - .0079) 0.25 REF 0.50 - 0.75 (.020 - .030) NOTE: 1. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETERS MILLIMETERS 2. DIMENSIONS ARE IN (INCHES) 3. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 4. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM PCB METAL SIZE FOR EXPOSED PAD ATTACHMENT 26 1.10 (.0433) MAX 0 - 8 0.65 (.0256) BSC 0.195 - 0.30 (.0077 - .0118) TYP 0.05 - 0.15 (.002 - .006) FE16 (BB) TSSOP REV K 0913 5. BOTTOM EXPOSED PADDLE MAY HAVE METAL PROTRUSION IN THIS AREA. THIS REGION MUST BE FREE OF ANY EXPOSED TRACES OR VIAS ON PBC LAYOUT *DIMENSIONS DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.150mm (.006") PER SIDE 3089f For more information LT3089 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. R Package 7-Lead Plastic DD Pak (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1462 Rev F) .256 (6.502) .060 (1.524) TYP .060 (1.524) .390 - .415 (9.906 - 10.541) .165 - .180 (4.191 - 4.572) .045 - .055 (1.143 - 1.397) 15 TYP .060 (1.524) .183 (4.648) +.008 .004 -.004 +0.203 0.102 -0.102 .059 (1.499) TYP .330 - .370 (8.382 - 9.398) ( ) .095 - .115 (2.413 - 2.921) .075 (1.905) DETAIL A .300 (7.620) +.012 .143 -.020 +0.305 3.632 -0.508 ( BOTTOM VIEW OF DD PAK HATCHED AREA IS SOLDER PLATED COPPER HEAT SINK ) .026 - .035 (0.660 - 0.889) TYP .050 (1.27) BSC .013 - .023 (0.330 - 0.584) .050 .012 (1.270 0.305) DETAIL A 0 - 7 TYP .420 .080 .420 0 - 7 TYP .276 .350 .325 .205 .585 .585 .320 .090 .050 .035 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN INCH/(MILLIMETER) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE .090 .050 .035 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT FOR THICKER SOLDER PASTE APPLICATIONS R (DD7) 0212 REV F 3089f Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. For more information 27 LT3089 TYPICAL APPLICATION High Efficiency Adjustable Supply VIN 6.3V TO 36V VIN BD RUN/SS BOOST 15k 63.4k 1000pF VC RT PG LT3680 SYNC GND 0.47F SW IN 6.8H 47F MBRA340T3 590k OUT 6.04k 6V MTD2955 FB LT3089 1k IMON TEMP 1k 15k 22F SET ILIM 500k VOUT 0V TO 25V, 0.8A 0.1F 10k 1F 1k 1F 2N3904 3089 TA11 CMDSH-4E RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT1764/ LT1764A 3A, Fast Transient Response, Low Noise LDO 340mV Dropout Voltage, Low Noise: 40VRMS, VIN = 2.7V to 20V, TO-220, TSSOP and DD-Pak, LT1764A Version Stable Also with Ceramic Capacitors LT1963/ LT1963A 1.5A Low Noise, Fast Transient Response LDO 340mV Dropout Voltage, Low Noise: 40VRMS, VIN = 2.5V to 20V, LT1963A Version Stable with Ceramic Capacitors, TO-220, DD, TSSOP, SOT-223 and SO-8 Packages LT1965 1.1A, Low Noise, Low Dropout Linear Regulator 290mV Dropout Voltage, Low Noise: 40VRMS, VIN: 1.8V to 20V, VOUT: 1.2V to 19.5V, Stable with Ceramic Capacitors, TO-220, DD-Pak, MSOP and 3mm x 3mm DFN Packages LT3022 1A, Low Voltage, VLDO Linear Regulator VIN: 0.9V to 10V, Dropout Voltage: 145mV Typical, Adjustable Output (VREF = VOUT(MIN) = 200mV), Stable with Low ESR, Ceramic Output Capacitors, 16-Pin DFN (5mm x 3mm) and 16-Lead MSOP Packages LT3070/ LT3071 5A, Low Noise, Programmable VOUT, 85mV Dropout Linear Regulator with Digital Margining Dropout Voltage: 85mV, Digitally Programmable VOUT: 0.8V to 1.8V, Digital Output Margining: 1%, 3% or 5%, Low Output Noise: 25VRMS (10Hz to 100kHz), Parallelable: Use Two for a 10A Output, Stable with Low ESR Ceramic Output Capacitors (15F Minimum), 28-Lead 4mm x 5mm QFN Package. LT3071Has Analog Margining. LT3080/ LT3080-1 1.1A, Parallelable, Low Noise, Low Dropout Linear Regulator 300mV Dropout Voltage (2-Supply Operation), Low Noise: 40VRMS, VIN: 1.2V to 36V, VOUT: 0V to 35.7V, Current-Based Reference with 1-Resistor VOUT Set; Directly Parallelable (No Op Amp Required), Stable with Ceramic Capacitors, TO-220, DD-Pak, SOT-223, MS8E and 3mm x 3mm DFN-8 Packages; LT3080-1 Version Has Integrated Internal Ballast Resistor LT3081 1.5A Single Resistor Rugged Linear Regulator with Monitors Extended Safe Operating Area (SOA). Output Current: 1.5A Stable with/without Input/Output Capacitors. VIN Range: 1.2V to 36V. 50A Set Pin Current: TSSOP-16, TO-220, DD-Pak, 4mm x 4mm DFN-12 Packages. LT3082 200mA, Parallelable, Single Resistor, Low Dropout Linear Regulator Outputs May Be Paralleled for Higher Output, Current or Heat Spreading, Wide Input Voltage Range: 1.2V to 40V Low Value Input/Output Capacitors Required: 2.2F, Single Resistor Sets Output Voltage 8-Lead SOT-23, 3-Lead SOT-223 and 8-Lead 3mm x 3mm DFN Packages LT3085 500mA, Parallelable, Low Noise, Low Dropout Linear Regulator 275mV Dropout Voltage (2-Supply Operation), Low Noise: 40VRMS, VIN: 1.2V to 36V, VOUT: 0V to 35.7V, Current-Based Reference with 1-Resistor VOUT Set; Directly Parallelable (No Op Amp Required), Stable with Ceramic Capacitors, MS8E and 2mm x 3mm DFN-6 Packages LT3092 200mA 2-Terminal Programmable Programmable 2-Terminal Current Source, Maximum Output Current = 200mA, Wide Input Voltage Current Source Range: 1.2V to 40V, Resistor Ratio Sets Output Current, Initial Set Pin Current Accuracy = 1%, Current Limit and Thermal Shutdown Protection, Reverse-Voltage Protection, Reverse-Current Protection, 8-Lead SOT-23, 3-Lead SOT-223 and 8-Lead 3mm x 3mm DFN Packages. LT3083 Adjustable 3A Single Resistor Low Dropout Regulator 28 Low Noise: 40VRMS, 50A Set Pin Current, Output Adjustable to 0V, Wide Input Voltage Range: 1.2V to 23V (DD-Pak and TO-220), Low Dropout Operation: 310mV (2 Supplies) 3089f Linear Technology Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 For more information (408) 432-1900 FAX: (408) 434-0507 LT 0116 * PRINTED IN USA LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2016