Low Cost, High Reliability Silicon Pressure Transducer
Genesis TITAN Series
Common Specifications (All specifications are at 77°F (25°C) unless otherwise noted)
Pressure Ranges
Absolute (psia) .............. psi: 0 to 15, 30, 100, 250 bar: 0 to 1, 2, 7, 15
Vented Gauge (psig) ..... psi: 0 to 15, 30, 100, 250 bar: 0 to 1, 2, 7, 15
Sealed Gauge (psis) ...... psi: 0 to 500,1000, 3000 bar: 0 to 35, 70, 205
Pressure References ......... Absolute, vented gauge, and sealed gauge (Vented gauge units should only breathe dry, non-
corrosive gases, and must breathe through the receptacle – mating connector must have a vent
Pressure Limit ................... 0 to 100 psi (0 to 7 bar) 5X the rated pressure
250 to 1,000 psi (15 to 70 bar) 3X the rated pressure
3,000 psi (205 bar) 2.5X the rated pressure
Burst Pressure ................... 0 to 250 psi ( 0 to 15 bar) 10X the rated pressure
500 to 3,000 psi (35 to 205 bar) 10,000 psi
Media ................................. Liquids or gases compatible with 316L stainless steel.
Static Error Band
Combined Nonlinearity, Hysteresis,
and Nonrepeatability .... ±0.25% F.R.O. BSL max.
Temperature Ranges
Compensated ................. -13° to 185°F (-25° to 85°C)
Operating Media ........... -40° to 255°F (-40° to 125°C)
Operating Electronic Unit -40° to 212°F (-40° to 100°C)
Storage ........................... -58° to 212°F (-50° to 100°C)
Humidity............................ 95% R.H., noncondensing on all vented gauge units and 100% R.H. condensing on absolute
and sealed gauge units.
Vibration............................ 20g Mil-Std-810C, Procedure 514.2, Figure 514.2-2, Curve L.
Shock ................................. 50g, 11 msec half sine shock per mil standard 202F, method 213B, condition A
Insulation Resistance ....... 500 Mohms @ 100 VDC per Mil-Std 202F,m Method 302, condition A.
Long Term Drift ................ ≤0.1% F.R.O./Year Typ.
Response Time .................. <1 msec @ 25°C ± 3.6 Hz/°C