The logic DIAG pin’s main function is to alert the
controlling microprocessor an open string has occurred on
one of the outputs (DIAG high = open string). Reference
Table 1 for details on logic performance.
Open circuit conditions are reported when the outputs are
actively driven. When operating in STOP mode the DIAG
signal is a DC signal. When operating in TAIL the DIAG
signal is a PWM signal reporting open circuit when the
output drive is active.
Ballast Drive
The use of an external FET device (NVD2955) helps
distribute the system power. A DC voltage regulation system
is used which regulates the voltage at the top (anode) of the
LED strings (Vstring). This has the effect of limiting the
power in the NCV7681 by setting the voltage on the IOUTx
pins specific to each customer application. The Ballast Drive
pin provides the drive in the feedback loop from the FB pin.
In steady state, the voltage is regulated at the feedback
voltage (FB). A simple voltage divider helps set the voltage
at Vstring. Unlike other systems, the ballast drive current
does not turn off in a leakage state when turned off (FB high),
but instead provides 1 mA of current providing a faster
response o f the system loop. This sets the gate voltage of the
NVD2955 to 1 V at 25°C.
Parallel Outputs
The maximum rating per output is 100 mA. In order to
increase system level LED string current, parallel
combinations of any number of outputs is allowed.
Combining all 8 outputs will allow for a maximum system
level string current design of 800 mA.
Unused Outputs
Unused outputs should be shorted to ground. The
NCV7681 detects the condition during power−up using the
open load disable threshold and disables the open circuit
detection circuitry.
Strings of LEDs are a common configuration for RCL
applications. The NCV7681 provides eight matched outputs
allowing individual string drive with current set by a single
resistor. Output currents are mirrored and matched within
±4% at hot temperature.
A high STOP condition sets the output current using
equation 1 below.
A low STOP condition, modulates the output currents at
a duty cycle (DC) programmed using equation 2 below.
Note, current limiting on RST OP limits the current which
can be referenced from the RSTOP Pin. Exceeding the
RST OP Current Limit will set the output current to less than
100 mA, and the DIAG Pin will go high. This helps limit
output current (brightness and power) for this type of fault.
The average ISTOP Duty Cycle current provides the
dimmed tail illumination function and assures a fixed
brightness level for tail. The PWM generator’s fixed
frequency (800 Hz typ.) oscillator allows flicker−free
illumination. PWM control is the preferred method for
dimming LEDs.
The diagnostic function allows the detection of an open in
any one of the output circuits. The active−low diagnostic
output ( DIAG) i s c oincident w ith t he S T OP i nput a nd t he O N
state in the tail mode. DIAG remains high (pulled up) if an
open load is detected in any LED string when ST OP is high.
Output Current Programming
Reference Figure 7 (typ performance graph) to choose
programming resistor (RSTOP) value for stop current.
Reference Figure 9 Typical Performance Graph (Duty Cycle
vs. RTAIL) to choose a typical value programming resistor
for output duty cycle (with a typical RSTOP value of
3.01 kW). Note the duty cycle is dependent on both RSTOP
and RTAIL values. RSTOP should always be chosen first as
the stop current is only dependent on this value.
Alternatively, the equations below can be used to calculate
a typical value and used for worst case analysis.
Set the Stop Current using RSTOP
IOUTX +150 @RSTOP_Bias_Voltage
RSTOP (eq. 1)
RSTOP Bias Voltage = 1 V (typ)
Set the Duty Cycle (DC) using RTAIL
RTAIL +1.8 @RSTOP(DC )0.22) (eq. 2)
DC = duty cycle expressed in fractional form. (e.g. 0.50
is equivalent to 50% duty cycle) (ground RTAIL when using
external modulation)
Output Current is directly tested per the electrical
parameter table to be ±10% (with RSTOP = 3.01 KW) or
45 mA (min), 50 mA (typ), 55 mA (max) at room and hot
Duty Cycle will vary according to the changes in RTAIL
Voltage and R T AIL Bias Current (generated from the current
through RSTOP).
Voltage errors encompass generator errors (0.4 V to
2.2 V) and comparator errors and are included in testing as
the Duty Cycle. Typical duty cycle measurements are 5%
with RTAIL = 0.49 V and 70% with RTAIL = 1.66 V.
RTAIL Bias Current errors are measured as RTAIL Bias
Current and vary as 290 mA (min), 330 mA (typ), and 370 mA
(max) with RSTOP = 3.01 kW.
The e rror d uality o riginating f rom b oth t he i nternal c urrent
source generated on the RSTOP pin and the comparator
voltage thresholds of the RTAIL pin combined with the
choice of duty cycle levels make it difficult to specify duty
cycle minimum and maximum limits, but worst case
conditions can be calculated when considering the variation
in the voltage threshold and current source. Duty Cycle
variation must include the direct duty cycle as specified in
the electrical parameter table plus an additional error due to
the Irstop current which generates this voltage in the system.