Product Folder Order Now Technical Documents Tools & Software Support & Community MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 MSP430FR697x(1), MSP430FR687x(1), MSP430FR692x(1), MSP430FR682x(1) MixedSignal Microcontrollers 1 Device Overview 1.1 Features 1 * Embedded Microcontroller - 16-Bit RISC Architecture up to 16-MHz Clock - Wide Supply Voltage Range From 3.6 V Down to 1.8 V (Minimum Supply Voltage is Restricted by SVS Levels, See the SVS Specifications) * Optimized Ultra-Low-Power Modes - Active Mode: Approximately 100 A/MHz - Standby (LPM3 With VLO): 0.4 A (Typical) - Real-Time Clock (RTC) (LPM3.5): 0.35 A (Typical) (1) - Shutdown (LPM4.5): 0.04 A (Typical) * Ultra-Low-Power Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) - Up to 64KB of Nonvolatile Memory - Ultra-Low-Power Writes - Fast Write at 125 ns per Word (64KB in 4 ms) - Unified Memory = Program, Data, and Storage in One Single Space - 1015 Write Cycle Endurance - Radiation Resistant and Nonmagnetic * Intelligent Digital Peripherals - 32-Bit Hardware Multiplier (MPY) - Three-Channel Internal Direct Memory Access (DMA) - RTC With Calendar and Alarm Functions - Five 16-Bit Timers With up to Seven Capture/Compare Registers - 16-Bit and 32-Bit Cyclic Redundancy Checker (CRC16, CRC32) * High-Performance Analog - Up to 8-Channel Analog Comparator - 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) With Internal Reference and Sample-and-Hold and up to 8 External Input Channels - Integrated 116-Segment LCD Driver With Contrast Control * Code Security and Encryption - 128-Bit or 256-Bit AES Security Encryption and Decryption Coprocessor (MSP430FR69xx(1) Only) (1) * * * * * * - True Random Number Seed for Random Number Generation Algorithm - Lockable Memory Segments for IP Encapsulation and Secure Storage Multifunction Input/Output Ports - All I/O Pins Support Capacitive Touch Capability Without Need for External Components - Accessible Bit-, Byte- and Word-Wise (in Pairs) - Edge-Selectable Wakeup From LPM on Ports P1 to P4 - Programmable Pullup and Pulldown on All Ports Enhanced Serial Communication - eUSCI_A0 and eUSCI_A1 Support: - UART With Automatic Baud-Rate Detection - IrDA Encode and Decode - SPI at Rates up to 10 Mbps - eUSCI_B0 and eUSCI_B1 Support: - I2C With Multiple-Slave Addressing - SPI at Rates up to 10 Mbps Flexible Clock System - Fixed-Frequency DCO With 10 Selectable Factory-Trimmed Frequencies - Low-Power Low-Frequency Internal Clock Source (VLO) - 32-kHz Crystals (LFXT) - High-Frequency Crystals (HFXT) Development Tools and Software - Free Professional Development Environments With EnergyTrace++TM Technology for Power Profiling and Debugging - Microcontroller Development Boards Available Family Members - Device Comparison Summarizes the Available Variants and Packages For Complete Module Descriptions, See the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide The RTC is clocked by a 3.7-pF crystal. 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 1.2 * * * Applications Heat Cost Allocators Utility Meters - Electricity, Water, and Gas Thermostats 1.3 * * * Portable Medical Equipment Sensor Management Weigh Scales Description This ultra-low-power MSP430FRxx FRAM microcontroller family consists of several devices featuring embedded nonvolatile FRAM, a 16-bit CPU, and different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, FRAM, and peripherals, combined with seven low-power modes, are optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable and wireless sensing applications. FRAM is a new nonvolatile memory that combines the speed, flexibility, and endurance of SRAM with the stability and reliability of flash, all at lower total power consumption. Device Information (1) PACKAGE BODY SIZE (2) MSP430FR6972IPMR LQFP (64) 10 mm x 10 mm MSP430FR6972IRGC VQFN (64) 9 mm x 9 mm MSP430FR6922IG56 TSSOP (56) 6.1 mm x 14 mm PART NUMBER (1) (2) 2 For the most current part, package, and ordering information for all available devices, see the Package Option Addendum in Section 9, or see the TI website at The sizes shown here are approximations. For the package dimensions with tolerances, see the Mechanical Data in Section 9. Device Overview Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 1.4 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Functional Block Diagram Figure 1-1 shows the functional block diagram. LFXIN, HFXIN P1.x,P2.x P3.x,P4.x P5.x,P6.x up to up to up to 2x8 2x8 2x8 LFXOUT, HFXOUT P7.x up to 1x8 P9.x up to 1x8 PJ.x up to 1x8 Capacitive Touch IO 0, Capacitive Touch IO 1 MCLK Clock System Comp_E ADC12_B (up to 16 inputs) (up to 16 std. inputs, up to 8 diff. inputs) SMCLK DMA Controller 3 Channel Bus Control Logic CPUXV2 incl. 16 Registers I/O Port P5, P6 2x8 I/Os I/O Port P7 1x8 I/Os I/O Port P9 1x8 I/Os PC PB PA 1x16 I/Os 1x16 I/Os 1x16 I/Os PD 1x8 I/Os PE 1x8 I/Os I/O Ports P3, P4 2x8 I/Os I/O Ports P1, P2 2x8 I/Os REF_A ACLK Voltage Reference I/O Port PJ 1x8 I/Os MAB MDB MAB MDB MPU IP Encap FRAM 64KB 32KB EEM (S: 3+1) CRC16 Power Mgmt RAM 2KB Tiny RAM 26B LDO SVS Brownout TA2 TA 3 Timer_A Timer_A 2 CC Registers (int. only) 5 CC Registers AES256 CRC-16CCITT CRC32 MPY32 Watchdog Security En-/Decryption (128/256) CRC-32ISO-3309 MDB JTAG Interface MAB Spy-BiWire TB0 TA0 TA1 Timer_B Timer_A Timer_A 7 CC Registers (int./ext.) 3 CC Registers (int./ext.) 3 CC Registers (int./ext.) RTC_C Calendar and Counter Mode eUSCI_A0 eUSCI_A1 eUSCI_B0 eUSCI_B1 (UART, IrDA, SPI) (I C, SPI) 2 LCD_C (up to 116 seg; static, 2 to 4 mux) LPM3.5 Domain Copyright (c) 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated NOTE: AES256 is not implemented in the MSP430FR682x, MSP430FR687x, MSP430FR682x1, and MSP430FR687x1 devices. NOTE: HFXIN and HFOUT are not implemented in the MSP430FR692x, MSP430FR682x, MSP430FR692x1, and MSP430FR682x1 devices. Figure 1-1. Functional Block Diagram Device Overview Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table of Contents 1 2 3 Device Overview ......................................... 1 1.2 Applications ........................................... 2 6.1 Overview 1.3 Description ............................................ 2 6.2 CPU 1.4 Functional Block Diagram ............................ 3 6.3 Revision History ......................................... 5 Device Comparison ..................................... 6 6.4 Related Products ..................................... 8 6.6 Terminal Configuration and Functions .............. 9 6.7 4.1 Pin Diagrams ......................................... 9 6.8 4.2 Pin Attributes ........................................ 12 4.3 Signal Descriptions .................................. 18 6.9 6.10 4.4 Pin Multiplexing 71 Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Including IP Encapsulation ....................................... 71 4.5 Buffer Type .......................................... 26 6.11 Peripherals Connection of Unused Pins ......................... 26 6.12 Device Descriptors (TLV) .......................... 109 Specifications ........................................... 27 6.13 Memory 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ......................... 27 6.14 Identification........................................ 128 5.2 ESD Ratings 4.6 5 ..................................... ........................................ Recommended Operating Conditions ............... 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 4 Timing and Switching Characteristics ............... 36 Features .............................................. 1 3.1 4 5.13 1.1 Active Mode Supply Current Into VCC Excluding External Current .................................... Typical Characteristics - Active Mode Supply Currents ............................................. Low-Power Mode (LPM0, LPM1) Supply Currents Into VCC Excluding External Current ................ Low-Power Mode LPM2, LPM3, LPM4 Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current .... Low-Power Mode With LCD Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current .................... Low-Power Mode LPMx.5 Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current .................... Typical Characteristics, Low-Power Mode Supply Currents ............................................. Typical Characteristics, Current Consumption per Module .............................................. Thermal Resistance Characteristics Table of Contents ................ 6 Detailed Description ................................... 64 6.5 26 27 7 28 8 29 29 30 35 35 70 71 71 72 112 Device Connection and Layout Fundamentals .... 129 Peripheral- and Interface-Specific Design Information ......................................... 133 ................... Getting Started and Next Steps Device Nomenclature .............................. 136 8.3 Tools and Software ................................ 137 8.4 Documentation Support ............................ 139 8.5 ...................................... Community Resources............................. Trademarks ........................................ Electrostatic Discharge Caution ................... Export Control Notice .............................. Glossary............................................ 8.9 8.10 9 70 8.2 8.8 34 67 8.1 8.7 33 ............................................ 64 65 Device and Documentation Support .............. 136 8.6 32 .......................................... 64 Applications, Implementation, and Layout ...... 129 7.1 7.2 27 ............................................ ................................................. Operating Modes .................................... Interrupt Vector Table and Signatures .............. Bootloader (BSL) .................................... JTAG Operation ..................................... FRAM................................................ RAM ................................................. Tiny RAM ............................................ Related Links 136 140 140 141 141 141 141 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ............................................. 142 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 2 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from January 25, 2017 to August 30, 2018 * * * * * Page Updated Section 3.1, Related Products ........................................................................................... 8 Added note (1) to Table 5-2, SVS................................................................................................. 36 Changed capacitor value from 4.7 F to 470 nF in Figure 7-5, ADC12_B Grounding and Noise Considerations ... 133 Changed capacitor value from 4.7 F to 470 nF in the last paragraph of Section, Design Requirements .. 134 Updated text and figure in Section 8.2, Device Nomenclature .............................................................. 136 Revision History Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 3 Device Comparison Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 summarize the available family members. Table 3-1. Device Comparison - Family Members With UART BSL (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 6 DEVICE FRAM (KB) SRAM (KB) CLOCK SYSTEM Timer_A (1) Timer_B (2) MSP430FR6972 64 2 DCO HFXT LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) MSP430FR6872 64 2 DCO HFXT LFXT MSP430FR6970 32 2 MSP430FR6870 32 MSP430FR6922 eUSCI AES ADC12_B LCD_C I/O PACKAGE 2 yes 8 ext 112 seg 51 64 PM 64 RGC 2 2 no 8 ext 112 seg 51 64 PM 64 RGC 7 2 2 yes 8 ext 112 seg 51 64 PM 64 RGC 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 7 2 2 no 8 ext 112 seg 51 64 PM 64 RGC DCO LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 7 2 2 yes 8 ext 116 seg 100 seg (DGG) 52 46 (DGG) 64 PM 64 RGC 56 DGG 2 DCO LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 7 2 2 no 8 ext 116 seg 100 seg (DGG) 52 46 (DGG) 64 PM 64 RGC 56 DGG 32 2 DCO LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 7 2 2 yes 8 ext 116 seg 100 seg (DGG) 52 46 (DGG) 64 PM 64 RGC 56 DGG 32 2 DCO LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 7 2 2 no 8 ext 116 seg 100 seg (DGG) 52 46 (DGG) 64 PM 64 RGC 56 DGG A (3) B (4) 7 2 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 7 DCO HFXT LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 2 DCO HFXT LFXT 64 2 MSP430FR6822 64 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6820 Each number in the sequence represents an instantiation of Timer_A with its associated number of capture compare registers and PWM output generators available. For example, a number sequence of 3, 5 would represent two instantiations of Timer_A, the first instantiation having 3 and the second instantiation having 5 capture compare registers and PWM output generators, respectively. Each number in the sequence represents an instantiation of Timer_B with its associated number of capture compare registers and PWM output generators available. For example, a number sequence of 3, 5 would represent two instantiations of Timer_B, the first instantiation having 3 and the second instantiation having 5 capture compare registers and PWM output generators, respectively. eUSCI_A supports UART with automatic baud-rate detection, IrDA encode and decode, and SPI. eUSCI_B supports I2C with multiple slave addresses and SPI. Timer_A TA0 and TA1 provide internal and external capture/compare inputs and internal and external PWM outputs. Timer_A TA2 provides only internal capture/compare inputs and only internal PWM outputs (if any). Timer_A TA3 provides only internal capture/compare inputs and only internal PWM outputs (if any) for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) with RGC and PM packages. For FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) with DGG package and all other devices, Timer_A TA3 provides internal, external capture/compare inputs and internal, external PWM outputs (if any). Device Comparison Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 3-2. Device Comparison - Family Members With I2C BSL (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) DEVICE FRAM (KB) SRAM (KB) CLOCK SYSTEM Timer_A (1) Timer_B (2) MSP430FR69721 64 2 DCO HFXT LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) MSP430FR68721 64 2 DCO HFXT LFXT MSP430FR69221 64 2 MSP430FR68221 64 2 eUSCI AES ADC12_B LCD_C I/O PACKAGE 2 yes 8 ext 112 seg 51 64 PM 64 RGC 2 2 no 8 ext 112 seg 51 64 PM 64 RGC 7 2 2 yes 8 ext 116 seg 100 seg (DGG) 52 46 (DGG) 64 PM 64 RGC 56 DGG 7 2 2 no 8 ext 116 seg 100 seg (DGG) 52 46 (DGG) 64 PM 64 RGC 56 DGG A (3) B (4) 7 2 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) 7 DCO LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) DCO LFXT 3, 3 (5) 2, 5 (6) (7) Each number in the sequence represents an instantiation of Timer_A with its associated number of capture compare registers and PWM output generators available. For example, a number sequence of 3, 5 would represent two instantiations of Timer_A, the first instantiation having 3 and the second instantiation having 5 capture compare registers and PWM output generators, respectively. Each number in the sequence represents an instantiation of Timer_B with its associated number of capture compare registers and PWM output generators available. For example, a number sequence of 3, 5 would represent two instantiations of Timer_B, the first instantiation having 3 and the second instantiation having 5 capture compare registers and PWM output generators, respectively. eUSCI_A supports UART with automatic baud-rate detection, IrDA encode and decode, and SPI. eUSCI_B supports I2C with multiple slave addresses and SPI. Timer_A TA0 and TA1 provide internal and external capture/compare inputs and internal and external PWM outputs. Timer_A TA2 provides only internal capture/compare inputs and only internal PWM outputs (if any). Timer_A TA3 provides only internal capture/compare inputs and only internal PWM outputs (if any) for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) with RGC and PM packages. For FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) with DGG package and all other devices, Timer_A TA3 provides internal, external capture/compare inputs and internal, external PWM outputs (if any). Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Device Comparison 7 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 3.1 Related Products For information about other devices in this family of products or related products, see the following links. TI 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers High-performance, low-power solutions to enable the autonomous future Products for MSP430 ultra-low-power sensing and measurement microcontrollers One ecosystem. Endless possibilities. One platform. Products for MSP430 ultrasonic and performance sensing microcontrollers Ultra-low-power singlechip MCUs with integrated sensing peripherals Companion Products for MSP430FR6972 Review products that are frequently purchased or used with this product. Reference Designs for MSP430FR6972 The TI Designs Reference Design Library is a robust reference design library that spans analog, embedded processor, and connectivity. Created by TI experts to help you jump start your system design, all TI Designs include schematic or block diagrams, BOMs, and design files to speed your time to market. Search and download designs at 8 Device Comparison Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 4 Terminal Configuration and Functions 4.1 Pin Diagrams AVCC1 AVSS1 PJ.4/LFXIN PJ.5/LFXOUT AVSS2 P5.4/UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD/S11 P5.5/UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD/S10 P5.6/UCA1CLK/S9 P5.7/UCA1STE/TB0CLK/S8 P4.4/UCB1STE/TA1CLK/S7 P4.5/UCB1CLK/TA1.0/S6 P4.6/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/TA1.1/S5 P4.7/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/TA1.2/S4 DVSS3 DVCC3 P4.2/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/UCB1CLK Figure 4-1 show the pinout for the 64-pin PM and RGC packages of the MSP430FR692x(1) and MSP430FR682x(1) MCUs. 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 1 48 P9.7/A15/C15 P1.4/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE/TA1.0/S3 2 47 P9.6/A14/C14 P1.5/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK/TA0.0/S2 3 46 P9.5/A13/C13 P1.6/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA/TA0.1/S1 4 45 P9.4/A12/C12 P1.7/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL/TA0.2/S0 5 44 P1.0/TA0.1/DMAE0/RTCCLK/A0/C0/VREF-/VeREF- R33/LCDCAP 6 43 P1.1/TA0.2/TA1CLK/COUT/A1/C1/VREF+/VeREF+ P6.0/R23 7 42 P1.2/TA1.1/TA0CLK/COUT/A2/C2 P6.1/R13/LCDREF 8 41 P1.3/TA1.2/A3/C3 P6.2/COUT/R03 9 40 DVCC2 P6.3/COM0 10 39 DVSS2 P6.4/TB0.0/COM1/S31 11 38 P7.4/SMCLK/S12 P6.5/TB0.1/COM2/S30 12 37 P7.3/TA0.2/S13 P6.6/TB0.2/COM3/S29 13 36 P7.2/TA0.1/S14 P3.0/UCB1CLK/S28 14 35 P7.1/TA0.0/ACLK/S15 P3.1/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/S27 15 34 P7.0/TA0CLK/S16 P3.2/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/S26 16 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 P2.0/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/TB0.6/TB0CLK/S17 P2.1/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/TB0.5/DMAE0/S18 P2.2/UCA0CLK/TB0.4/RTCCLK/S19 P2.3/UCA0STE/TB0OUTH/S20 P3.7/UCA1STE/TB0.3/S21 P3.6/UCA1CLK/TB0.2/S22 P3.5/UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD/TB0.1/S23 P3.4/UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD/TB0.0/S24 P3.3/TA1.1/TB0CLK/S25 PJ.3/TCK/COUT/SRCPUOFF PJ.2/TMS/ACLK/SROSCOFF PJ.1/TDI/TCLK/MCLK/SRSCG0 PJ.0/TDO/TB0OUTH/SMCLK/SRSCG1 RST/NMI/SBWTDIO TEST/SBWTCK DVSS1 MSP430FR692x MSP430FR682x DVCC1 P4.3/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/UCB1STE On devices with UART BSL: P2.0: BSL_TX; P2.1: BSL_RX On devices with I2C BSL: P1.6: BSL_DAT; P1.7: BSL_CLK NOTE: TI recommends connecting the RGC package thermal pad to VSS. Figure 4-1. 64-Pin PM and RGC Packages (Top View), MSP430FR692x(1) MSP430FR682x(1) Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 9 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 AVCC1 AVSS1 PJ.4/LFXIN PJ.5/LFXOUT PJ.7/HFXOUT AVSS2 AVSS3 PJ.6/HFXIN P5.7/UCA1STE/TB0CLK/S10 P4.4/UCB1STE/TA1CLK/S9 P4.5/UCB1CLK/TA1.0/S8 P4.6/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/TA1.1/S7 P4.7/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/TA1.2/S6 DVSS3 DVCC3 P4.2/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/UCB1CLK/S5 Figure 4-2 shows the pinout for the 64-pin PM and RGC packages of the MSP430FR697x(1) and MSP430FR687x(1) MCUs. 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 1 48 P9.7/A15/C15 P1.4/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE/TA1.0/S3 2 47 P9.6/A14/C14 P1.5/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK/TA0.0/S2 3 46 P9.5/A13/C13 P1.6/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA/TA0.1/S1 4 45 P9.4/A12/C12 P1.7/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL/TA0.2/S0 5 44 P1.0/TA0.1/DMAE0/RTCCLK/A0/C0/VREF-/VeREF- R33/LCDCAP 6 43 P1.1/TA0.2/TA1CLK/COUT/A1/C1/VREF+/VeREF+ P6.0/R23 7 42 P1.2/TA1.1/TA0CLK/COUT/A2/C2 P6.1/R13/LCDREF 8 41 P1.3/TA1.2/A3/C3 P6.2/COUT/R03 9 40 DVCC2 P6.3/COM0 10 39 DVSS2 P6.4/TB0.0/COM1/S30 11 38 P7.4/SMCLK/S11 P6.5/TB0.1/COM2/S29 12 37 P7.3/TA0.2/S12 P6.6/TB0.2/COM3/S28 13 36 P7.2/TA0.1/S13 P3.0/UCB1CLK/TA3.2/S27 14 35 P7.1/TA0.0/ACLK/S14 P3.1/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/TA3.3/S26 15 34 P7.0/TA0CLK/S15 P3.2/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/TA3.4/S25 16 33 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 P2.0/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/TB0.6/TB0CLK/S16 P2.1/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/TB0.5/DMAE0/S17 P2.2/UCA0CLK/TB0.4/RTCCLK/S18 P3.7/UCA1STE/TB0.3/S20 P2.3/UCA0STE/TB0OUTH/S19 P3.6/UCA1CLK/TB0.2/S21 P3.5/UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD/TB0.1/S22 P3.4/UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD/TB0.0/S23 P3.3/TA1.1/TB0CLK/S24 PJ.3/TCK/COUT/SRCPUOFF PJ.2/TMS/ACLK/SROSCOFF PJ.1/TDI/TCLK/MCLK/SRSCG0 PJ.0/TDO/TB0OUTH/SMCLK/SRSCG1 RST/NMI/SBWTDIO TEST/SBWTCK DVSS1 MSP430FR697x MSP430FR687x DVCC1 P4.3/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/UCB1STE/S4 On devices with UART BSL: P2.0: BSL_TX; P2.1: BSL_RX On devices with I2C BSL: P1.6: BSL_DAT; P1.7: BSL_CLK NOTE: TI recommends connecting the RGC package thermal pad to VSS. Figure 4-2. 64-Pin PM and RGC Packages (Top View) - MSP430FR697x(1), MSP430FR687x(1) 10 Terminal Configuration and Functions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Figure 4-3 shows the pinout for the 56-pin DGG package of the MSP430FR692x(1) and MSP430FR682x(1) MCUs. P4.4/UCB1STE/TA1CLK/S7 P4.5/UCB1CLK/TA1.0/S6 P4.6/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/TA1.1/S5 P4.7/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/TA1.2/S4 DVSS3 DVCC3 P1.4/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE/TA1.0/S3 P1.5/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK/TA0.0/S2 P1.6/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA/TA0.1/S1 P1.7/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL/TA0.2/S0 R33/LCDCAP P6.0/R23 P6.1/R13/LCDREF P6.2/COUT/R03 P6.3/COM0 P6.4/TB0.0/COM1/S27 P6.5/TB0.1/COM2/S26 P6.6/TB0.2/COM3/S25 P3.0/UCB1CLK/TA3.2/S24 P3.1/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/TA3.3/S23 P3.2/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/TA3.4/S22 TEST/SBWTCK RST /NMI/SBWTDIO PJ.0/TDO/TB0OUTH/SMCLK/SRSCG1 PJ.1/TDI/TCLK/MCLK/SRSCG0 PJ.2/TMS/ACLK/SROSCOFF PJ.3/TCK/COUT/SRCPUOFF P3.3/TA1.1/TB0CLK/S21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MSP430FR692x MSP430FR682x 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 AVSS2 PJ.5/LFXOUT PJ.4/LFXIN AVSS1 AVCC1 P9.7/A15/C15 P9.6/A14/C14 P9.5/A13/C13 P9.4/A12/C12 P1.0/TA0.1/RTCCLK/DMAE0/A0/C0/VREF-/VeREFP1.1/TA0.2/TA1CLK/COUT/A1/C1/VREF+/VeREF+ P1.2/TA1.1/TA0CLK/COUT/A2/C2 P1.3/TA1.2/A3/C3 DVCC2 DVSS2 P7.4/SMCLK/S8 P7.3/TA0.2/S9 P7.2/TA0.1/S10 P7.1/TA0.0/ACLK/S11 P7.0/TA0CLK/S12 P2.0/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/TB0.6/TB0CLK/S13 P2.1/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/TB0.5/DMAE0/S14 P2.2/UCA0CLK/TB0.4/RTCCLK/S15 P2.3/UCA0STE/TB0OUTH/S16 P3.7/UCA1STE/TB0.3/S17 P3.6/UCA1CLK/TB0.2/S18 P3.5/UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD/TB0.1/S19 P3.4/UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD/TB0.0/S20 On devices with UART BSL: P2.0: BSL_TX; P2.1: BSL_RX On devices with I2C BSL: P1.6: BSL_DAT; P1.7: BSL_CLK Figure 4-3. 56-Pin DGG Package (Top View) - MSP430FR692x(1), MSP430FR682x(1) Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 11 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 4.2 Pin Attributes Table 4-1 lists the attributes of each pin. Table 4-1. Pin Attributes FR697x(1), FR687x(1) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. DGG LCD SEG PIN NO. PM, RGC LCD SEG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PIN NO. 1 S3 S2 S1 S0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S3 S2 S1 S0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SIGNAL TYPE (4) BUFFER TYPE (5) POWER SOURCE RESET STATE AFTER BOR (6) P4.3 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA0SOMI I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA0RXD I LVCMOS DVCC - UCB1STE I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P1.4 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB0CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA0STE I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA1.0 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P1.5 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB0STE I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA0CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA0.0 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P1.6 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB0SIMO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCB0SDA I/O LVCMOS DVCC - SIGNAL NAME (1) (2) (3) LCD SEG S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 BSL_DAT I LVCMOS DVCC - TA0.1 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P1.7 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB0SOMI I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCB0SCL I/O LVCMOS DVCC - BSL_CLK I LVCMOS DVCC - TA0.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - R33 I/O Analog DVCC - LCDCAP I/O Analog DVCC - P6.0 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF R23 I/O Analog DVCC - P6.1 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF R13 I/O Analog DVCC - I Analog - - LCDREF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 12 Signals names with (RD) denote the reset default pin name. To determine the pin mux encodings for each pin, see the Port I/O Diagrams section. Sz = The LCD segment that is assigned to each pin can vary by package - see the "LCD SEG" columns for the assignment on this pin. Signal Types: I = Input, O = Output, I/O = Input or Output. Buffer Types: LVCMOS, Analog, or Power (see Table 4-3 for details) Reset States: OFF = High impedance with Schmitt-trigger inputs and pullup or pulldown (if available) disabled N/A = Not applicable Terminal Configuration and Functions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-1. Pin Attributes (continued) FR697x(1), FR687x(1) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. DGG LCD SEG 9 12 13 14 15 16 PM, RGC LCD SEG 14 10 11 PIN NO. S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 11 12 13 14 15 16 BUFFER TYPE (5) POWER SOURCE RESET STATE AFTER BOR (6) P6.2 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF COUT O LVCMOS DVCC - R03 I/O Analog DVCC - P6.3 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF (2) (3) LCD SEG 9 15 S31 PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE (4) SIGNAL NAME (1) S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 COM0 O Analog DVCC - P6.4 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TB0.0 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - COM1 O Analog DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P6.5 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TB0.1 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - COM2 O Analog DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P6.6 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TB0.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - COM3 O Analog DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P3.0 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB1CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA3.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P3.1 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB1SIMO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCB1SDA I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA3.3 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P3.2 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB1SOMI I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCB1SCL I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA3.4 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - 17 17 DVSS1 P Power - N/A 18 18 DVCC1 P Power - N/A TEST I LVCMOS DVCC OFF SBWTCK I LVCMOS DVCC - RST I LVCMOS DVCC OFF NMI I LVCMOS DVCC - SBWTDIO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - PJ.0 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TDO O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0OUTH I LVCMOS DVCC - SMCLK O LVCMOS DVCC - SRSCG1 O LVCMOS DVCC - 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 13 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-1. Pin Attributes (continued) FR697x(1), FR687x(1) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. DGG LCD SEG PIN NO. PM, RGC LCD SEG PIN NO. SIGNAL NAME (1) (2) (3) 25 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 14 22 26 23 27 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 24 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Terminal Configuration and Functions BUFFER TYPE (5) POWER SOURCE RESET STATE AFTER BOR (6) LCD SEG PJ.1 (RD) 22 SIGNAL TYPE (4) S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TDI I LVCMOS DVCC - TCLK I LVCMOS DVCC - MCLK O LVCMOS DVCC - SRSCG0 O LVCMOS DVCC - PJ.2 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TMS I LVCMOS DVCC - ACLK O LVCMOS DVCC - SROSCOFF O LVCMOS DVCC - PJ.3 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TCK I LVCMOS DVCC - COUT O LVCMOS DVCC - SRCPUOFF O LVCMOS DVCC - P3.3 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA1.1 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0CLK I LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P3.4 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1SIMO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA1TXD O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0.0 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P3.5 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1SOMI I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA1RXD I LVCMOS DVCC - TB0.1 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P3.6 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P3.7 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1STE I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0.3 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P2.3 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA0STE I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0OUTH I LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P2.2 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA0CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0.4 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - RTCCLK O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-1. Pin Attributes (continued) FR697x(1), FR687x(1) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. 32 DGG LCD SEG S18 PIN NO. 35 PM, RGC LCD SEG S14 PIN NO. 32 SIGNAL TYPE (4) BUFFER TYPE (5) POWER SOURCE RESET STATE AFTER BOR (6) P2.1 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA0SOMI I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA0RXD I LVCMOS DVCC - BSL_RX I LVCMOS DVCC - SIGNAL NAME (1) (2) (3) LCD SEG S17 TB0.5 33 34 35 36 37 38 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 36 37 38 39 40 41 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8 33 34 35 36 37 38 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - DMAE0 I LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P2.0 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA0SIMO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA0TXD O LVCMOS DVCC - BSL_TX O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0.6 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TB0CLK I LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P7.0 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA0CLK I LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P7.1 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA0.0 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - ACLK O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P7.2 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA0.1 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P7.3 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA0.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P7.4 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF SMCLK O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - N/A 39 42 39 DVSS2 P Power - 40 43 40 DVCC2 P Power - N/A P1.3 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA1.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - A3 I Analog AVCC - C3 I Analog AVCC - P1.2 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA1.1 41 42 44 45 41 42 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA0CLK I LVCMOS DVCC - COUT O LVCMOS DVCC - A2 I Analog AVCC - C2 I Analog AVCC - Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 15 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-1. Pin Attributes (continued) FR697x(1), FR687x(1) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. DGG LCD SEG 43 PIN NO. 46 LCD SEG PM, RGC PIN NO. 43 SIGNAL TYPE (4) BUFFER TYPE (5) POWER SOURCE RESET STATE AFTER BOR (6) P1.1 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA0.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA1CLK I LVCMOS DVCC - COUT O LVCMOS DVCC - A1 I Analog AVCC - C1 I Analog AVCC - VREF+ O Analog AVCC - SIGNAL NAME (1) (2) (3) LCD SEG VeREF+ 44 47 44 I Analog - - P1.0 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF TA0.1 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - DMAE0 I LVCMOS DVCC - RTCCLK O LVCMOS DVCC - A0 I Analog AVCC - C0 I Analog AVCC - VREF- O Analog AVCC - VeREF- I Analog - - I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF A12 I Analog AVCC - C12 I Analog AVCC - I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF A13 I Analog AVCC - C13 I Analog AVCC - I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF I Analog AVCC - P9.4 (RD) 45 48 45 P9.5 (RD) 46 49 46 P9.6 (RD) 47 50 47 A14 C14 P9.7 (RD) AVCC - DVCC OFF I Analog AVCC - 51 48 C15 I Analog AVCC - 49 52 49 AVCC1 P Power - N/A 50 53 50 AVSS1 P Power - N/A 51 54 51 I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF I Analog AVCC - PJ.5 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF LFXOUT O Analog AVCC - 55 52 53 56 53 54 55 56 54 16 Analog LVCMOS 48 52 S11 Terminal Configuration and Functions A15 I I/O PJ.4 (RD) LFXIN AVSS2 P Power - N/A PJ.7 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF HFXOUT O Analog AVCC - PJ.6 (RD) OFF I/O LVCMOS DVCC HFXIN I Analog AVCC - AVSS3 P Power - N/A P5.4 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1SIMO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA1TXD O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-1. Pin Attributes (continued) FR697x(1), FR687x(1) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 DGG LCD SEG PIN NO. PM, RGC LCD SEG PIN NO. S9 S7 S6 S5 S4 57 1 2 3 4 S7 S6 S5 S4 58 59 60 61 BUFFER TYPE (5) POWER SOURCE RESET STATE AFTER BOR (6) P5.5 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1SOMI I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA1RXD I LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P5.6 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P5.7 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA1STE I/O LVCMOS DVCC - I LVCMOS DVCC - (2) (3) LCD SEG S10 S8 SIGNAL TYPE (4) SIGNAL NAME (1) S10 S9 S8 S7 S6 TB0CLK Sz O Analog DVCC - P4.4 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB1STE I/O LVCMOS DVCC - I LVCMOS DVCC - TA1CLK Sz O Analog DVCC - P4.5 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB1CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA1.0 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P4.6 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB1SIMO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCB1SDA I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA1.1 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P4.7 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCB1SOMI I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCB1SCL I/O LVCMOS DVCC - TA1.2 I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - P Power - N/A 62 5 62 DVSS3 63 6 63 DVCC3 64 64 S5 P Power - N/A P4.2 (RD) I/O LVCMOS DVCC OFF UCA0SIMO I/O LVCMOS DVCC - UCA0TXD O LVCMOS DVCC - UCB1CLK I/O LVCMOS DVCC - Sz O Analog DVCC - Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 17 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 4.3 Signal Descriptions Table 4-2 describes the signals. Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions FR692x(1), FR682x(1) SIGNAL NAME FUNCTION PM, RGC PIN NO. ADC BSL (I2C) BSL (UART) LCD SEG DGG PIN NO. 18 PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION LCD SEG 44 47 44 I Analog input A0 A1 43 46 43 I Analog input A1 A2 42 45 42 I Analog input A2 A3 41 44 41 I Analog input A3 A12 45 48 45 I Analog input A12 A13 46 49 46 I Analog input A13 A14 47 50 47 I Analog input A14 A15 48 51 48 I Analog input A15 VREF+ 43 46 43 O Output of positive reference voltage VREF- 44 47 44 O Output of negative reference voltage VeREF+ 43 46 43 I Input for an external positive reference voltage to the ADC VeREF- 44 47 44 I Input for an external negative reference voltage to the ADC BSL_CLK 5 10 5 I BSL clock (I2C BSL) BSL_DAT 4 9 4 I/O BSL data (I2C BSL) BSL_RX 32 35 32 I BSL receive (UART BSL) BSL_TX 33 36 33 O BSL transmit (UART BSL) ACLK 23 35 26 38 23 35 O ACLK output 55 I Input terminal of crystal oscillator XT2 HFXOUT Comparator PM, RGC A0 HFXIN Clock LCD SEG FR697x(1), FR687x(1) 54 O Output terminal for crystal oscillator XT2 LFXIN 51 54 51 I Input terminal for crystal oscillator XT1 LFXOUT 52 55 52 O Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT1 MCLK 22 25 22 O MCLK output RTCCLK 31 44 34 47 31 44 O RTC clock output for calibration SMCLK 21 38 24 41 21 38 O SMCLK output C0 44 47 44 I Comparator input C0 C1 43 46 43 I Comparator input C1 C2 42 45 42 I Comparator input C2 C3 41 44 41 I Comparator input C3 C12 45 48 45 I Comparator input C12 C13 46 49 46 I Comparator input C13 C14 47 50 47 I Comparator input C14 C15 48 51 48 I Comparator input C15 COUT 9 24 42 43 14 27 45 46 9 24 42 43 O Comparator output Terminal Configuration and Functions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions (continued) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME PM, RGC PIN NO. Debug DMA GPIO LCD SEG DGG PIN NO. LCD SEG FR697x(1), FR687x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION LCD SEG SBWTCK 19 22 19 I SBWTDIO 20 23 20 I/O Spy-Bi-Wire input clock Spy-Bi-Wire data input/output SRCPUOFF 24 27 24 O Low-power debug: CPU status register CPUOFF SROSCOFF 23 26 23 O Low-power debug: CPU status register OSCOFF SRSCG0 22 25 22 O Low-power debug: CPU status register SCG0 SRSCG1 21 24 21 O Low-power debug: CPU status register SCG1 TCK 24 27 24 I Test clock TCLK 22 25 22 I Test clock input TDI 22 25 22 I Test data input TDO 21 24 21 O Test data output port TEST 19 22 19 I Test mode pin - select digital I/O on JTAG pins TMS 23 26 23 I Test mode select DMAE0 32 44 35 47 32 44 I DMA external trigger input P1.0 44 47 44 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P1.1 43 46 43 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P1.2 42 45 42 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P1.3 41 44 41 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P1.4 2 7 2 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P1.5 3 8 3 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P1.6 4 9 4 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P1.7 5 10 5 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P2.0 33 36 33 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P2.1 32 35 32 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P2.2 31 34 31 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P2.3 30 33 30 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.0 14 19 14 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.1 15 20 15 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.2 16 21 16 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.3 25 28 25 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.4 26 29 26 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.5 27 30 27 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.6 28 31 28 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P3.7 29 32 29 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 19 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions (continued) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME PM, RGC PIN NO. GPIO I2C 20 LCD SEG DGG PIN NO. LCD SEG FR697x(1), FR687x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION LCD SEG P4.2 64 64 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P4.3 1 1 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P4.4 58 1 58 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P4.5 59 2 59 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P4.6 60 3 60 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P4.7 61 4 61 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P5.4 54 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P5.5 55 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P5.6 56 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P5.7 57 57 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P6.0 7 12 7 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P6.1 8 13 8 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P6.2 9 14 9 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P6.3 10 15 10 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P6.4 11 16 11 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P6.5 12 17 12 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P6.6 13 18 13 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P7.0 34 37 34 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P7.1 35 38 35 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P7.2 36 39 36 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P7.3 37 40 37 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P7.4 38 41 38 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P9.4 45 48 45 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P9.5 46 49 46 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P9.6 47 50 47 I/O General-purpose digital I/O P9.7 48 51 48 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.0 21 24 21 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.1 22 25 22 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.2 23 26 23 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.3 24 27 24 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.4 51 54 51 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.5 52 55 52 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.6 55 I/O General-purpose digital I/O PJ.7 54 I/O General-purpose digital I/O UCB0SCL 5 10 5 I/O USCI_B0: I2C clock (I2C mode) UCB0SDA 4 9 4 I/O USCI_B0: I2C data (I2C mode) UCB1SCL 16 61 21 4 16 61 I/O USCI_B1: I2C clock (I2C mode) UCB1SDA 15 60 20 3 15 60 I/O USCI_B1: I2C data (I2C mode) Terminal Configuration and Functions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions (continued) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME PM, RGC PIN NO. LCD LCD SEG DGG PIN NO. LCD SEG FR697x(1), FR687x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION LCD SEG COM0 10 15 10 O LCD common output COM0 for LCD backplane COM1 11 16 11 O LCD common output COM1 for LCD backplane COM2 12 17 12 O LCD common output COM2 for LCD backplane COM3 13 18 13 O LCD common output COM3 for LCD backplane LCDCAP 6 11 6 I LCD capacitor connection LCDREF 8 13 8 I External reference voltage input for regulated LCD voltage R03 9 14 9 I/O Input/output port of lowest analog LCD voltage (V5) R13 8 13 8 I/O Input/output port of third most positive analog LCD voltage (V3 or V4) R23 7 12 7 I/O Input/output port of second most positive analog LCD voltage (V2) R33 6 11 6 I/O Input/output port of most positive analog LCD voltage (V1) Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 21 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions (continued) FR697x(1), FR687x(1) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) SIGNAL NAME FUNCTION PM, RGC PIN NO. LCD Sz LCD SEG DGG PIN NO. 22 LCD SEG PIN NO. LCD SEG SIGNAL TYPE 1 S4 O 64 S5 O 5 S0 10 S0 5 S0 O 4 S1 9 S1 4 S1 O 3 S2 8 S2 3 S2 O 2 S3 7 S3 2 S3 O 61 S4 4 S4 61 S6 O 60 S5 3 S5 60 S7 O 59 S6 2 S6 59 S8 O 58 S7 1 S7 58 S9 O 57 S8 57 S10 O 56 S9 O 55 S10 O 54 S11 O 38 S12 41 S8 38 S11 O 37 S13 40 S9 37 S12 O 36 S14 39 S10 36 S13 O 35 S15 38 S11 35 S14 O 34 S16 37 S12 34 S15 O 33 S17 36 S13 33 S16 O 32 S18 35 S14 32 S17 O 31 S19 34 S15 31 S18 O 30 S20 33 S16 30 S19 O 29 S21 32 S17 29 S20 O 28 S22 31 S18 28 S21 O 27 S23 30 S19 27 S22 O 26 S24 29 S20 26 S23 O 25 S25 28 S21 25 S24 O 16 S26 21 S22 16 S25 O 15 S27 20 S23 15 S26 O 14 S28 19 S24 14 S27 O 13 S29 18 S25 13 S28 O 12 S30 17 S26 12 S29 O 11 S31 16 S27 11 S30 O DESCRIPTION LCD segment output (package specific) AVCC1 49 52 49 P Analog power supply AVSS1 50 53 50 P Analog ground supply AVSS2 53 56 53 P Analog ground supply 56 P Analog ground supply 18 P Digital power supply AVSS3 Power PM, RGC DVCC1 18 DVCC2 40 43 40 P Digital power supply DVCC3 63 6 63 P Digital power supply DVSS1 17 17 P Digital ground supply DVSS2 39 42 39 P Digital ground supply DVSS3 62 5 62 P Digital ground supply Terminal Configuration and Functions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions (continued) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME PM, RGC PIN NO. SPI System LCD SEG DGG PIN NO. LCD SEG FR697x(1), FR687x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION LCD SEG UCA0CLK 3 31 8 34 3 31 I/O USCI_A0: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) UCA0SIMO 33 64 36 33 64 I/O USCI_A0: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) UCA0SOMI 1 32 35 1 32 I/O USCI_A0: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) UCA0STE 2 30 7 33 2 30 I/O USCI_A0: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) UCA1CLK 28 56 31 28 I/O USCI_A1: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) UCA1SIMO 26 54 29 26 I/O USCI_A1: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) UCA1SOMI 27 55 30 27 I/O USCI_A1: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) UCA1STE 29 57 32 29 57 I/O USCI_A1: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) UCB0CLK 2 7 2 I/O USCI_B0: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) UCB0SIMO 4 9 4 I/O USCI_B0: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) UCB0SOMI 5 10 5 I/O USCI_B0: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) UCB0STE 3 8 3 I/O USCI_B0: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) UCB1CLK 14 59 64 19 2 14 59 64 I/O USCI_B1: Clock signal input (SPI slave mode), Clock signal output (SPI master mode) UCB1SIMO 60 15 3 20 60 15 I/O USCI_B1: Slave in, master out (SPI mode) UCB1SOMI 16 61 21 4 16 61 I/O USCI_B1: Slave out, master in (SPI mode) UCB1STE 1 58 1 1 58 I/O USCI_B1: Slave transmit enable (SPI mode) NMI 20 23 20 I Nonmaskable interrupt input RST 20 23 20 I Reset input active low Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 23 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions (continued) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME PM, RGC PIN NO. Timer_A LCD SEG LCD SEG PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION LCD SEG 3 35 8 38 3 35 I/O Timer_A TA0 CCR0 capture: CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output TA0.1 4 36 44 9 39 47 4 36 44 I/O Timer_A TA0 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output TA0.2 5 37 43 10 40 46 5 37 43 I/O Timer_A TA0 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output TA0CLK 34 42 37 45 34 42 I TA1.0 2 59 7 2 2 59 I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR0 capture: CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output TA1.1 25 42 60 28 45 3 25 42 60 I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output TA1.2 41 61 44 4 41 61 I/O Timer_A TA1 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output TA1CLK 43 58 46 1 43 58 I 19 TA3.3 20 TA3.4 24 PIN NO. PM, RGC TA0.0 TA3.2 Timer_B DGG FR697x(1), FR687x(1) 14 15 Timer_A TA0 clock signal TA0CLK input Timer_A TA1 clock signal TA1CLK input I/O Timer_A TA3 CCR2 capture: CCI2B input, compare: Out2 output (Note: Not available for FR692x and FR682x 64-pin package. Internally tied to DVSS when TA3 is selected) I/O Timer_A TA3 CCR3 capture: CCI3B input, compare: Out3 output (Note: Not available for FR692x and FR682x 64-pin package. Internally tied to DVSS when TA3 is selected) 21 16 I/O Timer_A TA3 CCR4 capture: CCI4B input, compare: Out4 output (Note: Not available for FR692x and FR682x 64-pin package. Internally tied to DVSS when TA3 is selected) TB0.0 11 26 16 29 11 26 I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR0 capture: CCI0B input, compare: Out0 output TB0.1 12 27 17 30 12 27 I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output TB0.2 13 28 18 31 13 28 I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output TB0.3 29 32 29 I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR3 capture: CCI3B input, compare: Out3 output TB0.4 31 34 31 I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR4 capture: CCI4B input, compare: Out4 output TB0.5 32 35 32 I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR5 capture: CCI5B input, compare: Out5 output TB0.6 33 36 33 I/O Timer_B TB0 CCR6 capture: CCI6B input, compare: Out6 output TB0CLK 25 33 57 28 36 25 33 57 I Timer_B TB0 clock signal TB0CLK input TB0OUTH 21 30 24 33 21 30 I Switch all PWM outputs high impedance input - Timer_B TB0 Terminal Configuration and Functions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 4-2. Signal Descriptions (continued) FR692x(1), FR682x(1) FUNCTION SIGNAL NAME PM, RGC PIN NO. LCD SEG DGG PIN NO. LCD SEG FR697x(1), FR687x(1) PM, RGC PIN NO. SIGNAL TYPE DESCRIPTION LCD SEG UCA0RXD 1 32 35 1 32 I USCI_A0: Receive data (UART mode) UCA0TXD 33 64 36 33 64 O USCI_A0: Transmit data (UART mode) UCA1RXD 27 55 30 27 I USCI_A1: Receive data (UART mode) UCA1TXD 26 54 29 26 O USCI_A1: Transmit data (UART mode) UART RGC package only. VQFN package exposed thermal pad. TI recommends connection to VSS. Thermal Pad Terminal Configuration and Functions Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 25 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 4.4 Pin Multiplexing Pin multiplexing for these devices is controlled by both register settings and operating modes (for example, if the device is in test mode). For details of the settings for each pin and schematics of the multiplexed ports, see Section 6.11.23. 4.5 Buffer Type Table 4-3 describes the buffer types that are referenced in Section 4.2. Table 4-3. Buffer Type NOMINAL VOLTAGE HYSTERESIS PU OR PD NOMINAL PU OR PD STRENGTH (A) OUTPUT DRIVE STRENGTH (mA) LVCMOS 3.0 V Y (1) Programmable See Table 5-11 See Section Analog 3.0 V N N/A N/A N/A See analog modules in Section 5 for details Power (DVCC) 3.0 V N N/A N/A N/A SVS enables hysteresis on DVCC Power (AVCC) 3.0 V N N/A N/A N/A BUFFER TYPE (STANDARD) (1) OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Only for Input pins. 4.6 Connection of Unused Pins Table 4-4 lists the correct termination of all unused pins. Table 4-4. Connection of Unused Pins (1) PIN POTENTIAL COMMENT AVCC DVCC AVSS DVSS Px.0 to Px.7 Open Switched to port function, output direction (PxDIR.n = 1) R33/LCDCAP DVSS or DVCC If not used, the pin can be tied to either supply. RST/NMI DVCC or VCC 47-k pullup or internal pullup selected with 10-nF (2.2 nF (2)) pulldown PJ.0/TDO PJ.1/TDI PJ.2/TMS PJ.3/TCK Open The JTAG pins are shared with general-purpose I/O function (PJ.x). If these pins are not used, they should be set to port function and output direction. When used as JTAG pins, these pins should remain open. TEST Open This pin always has an internal pulldown enabled. (1) (2) 26 Any unused pin with a secondary function that is shared with general-purpose I/O should follow the Px.0 to Px.7 unused pin connection guidelines. The pulldown capacitor should not exceed 2.2 nF when using devices with Spy-Bi-Wire interface in Spy-Bi-Wire mode or in 4-wire JTAG mode with TI tools like FET interfaces or GANG programmers. Terminal Configuration and Functions Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5 Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) 5.1 over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Voltage applied at DVCC and AVCC pins to VSS Voltage difference between DVCC and AVCC pins Voltage applied to any pin MIN MAX -0.3 4.1 V 0.3 V VCC + 0.3 -0.3 (4.1 Maximum) V (2) (3) Diode current at any device pin Storage temperature, Tstg (1) (2) (3) (4) (4) -40 2 mA 125 C Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Voltage differences between DVCC and AVCC exceeding the specified limits may cause malfunction of the device including erroneous writes to RAM and FRAM. All voltages referenced to VSS. Higher temperature may be applied during board soldering according to the current JEDEC J-STD-020 specification with peak reflow temperatures not higher than classified on the device label on the shipping boxes or reels. 5.2 ESD Ratings VALUE V(ESD) (1) (2) UNIT Electrostatic discharge Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) 1000 Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101 (2) 250 UNIT V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. Pins listed as 1000 V may actually have higher performance. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. Pins listed as 250 V may actually have higher performance. 5.3 Recommended Operating Conditions Typical data are based on VCC = 3.0 V, TA = 25C (unless otherwise noted) MIN VCC Supply voltage applied at all DVCC and AVCC pins VSS Supply voltage applied at all DVSS and AVSS pins TA Operating free-air temperature TJ Operating junction temperature CDVCC Capacitor value at DVCC (5) fSYSTEM Processor frequency (maximum MCLK frequency) (6) fACLK Maximum ACLK frequency fSMCLK Maximum SMCLK frequency (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1) (2) (3) 1.8 NOM (4) MAX UNIT 3.6 V -40 85 C -40 85 0 V 1-20% C F No FRAM wait states (NWAITSx = 0) 0 8 (7) With FRAM wait states (NWAITSx = 1) (8) 0 16 (9) MHz 50 kHz 16 (9) MHz TI recommends powering AVCC and DVCC pins from the same source. At a minimum, during power up, power down, and device operation, the voltage difference between AVCC and DVCC must not exceed the limits specified in Absolute Maximum Ratings. Exceeding the specified limits may cause malfunction of the device including erroneous writes to RAM and FRAM. Fast supply voltage changes can trigger a BOR reset even within the recommended supply voltage range. To avoid unwanted BOR resets, the supply voltage must change by less than 0.05 V per microsecond (0.05 V/s). Following the data sheet recommendation for capacitor CDVCC should limit the slopes accordingly. Modules may have a different supply voltage range specification. See the specification of the respective module in this data sheet. The minimum supply voltage is defined by the supervisor SVS levels. See the PMM SVS threshold parameters in Table 5-2 for the exact values. As decoupling capacitor for each supply pin pair (DVCC and DVSS, AVCC and AVSS), a low-ESR ceramic capacitor of 100 nF (minimum) should be placed as close as possible (within a few millimeters) to the respective pin pairs. Modules may have a different maximum input clock specification. See the specification of the respective module in this data sheet. DCO settings and HF cyrstals with a typical value less than or equal to the specified MAX value are permitted. Wait states only occur on actual FRAM accesses; that is, on FRAM cache misses. RAM and peripheral accesses are always excecuted without wait states. DCO settings and HF cyrstals with a typical value less than or equal to the specified MAX value are permitted. If a clock source with a higher typical value is used, the clock must be divided in the clock system. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 27 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.4 Active Mode Supply Current Into VCC Excluding External Current over recommended operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) (2) FREQUENCY (fMCLK = fSMCLK) PARAMETER EXECUTION MEMORY VCC 1 MHz 0 WAIT STATES (NWAITSx = 0) TYP IAM, FRAM_UNI (Unified memory) (3) (4) (5) MAX 4 MHz 0 WAIT STATES (NWAITSx = 0) TYP MAX 8 MHz 0 WAIT STATES (NWAITSx = 0) TYP MAX 12 MHz 1 WAIT STATES (NWAITSx = 1) TYP MAX 16 MHz 1 WAIT STATES (NWAITSx = 1) TYP UNIT MAX FRAM 3.0 V 210 640 1220 1475 1845 A FRAM 0% cache hit ratio 3.0 V 370 1280 2510 2080 2650 A IAM, FRAM(0%) IAM, FRAM(50%) (4) (5) FRAM 50% cache hit ratio 3.0 V 240 745 1440 1575 1990 A IAM, FRAM(66%) (4) (5) FRAM 66% cache hit ratio 3.0 V 200 560 1070 1300 1620 A IAM, FRAM(75%) (4) (5) FRAM 75% cache hit ratio 3.0 V 170 480 890 IAM, FRAM(100% FRAM 100% cache hit ratio 3.0 V 110 235 420 640 730 IAM, RAM RAM 3.0 V 130 320 585 890 1070 RAM 3.0 V 100 290 555 860 1040 (6) (5) IAM, RAM only (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 28 (4) (5) (7) (5) 255 180 1085 1155 1310 1420 1620 A A A 1300 A All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. Characterized with program executing typical data processing. fACLK = 32768 Hz, fMCLK = fSMCLK = fDCO at specified frequency, except for 12 MHz. For 12 MHz, fDCO= 24 MHz and fMCLK = fSMCLK = fDCO/2. At MCLK frequencies above 8 MHz, the FRAM requires wait states. When wait states are required, the effective MCLK frequency (fMCLK,eff) decreases. The effective MCLK frequency also depends on the cache hit ratio. SMCLK is not affected by the number of wait states or the cache hit ratio. The following equation can be used to compute fMCLK,eff: fMCLK,eff = fMCLK / [wait states x (1 - cache hit ratio) + 1] For example, with 1 wait state and 75% cache hit ratio fMCKL,eff = fMCLK / [1 x (1 - 0.75) + 1] = fMCLK / 1.25. Represents typical program execution. Program and data reside entirely in FRAM. All execution is from FRAM. Program resides in FRAM. Data resides in SRAM. Average current dissipation varies with cache hit-to-miss ratio as specified. Cache hit ratio represents number cache accesess divided by the total number of FRAM accesses. For example, a 75% ratio implies three of every four accesses is from cache, and the remaining are FRAM accesses. See Figure 5-1 for typical curves. Each characteristic equation shown in the graph is computed using the least squares method for best linear fit using the typical data shown in Section 5.4. Program and data reside entirely in RAM. All execution is from RAM. Program and data reside entirely in RAM. All execution is from RAM. FRAM is off. Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 5.5 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Typical Characteristics - Active Mode Supply Currents 3000 I(AM,0%) I(AM,50%) 2500 I(AM,66%) Active Mode Current [A] I(AM,75%) 2000 I(AM,100%) I(AM,75%)[uA] = 103*f[MHz] + 68 I(AM,RAMonly) 1500 1000 500 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MCLK Frequency [MHz] C001 NOTE: I(AM, cache hit ratio): Program resides in FRAM. Data resides in SRAM. Average current dissipation varies with cache hit-to-miss ratio as specified. Cache hit ratio represents number cache accesses divided by the total number of FRAM accesses. For example, a 75% ratio implies three of every four accesses is from cache, and the remaining are FRAM accesses. NOTE: I(AM, RAMonly): Program and data reside entirely in RAM. All execution is from RAM. FRAM is off. Figure 5-1. Typical Active Mode Supply Currents, No Wait States 5.6 Low-Power Mode (LPM0, LPM1) Supply Currents Into VCC Excluding External Current over recommended operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) (2) FREQUENCY (fSMCLK) PARAMETER VCC 1 MHz TYP ILPM0 ILPM1 (1) (2) 2.2 V 75 3.0 V 80 2.2 V 40 3.0 V 40 4 MHz MAX 120 65 TYP 8 MHz MAX TYP 12 MHz MAX TYP 16 MHz MAX TYP 105 165 250 230 115 175 260 240 65 130 215 195 65 130 215 195 UNIT MAX 275 220 A A All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. Current for watchdog timer clocked by SMCLK included. fACLK = 32768 Hz, fMCLK = 0 MHz, fSMCLK = fDCO at specified frequency - except for 12 MHz: here fDCO=24MHz and fSMCLK = fDCO/2. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 29 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.7 Low-Power Mode LPM2, LPM3, LPM4 Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VCC -40C TYP 25C MAX TYP ILPM2,XT12 Low-power mode 2, 12-pF crystal (2) (3) (4) 2.2 V 0.8 1.2 3.0 V 0.8 1.2 ILPM2,XT3.7 Low-power mode 2, 3.7-pF crystal (2) (5) (4) 2.2 V 0.7 3.0 V 0.7 ILPM2,VLO Low-power mode 2, VLO, includes SVS (6) 2.2 V 0.5 0.9 3.0 V 0.5 0.9 ILPM3,XT12 Low-power mode 3, 12-pF crystal, includes SVS (2) (3) (7) 2.2 V 0.7 0.9 3.0 V 0.7 0.9 Low-power mode 3, 3.7-pF crystal, excludes SVS (2) (5) (8) (also see Figure 5-2) 2.2 V 0.6 ILPM3,XT3.7 3.0 V ILPM3,VLO Low-power mode 3, VLO, excludes SVS (9) Low-power mode 3, VLO, excludes SVS, RAM powered down completely (10) ILPM3,VLO, RAMoff 60C MAX TYP (1) 85C MAX TYP 3.1 8.8 3.1 8.8 1.1 3.0 8.7 1.1 3.0 8.7 2.8 8.5 2.8 8.5 1.2 2.5 1.2 2.5 0.7 1.1 2.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.4 2.2 V 0.35 0.4 0.9 1.8 3.0 V 0.35 0.4 0.9 1.8 2.2 V 0.35 0.4 0.8 1.7 3.0 V 0.35 0.4 0.8 1.7 2.2 2.0 1.2 0.8 0.7 MAX 17 UNIT A A 16.7 6.4 A A A 6.1 5.2 A A (1) (2) (3) All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. Not applicable for devices with HF crystal oscillator only. Characterized with a Micro Crystal MS1V-T1K crystal with a load capacitance of 12.5 pF. The internal and external load capacitance are chosen to closely match the required 12.5 pF load. (4) Low-power mode 2, crystal oscillator test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK and RTC clocked by XT1 included. Current for brownout and SVS included. CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 0 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM2), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz (5) Characterized with a Seiko SSP-T7-FL (SMD) crystal with a load capacitance of 3.7 pF. The internal and external load capacitance are chosen to closely match the required 3.7-pF load. (6) Low-power mode 2, VLO test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK included. RTC disabled (RTCHOLD = 1). Current for brownout and SVS included. CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 0 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM2), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = fVLO, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz (7) Low-power mode 3, 12-pF crystal, includes SVS test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK and RTC clocked by XT1 included. Current for brownout and SVS included (SVSHE = 1). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM3), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current. See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. (8) Low-power mode 3, 3.7-pF crystal, excludes SVS test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK and RTC clocked by XT1 included. Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM3), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current. See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. (9) Low-power mode 3, VLO, excludes SVS test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK included. RTC disabled (RTCHOLD = 1). Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM3), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = fVLO, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current. See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. (10) Low-power mode 3, VLO, excludes SVS, RAM powered down completely test conditions: Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK included. RTC disabled (RTCHOLD = 1). Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). RAM disabled (RCCTL0 = 5A55h). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM3), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = fVLO, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current. See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. 30 Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Low-Power Mode LPM2, LPM3, LPM4 Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VCC -40C TYP 25C MAX TYP ILPM4,SVS Low-power mode 4, includes SVS (11) 2.2 V 0.45 0.55 3.0 V 0.45 0.55 ILPM4 Low-power mode 4, excludes SVS (12) 2.2 V 0.25 0.4 3.0 V 0.25 0.4 Low-power mode 4, excludes SVS, RAM powered down completely (13) 2.2 V 0.25 0.4 ILPM4,RAMoff 3.0 V 0.25 0.4 IIDLE,GroupA Additional idle current if one or more modules from Group A (see Section 6.3.2) are activated in LPM3 or LPM4 3.0 V IIDLE,GroupB Additional idle current if one or more modules from Group B (see Section 6.3.2) are activated in LPM3 or LPM4 IIDLE,GroupC Additional idle current if one or more modules from Group C (see Section 6.3.2) are activated in LPM3 or LPM4 60C MAX TYP (1) 85C MAX TYP MAX UNIT 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.7 1.6 0.7 1.6 0.7 1.4 0.7 1.4 4.6 0.02 0.4 1.0 A 3.0 V 0.02 0.4 1.0 A 3.0 V 0.02 0.3 0.8 A 0.8 0.65 0.65 6.2 4.6 A A A (11) Low-power mode 4, includes SVS test conditions: Current for brownout and SVS included (SVSHE = 1). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPM4), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = 0 Hz, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current. See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. (12) Low-power mode 4, excludes SVS test conditions: Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPM4), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = 0 Hz, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current. See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. (13) Low-power mode 4, excludes SVS, RAM powered down completely test conditions: Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). RAM disabled (RCCTL0 = 5A55h). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPM4), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = 0 Hz, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current. See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 31 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.8 Low-Power Mode With LCD Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) TEMPERATURE (TA) PARAMETER VCC -40C TYP 25C MAX TYP ILPM3,XT12 LCD, ext. bias Low-power mode 3 (LPM3) current,12-pF crystal, LCD 4mux mode, external biasing, excludes SVS (1) (2) 3.0 V 0.8 1.0 ILPM3,XT12 LCD, int. bias Low-power mode 3 (LPM3) current, 12-pF crystal, LCD 4mux mode, internal biasing, charge pump disabled, excludes SVS (1) (3) 3.0 V 2.5 2.7 Low-power mode 3 (LPM3) current,12-pF crystal, LCD 4mux mode, internal biasing, charge pump enabled, 1/3 bias, excludes SVS (1) (4) 2.2 V 6.2 ILPM3,XT12 LCD,CP 3.0 V 5.8 (1) (2) (3) (4) 32 60C MAX TYP 85C MAX TYP UNIT MAX 1.5 3.1 2.8 4.4 6.4 7.0 8.0 A 6.0 6.8 7.5 A 3.4 A 9.3 A Current for watchdog timer clocked by ACLK and RTC clocked by XT1 included. Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0 (LPM3), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Activating additional peripherals increases the current consumption due to active supply current contribution as well as due to additional idle current (idle current of Group containing LCD module already included). See the idle currents specified for the respective peripheral groups. LCDMx = 11 (4-mux mode), LCDREXT = 1, LCDEXTBIAS = 1 (external biasing), LCD2B = 0 (1/3 bias), LCDCPEN = 0 (charge pump disabled), LCDSSEL = 0, LCDPREx = 101, LCDDIVx = 00011 (fLCD = 32768 Hz / 32 / 4 = 256 Hz) Current through external resistors not included (voltage levels are supplied by test equipment). Even segments S0, S2,... = 0, odd segments S1, S3,... = 1. No LCD panel load. LCDMx = 11 (4-mux mode), LCDREXT = 0, LCDEXTBIAS = 0 (internal biasing), LCD2B = 0 (1/3 bias), LCDCPEN = 0 (charge pump disabled), LCDSSEL = 0, LCDPREx = 101, LCDDIVx = 00011 (fLCD = 32768 Hz / 32 / 4 = 256 Hz) Even segments S0, S2,... = 0, odd segments S1, S3,... = 1. No LCD panel load. LCDMx = 11 (4-mux mode), LCDREXT = 0, LCDEXTBIAS = 0 (internal biasing), LCD2B = 0 (1/3 bias), LCDCPEN = 1 (charge pump enabled), VLCDx = 1000 (VLCD= 3 V typ.), LCDSSEL = 0, LCDPREx = 101, LCDDIVx = 00011 (fLCD = 32768 Hz / 32 / 4 = 256 Hz) Even segments S0, S2,... = 0, odd segments S1, S3,... = 1. No LCD panel load. CLCDCAP = 10 F Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 5.9 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Low-Power Mode LPMx.5 Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER VCC -40C TYP 25C MAX TYP ILPM3.5,XT12 Low-power mode 3.5, 12-pF crystal including SVS (2) (3) (4) 2.2 V 0.45 0.5 3.0 V 0.45 0.5 ILPM3.5,XT3.7 Low-power mode 3.5, 3.7-pF crystal excluding SVS (2) (5) (6) 2.2 V 0.3 3.0 V 0.3 ILPM4.5,SVS Low-power mode 4.5, including SVS (7) 2.2 V 0.2 0.3 3.0 V 0.2 0.3 ILPM4.5 Low-power mode 4.5, excluding SVS (8) 2.2 V 0.03 3.0 V 0.03 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 60C MAX TYP 85C MAX TYP 0.6 0.75 0.6 0.75 0.35 0.4 0.65 0.35 0.4 0.65 0.35 0.4 0.35 0.4 0.04 0.06 0.14 0.04 0.06 0.14 0.75 0.5 MAX 1.4 UNIT A A 0.7 0.5 A A All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. Not applicable for devices with HF crystal oscillator only. Characterized with a Micro Crystal MS1V-T1K crystal with a load capacitance of 12.5 pF. The internal and external load capacitance are chosen to closely match the required 12.5 pF load. Low-power mode 3.5, 1-pF crystal including SVS test conditions: Current for RTC clocked by XT1 included. Current for brownout and SVS included (SVSHE = 1). Core regulator disabled. PMMREGOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPMx.5), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Characterized with a Seiko SSP-T7-FL (SMD) crystal with a load capacitance of 3.7 pF. The internal and external load capacitance are chosen to closely match the required 3.7-pF load. Low-power mode 3.5, 3.7-pF crystal excluding SVS test conditions: Current for RTC clocked by XT1 included.Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). Core regulator disabled. PMMREGOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPMx.5), fXT1 = 32768 Hz, fACLK = fXT1, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Low-power mode 4.5 including SVS test conditions: Current for brownout and SVS included (SVSHE = 1). Core regulator disabled. PMMREGOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPMx.5), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = 0 Hz, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Low-power mode 4.5 excluding SVS test conditions: Current for brownout included. SVS disabled (SVSHE = 0). Core regulator disabled. PMMREGOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1 SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 1 (LPMx.5), fXT1 = 0 Hz, fACLK = 0 Hz, fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 33 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.10 Typical Characteristics, Low-Power Mode Supply Currents 3 3 @ 3.0V, SVS off @ 3.0V, SVS off @ 2.2V, SVS off @ 2.2V, SVS off @ 3.0V, SVS on 2.5 @ 3.0V, SVS on 2.5 @ 2.2V, SVS on LPM4 Supply Current [ A] LPM3 Supply Current [ A] @ 2.2V, SVS on 2 1.5 1 0.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 -50 -25 0 25 Temperature [C] 50 75 C003 Figure 5-2. LPM3 Supply Current vs Temperature (LPM3,XT3.7) C001 Figure 5-3. LPM4 Supply Current vs Temperature (LPM4,SVS) 7.00E-01 0.7 @ 3.0V, SVS off @ 3.0V, SVS off @ 2.2V, SVS off @ 2.2V, SVS off 6.00E-01 @ 3.0V, SVS on LPM.54 Supply Current [ A] LPM3.5 Supply Current [ A] 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 -50.00 100 Temperature [C] @ 2.2V, SVS on 5.00E-01 4.00E-01 3.00E-01 2.00E-01 1.00E-01 0.00E+00 -25.00 0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 Temperature [C] -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Temperature [C] C004 C003 Figure 5-4. LPM3.5 Supply Current vs Temperature (LPM3.5,XT3.7) 34 Specifications Figure 5-5. LPM4.5 Supply Current vs Temperature (LPM4.5) Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.11 Typical Characteristics, Current Consumption per Module (1) MODULE TEST CONDITIONS REFERENCE CLOCK Timer_A MIN TYP Module input clock Timer_B MAX UNIT 3 A/MHz Module input clock 5 A/MHz eUSCI_A UART mode Module input clock 5.5 A/MHz eUSCI_A SPI mode Module input clock 3.5 A/MHz eUSCI_B SPI mode Module input clock 3.5 A/MHz eUSCI_B I2C mode, 100 kbaud Module input clock 3.5 A/MHz 32 kHz 100 nA RTC_C MPY Only from start to end of operation MCLK 25 A/MHz AES Only from start to end of operation MCLK 21 A/MHz CRC16 Only from start to end of operation MCLK 2.5 A/MHz CRC32 Only from start to end of operation MCLK 2.5 A/MHz (1) LCD_C: See Section 5.8. For other module currents not listed here, see the module specific parameter sections. 5.12 Thermal Resistance Characteristics (1) PARAMETER PACKAGE JA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, still air JC(TOP) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance (3) (2) (4) JB Junction-to-board thermal resistance JB Junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter JT Junction-to-top thermal characterization parameter TSSOP-56 (DGG) (5) VALUE (1) UNIT 57.7 C/W 15.1 C/W 26.5 C/W 26.2 C/W 0.5 C/W JC(BOTTOM) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance N/A C/W JA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, still air (2) 59.3 C/W JC(TOP) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance (3) 19.5 C/W JB Junction-to-board thermal resistance (4) 30.8 C/W JB Junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter 30.5 C/W JT Junction-to-top thermal characterization parameter 1.0 C/W JC(BOTTOM) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance (5) N/A C/W QFP-64 (PN) (2) JA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, still air 29.6 C/W JC(TOP) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance (3) 15.8 C/W JB Junction-to-board thermal resistance (4) 8.5 C/W JB Junction-to-board thermal characterization parameter 8.5 C/W JT Junction-to-top thermal characterization parameter 0.2 C/W JC(BOTTOM) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance (5) 1.2 C/W (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) QFN-64 (RGC) N/A = not applicable The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance under natural convection is obtained in a simulation on a JEDEC-standard, High-K board, as specified in JESD51-7, in an environment described in JESD51-2a. The junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance is obtained by simulating a cold plate test on the package top. No specific JEDECstandard test exists, but a close description can be found in the ANSI SEMI standard G30-88. The junction-to-board thermal resistance is obtained by simulating in an environment with a ring cold plate fixture to control the PCB temperature, as described in JESD51-8. The junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance is obtained by simulating a cold plate test on the exposed (power) pad. No specific JEDEC standard test exists, but a close description can be found in the ANSI SEMI standard G30-88. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 35 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13 Timing and Switching Characteristics 5.13.1 Power Supply Sequencing TI recommends powering AVCC and DVCC pins from the same source. At a minimum, during power up, power down, and device operation, the voltage difference between AVCC and DVCC must not exceed the limits specified in Absolute Maximum Ratings. Exceeding the specified limits may cause malfunction of the device including erroneous writes to RAM and FRAM. Table 5-1 lists the reset power ramp requirements. Table 5-1. Brownout and Device Reset Power Ramp Requirements over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VVCC_BOR- Brownout power-down level VVCC_BOR+ Brownout power-up level (1) (1) (2) TEST CONDITIONS (1) MIN MAX UNIT (2) 0.73 1.66 V | dDVCC/dt | < 3 V/s (2) 0.79 1.68 V | dDVCC/dt | < 3 V/s Fast supply voltage changes can trigger a BOR reset even within the recommended supply voltage range. To avoid unwanted BOR resets, the supply voltage must change by less than 0.05 V per microsecond (0.05 V/s). Following the data sheet recommendation for capacitor CDVCC should limit the slopes accordingly. The brownout levels are measured with a slowly changing supply. Table 5-2 lists the characteristics of the SVS. Table 5-2. SVS over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ISVSH,LPM SVSH current consumption, low power modes 170 300 nA VSVSH- SVSH power-down level (1) 1.75 1.80 1.85 V VSVSH+ SVSH power-up level (1) 1.77 1.88 1.99 V VSVSH_hys SVSH hysteresis 120 mV tPD,SVSH, AM SVSH propagation delay, active mode 10 s (1) 40 dVVcc/dt = -10 mV/s For additional information, see the Dynamic Voltage Scaling Power Solution for MSP430 Devices With Single-Channel LDO Reference Design. 5.13.2 Reset Timing Table 5-11 lists the required reset input timing. Table 5-3. Reset Input over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER t(RST) (1) 36 External reset pulse duration on RST (1) VCC 2.2 V, 3.0 V MIN MAX 2 UNIT s Not applicable if the RST/NMI pin is configured as NMI. Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.3 Clock Specifications Table 5-4 lists the characteristics of the LFXT. Table 5-4. Low-Frequency Crystal Oscillator, LFXT (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER IVCC.LFXT Current consumption TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP fOSC = 32768 Hz, LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {0}, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 3.7 pF, ESR 44 k 180 fOSC = 32768 Hz, LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {1}, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 6 pF, ESR 40 k 185 fOSC = 32768 Hz, LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {2}, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 9 pF, ESR 40 k 3.0 V LFXT oscillator crystal frequency LFXTBYPASS = 0 DCLFXT LFXT oscillator duty cycle Measured at ACLK, fLFXT = 32768 Hz fLFXT,SW LFXT oscillator logic-level square-wave input frequency LFXTBYPASS = 1 (2) nA DCLFXT, SW LFXT oscillator logic-level square-wave input duty cycle LFXTBYPASS = 1 OALFXT Oscillation allowance for LF crystals (4) 330 32768 30% (3) UNIT 225 fOSC = 32768 Hz, LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {3}, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 12.5 pF, ESR 40 k fLFXT MAX 10.5 Hz 70% 32.768 30% 50 kHz 70% LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {1}, fLFXT = 32768 Hz, CL,eff = 6 pF 210 LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {3}, fLFXT = 32768 Hz, CL,eff = 12.5 pF 300 k CLFXIN Integrated load capacitance at LFXIN terminal (5) (6) 2 pF CLFXOUT Integrated load capacitance at LFXOUT terminal (5) (6) 2 pF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) To improve EMI on the LFXT oscillator, the following guidelines should be observed. * Keep the trace between the device and the crystal as short as possible. * Design a good ground plane around the oscillator pins. * Prevent crosstalk from other clock or data lines into oscillator pins LFXIN and LFXOUT. * Avoid running PCB traces underneath or adjacent to the LFXIN and LFXOUT pins. * Use assembly materials and processes that avoid any parasitic load on the oscillator LFXIN and LFXOUT pins. * If conformal coating is used, make sure that it does not induce capacitive or resistive leakage between the oscillator pins. When LFXTBYPASS is set, LFXT circuits are automatically powered down. Input signal is a digital square wave with parametrics defined in the Schmitt-trigger Inputs section of this data sheet. Duty cycle requirements are defined by DCLFXT, SW. Maximum frequency of operation of the entire device cannot be exceeded. Oscillation allowance is based on a safety factor of 5 for recommended crystals. The oscillation allowance is a function of the LFXTDRIVE settings and the effective load. In general, comparable oscillator allowance can be achieved based on the following guidelines, but should be evaluated based on the actual crystal selected for the application: * For LFXTDRIVE = {0}, CL,eff = 3.7 pF * For LFXTDRIVE = {1}, CL,eff = 6 pF * For LFXTDRIVE = {2}, 6 pF CL,eff 9 pF * For LFXTDRIVE = {3}, 9 pF CL,eff 12.5 pF This represents all the parasitic capacitance present at the LFXIN and LFXOUT terminals, respectively, including parasitic bond and package capacitance. The effective load capacitance, CL,eff can be computed as CIN x COUT / (CIN + COUT), where CIN and COUT is the total capacitance at the LFXIN and LFXOUT terminals, respectively. Requires external capacitors at both terminals. Values are specified by crystal manufacturers. Recommended values supported are 3.7 pF, 6 pF, 9 pF, and 12.5 pF. Maximum shunt capacitance of 1.6 pF. The PCB adds additional capacitance, so it must also be considered in the overall capacitance. Verify that the recommended effective load capacitance of the selected crystal is met. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 37 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-4. Low-Frequency Crystal Oscillator, LFXT(1) (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER tSTART,LFXT fFault,LFXT (7) (8) (9) Start-up time TEST CONDITIONS (7) Oscillator fault frequency (8) VCC fOSC = 32768 Hz, LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {0}, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 3.7 pF 3.0 V fOSC = 32768 Hz LFXTBYPASS = 0, LFXTDRIVE = {3}, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 12.5 pF 3.0 V MIN TYP MAX UNIT 800 ms (9) 1000 0 3500 Hz Includes start-up counter of 1024 clock cycles. Frequencies above the MAX specification do not set the fault flag. Frequencies between the MIN and MAX specification may set the flag. A static condition or stuck at fault condition will set the flag. Measured with logic-level input frequency but also applies to operation with crystals. Table 5-5 lists the characteristics of the HFXT. Table 5-5. High-Frequency Crystal Oscillator, HFXT (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN fOSC = 4 MHz, HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 0, HFFREQ = 1 (2), TA = 25C, CL,eff = 18 pF, typical ESR, Cshunt IDVCC.HFXT fOSC = 8 MHz, HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 1, HFFREQ = 1 TA = 25C, HFXT oscillator crystal current HF CL,eff = 18 pF, typical ESR, Cshunt mode at typical ESR fOSC = 16 MHz, HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 2, HFFREQ = 2, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 18 pF, typical ESR, Cshunt 3.0 V A 190 (1) (2) (3) 38 250 (2) 4 8 HFXT oscillator crystal frequency, crystal mode HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFFREQ = 2 (3) 8.01 16 HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFFREQ = 3 (3) 16.01 24 HFXT oscillator duty cycle Measured at SMCLK, fHFXT = 16 MHz UNIT 120 HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFFREQ = 1 (3) DCHFXT MAX 75 fOSC = 24 MHz HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 3, HFFREQ = 3, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 18 pF, typical ESR, Cshunt fHFXT TYP 40% 50% MHz 60% To improve EMI on the HFXT oscillator the following guidelines should be observed. * Keep the traces between the device and the crystal as short as possible. * Design a good ground plane around the oscillator pins. * Prevent crosstalk from other clock or data lines into oscillator pins HFXIN and HFXOUT. * Avoid running PCB traces underneath or adjacent to the HFXIN and HFXOUT pins. * Use assembly materials and processes that avoid any parasitic load on the oscillator HFXIN and HFXOUT pins. * If conformal coating is used, ensure that it does not induce capacitive/resistive leakage between the oscillator pins. HFFREQ = {0} is not supported for HFXT crystal mode of operation. Maximum frequency of operation of the entire device cannot be exceeded. Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-5. High-Frequency Crystal Oscillator, HFXT(1) (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC HFXTBYPASS = 1, HFFREQ = 0 (4) (3) fHFXT,SW HFXT oscillator logic-level square-wave input frequency, bypass mode HFXTBYPASS = 1, HFFREQ = 1 (4) (3) HFXTBYPASS = 1, HFFREQ = 2 OAHFXT HFXT oscillator logic-level square-wave input duty cycle Oscillation allowance for HFXT crystals (5) tSTART,HFXT Start-up time (6) MAX 0.9 4 4.01 8 8.01 16 16.01 24 40% 60% UNIT MHz (3) (3) SW TYP (4) HFXTBYPASS = 1, HFFREQ = 3 (4) DCHFXT, MIN HFXTBYPASS = 1 HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 0, HFFREQ = 1 (2), fHFXT,HF = 4 MHz, CL,eff = 16 pF 450 HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 1, HFFREQ = 1, fHFXT,HF = 8 MHz, CL,eff = 16 pF 320 HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 2, HFFREQ = 2, fHFXT,HF = 16 MHz, CL,eff = 16 pF 200 HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 3, HFFREQ = 3, fHFXT,HF = 24 MHz, CL,eff = 16 pF 200 fOSC = 4 MHz, HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 0, HFFREQ = 1, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 16 pF 3.0 V fOSC = 24 MHz, HFXTBYPASS = 0, HFXTDRIVE = 3, HFFREQ = 3, TA = 25C, CL,eff = 16 pF 3.0 V 1.6 ms 0.6 CHFXIN Integrated load capacitance at HFXIN terminaI (7) (8) 2 pF CHFXOUT Integrated load capacitance at HFXOUT terminaI (7) (8) 2 pF fFault,HFXT Oscillator fault frequency (9) (10) 0 800 kHz (4) When HFXTBYPASS is set, HFXT circuits are automatically powered down. Input signal is a digital square wave with parametrics defined in the Schmitt-trigger Inputs section of this data sheet. Duty cycle requirements are defined by DCHFXT, SW. (5) Oscillation allowance is based on a safety factor of 5 for recommended crystals. (6) Includes start-up counter of 1024 clock cycles. (7) This represents all the parasitic capacitance present at the HFXIN and HFXOUT terminals, respectively, including parasitic bond and package capacitance. The effective load capacitance, CL,eff can be computed as CIN x COUT / (CIN + COUT), where CIN and COUT is the total capacitance at the HFXIN and HFXOUT terminals, respectively. (8) Requires external capacitors at both terminals. Values are specified by crystal manufacturers. Recommended values supported are 14 pF, 16 pF, and 18 pF. Maximum shunt capacitance of 7 pF. The PCB adds additional capacitance, so it must also be considered in the overall capacitance. Verify that the recommended effective load capacitance of the selected crystal is met. (9) Frequencies above the MAX specification do not set the fault flag. Frequencies between the MIN and MAX might set the flag. A static condition or stuck at fault condition will set the flag. (10) Measured with logic-level input frequency but also applies to operation with crystals. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 39 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-6 lists the characteristics of the DCO. Table 5-6. DCO over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT 1 3.5% MHz fDCO1 DCO frequency range 1 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 0, DCOFSEL = 0 DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 0 fDCO2.7 DCO frequency range 2.7 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 0, DCOFSEL = 1 2.667 3.5% MHz fDCO3.5 DCO frequency range 3.5 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 0, DCOFSEL = 2 3.5 3.5% MHz fDCO4 DCO frequency range 4 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 0, DCOFSEL = 3 4 3.5% MHz fDCO5.3 DCO frequency range 5.3 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 0, DCOFSEL = 4 DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 1 5.333 3.5% MHz fDCO7 DCO frequency range 7 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 0, DCOFSEL = 5 DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 2 7 3.5% MHz fDCO8 DCO frequency range 8 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 0, DCOFSEL = 6 DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 3 8 3.5% MHz fDCO16 DCO frequency range 16 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 4 16 3.5% (1) MHz fDCO21 DCO frequency range 21 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 2, DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 5 21 3.5% (1) MHz fDCO24 DCO frequency range 24 MHz, trimmed Measured at SMCLK, divide by 2, DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 6 24 3.5% (1) MHz Duty cycle Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1, No external divide, all DCORSEL and DCOFSEL settings except DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 5 and DCORSEL = 1, DCOFSEL = 6 50% 52% DCO jitter Based on fsignal = 10 kHz and DCO used for 12-bit SAR ADC sampling source. This achieves >74-dB SNR due to jitter; that is, it is limited by ADC performance. 2 3 fDCO,DC tDCO, JITTER dfDCO/dT (1) (2) DCO temperature drift (2) 48% 3.0 V 0.01 ns %/C After a wakeup from LPM1, LPM2, LPM3 or LPM4, the DCO frequency fDCO might exceed the specified frequency range for a few clocks cycles by up to 5% before settling into the specified steady state frequency range. Calculated using the box method: (MAX(-40C to 85C) - MIN(-40C to 85C)) / MIN(-40C to 85C) / (85C - (-40C)) Table 5-7 lists the characteristics of the VLO. Table 5-7. Internal Very-Low-Power Low-Frequency Oscillator (VLO) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS IVLO Current consumption fVLO VLO frequency Measured at ACLK dfVLO/dT VLO frequency temperature drift Measured at ACLK (1) VLO frequency supply voltage drift Measured at ACLK fVLO,DC Duty cycle Measured at ACLK 40 MIN TYP MAX 100 dfVLO/dVCC (1) (2) VCC 6 9.4 nA 14 0.2 (2) 50% kHz %/C 0.7 40% UNIT %/V 60% Calculated using the box method: (MAX(-40C to 85C) - MIN(-40C to 85C)) / MIN(-40C to 85C) / (85C - (-40C)) Calculated using the box method: (MAX(1.8 V to 3.6 V) - MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V)) / MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V) / (3.6 V - 1.8 V) Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-8 lists the characteristics of the MODOSC. Table 5-8. Module Oscillator (MODOSC) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER IMODOSC Current consumption fMODOSC MODOSC frequency fMODOSC/dT MODOSC frequency temperature drift (1) fMODOSC/dVCC MODOSC frequency supply voltage drift (2) DCMODOSC Duty cycle (1) (2) TEST CONDITIONS MIN Enabled MAX 25 4.0 Measured at SMCLK, divide by 1 TYP 40% 4.8 UNIT A 5.4 MHz 0.08 %/ 1.4 %/V 50% 60% Calculated using the box method: (MAX(-40C to 85C) - MIN(-40C to 85C)) / MIN(-40C to 85C) / (85C - (-40C)) Calculated using the box method: (MAX(1.8 V to 3.6 V) - MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V)) / MIN(1.8 V to 3.6 V) / (3.6 V - 1.8 V) Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 41 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.4 Wake-up Characteristics Table 5-9 lists the device wake-up times. Table 5-9. Wake-up Times From Low-Power Modes and Reset over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER tWAKE-UP FRAM MIN Additional wake-up time to activate the FRAM in AM if previously disabled by the FRAM controller or from an LPM if immediate activation is selected MCLKREQEN = 1 (1) tWAKE-UP LPM0 VCC Wake-up time from LPM0 to active mode MCLKREQEN = 0 (1) (2) TYP MAX 6 10 2.2 V, 3.0 V 400 ns + 1.5 / fDCO 2.2 V, 3.0 V 400 ns + 2.5 / fDCO UNIT s tWAKE-UP LPM1 Wake-up time from LPM1 to active mode (1) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 6 tWAKE-UP LPM2 Wake-up time from LPM2 to active mode (1) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 6 tWAKE-UP LPM3 Wake-up time from LPM3 to active mode (1) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 7 10 s tWAKE-UP LPM4 Wake-up time from LPM4 to active mode (1) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 7 10 s s tWAKE-UP LPM3.5 Wake-up time from LPM3.5 to active mode (3) tWAKE-UP-BOR (1) (2) (3) s 2.2 V, 3.0 V 250 350 SVSHE = 1 2.2 V, 3.0 V 250 350 s SVSHE = 0 2.2 V, 3.0 V 0.4 0.8 ms Wake-up time from a RST pin triggered reset to active mode (3) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 250 350 s (3) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 0.5 1.0 ms tWAKE-UP LPM4.5 Wake-up time from LPM4.5 to active mode (3) tWAKE-UP-RST s Wake-up time from power-up to active mode The wake-up time is measured from the edge of an external wake-up signal (for example, port interrupt or wake-up event) to the first externally observable MCLK clock edge with MCLKREQEN = 1. This time includes the activation of the FRAM during wakeup. With MCLKREQEN = 0, the MCLK is gated one additoinal one clock cycle (wake from LPM0, LPM1, LPM2, LPM3, and LPM4). The device wake-up time is not affected by the status of the MCLKREQEN bit. The wake-up time is measured from the edge of an external wake-up signal (for example, port interrupt or wake-up event) until the first instruction of the user program is executed. Table 5-10 lists the typical charge required for wakeup. Table 5-10. Typical Wake-up Charge (1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT QWAKE-UP FRAM Charge used for activating the FRAM in AM or during wakeup from LPM0 if previously disabled by the FRAM controller. 15.1 nAs QWAKE-UP LPM0 Charge used to wake up from LPM0 to active mode (with FRAM active) 4.4 nAs QWAKE-UP LPM1 Charge used to wake up from LPM1 to active mode (with FRAM active) 15.1 nAs QWAKE-UP LPM2 Charge used to wake up from LPM2 to active mode (with FRAM active) 15.3 nAs QWAKE-UP LPM3 Charge used to wake up from LPM3 to active mode (with FRAM active) 16.5 nAs QWAKE-UP LPM4 Charge used to wake up from LPM4 to active mode (with FRAM active) 16.5 nAs QWAKE-UP LPM3.5 Charge used to wake up from LPM3.5 to active mode (2) 76 nAs QWAKE-UP LPM4.5 Charge used to wake up from LPM4.5 to active mode (2) QWAKE-UP-RESET Charge used for reset from RST or BOR event to active mode (2) (1) (2) 42 SVSHE = 1 77 SVSHE = 0 77.5 75 nAs nAs Charge used during the wake-up time from a given low-power mode to active mode. This does not include the energy required in active mode (for example, for an interrupt service routine). Charge required until start of user code. This does not include the energy required to reconfigure the device. Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Typical Characteristics, Average LPM Currents vs Wake-up Frequency 10000.00 LPM0 LPM1 LPM2,XT12 Average Wake-up Current (A) 1000.00 LPM3,XT12 LPM3.5,XT12 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Wake-up Frequency (Hz) NOTE: The average wake-up current does not include the energy required in active mode; for example, for an interrupt service routine or to reconfigure the device. Figure 5-6. Average LPM Currents vs Wake-up Frequency at 25C 10000.00 LPM0 LPM1 LPM2,XT12 Average Wake-up Current (A) 1000.00 LPM3,XT12 LPM3.5,XT12 100.00 10.00 1.00 0.10 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Wake-up Frequency (Hz) NOTE: The average wake-up current does not include the energy required in active mode; for example, for an interrupt service routine or to reconfigure the device. Figure 5-7. Average LPM Currents vs Wake-up Frequency at 85C Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 43 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.5 Digital I/Os Table 5-11 lists the characteristics of the digital inputs. Table 5-11. Digital Inputs over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN 2.2 V 1.2 TYP MAX 1.65 3.0 V 1.65 2.25 2.2 V 0.55 1.00 3.0 V 0.75 1.35 2.2 V 0.44 0.98 3.0 V 0.60 1.30 UNIT VIT+ Positive-going input threshold voltage VIT- Negative-going input threshold voltage Vhys Input voltage hysteresis (VIT+ - VIT-) RPull Pullup or pulldown resistor For pullup: VIN = VSS For pulldown: VIN = VCC CI,dig Input capacitance, digital only port pins VIN = VSS or VCC 3 pF CI,ana Input capacitance, port pins with shared analog VIN = VSS or VCC functions (1) 5 pF Ilkg(Px.y) High-impedance input leakage current See t(int) External interrupt timing (external trigger pulse duration to set interrupt flag) (4) Ports with interrupt capability (see block diagram and terminal function descriptions). t(RST) External reset pulse duration on RST (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 44 20 (2) (3) 35 50 V V V k 2.2 V, 3.0 V -20 2.2 V, 3.0 V 20 ns 2.2 V, 3.0 V 2 s +20 nA If the port pins PJ.4/LFXIN and PJ.5/LFXOUT are used as digital I/Os, they are connected by a 4-pF capacitor and a 35-M resistor in series. At frequencies of approximately 1 kHz and lower, the 4-pF capacitor can add to the pin capacitance of PJ.4/LFXIN and PJ.5/LFXOUT. The input leakage current is measured with VSS or VCC applied to the corresponding pins, unless otherwise noted. The input leakage of the digital port pins is measured individually. The port pin is selected for input and the pullup or pulldown resistor is disabled. An external signal sets the interrupt flag every time the minimum interrupt pulse duration t(int) is met. It may be set by trigger signals shorter than t(int). Not applicable if the RST/NMI pin is configured as NMI. Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-12 lists the characteristics of the digital outputs. Table 5-12. Digital Outputs over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC TYP I(OHmax) = -3 mA (2) VCC - 0.60 VCC I(OHmax) = -2 mA (1) VCC - 0.25 VCC VCC - 0.60 VCC VSS VSS + 0.25 I(OLmax) = 3 mA (2) VSS VSS + 0.60 I(OLmax) = 2 mA (1) VSS VSS + 0.25 VSS VSS + 0.60 2.2 V High-level output voltage 3.0 V I(OHmax) = -6 mA (2) I(OLmax) = 1 mA (1) Low-level output voltage 3.0 V I(OLmax) = 6 mA (2) fPx.y Port output frequency (with load) (3) CL = 20 pF, RL fPort_CLK Clock output frequency (3) ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK at configured output port CL = 20 pF (5) trise,dig Port output rise time, digital only port pins CL = 20 pF tfall,dig Port output fall time, digital only port pins CL = 20 pF trise,ana Port output rise time, port pins with shared analog functions CL = 20 pF tfall,ana Port output fall time, port pins with shared analog functions CL = 20 pF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (4) (5) 2.2 V 16 3.0 V 16 2.2 V 16 3.0 V 16 UNIT V 2.2 V VOL MAX VCC I(OHmax) = -1 mA (1) VOH MIN VCC - 0.25 V MHz MHz 2.2 V 4 15 3.0 V 3 15 2.2 V 4 15 3.0 V 3 15 2.2 V 6 15 3.0 V 4 15 2.2 V 6 15 3.0 V 4 15 ns ns ns ns The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined should not exceed 48 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined should not exceed 100 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. The port can output frequencies at least up to the specified limit. It might support higher frequencies. A resistive divider with 2 x R1 and R1 = 1.6 k between VCC and VSS is used as load. The output is connected to the center tap of the divider. CL = 20 pF is connected from the output to VSS. The output voltage reaches at least 10% and 90% VCC at the specified toggle frequency. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 45 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Typical Characteristics, Digital Outputs at 3.0 V and 2.2 V 30 25C 85C Low-Level Output Current (mA) Low-Level Output Current (mA) 15 10 5 25C 85C 20 10 P1.1 P1.1 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 Low-Level Output Voltage (V) 1.5 2 2.5 3 Low-Level Output Voltage (V) C001 C001 VCC = 2.2 V VCC = 3.0 V Figure 5-8. Typical Low-Level Output Current vs Low-Level Output Voltage 0 25C 85C High-Level Output Current (mA) High-Level Output Current (mA) 0 Figure 5-9. Typical Low-Level Output Current vs Low-Level Output Voltage -5 -10 25C 85C -10 -20 P1.1 P1.1 -15 -30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 High-Level Output Voltage (V) 1.5 2 2.5 C001 VCC = 2.2 V Figure 5-10. Typical High-Level Output Current vs High-Level Output Voltage 46 Specifications 3 High-Level Output Voltage (V) C001 VCC = 3.0 V Figure 5-11. Typical High-Level Output Current vs High-Level Output Voltage Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-13 lists the characteristics of the pin oscillator. Table 5-13. Pin-Oscillator Frequency, Ports Px over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER foPx.y (1) TEST CONDITIONS Pin-oscillator frequency VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT Px.y, CL = 10 pF (1) 3.0 V 1200 kHz (1) 3.0 V 650 kHz Px.y, CL = 20 pF CL is the external load capacitance connected from the output to VSS and includes all parasitic effects such as PCB traces. 1000 fitted fitted 25C 25C 85C Pin Oscillator Frequency [kHz] Pin Oscillator Frequency [kHz] Typical Characteristics, Pin-Oscillator Frequency 100 1000 85C 100 10 100 10 External Load Capacitance (incl. board etc.) [pF] 100 External Load Capacitance (incl. board etc.) [pF] C002 VCC = 2.2 V One output active at a time. Figure 5-12. Typical Oscillation Frequency vs Load Capacitance C002 VCC = 3.0 V One output active at a time. Figure 5-13. Typical Oscillation Frequency vs Load Capacitance Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 47 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.6 Timer_A and Timer_B Table 5-14 lists the characteristics of the Timer_A. Table 5-14. Timer_A over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS fTA Timer_A input clock frequency Internal: SMCLK or ACLK, External: TACLK, Duty cycle = 50% 10% tTA,cap Timer_A capture timing All capture inputs, minimum pulse duration required for capture VCC 2.2 V, 3.0 V 2.2 V, 3.0 V MIN TYP MAX UNIT 16 MHz 20 ns Table 5-15 lists the characteristics of the Timer_B. Table 5-15. Timer_B over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS fTB Timer_B input clock frequency Internal: SMCLK or ACLK, External: TBCLK, Duty cycle = 50% 10% tTB,cap Timer_B capture timing All capture inputs, minimum pulse duration required for capture VCC 2.2 V, 3.0 V 2.2 V, 3.0 V MIN TYP MAX UNIT 16 MHz 20 ns 5.13.7 eUSCI Table 5-16 lists the supported clock frequencies for the eUSCI in UART mode. Table 5-16. eUSCI (UART Mode) Clock Frequency PARAMETER feUSCI eUSCI input clock frequency fBITCLK BITCLK clock frequency (equals baud rate in MBaud) CONDITIONS VCC MIN Internal: SMCLK, ACLK External: UCLK Duty cycle = 50% 10% MAX UNIT 16 MHz 4 MHz MAX UNIT Table 5-17 lists the characteristics of the eUSCI in UART mode. Table 5-17. eUSCI (UART Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER tt UART receive deglitch time (1) TEST CONDITIONS 48 MIN TYP UCGLITx = 0 5 UCGLITx = 1 20 90 35 160 50 220 UCGLITx = 2 UCGLITx = 3 (1) VCC 2.2 V, 3.0 V 30 ns Pulses on the UART receive input (UCxRX) that are shorter than the UART receive deglitch time are suppressed. Thus the selected deglitch time can limit the maximum usable baud rate. To make sure that pulses are correctly recognized, their duration should exceed the maximum specification of the deglitch time. Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-18 lists the supported clock frequencies for the eUSCI in SPI master mode. Table 5-18. eUSCI (SPI Master Mode) Clock Frequency PARAMETER feUSCI CONDITIONS VCC MIN MAX UNIT 16 MHz Internal: SMCLK, ACLK Duty cycle = 50% 10% eUSCI input clock frequency Table 5-19 lists the characteristics of the eUSCI in SPI master mode. Table 5-19. eUSCI (SPI Master Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT tSTE,LEAD STE lead time, STE active to clock UCSTEM = 1, UCMODEx = 01 or 10 1 tSTE,LAG STE lag time, last clock to STE inactive UCSTEM = 1, UCMODEx = 01 or 10 1 tSTE,ACC STE access time, STE active to SIMO data out UCSTEM = 0, UCMODEx = 01 or 10 2.2 V, 3.0 V 60 ns tSTE,DIS STE disable time, STE inactive to SOMI high impedance UCSTEM = 0, UCMODEx = 01 or 10 2.2 V, 3.0 V 80 ns tSU,MI SOMI input data setup time tHD,MI SOMI input data hold time tVALID,MO SIMO output data valid time (2) UCLK edge to SIMO valid, CL = 20 pF tHD,MO SIMO output data hold time (3) CL = 20 pF (1) (2) (3) 2.2 V 40 3.0 V 40 2.2 V 0 3.0 V 0 UCxCLK cycles ns ns 2.2 V 10 3.0 V 10 2.2 V 0 3.0 V 0 ns ns fUCxCLK = 1 / 2tLO/HI with tLO/HI = max(tVALID,MO(eUSCI) + tSU,SI(Slave), tSU,MI(eUSCI) + tVALID,SO(Slave)). For the slave parameters tSU,SI(Slave) and tVALID,SO(Slave), see the SPI parameters of the attached slave. Specifies the time to drive the next valid data to the SIMO output after the output changing UCLK clock edge. See the timing diagrams in Figure 5-14 and Figure 5-15. Specifies how long data on the SIMO output is valid after the output changing UCLK clock edge. Negative values indicate that the data on the SIMO output can become invalid before the output changing clock edge observed on UCLK. See the timing diagrams in Figure 514 and Figure 5-15. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 49 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 UCMODEx = 01 tSTE,LEAD STE tSTE,LAG UCMODEx = 10 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tSU,MI tHD,MI SOMI tHD,MO tSTE,ACC tSTE,DIS tVALID,MO SIMO Figure 5-14. SPI Master Mode, CKPH = 0 UCMODEx = 01 tSTE,LEAD STE tSTE,LAG UCMODEx = 10 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tHD,MI tSU,MI SOMI tHD,MO tSTE,ACC tSTE,DIS tVALID,MO SIMO Figure 5-15. SPI Master Mode, CKPH = 1 50 Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-20 lists the characteristics of the eUSCI in SPI slave mode. Table 5-20. eUSCI (SPI Slave Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS tSTE,LEAD STE lead time, STE active to clock tSTE,LAG STE lag time, last clock to STE inactive tSTE,ACC STE access time, STE active to SOMI data out tSTE,DIS STE disable time, STE inactive to SOMI high impedance tSU,SI SIMO input data setup time tHD,SI SIMO input data hold time tVALID,SO SOMI output data valid time (2) UCLK edge to SOMI valid, CL = 20 pF tHD,SO SOMI output data hold time (3) CL = 20 pF (1) (2) (3) VCC MIN 2.2 V 50 3.0 V 40 2.2 V 2 3.0 V 3 TYP MAX ns ns 2.2 V 50 3.0 V 40 2.2 V 50 3.0 V 45 2.2 V 4 3.0 V 4 2.2 V 7 3.0 V 7 35 35 3.0 V 0 ns ns 3.0 V 0 ns ns 2.2 V 2.2 V UNIT ns ns fUCxCLK = 1/2tLO/HI with tLO/HI max(tVALID,MO(Master) + tSU,SI(eUSCI), tSU,MI(Master) + tVALID,SO(eUSCI)). For the master parameters tSU,MI(Master) and tVALID,MO(Master) see the SPI parameters of the attached slave. Specifies the time to drive the next valid data to the SOMI output after the output changing UCLK clock edge. See the timing diagrams in Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17. Specifies how long data on the SOMI output is valid after the output changing UCLK clock edge. See the timing diagrams in Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 51 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 UCMODEx = 01 tSTE,LEAD STE tSTE,LAG UCMODEx = 10 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tSU,SI tLOW/HIGH tHD,SI SIMO tHD,SO tSTE,ACC tSTE,DIS tVALID,SO SOMI Figure 5-16. SPI Slave Mode, CKPH = 0 UCMODEx = 01 tSTE,LEAD STE tSTE,LAG UCMODEx = 10 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tHD,SI tSU,SI SIMO tHD,SO tSTE,ACC tSTE,DIS tVALID,SO SOMI Figure 5-17. SPI Slave Mode, CKPH = 1 52 Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-21 lists the characteristics of the eUSCI in I2C mode. Table 5-21. eUSCI (I2C Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (see Figure 5-18) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS feUSCI eUSCI input clock frequency fSCL SCL clock frequency VCC MIN TYP Internal: SMCLK, ACLK External: UCLK Duty cycle = 50% 10% 2.2 V, 3.0 V fSCL = 100 kHz UNIT 16 MHz 400 kHz 4.0 tHD,STA Hold time (repeated) START tSU,STA Setup time for a repeated START tHD,DAT Data hold time 2.2 V, 3.0 V 0 ns tSU,DAT Data setup time 2.2 V, 3.0 V 100 ns fSCL > 100 kHz fSCL = 100 kHz fSCL > 100 kHz fSCL = 100 kHz tSU,STO Setup time for STOP tBUF Bus free time between a STOP and START condition fSCL > 100 kHz Pulse duration of spikes suppressed by input filter tSP 2.2 V, 3.0 V 0 MAX 2.2 V, 3.0 V 2.2 V, 3.0 V 4.7 4.0 4.7 1.3 UCGLITx = 0 50 2.2 V, 3.0 V UCGLITx = 3 s 0.6 fSCL > 100 kHz UCGLITx = 2 s 0.6 fSCL = 100 kHz UCGLITx = 1 s 0.6 us 250 25 125 12.5 62.5 6.3 31.5 UCCLTOx = 1 tTIMEOUT Clock low time-out UCCLTOx = 2 27 2.2 V, 3.0 V 30 UCCLTOx = 3 tSU,STA tHD,STA ns ms 33 tHD,STA tBUF SDA tLOW tHIGH tSP SCL tSU,DAT tSU,STO tHD,DAT Figure 5-18. I2C Mode Timing Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 53 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.8 Segment LCD Controller Table 5-22 lists the operating conditions of the LCD. Table 5-22. LCD_C Recommended Operating Conditions PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN VCC,LCD_C,CP en,3.6 Supply voltage range, charge pump enabled, VLCD 3.6 V LCDCPEN = 1, 0000b < VLCDx 1111b (charge pump enabled, VLCD 3.6 V) NOM MAX UNIT 2.2 3.6 V VCC,LCD_C,CP en,3.3 Supply voltage range, charge pump enabled, VLCD 3.3 V LCDCPEN = 1, 0000b < VLCDx 1100b (charge pump enabled, VLCD 3.3 V) 2.0 3.6 V VCC,LCD_C,int. bias Supply voltage range, internal biasing, charge pump disabled LCDCPEN = 0, VLCDEXT = 0 2.4 3.6 V VCC,LCD_C,ext. bias Supply voltage range, external biasing, charge pump disabled LCDCPEN = 0, VLCDEXT = 0 2.4 3.6 V VCC,LCD_C,VLCDEXT Supply voltage range, external LCD voltage, internal or external LCDCPEN = 0, VLCDEXT = 1 biasing, charge pump disabled 2.0 3.6 V VLCDCAP External LCD voltage at LCDCAP, internal or external biasing, charge pump disabled LCDCPEN = 0, VLCDEXT = 1 2.4 3.6 V CLCDCAP Capacitor value on LCDCAP when charge pump enabled LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx > 0000b (charge pump enabled) fACLK,in ACLK input frequency range fLCD LCD frequency range fFRAME = (1 / (2 x mux)) x fLCD with mux = 1 (static) to 8 fFRAME,4mux LCD frame frequency range fFRAME,4mux(MAX) = (1 / (2 x 4)) x fLCD(MAX) = (1 / (2 x 4)) x 1024 Hz CPanel Panel capacitance fLCD = 1024 Hz, all common lines equally loaded VR33 Analog input voltage at R33 LCDCPEN = 0, VLCDEXT = 1 4.7-20% 4.7 10+20% F 30 32.768 40 kHz 1024 Hz 128 Hz 10000 pF 0 2.4 VCC + 0.2 V VR33 V VR23,1/3bias Analog input voltage at R23 LCDREXT = 1, LCDEXTBIAS = 1, LCD2B = 0 VR13 VR03 + 2/3 x (VR33 - VR03) VR13,1/3bias Analog input voltage at R13 with LCDREXT = 1, LCDEXTBIAS = 1, 1/3 biasing LCD2B = 0 VR03 VR03 + 1/3 x (VR33 - VR03) VR23 V VR13,1/2bias Analog input voltage at R13 with LCDREXT = 1, LCDEXTBIAS = 1, 1/2 biasing LCD2B = 1 VR03 VR03 + 1/2 x (VR33 - VR03) VR33 V VR03 Analog input voltage at R03 R0EXT = 1 VSS VLCD-VR03 Voltage difference between VLCD and R03 LCDCPEN = 0, R0EXT = 1 2.4 VLCDREF External LCD reference voltage applied at LCDREF VLCDREFx = 01 0.8 54 Specifications V VCC + 0.2 V 1.2 V 1.0 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-23 lists the characteristics of the LCD. Table 5-23. LCD_C Electrical Characteristics over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN VLCDx = 0000, VLCDEXT = 0 VLCD,1 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0001b 2 V to 3.6 V VLCD,2 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0010b 2 V to 3.6 V 2.66 VLCD,3 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0011b 2 V to 3.6 V 2.72 VLCD,4 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0100b 2 V to 3.6 V 2.78 VLCD,5 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0101b 2 V to 3.6 V 2.84 VLCD,6 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0110b 2 V to 3.6 V 2.90 VLCD,7 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0111b 2 V to 3.6 V 2.96 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1000b 2 V to 3.6 V 3.02 VLCD,9 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1001b 2 V to 3.6 V 3.08 VLCD,10 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1010b 2 V to 3.6 V 3.14 VLCD,11 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1011b 2 V to 3.6 V 3.20 VLCD,12 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1100b 2 V to 3.6 V 3.26 VLCD,13 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1101b 2.2 V to 3.6 V 3.32 VLCD,14 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1110b 2.2 V to 3.6 V 3.38 LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1111b 2.2 V to 3.6 V VLCD,8 LCD voltage VLCD,15 2.4 V to 3.6 V TYP VLCD,0 MAX UNIT VCC 2.49 3.32 2.60 3.44 2.72 V 3.6 VLCD,7,0.8 LCD voltage with external reference of 0.8 V LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0111b, VLCDREFx = 01b, VLCDREF = 0.8 V 2 V to 3.6 V 2.96 x 0.8 V V VLCD,7,1.0 LCD voltage with external reference of 1.0 V LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0111b, VLCDREFx = 01b, VLCDREF = 1.0 V 2 V to 3.6 V 2.96 x 1.0 V V VLCD,7,1.2 LCD voltage with external reference of 1.2 V LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 0111b, VLCDREFx = 01b, VLCDREF = 1.2 V 2.2 V to 3.6 V 2.96 x 1.2 V V VLCD Voltage difference between consecutive VLCDx settings VLCD = VLCD,x - VLCD,x-1 with x = 0010b to 1111b Peak supply currents due to charge pump activities LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1111b external, with decoupling capacitor on DVCC supply 1 F 2.2 V ICC,Peak,CP tLCD,CP,on Time to charge CLCD when discharged CLCD = 4.7 F, LCDCPEN = 01, VLCDx = 1111b 2.2 V ICP,Load Maximum charge pump load current LCDCPEN = 1, VLCDx = 1111b RLCD,Seg LCD driver output impedance, segment lines LCDCPEN = 0, ILOAD = 10 A RLCD,COM LCD driver output impedance, common lines LCDCPEN = 0, ILOAD = 10 A 40 60 80 600 2.2 V 2.2 V 2.2 V 100 A 500 50 ms A 10 k 10 k Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated mV 55 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.9 ADC12 Table 5-24 lists the power supply and input range conditions for the ADC. Table 5-24. 12-Bit ADC, Power Supply and Input Range Conditions over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Analog input voltage (1) V(Ax) I(ADC12_B) Operating supply current into singleAVCC plus DVCC terminal (2) ended mode (3) I(ADC12_B) Operating supply current into differential AVCC and DVCC terminals (2) mode MIN (3) NOM 0 MAX UNIT AVCC V fADC12CLK = MODCLK, ADC12ON = 1, ADC12PWRMD = 0, ADC12DIF = 0 REFON = 0, ADC12SHTx = 0, ADC12DIV = 0 3.0 V 145 199 2.2 V 140 190 fADC12CLK = MODCLK, ADC12ON = 1, ADC12PWRMD = 0, ADC12DIF = 1 REFON = 0, ADC12SHTx = 0, ADC12DIV = 0 3.0 V 175 245 2.2 V 170 230 2.2 V 10 15 >2 V 0.5 4 <2 V 1 10 CI Input capacitance Only one terminal Ax can be selected at one time RI Input MUX ON resistance 0 V V(Ax) AVCC (1) (2) (3) VCC All ADC12 analog input pins Ax A A pF k The analog input voltage range must be within the selected reference voltage range VR+ to VR- for valid conversion results. The internal reference supply current is not included in current consumption parameter I(ADC12_B). Typically about 60% of the total current into the AVCC and DVCC terminal is from AVCC. Table 5-25 lists the timing parameter for the ADC. Table 5-25. 12-Bit ADC, Timing Parameters over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN fADC12CLK Specified performance For specified performance of ADC12 linearity parameters with ADC12PWRMD = 0, If ADC12PWRMD = 1, the maximum is 1/4 of the value shown here fADC12CLK Reduced performance Linearity parameters have reduced performance fADC12OSC Internal oscillator (1) ADC12DIV = 0, fADC12CLK = fADC12OSC from MODCLK Conversion time REFON = 0, Internal oscillator, fADC12CLK = fADC12OSC from MODCLK, ADC12WINC = 0 tCONVERT TYP MAX UNIT 5.4 MHz 5.4 MHz 0.45 32.768 4 4.8 2.6 kHz 3.5 s External fADC12CLK from ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK, ADC12SSEL 0 (2) tADC12ON Turnon settling time of the ADC See tADC12OFF Time ADC must be off before can be turned on again tADC12OFF must be met to make sure tADC12ON time holds (3) 100 100 ns ns (1) (2) The ADC12OSC is sourced directly from MODOSC inside the UCS. 14 x 1 / fADC12CLK. If ADC12WINC = 1, then 15 x 1 / fADC12CLK (3) The condition is that the error in a conversion started after tADC12ON is less than 0.5 LSB. The reference and input signals are already settled. 56 Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-25. 12-Bit ADC, Timing Parameters (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER tSample TEST CONDITIONS Sampling time RS = 400 , RI = 4 k, CI = 15 pF, Cpext= 8 pF (4) All pulse sample mode (ADC12SHP = 1) and extended sample mode (ADC12SHP = 0) with buffered reference (ADC12 VRSEL = 0x1, 0x3, 0x5, 0x7, 0x9, 0xB, 0xD, 0xF) Extended sample mode (ADC12SHP = 0) with unbuffered reference (ADC12 VRSEL= 0x0, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6, 0xC, 0xE) (4) (5) MIN TYP MAX UNIT 1 s (5) s Approximately 10 Tau () are needed to get an error of less than 0.5 LSB: tsample = ln(2n+2) x (RS + RI) x (CI + Cpext), RS < 10 k, where n = ADC resolution = 12, RS= external source resistance, Cpext = external parasitic capacitance. 6 x (1 / fADC12CLK) Table 5-26 lists the linearity parameters of the ADC when using an external reference. Table 5-26. 12-Bit ADC, Linearity Parameters With External Reference (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Number of no missing code Resolution output-code bits MIN TYP MAX 12 UNIT bits EI Integral linearity error (INL) for differential input 1.2 V VR+ - VR- AVCC 1.8 LSB EI Integral linearity error (INL) for single ended inputs 1.2 V VR+ - VR- AVCC 2.2 LSB ED Differential linearity error (DNL) +1.0 LSB EO Offset error (2) mV EG,ext (3) Gain error -0.99 ADC12 VRSEL = 0x2 or 0x4 without TLV calibration, TLV calibration data can be used to improve the parameter (4) 0.5 1.5 With external voltage reference without internal buffer (ADC12 VRSEL = 0x2 or 0x4) without TLV calibration, TLV calibration data can be used to improve the parameter (4), VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS 0.8 2.5 With external voltage reference with internal buffer (ADC12 VRSEL = 0x3), VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS ET,ext (1) (2) (3) (4) Total unadjusted error LSB 1 20 With external voltage reference without internal buffer (ADC12 VRSEL = 0x2 or 0x4) without TLV calibration, TLV calibration data can be used to improve the parameter (4), VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS 1.4 3.5 With external voltage reference with internal buffer (ADC12 VRSEL = 0x3), VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS 1.4 LSB 21.0 See Table 5-28 and Table 5-34 for more information on internal reference performance and see Designing With the MSP430FR58xx, FR59xx, FR68xx, and FR69xx ADC for details on optimizing ADC performance for your application with the choice of internal versus external reference. Offset is measured as the input voltage (at which ADC output transitions from 0 to 1) minus 0.5 LSB. Offset increases as IR drop increases when VR- is AVSS. For details, see the device descriptor table section in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 57 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-27 lists the differential dynamic performance characteristics of the ADC with an external reference. Table 5-27. 12-Bit ADC, Dynamic Performance for Differential Inputs With External Reference (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER SNR ENOB (1) (2) TEST CONDITIONS Signal-to-noise ratio Effective number of bits (2) MIN TYP VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS 68 71 MAX UNIT dB VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS 10.7 11.2 bits See Table 5-28 and Table 5-34 for more information on internal reference performance and see Designing With the MSP430FR58xx, FR59xx, FR68xx, and FR69xx ADC for details on optimizing ADC performance for your application with the choice of internal versus external reference. ENOB = (SINAD - 1.76) / 6.02 Table 5-28 lists the differential dynamic performance characteristics of the ADC with an internal reference. Table 5-28. 12-Bit ADC, Dynamic Performance for Differential Inputs With Internal Reference (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER ENOB (1) (2) TEST CONDITIONS Effective number of bits (2) VR+ = 2.5V, VR- = AVSS MIN TYP 10.3 10.7 MAX UNIT Bits See Table 5-34 for more information on internal reference performance and see Designing With the MSP430FR58xx, FR59xx, FR68xx, and FR69xx ADC for details on optimizing ADC performance for your application with the choice of internal versus external reference. ENOB = (SINAD - 1.76) / 6.02 Table 5-29 lists the single-ended dynamic performance characteristics of the ADC with an external reference. Table 5-29. 12-Bit ADC, Dynamic Performance for Single-Ended Inputs With External Reference (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SNR Signal-to-noise ratio VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS 64 68 dB ENOB Effective number of bits (2) VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS 10.2 10.7 bits (1) (2) See Table 5-30 and Table 5-34 for more information on internal reference performance and see Designing With the MSP430FR58xx, FR59xx, FR68xx, and FR69xx ADC for details on optimizing ADC performance for your application with the choice of internal versus external reference. ENOB = (SINAD - 1.76) / 6.02 Table 5-30 lists the single-ended dynamic performance characteristics of the ADC with an internal reference. Table 5-30. 12-Bit ADC, Dynamic Performance for Single-Ended Inputs With Internal Reference (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER ENOB (1) (2) TEST CONDITIONS Effective number of bits (2) VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS MIN TYP 9.4 10.4 MAX UNIT bits See Table 5-34 for more information on internal reference performance and see Designing With the MSP430FR58xx, FR59xx, FR68xx, and FR69xx ADC for details on optimizing ADC performance for your application with the choice of internal versus external reference. ENOB = (SINAD - 1.76) / 6.02 Table 5-31 lists the dynamic performance characteristics of the ADC with using a 32.768-kHz clock. Table 5-31. 12-Bit ADC, Dynamic Performance With 32.768-kHz Clock over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER ENOB (1) 58 Effective number of bits TEST CONDITIONS (1) MIN Reduced performance with fADC12CLK from ACLK LFXT at 32.768 kHz, VR+ = 2.5 V, VR- = AVSS TYP MAX 10 UNIT bits ENOB = (SINAD - 1.76) / 6.02 Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-32 lists the temperature sensor and built-in V1/2 characteristics. Table 5-32. 12-Bit ADC, Temperature Sensor and Built-In V1/2 over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC VSENSOR See (1) (2) ADC12ON = 1, ADC12TCMAP = 1, TA = 0C (see Figure 5-19) TCSENSOR See (2) ADC12ON = 1, ADC12TCMAP = 1 tSENSOR(sample) Sample time required if ADCTCMAP = 1 and channel (MAX - 1) is selected (3) ADC12ON = 1, ADC12TCMAP = 1, Error of conversion result 1 LSB V1/2 AVCC voltage divider for ADC12BATMAP = 1 on MAX input channel ADC12ON = 1, ADC12BATMAP = 1 IV current for battery monitor during sample time ADC12ON = 1, ADC12BATMAP = 1 Sample time required if ADC12BATMAP = 1 and channel MAX is selected (4) ADC12ON = 1, ADC12BATMAP = 1 1/2 tV 1/2 (sample) (1) (2) (3) (4) MIN TYP MAX 700 mV 2.5 mV/C 30 47.5% UNIT s 50% 52.5% 38 72 1.7 A s The temperature sensor offset can be as much as 30C. TI recommends a single-point calibration to minimize the offset error of the built-in temperature sensor. The device descriptor structure contains calibration values for 30C 3C and 85C 3C for each of the available reference voltage levels. The sensor voltage can be computed as VSENSE = TCSENSOR * (Temperature, C) + VSENSOR, where TCSENSOR and VSENSOR can be computed from the calibration values for higher accuracy. The typical equivalent impedance of the sensor is 250 k. The sample time required includes the sensor on-time tSENSOR(on). The on-time tV 1/2(on) is included in the sampling time tV 1/2 (sample); no additional on time is needed. Typical Temperature Sensor Voltage (mV) 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Ambient Temperature (C) Figure 5-19. Typical Temperature Sensor Voltage Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 59 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 5-33 lists the external reference characteristics of the ADC. Table 5-33. 12-Bit ADC, External Reference (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) MIN MAX UNIT VR+ Positive external reference voltage input VR+ > VR- VeREF+ or VeREF- based on ADC12 VRSEL bit PARAMETER 1.2 AVCC V VR- Negative external reference voltage input VR+ > VR- VeREF+ or VeREF- based on ADC12 VRSEL bit 0 1.2 V (VR+ - VR-) Differential external reference voltage input 1.2 AVCC V IVeREF+ IVeREF- Static input current singled ended input mode IVeREF+ IVeREF- Static input current differential input mode TEST CONDITIONS VR+ > VR- 1.2 V VeREF+ VAVCC, VeREF- = 0 V fADC12CLK = 5 MHz, ADC12SHTx = 1h, ADC12DIF = 0, ADC12PWRMD = 0 10 1.2 V VeREF+ VAVCC , VeREF- = 0 V fADC12CLK = 5 MHz, ADC12SHTx = 8h, ADC12DIF = 0, ADC12PWRMD = 01 2.5 1.2 V VeREF+ VAVCC, VeREF- = 0 V fADC12CLK = 5 MHz, ADC12SHTx = 1h, ADC12DIF = 1, ADC12PWRMD = 0 20 1.2 V VeREF+ VAVCC , VeREF- = 0 V fADC12CLK = 5 MHz, ADC12SHTx = 8h, ADC12DIF = 1, ADC12PWRMD = 1 5 A uA IVeREF+ Peak input current with single ended input 0 V VeREF+ VAVCC, ADC12DIF = 0 1.5 mA IVeREF+ Peak input current with differential input 0 V VeREF+ VAVCC, ADC12DIF = 1 3 mA CVeREF+/- Capacitance at VeREF+ or VeREF- terminal See (1) (2) 60 (2) 10 F The external reference is used during ADC conversion to charge and discharge the capacitance array. The input capacitance, CI, is also the dynamic load for an external reference during conversion. The dynamic impedance of the reference supply should follow the recommendations on analog-source impedance to allow the charge to settle for 12-bit accuracy. Two decoupling capacitors, 10 F and 470 nF, should be connected to VeREF to decouple the dynamic current required for an external reference source if it is used for the ADC12_B. See also the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide. Specifications Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.10 REF Module Table 5-34 lists the characteristics of the built-in voltage reference. Table 5-34. REF, Built-In Reference over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS 2.2 V 2.0 1.5% REFVSEL = {0} for 1.2 V, REFON = 1 1.8 V RMS noise at VREF (1) VOS_BUF_INT VREF ADC BUF_INT buffer TA = 25C , ADC ON, REFVSEL = {0}, offset (2) REFON = 1, REFOUT = 0 VOS_BUF_EXT VREF ADC BUF_EXT buffer offset (2) AVCC(min) AVCC minimum voltage, Positive built-in reference active Operating supply current into AVCC terminal (3) V 600 V -12 +12 mV TA = 25C, REFVSEL = {0} , REFOUT = 1, REFON = 1 or ADC ON -12 +12 mV REFVSEL = {0} for 1.2 V 1.8 REFVSEL = {1} for 2.0 V 2.2 REFVSEL = {2} for 2.5 V 2.7 REFON = 1 110 V 8 15 ADC ON, REFOUT = 0, REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, ADC12PWRMD = 0, 225 355 ADC ON, REFOUT = 1, REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, ADC12PWRMD = 0 1030 1660 120 185 545 895 1085 1780 ADC ON, REFOUT = 0, REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, ADC12PWRMD = 1 3V 3V ADC OFF, REFON = 1, REFOUT = 1, REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2} IO(VREF+) VREF maximum load current, VREF+ terminal REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, AVCC = AVCC(min) for each reference level, REFON = REFOUT = 1 Vout/Io (VREF+) Load-current regulation, VREF+ terminal REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, IO(VREF+) = +10 A or -1000 A, AVCC = AVCC(min) for each reference level, REFON = REFOUT = 1 CVREF+/- Capacitance at VREF+ and VREF- terminals REFON = REFOUT = 1 TCREF+ Temperature coefficient of built-in reference REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, REFON = REFOUT = 1, TA = -40C to 85C (4) 18 PSRR_DC Power supply rejection ratio (DC) AVCC = AVCC(min) to AVCC(max), TA = 25C, REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, REFON = REFOUT = 1 120 PSRR_AC Power supply rejection ratio (AC) dAVCC= 0.1 V at 1 kHz 3.0 tSETTLE Settling time of reference voltage (5) AVCC = AVCC (min) to AVCC(max), REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, REFON = 0 1 75 (2) (3) (4) (5) UNIT 1.2 1.8% From 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz, REFVSEL = {0} ADC ON, REFOUT = 1, REFVSEL = {0, 1, 2}, ADC12PWRMD = 1 (1) MAX REFVSEL = {1} for 2.0 V, REFON = 1 Noise IREF+_ADC_BUF TYP 2.5 1.5% Positive built-in reference voltage output Operating supply current into AVCC terminal (3) MIN 2.7 V VREF+ IREF+ VCC REFVSEL = {2} for 2.5 V, REFON = 1 -1000 +10 A A A 2500 V/mA 0 100 pF 50 ppm/K 400 V/V mV/V 80 s Internal reference noise affects ADC performance when ADC uses internal reference. See Designing With the MSP430FR59xx and MSP430FR58xx ADC for details on optimizing ADC performance for your application with the choice of internal versus external reference. Buffer offset affects ADC gain error and thus total unadjusted error. The internal reference current is supplied through the AVCC terminal. Calculated using the box method: (MAX(-40C to 85C) - MIN(-40C to 85C)) / MIN(-40C to 85C)/(85C - (-40C)). The condition is that the error in a conversion started after tREFON is less than 0.5 LSB. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 61 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.11 Comparator Table 5-35 lists the characteristics of the comparator. Table 5-35. Comparator_E over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN CEPWRMD = 00, CEON = 1, CERSx = 00 (fast) IAVCC_COMP CEPWRMD = 01, CEON = 1, Comparator operating supply CERSx = 00 (medium) current into AVCC, excludes CEPWRMD = 10, CEON = 1, reference resistor ladder CERSx = 00 (slow), TA = 30C 2.2 V, 3.0 V TYP MAX 11 20 9 17 A 0.5 CEPWRMD = 10, CEON = 1, CERSx = 00 (slow), TA = 85C IAVCC_REF VREF Quiescent current of resistor ladder into AVCC, including REF module current Reference voltage level VIC CEREFLx = 01, CERSx = 10, REFON = 0, CEON = 0, CEREFACC = 0 CEREFLx = 01, CERSx = 10, REFON = 0, CEON = 0, CEREFACC = 1 VOFFSET Input offset voltage CIN Input capacitance RSIN Series input resistance tPD Propagation delay, response time 1.3 2.2 V, 3.0 V 12 15 5 7 A CERSx = 11, CEREFLx = 01, CEREFACC = 0 1.8 V 1.17 1.2 1.23 CERSx = 11, CEREFLx = 10, CEREFACC = 0 2.2 V 1.92 2.0 2.08 CERSx = 11, CEREFLx = 11, CEREFACC = 0 2.7 V 2.40 2.5 2.60 CERSx = 11, CEREFLx = 01, CEREFACC = 1 1.8 V 1.10 1.2 1.245 CERSx = 11, CEREFLx = 10, CEREFACC = 1 2.2 V 1.90 2.0 2.08 CERSx = 11, CEREFLx = 11, CEREFACC = 1 2.7 V 2.35 2.5 Common-mode input range VCC - 1 CEPWRMD = 00 -32 32 CEPWRMD = 01 -32 32 CEPWRMD = 10 -30 30 CEPWRMD = 00 or CEPWRMD = 01 9 CEPWRMD = 10 9 On (switch closed) Propagation delay with filter active tEN_CMP Comparator enable time 1 3 50 260 330 CEPWRMD = 01, CEF = 0, Overdrive 20 mV 350 460 k ns 15 s 700 1000 ns CEPWRMD = 00 or 01, CEF = 1, Overdrive 20 mV, CEFDLY = 01 1.0 1.8 CEPWRMD = 00 or 01, CEF = 1, Overdrive 20 mV, CEFDLY = 10 2.0 3.5 CEPWRMD = 00 or 01, CEF = 1, Overdrive 20 mV, CEFDLY = 11 4.0 7.0 CEON = 0 1, VIN+, VIN- from pins, Overdrive 20 mV, CEPWRMD = 00 0.9 1.5 CEON = 0 1, VIN+, VIN- from pins, Overdrive 20 mV, CEPWRMD = 01 0.9 1.5 CEON = 0 1, VIN+, VIN- from pins, Overdrive 20 mV, CEPWRMD = 10 15 100 350 1500 s VIN x (n + 1) / 32 VIN x (n + 1.5) / 32 V CEPWRMD = 00 or 01, CEF = 1, Overdrive 20 mV, CEFDLY = 00 Comparator and reference ladder and reference voltage enable time CEON = 0 1, CEREFLX = 10, CERSx = 10 or 11, CEREF0 = CEREF1 = 0x0F, Overdrive 20 mV VCE_REF Reference voltage for a given tap VIN = reference into resistor ladder, n = 0 to 31 Specifications mV M CEPWRMD = 00, CEF = 0, Overdrive 20 mV tEN_CMP_VREF 62 V pF CEPWRMD = 10, CEF = 0, Overdrive 20 mV tPD,filter V 2.60 0 Off (switch open) UNIT VIN x (n + 0.5) / 32 s s Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 5.13.12 FRAM Controller Table 5-36 lists the characteristics of the FRAM. Table 5-36. FRAM over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS IWRITE Erase current Write time tREAD (2) (3) (4) UNIT TJ = 25C 100 TJ = 70C 40 TJ = 85C 10 cycles years Current to write into FRAM tWRITE MAX 10 Data retention duration IERASE (1) TYP 15 Read and write endurance tRetention MIN IREAD (1) nA (2) nA tREAD (3) ns N/A Read time, NWAITSx = 0 1 / fSYSTEM (4) Read time, NWAITSx = 1 2 / fSYSTEM (4) ns Writing to FRAM does not require a setup sequence or additional power when compared to reading from FRAM. The FRAM read current IREAD is included in the active mode current consumption numbers IAM,FRAM. N/A = not applicable. FRAM does not require a special erase sequence. Writing into FRAM is as fast as reading. The maximum read (and write) speed is specified by fSYSTEM using the appropriate wait state settings (NWAITSx). 5.13.13 Emulation and Debug Table 5-37 lists the characteristics of the JTAG and Spy-Bi-Wire interface. Table 5-37. JTAG and Spy-Bi-Wire Interface over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 40 UNIT IJTAG Supply current adder when JTAG active (but not clocked) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 100 A fSBW Spy-Bi-Wire input frequency 2.2 V, 3.0 V 0 10 MHz tSBW,Low Spy-Bi-Wire low clock pulse duration 2.2 V, 3.0 V 0.04 15 s tSBW, En Spy-Bi-Wire enable time (TEST high to acceptance of first clock edge) (1) 2.2 V, 3.0 V 110 s tSBW,Rst Spy-Bi-Wire return to normal operation time 15 100 s fTCK TCK input frequency, 4-wire JTAG (2) 2.2 V 0 16 MHz 3.0 V 0 16 MHz Rinternal Internal pulldown resistance on TEST 2.2 V, 3.0 V 20 50 k fTCLK TCLK/MCLK frequency during JTAG access, no FRAM access (limited by fSYSTEM) 16 MHz tTCLK,Low/High TCLK low or high clock pulse duration, no FRAM access 25 ns fTCLK,FRAM TCLK/MCLK frequency during JTAG access, including FRAM access (limited by fSYSTEM with no FRAM wait states) 4 MHz tTCLK,FRAM,Low/High TCLK low or high clock pulse duration, including FRAM accesses (1) (2) 35 100 ns Tools that access the Spy-Bi-Wire and BSL interfaces must wait for the tSBW,En time after the first transition of the TEST/SBWTCK pin (low to high), before the second transition of the pin (high to low) during the entry sequence. fTCK may be restricted to meet the timing requirements of the module selected. Specifications Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 63 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6 Detailed Description 6.1 Overview The Texas Instruments MSP430FR697x(1), MSP430FR687x(1), MSP430FR692x(1), and MSP430FR682x(1) family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals. The architecture, combined with seven low-power modes is optimized to achieve extended battery life for example in portable measurement applications. The devices features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The devices are microcontroller configurations with up to five 16-bit timers, a comparator, eUSCIs that support UART, SPI, and I2C, a hardware multiplier, an AES accelerator, DMA, an RTC module with alarm capabilities, up to 52 I/O pins, and a high-performance 12-bit ADC. The MSP430FR6xxx(1) devices also include an LCD module with contrast control for displays with up to 116 segments. 6.2 CPU The MSP430 CPU has a 16-bit RISC architecture that is highly transparent to the application. All operations, other than program-flow instructions, are performed as register operations in conjunction with seven addressing modes for source operand and four addressing modes for destination operand. The CPU is integrated with 16 registers that provide reduced instruction execution time. The register-toregister operation execution time is one cycle of the CPU clock. Four of the registers, R0 to R3, are dedicated as program counter, stack pointer, status register, and constant generator, respectively. The remaining registers are general-purpose registers. Peripherals are connected to the CPU using data, address, and control buses, and can be handled with all instructions. The instruction set consists of the original 51 instructions with three formats and seven address modes and additional instructions for the expanded address range. Each instruction can operate on word and byte data. CPUxV2 can also operate on address-word data (20-bit). 64 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 6.3 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Operating Modes The device has one active mode and seven software selectable low-power modes of operation (see Table 6-1). An interrupt event can wake up the device from low-power modes LPM0 to LPM4, service the request, and restore back to the low-power mode on return from the interrupt program. Low-power modes LPM3.5 and LPM4.5 disable the core supply to minimize power consumption. Table 6-1. Operating Modes MODE AM Active Maximum system clock Typical current consumption, 25C LPM0 Active, FRAM Off (1) 16 MHz 103 A/MHz Typical wake-up time 65 A/MHz N/A LPM1 LPM2 LPM3 LPM4 LPM3.5 CPU Off Standby Standby Off RTC Only 16 MHz 16 MHz 50 kHz 50 kHz 0 75 A at 1 MHz 40 A at 1 MHz 0.9 A 0.4 A 0.3 A 0.35 A 0.2 A 0.02 A instant. 6 s 6 s 7 s 7 s 250 s 250 s 1000 s LF RTC I/O Comp _ I/O Comp RTC I/O _ I/O CPU Off (2) (3) LPM4.5 Shutdown Without SVS Shutdown With SVS 50 kHz 0 (3) Wake-up events N/A all all LF RTC I/O Comp CPU on off off off off off reset reset standby (or off (1) ) off off off off off off available available off off off reset reset FRAM High-frequency peripherals off (1) on available Low-frequency peripherals available available available available available (4) Unclocked peripherals (5) available available available available available (4) on off off off off off off MCLK SMCLK opt. (6) opt. (6) opt. (6) on off RTC reset reset reset off off off off off off off off available (4) ACLK on on on on Full retention yes yes yes yes SVS always always always optional (8) optional (8) optional (8) optional (8) Brownout always always always always always always always yes (7) off yes (7) no no on (9) off (10) always (1) (2) FRAM disabled in FRAM controller Disabling the FRAM through the FRAM controller decreases the LPM current consumption, but the wake-up time can increase. If the wakeup is for FRAM access (for example, to fetch an interrupt vector), wake-up time is increased. If the wakeup is for an operation that does not access FRAM (for example, DMA transfer to RAM), wake-up time is not increased. (3) All clocks disabled (4) See Section 6.3.2, which describes the use of peripherals in LPM3 and LPM4. (5) "Unclocked peripherals" are peripherals that do not require a clock source to operate; for example, the comparator and REF, or the eUSCI when operated as an SPI slave. (6) Controlled by SMCLKOFF (7) Using the RAM Controller, the RAM can be completely powered down to save leakage; however, all data is lost. (8) Activated SVS (SVSHE = 1) results in higher current consumption. SVS not included in typical current consumption. (9) SVSHE = 1 (10) SVSHE = 0 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Detailed Description 65 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.3.1 Peripherals in Low-Power Modes Peripherals can be in different states that affect which power mode the device can enter. The states depend on the operational modes of the peripherals (see Table 6-2). The states are: * A peripheral is in a "high-frequency state" if it requires or uses a clock with a "high" frequency of more than 50 kHz. * A peripheral is in a "low-frequency state" if it requires or uses a clock with a "low" frequency of 50 kHz or less. * A peripheral is in an "unclocked state" if it does not require or use an internal clock. If the CPU requests a power mode that does not support the current state of all active peripherals, the device does not enter the requested power mode. The device instead enters a power mode that still supports the current state of the peripherals, except if an external clock is used. If an external clock is used, the application must use the correct frequency range for the requested power mode. Table 6-2. Peripheral States PERIPHERAL IN HIGH-FREQUENCY STATE WDT (1) Clocked by SMCLK IN LOW-FREQUENCY STATE (2) IN UNCLOCKED STATE (3) Clocked by ACLK Not applicable (4) Not applicable Not applicable Waiting for a trigger RTC_C Not applicable Clocked by LFXT Not applicable LCD_C Not applicable Clocked by ACLK or VLOCLK Not applicable Timer_A TAx Clocked by SMCLK or clocked by external clock >50 kHz Clocked by ACLK or clocked by external clock 50 kHz Clocked by external clock 50 kHz Timer_B TBx Clocked by SMCLK or clocked by external clock >50 kHz Clocked by ACLK or clocked by external clock 50 kHz Clocked by external clock 50 kHz eUSCI_Ax in UART mode Clocked by SMCLK Clocked by ACLK Waiting for first edge of START bit. eUSCI_Ax in SPI master mode Clocked by SMCLK Clocked by ACLK Not applicable eUSCI_Ax in SPI slave mode Clocked by external clock >50 kHz Clocked by external clock 50 kHz Clocked by external clock 50 kHz eUSCI_Bx in I C master mode Clocked by SMCLK or clocked by external clock >50 kHz Clocked by ACLK or clocked by external clock 50 kHz Not applicable eUSCI_Bx in I2C slave mode Clocked by external clock >50 kHz Clocked by external clock 50 kHz Waiting for START condition or clocked by external clock 50 kHz eUSCI_Bx in SPI master mode Clocked by SMCLK Clocked by ACLK Not applicable eUSCI_Bx in SPI slave mode Clocked by external clock >50 kHz Clocked by external clock 50 kHz Clocked by external clock 50 kHz Clocked by SMCLK or by MODOSC Clocked by ACLK Waiting for a trigger REF_A Not applicable Not applicable Always COMP_E Not applicable Not applicable Always CRC (5) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable MPY (5) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable AES (5) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable DMA 2 ADC12_B (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 66 Peripherals are in a state that requires or uses a clock with a "high" frequency of more than 50 kHz. Peripherals are in a state that requires or uses a clock with a "low" frequency of 50 kHz or less. Peripherals are in a state that does not require or does not use an internal clock. The DMA always transfers data in active mode but can wait for a trigger in any low-power mode. A DMA trigger during a low-power mode causes a temporary transition into active mode for the time of the transfer. This peripheral operates during active mode only and delays the transition into a low-power mode until its operation is completed. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 6.3.2 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Idle Currents of Peripherals in LPM3 and LPM4 Most peripherals can be activated to be operational in LPM3 if clocked by ACLK. Some modules are even operational in LPM4 because they do not require a clock to operate (for example, the comparator). Activating a peripheral in LPM3 or LPM4 increases the current consumption due to its active supply current contribution but also due to an additional idle current. To limit the idle current adder, certain peripherals are group together. To achieve optimal current consumption, try to use modules within one group and to limit the number of groups with active modules. Table 6-3 lists the grouping. Modules not listed in this table are either already included in the standard LPM3 current consumption specifications or cannot be used in LPM3 or LPM4. The idle current adder is very small at room temperature (25C) but increases at high temperatures (85C); see the IIDLE current parameters in Section 5.7 for details. Table 6-3. Peripheral Groups 6.4 Group A Group B Group C Timer TA0 Timer TA2 Timer TA3 Timer TA1 Timer B0 eUSCI_A1 Comparator eUSCI_A0 LCD_C ADC12_B eUSCI_B0 REF_A eUSCI_B1 Interrupt Vector Table and Signatures The interrupt vectors, the power-up start address, and signatures are in the address range 0FFFFh to 0FF80h. Table 6-4 summarizes the content of this address range. The power-up start address or reset vector is at 0FFFFh to 0FFFEh. It contains the 16-bit address pointing to the start address of the application program. The interrupt vectors start at 0FFFDh extending to lower addresses. Each vector contains the 16-bit address of the appropriate interrupt-handler instruction sequence. The vectors programmed into the address range from 0FFFFh to 0FFE0h are used as BSL password (if enabled by the corresponding signature) The signatures are at 0FF80h extending to higher addresses. Signatures are evaluated during device start-up. Starting from address 0FF88h extending to higher addresses a JTAG password can programmed. The password can extend into the interrupt vector locations using the interrupt vector addresses as additional bits for the password. See the chapter System Resets, Interrupts, and Operating Modes, System Control Module (SYS) in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide for details. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 67 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-4. Interrupt Sources, Flags, Vectors, and Signatures INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT FLAG SYSTEM INTERRUPT WORD ADDRESS PRIORITY System Reset Power-up, Brownout, Supply Supervisor External Reset RST Watchdog time-out (watchdog mode) WDT, FRCTL MPU, CS, PMM password violation FRAM uncorrectable bit error detection FRAM access time error MPU segment violation Software POR, BOR SVSHIFG PMMRSTIFG WDTIFG WDTPW, FRCTLPW, MPUPW, CSPW, PMMPW UBDIFG ACCTEIFG MPUSEGIIFG, MPUSEG1IFG, MPUSEG2IFG, MPUSEG3IFG PMMPORIFG, PMMBORIFG (SYSRSTIV) (1) (2) Reset 0FFFEh Highest System NMI Vacant memory access JTAG mailbox FRAM bit error detection MPU segment violation VMAIFG JMBNIFG, JMBOUTIFG CBDIFG, UBDIFG MPUSEGIIFG, MPUSEG1IFG, MPUSEG2IFG, MPUSEG3IFG (SYSSNIV) (1) (3) (Non)maskable 0FFFCh User NMI External NMI Oscillator Fault NMIIFG, OFIFG (SYSUNIV) (1) (3) (Non)maskable 0FFFAh Comparator_E Comparator_E interrupt flags (CEIV) (1) Maskable 0FFF8h Timer_B TB0 TB0CCR0.CCIFG Maskable 0FFF6h Timer_B TB0 TB0CCR1.CCIFG to TB0CCR6.CCIFG, TB0CTL.TBIFG (TB0IV) (1) Maskable 0FFF4h Watchdog Timer (Interval Timer Mode) WDTIFG Maskable 0FFF2h Reserved Reserved Maskable 0FFF0h eUSCI_A0 Receive or Transmit UCA0IFG: UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (SPI mode) UCA0IFG:UCSTTIFG, UCTXCPTIFG, UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (UART mode) (UCA0IV) (1) Maskable 0FFEEh eUSCI_B0 Receive or Transmit UCB0IFG: UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (SPI mode) UCB0IFG: UCALIFG, UCNACKIFG, UCSTTIFG, UCSTPIFG, UCRXIFG0, UCTXIFG0, UCRXIFG1, UCTXIFG1, UCRXIFG2, UCTXIFG2, UCRXIFG3, UCTXIFG3, UCCNTIFG, UCBIT9IFG (I2C mode) (UCB0IV) (1) Maskable 0FFECh ADC12_B ADC12IFG0 to ADC12IFG31 ADC12LOIFG, ADC12INIFG, ADC12HIIFG, ADC12RDYIFG, ADC12OVIFG, ADC12TOVIFG (ADC12IV) (1) (4) Maskable 0FFEAh Timer_A TA0 TA0CCR0.CCIFG Maskable 0FFE8h Timer_A TA0 TA0CCR1.CCIFG to TA0CCR2.CCIFG, TA0CTL.TAIFG (TA0IV) (1) Maskable 0FFE6h eUSCI_A1 receive or transmit UCA1IFG:UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (SPI mode) UCA1IFG:UCSTTIFG, UCTXCPTIFG, UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (UART mode) (UCA1IV) (1) Maskable 0FFE4h (1) (2) (3) (4) 68 Multiple source flags A reset is generated if the CPU tries to fetch instructions from within peripheral space (Non)maskable: the individual interrupt-enable bit can disable an interrupt event, but the general-interrupt enable cannot disable it. Only on devices with ADC, otherwise reserved. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-4. Interrupt Sources, Flags, Vectors, and Signatures (continued) INTERRUPT SOURCE INTERRUPT FLAG SYSTEM INTERRUPT WORD ADDRESS eUSCI_B1 receive or transmit (Reserved on MSP430FR692x) UCB1IFG: UCRXIFG, UCTXIFG (SPI mode) UCB1IFG: UCALIFG, UCNACKIFG, UCSTTIFG, UCSTPIFG, UCRXIFG0, UCTXIFG0, UCRXIFG1, UCTXIFG1, UCRXIFG2, UCTXIFG2, UCRXIFG3, UCTXIFG3, UCCNTIFG, UCBIT9IFG (I2C mode) (UCB1IV) (1) Maskable 0FFE2h DMA DMA0CTL.DMAIFG, DMA1CTL.DMAIFG, DMA2CTL.DMAIFG (DMAIV) (1) Maskable 0FFE0h Timer_A TA1 TA1CCR0.CCIFG Maskable 0FFDEh Timer_A TA1 TA1CCR1.CCIFG to TA1CCR2.CCIFG, TA1CTL.TAIFG (TA1IV) (1) Maskable 0FFDCh I/O Port P1 P1IFG.0 to P1IFG.7 (P1IV) (1) Maskable 0FFDAh Timer_A TA2 TA2CCR0.CCIFG Maskable 0FFD8h Timer_A TA2 TA2CCR1.CCIFG TA2CTL.TAIFG (TA2IV) (1) Maskable 0FFD6h I/O Port P2 P2IFG.0 to P2IFG.3 (P2IV) (1) Maskable 0FFD4h Timer_A TA3 TA3CCR0.CCIFG Maskable 0FFD2h Timer_A TA3 TA3CCR1.CCIFG TA3CTL.TAIFG (TA3IV) (1) Maskable 0FFD0h I/O Port P3 P3IFG.0 to P3IFG.7 (P3IV) (1) Maskable 0FFCEh I/O Port P4 P4IFG.2 to P4IFG.7 (P4IV) (1) Maskable 0FFCCh LCD_C LCD_C Interrupt Flags (LCDCIV) (1) Maskable 0FFCAh RTC_C RTCRDYIFG, RTCTEVIFG, RTCAIFG, RT0PSIFG, RT1PSIFG, RTCOFIFG (RTCIV) (1) Maskable 0FFC8h AES AESRDYIFG Maskable 0FFC6h PRIORITY Lowest 0FFC4h Reserved Reserved (5) 0FF8Ch (5) 0FF8Ah (5) (7) 0FF88h IP Encapsulation Signature2 IP Encapsulation Signature1 Signatures (5) (6) (7) (6) BSL Signature2 0FF86h BSL Signature1 0FF84h JTAG Signature2 0FF82h JTAG Signature1 0FF80h May contain a JTAG password required to enable JTAG access to the device. Signatures are evaluated during device start-up. See the System Resets, Interrupts, and Operating Modes, System Control Module (SYS) chapter in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide for details. Must not contain 0AAAAh if used as JTAG password. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 69 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.5 Bootloader (BSL) The BSL enables programming of the FRAM or RAM using a UART serial interface (FRxxxx devices) or an I2C interface (FRxxxx1 devices). Access to the device memory through the BSL is protected by an user-defined password. Use of the BSL requires four pins as shown in Table 6-5. BSL entry requires a specific entry sequence on the RST/NMI/SBWTDIO and TEST/SBWTCK pins. For complete description of the features of the BSL and its implementation, see MSP430 FRAM Device Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide . Table 6-5. BSL Pin Requirements and Functions 6.6 6.6.1 DEVICE SIGNAL BSL FUNCTION RST/NMI/SBWTDIO Entry sequence signal TEST/SBWTCK Entry sequence signal BSL_TX Devices with UART BSL (FRxxxx): Data transmit BSL_RX Devices with UART BSL (FRxxxx): Data receive BSL_DAT Devices with I2C BSL (FRxxxx1): Data BSL_CLK Devices with I2C BSL (FRxxxx1): Clock VCC Power supply VSS Ground supply JTAG Operation JTAG Standard Interface The MSP430 family supports the standard JTAG interface, which requires four signals for sending and receiving data. The JTAG signals are shared with general-purpose I/O. The TEST/SBWTCK pin is used to enable the JTAG signals. In addition to these signals, the RST/NMI/SBWTDIO is required to interface with MSP430 development tools and device programmers. Table 6-6 lists the JTAG pin requirements. For further details on interfacing to development tools and device programmers, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide. For a complete description of the features of the JTAG interface and its implementation, see MSP430 Programming With the JTAG Interface. Table 6-6. JTAG Pin Requirements and Functions 6.6.2 DEVICE SIGNAL DIRECTION FUNCTION PJ.3/TCK IN JTAG clock input PJ.2/TMS IN JTAG state control PJ.1/TDI/TCLK IN JTAG data input, TCLK input PJ.0/TDO OUT JTAG data output TEST/SBWTCK IN Enable JTAG pins RST/NMI/SBWTDIO IN External reset VCC Power supply VSS Ground supply Spy-Bi-Wire Interface In addition to the standard JTAG interface, the MSP430 family supports the 2-wire Spy-Bi-Wire interface. Spy-Bi-Wire can be used to interface with MSP430 development tools and device programmers. Table 6-7 lists the Spy-Bi-Wire interface pin requirements. For further details on interfacing to development tools and device programmers, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide. 70 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-7. Spy-Bi-Wire Pin Requirements and Functions 6.7 DEVICE SIGNAL DIRECTION FUNCTION TEST/SBWTCK IN Spy-Bi-Wire clock input RST/NMI/SBWTDIO IN, OUT Spy-Bi-Wire data input/output VCC Power supply VSS Ground supply FRAM The FRAM can be programmed through the JTAG port, Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW), the BSL, or in-system by the CPU. Features of the FRAM include: * Ultra-low-power ultra-fast-write nonvolatile memory * Byte and word access capability * Programmable and automated wait-state generation * Error correction coding (ECC) NOTE Wait States For MCLK frequencies > 8 MHz, wait states must be configured following the flow described in the "Wait State Control" section of the "FRAM Controller (FRCTRL)" chapter in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide. For important software design information regarding FRAM including but not limited to partitioning the memory layout according to application-specific code, constant, and data space requirements, the use of FRAM to optimize application energy consumption, and the use of the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) to maximize application robustness by protecting the program code against unintended write accesses, see MSP430TM FRAM Technology - How To and Best Practices 6.8 RAM The RAM is made up of one sector. The sector can be completely powered down in LPM3 and LPM4 to save leakage; however, all data is lost during shutdown. 6.9 Tiny RAM Twenty-six bytes of Tiny RAM are provided in addition to the complete RAM (see Table 6-37). This memory is always available even in LPM3 and LPM4, while the complete RAM can be powered down in LPM3 and LPM4. Tiny RAM can be used to hold data or a very small stack when the complete RAM is powered down in LPM3 and LPM4. Tiny RAM is not available in LPMx.5. 6.10 Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Including IP Encapsulation The FRAM can be protected by the MPU from inadvertent CPU execution and read or write access. Features of the MPU include: * IP encapsulation with programmable boundaries (prevents reads from "outside" like JTAG or non-IP software) in steps of 1KB. * Main memory partitioning that can be configured in up to three segments in steps of 1KB. * The access rights for each main and information memory segment can be individually selected. * Access violation flags with interrupt capability for easy servicing of access violations. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 71 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11 Peripherals Peripherals are connected to the CPU through data, address, and control buses. Peripherals can be managed using all instructions. For complete module descriptions, see the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide. 6.11.1 Digital I/O There are up to nine 8-bit I/O ports implemented: * All individual I/O bits are independently programmable. * Any combination of input, output, and interrupt conditions is possible. * Programmable pullup or pulldown on all ports. * Edge-selectable interrupt and LPM3.5 and LPM4.5 wake-up input capability is available for all pins of ports P1 to P4. * Read and write access to port control registers is supported by all instructions. * Ports can be accessed byte-wise or word-wise in pairs. * Capacitive touch functionality is supported on all pins of ports P1 to P7, P9, and PJ. NOTE Configuration of Digital I/Os After BOR Reset To prevent any cross-currents during start-up of the device, all port pins are high-impedance with Schmitt triggers and their module functions disabled. To enable the I/O functionality after a BOR reset, the ports must be configured first and then the LOCKLPM5 bit must be cleared. For details see the "Digital I/O" chapter, section "Configuration After Reset" in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide. 6.11.2 Oscillator and Clock System (CS) The clock system includes support for a 32-kHz watch-crystal oscillator XT1 (LF), an internal very-lowpower low-frequency oscillator (VLO), an integrated internal digitally controlled oscillator (DCO), and a high-frequency crystal oscillator XT2 (HF). The clock system module is designed to meet the requirements of both low system cost and low power consumption. A fail-safe mechanism exists for all crystal sources. The clock system module provides the following clock signals: * Auxiliary clock (ACLK), sourced from a 32-kHz watch crystal (LFXT1), the internal low-frequency oscillator (VLO), or a digital external low frequency (<50 kHz) clock source. * Main clock (MCLK), the system clock used by the CPU. MCLK can be sourced from a high-frequency crystal (HFXT2), the internal DCO, a 32-kHz watch crystal (LFXT1), the internal VLO, or a digital external clock source. * Sub-Main clock (SMCLK), the subsystem clock used by the peripheral modules. SMCLK can be sourced by same sources made available to MCLK. 6.11.3 Power-Management Module (PMM) The PMM includes an integrated voltage regulator that supplies the core voltage to the device . The PMM also includes the supply voltage supervisor (SVS) and brownout protection. The brownout circuit is implemented to provide the proper internal reset signal to the device during power on and power off. The SVS circuitry detects if the supply voltage drops below a safe level. SVS circuitry is available on the primary and core supplies. 6.11.4 Hardware Multiplier The multiplication operation is supported by a dedicated peripheral module. The module performs operations with 32-, 24-, 16-, and 8-bit operands. The module supports signed and unsigned multiplication as well as signed and unsigned multiply-and-accumulate operations. 72 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.5 Real-Time Clock (RTC_C) The RTC_C module contains an integrated real-time clock (RTC) with the following features implemented: * Calendar mode with leap year correction * General-purpose counter mode The internal calendar compensates for months with fewer than 31 days and includes leap year correction. The RTC_C also supports flexible alarm functions and offset-calibration hardware. RTC operation is available in LPM3.5 modes to minimize power consumption. 6.11.6 Watchdog Timer (WDT_A) The primary function of the WDT_A module is to perform a controlled system restart after a software problem occurs. If the selected time interval expires, a system reset is generated. If the watchdog function is not needed in an application, the module can be configured as an interval timer and can generate interrupts at selected time intervals. Table 6-8 lists the clocks that the WDT_A module can use. Table 6-8. WDT_A Clocks WDTSSEL NORMAL OPERATION (WATCHDOG AND INTERVAL TIMER MODE) 00 SMCLK 01 ACLK 10 VLOCLK 11 LFMODOSC 6.11.7 System Module (SYS) The SYS module handles many of the system functions within the device. These system functions include power-on reset and power-up clear handling, NMI source selection and management, reset interrupt vector generators, bootloader entry mechanisms, and configuration management (device descriptors). Also included is a data exchange mechanism using JTAG called a JTAG mailbox that can be used in the application. Table 6-9 lists the SYS module interrupt vector registers. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 73 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-9. System Module Interrupt Vector Registers INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER SYSRSTIV, System Reset SYSSNIV, System NMI SYSUNIV, User NMI 74 Detailed Description ADDRESS 019Eh 019Ch 019Ah INTERRUPT EVENT VALUE No interrupt pending 00h Brownout (BOR) 02h RSTIFG RST/NMI (BOR) 04h PMMSWBOR software BOR (BOR) 06h LPMx.5 wakeup (BOR) 08h Security violation (BOR) 0Ah Reserved 0Ch SVSHIFG SVSH event (BOR) 0Eh Reserved 10h Reserved 12h PMMSWPOR software POR (POR) 14h WDTIFG watchdog time-out (PUC) 16h WDTPW password violation (PUC) 18h FRCTLPW password violation (PUC) 1Ah Uncorrectable FRAM bit error detection (PUC) 1Ch Peripheral area fetch (PUC) 1Eh PMMPW PMM password violation (PUC) 20h MPUPW MPU password violation (PUC) 22h CSPW CS password violation (PUC) 24h MPUSEGPIFG encapsulated IP memory segment violation (PUC) 26h MPUSEGIIFG information memory segment violation (PUC) 28h MPUSEG1IFG segment 1 memory violation (PUC) 2Ah MPUSEG2IFG segment 2 memory violation (PUC) 2Ch MPUSEG3IFG segment 3 memory violation (PUC) 2Eh ACCTEIFG access time error (PUC) 30h Reserved 32h to 3Eh No interrupt pending 00h Reserved 02h Uncorrectable FRAM bit error detection 04h Reserved 06h MPUSEGPIFG encapsulated IP memory segment violation 08h MPUSEGIIFG information memory segment violation 0Ah MPUSEG1IFG segment 1 memory violation 0Ch MPUSEG2IFG segment 2 memory violation 0Eh MPUSEG3IFG segment 3 memory violation 10h VMAIFG vacant memory access 12h JMBINIFG JTAG mailbox input 14h JMBOUTIFG JTAG mailbox output 16h Correctable FRAM bit error detection 18h Reserved 1Ah to 1Eh No interrupt pending 00h NMIIFG NMI pin 02h OFIFG oscillator fault 04h Reserved 06h Reserved 08h Reserved 0Ah to 1Eh PRIORITY Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Highest Lowest Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.8 DMA Controller The DMA controller allows movement of data from one memory address to another without CPU intervention. For example, the DMA controller can be used to move data from the ADC12_B conversion memory to RAM. Using the DMA controller can increase the throughput of peripheral modules. The DMA controller reduces system power consumption by allowing the CPU to remain in sleep mode, without having to awaken to move data to or from a peripheral. Table 6-10 lists the available DMA triggers. Table 6-10. DMA Trigger Assignments TRIGGER CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 1 0 DMAREQ DMAREQ DMAREQ 1 TA0CCR0 CCIFG TA0CCR0 CCIFG TA0CCR0 CCIFG 2 TA0CCR2 CCIFG TA0CCR2 CCIFG TA0CCR2 CCIFG 3 TA1CCR0 CCIFG TA1CCR0 CCIFG TA1CCR0 CCIFG 4 TA1CCR2 CCIFG TA1CCR2 CCIFG TA1CCR2 CCIFG 5 TA2 CCR0 CCIFG TA2 CCR0 CCIFG TA2 CCR0 CCIFG 6 TA3 CCR0 CCIFG TA3 CCR0 CCIFG TA3 CCR0 CCIFG 7 TB0CCR0 CCIFG TB0CCR0 CCIFG TB0CCR0 CCIFG 8 TB0CCR2 CCIFG TB0CCR2 CCIFG TB0CCR2 CCIFG CHANNEL 2 Reserved 9 Reserved Reserved 10 Reserved Reserved Reserved 11 AES Trigger 0 (2) AES Trigger 0 (2) AES Trigger 0 (2) 12 AES Trigger 1 (2) AES Trigger 1 (2) AES Trigger 1 (2) 13 AES Trigger 2 (2) (2) AES Trigger 2 (2) 14 UCA0RXIFG AES Trigger 2 UCA0RXIFG UCA0RXIFG 15 UCA0TXIFG UCA0TXIFG UCA0TXIFG 16 UCA1RXIFG UCA1RXIFG UCA1RXIFG 17 UCA1TXIFG UCA1TXIFG UCA1TXIFG 18 UCB0RXIFG (SPI) UCB0RXIFG0 (I2C) UCB0RXIFG (SPI) UCB0RXIFG0 (I2C) UCB0RXIFG (SPI) UCB0RXIFG0 (I2C) 19 UCB0TXIFG (SPI) UCB0TXIFG0 (I2C) UCB0TXIFG (SPI) UCB0TXIFG0 (I2C) UCB0TXIFG (SPI) UCB0TXIFG0 (I2C) 20 UCB0RXIFG1 (I2C) UCB0RXIFG1 (I2C) UCB0RXIFG1 (I2C) 21 (1) (2) (3) (1) 2 UCB0TXIFG1 (I C) 2 2 UCB0TXIFG1 (I2C) 2 UCB0TXIFG1 (I C) 22 UCB0RXIFG2 (I C) UCB0RXIFG2 (I C) UCB0RXIFG2 (I2C) 23 UCB0TXIFG2 (I2C) UCB0TXIFG2 (I2C) UCB0TXIFG2 (I2C) 24 UCB1RXIFG (SPI) UCB1RXIFG0 (I2C) UCB1RXIFG (SPI) UCB1RXIFG0 (I2C) UCB1RXIFG (SPI) UCB1RXIFG0 (I2C) 25 UCB1TXIFG (SPI) UCB1TXIFG0 (I2C) UCB1TXIFG (SPI) UCB1TXIFG0 (I2C) UCB1TXIFG (SPI) UCB1TXIFG0 (I2C) 26 ADC12 end of conversion (3) ADC12 end of conversion (3) ADC12 end of conversion (3) 27 Reserved Reserved Reserved 28 Reserved Reserved Reserved 29 MPY ready MPY ready MPY ready 30 DMA2IFG DMA0IFG DMA1IFG 31 DMAE0 DMAE0 DMAE0 If a reserved trigger source is selected, no trigger is generated. Only on devices with AES. Reserved on devices without AES. Only on devices with ADC. Reserved on devices without ADC. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 75 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.9 Enhanced Universal Serial Communication Interface (eUSCI) The eUSCI modules are used for serial data communication. The eUSCI module supports synchronous communication protocols such as SPI (3 or 4 pin) and I2C, and asynchronous communication protocols such as UART, enhanced UART with automatic baud-rate detection, and IrDA. The eUSCI_An module provides support for SPI (3 or 4 pin), UART, enhanced UART, and IrDA. The eUSCI_Bn module provides support for SPI (3 or 4 pin) and I2C. Two eUSCI_A modules and two eUSCI_B modules are implemented. 6.11.10 Timer_A TA0, Timer_A TA1 TA0 and TA1 are 16-bit timers/counters (Timer_A type) with three capture/compare registers each. TA0 and TA1 can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing (see Table 6-11 and Table 6-12). TA0 and TA1 have extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. Table 6-11. Timer_A TA0 Signal Connections INPUT PORT PIN DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT SIGNAL P1.2 or P7.0 TA0CLK TACLK MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer N/A DEVICE OUTPUT OUTPUT PORT PIN SIGNAL ACLK (internal) ACLK SMCLK (internal) SMCLK P1.2 or P7.0 TA0CLK INCLK P1.5 TA0.0 CCI0A P7.1 TA0.0 CCI0B DVSS GND DVCC VCC TA0.1 CCI1A COUT (internal) CCI1B DVSS GND DVCC VCC ADC12 (internal) (1) ADC12SHSx = {1} TA0.2 CCI2A P1.1 ACLK (internal) CCI2B DVSS GND DVCC VCC P1.0 or P1.6 or P7.2 P1.1 or P1.7 or P7.3 (1) Only on devices with ADC 76 Detailed Description N/A P1.5 CCR0 TA0 P7.1 TA0.0 P1.0 P1.6 CCR1 CCR2 TA1 TA2 TA0.1 P7.2 TA0.2 P1.7 P7.3 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-12. Timer_A TA1 Signal Connections INPUT PORT PIN DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT SIGNAL P1.1 or P4.4 TA1CLK TACLK ACLK (internal) ACLK SMCLK (internal) SMCLK P1.1 or P4.4 TA1CLK INCLK P1.4 or P4.5 TA1.0 CCI0A DVSS CCI0B DVSS GND DVCC VCC TA1.1 CCI1A COUT (internal) CCI1B DVSS GND P1.2 or P3.3 or P4.6 MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer N/A DEVICE OUTPUT OUTPUT PORT PIN SIGNAL N/A P1.4 CCR0 TA0 TA1.0 P4.5 P1.2 P4.6 CCR1 TA1 TA1.1 P3.3 DVCC VCC ADC12 (internal) (1) ADC12SHSx = {4} TA1.2 CCI2A P1.3 ACLK (internal) CCI2B DVSS GND DVCC VCC P1.3 or P4.7 (1) MODULE BLOCK CCR2 TA2 TA1.2 P4.7 Only on devices with ADC 6.11.11 Timer_A TA2 TA2 is a 16-bit timer/counter (Timer_A type) with two capture/compare registers each and with internal connections only. TA2 can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing (see Table 6-13). TA2 has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. Table 6-13. Timer_A TA2 Signal Connections DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT NAME COUT (internal) TACLK ACLK (internal) ACLK SMCLK (internal) SMCLK From Capacitive Touch I/O 0 (internal) INCLK TA3 CCR0 output (internal) CCI0A ACLK (internal) CCI0B DVSS GND DVCC VCC From Capacitive Touch I/O 0 (internal) CCI1A COUT (internal) CCI1B DVSS GND DVCC VCC (1) MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer N/A DEVICE OUTPUT SIGNAL TA3 CCI0A input CCR0 TA0 ADC12 (internal) (1) ADC12SHSx = {5} CCR1 TA1 Only on devices with ADC Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 77 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.12 Timer_A TA3 TA3 is a 16-bit timer/counter (Timer_A type) with five capture/compare registers each and with internal connections only. TA3 can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing (see Table 6-14). TA3 has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. Table 6-14. Timer_A TA3 Signal Connections DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT NAME COUT (internal) TACLK ACLK (internal) ACLK SMCLK (internal) SMCLK From Capacitive Touch I/O 1 (internal) INCLK TA2 CCR0 output (internal) CCI0A ACLK (internal) CCI0B DVSS GND DVCC VCC From Capacitive Touch I/O 1 (internal) CCI1A COUT (internal) CCI1B DVSS GND DVCC VCC DVSS CCI2A P3.0 DVSS (FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64pin package) CCI2B DVSS GND DVCC VCC DVSS CCI3A P3.1 DVSS (FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64pin package) CCI3B DVSS GND DVCC VCC DVSS CCI4A P3.2 DVSS (FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64pin package) CCI4B DVSS GND DVCC VCC (1) Only on devices with ADC. 78 Detailed Description MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer N/A DEVICE OUTPUT SIGNAL TA2 CCI0A input CCR0 TA0 ADC12 (internal) (1) ADC12SHSx = {6} CCR1 CCR2 CCR3 CCR4 TA1 TA2 P3.0 (Note: Not available for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) TA3 P3.1 (Note: Not available for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) TA4 P3.2 (Note: Not available for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.13 Timer_B TB0 TB0 is a 16-bit timer/counter (Timer_B type) with seven capture/compare registers each. TB0 can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing (see Table 6-15). TB0 has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. Table 6-15. Timer_B TB0 Signal Connections INPUT PORT PIN DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT SIGNAL P2.0 or P3.3 or P5.7 TB0CLK TBCLK ACLK (internal) ACLK SMCLK (internal) SMCLK P2.0 or P3.3 or P5.7 TB0CLK INCLK P3.4 TB0.0 CCI0A P6.4 TB0.0 CCI0B P3.5 or P6.5 DVSS GND DVCC VCC TB0.1 CCI1A COUT (internal) CCI1B DVSS P3.6 or P6.6 P3.7 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0 (1) GND DVCC VCC TB0.2 CCI2A ACLK (internal) CCI2B DVSS GND DVCC VCC DVSS CCI3A TB0.3 CCI3B DVSS GND DVCC VCC DVSS CCI4A TB0.4 CCI4B DVSS GND DVCC VCC DVSS CCI5A TB0.5 CCI5B DVSS GND DVCC VCC DVSS CCI6A TB0.6 CCI6B DVSS GND DVCC VCC MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer N/A DEVICE OUTPUT OUTPUT PORT PIN SIGNAL N/A P3.4 P6.4 CCR0 TB0 TB0.0 ADC12 (internal) (1) ADC12SHSx = {2} P3.5 P6.5 CCR1 TB1 TB0.1 ADC12 (internal) (1) ADC12SHSx = {3} P3.6 CCR2 TB2 TB0.2 CCR3 TB3 TB0.3 CCR4 TB4 TB0.4 CCR5 TB5 TB0.5 CCR6 TB6 TB0.6 P6.6 P3.7 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0 Only on devices with ADC Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 79 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.14 ADC12_B The ADC12_B module supports fast 12-bit analog-to-digital conversions with differential and single-ended inputs. The module implements a 12-bit SAR core, sample select control, reference generator and a conversion result buffer. A window comparator with a lower and upper limits allows CPU-independent result monitoring with three window comparator interrupt flags. Table 6-16 summarizes the available external trigger sources. Table 6-17 lists the available multiplexing between internal and external analog inputs. Table 6-16. ADC12_B Trigger Signal Connections ADC12SHSx CONNECTED TRIGGER SOURCE BINARY DECIMAL 000 0 Software (ADC12SC) 001 1 Timer_A TA0 CCR1 output 010 2 Timer_B TB0 CCR0 output 011 3 Timer_B TB0 CCR1 output 100 4 Timer_A TA1 CCR1 output 101 5 Timer_A TA2 CCR1 output 110 6 Timer_A TA3 CCR1 output 111 7 Reserved (DVSS) Table 6-17. ADC12_B External and Internal Signal Mapping (1) CONTROL BIT EXTERNAL (CONTROL BIT = 0) INTERNAL (CONTROL BIT = 1) ADC12BATMAP A31 Battery monitor ADC12TCMAP A30 Temperature sensor ADC12CH0MAP A29 N/A (1) ADC12CH1MAP A28 N/A (1) ADC12CH2MAP A27 N/A (1) ADC12CH3MAP A26 N/A (1) N/A: No internal signal available on this device. 6.11.15 Comparator_E The primary function of the Comparator_E module is to support precision slope analog-to-digital conversions, battery voltage supervision, and monitoring of external analog signals. 6.11.16 CRC16 The CRC16 module produces a signature based on a sequence of entered data values and can be used for data checking purposes. The CRC16 signature is based on the CRC-CCITT standard. 6.11.17 CRC32 The CRC32 module produces a signature based on a sequence of entered data values and can be used for data checking purposes. The CRC32 signature is based on the ISO 3309 standard. 6.11.18 AES256 Accelerator The AES accelerator module performs encryption and decryption of 128-bit data with 128-, 192-, or 256bit keys according to the advanced encryption standard (AES) (FIPS PUB 197) in hardware. 80 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.19 True Random Seed The Device Descriptor Info (TLV) (see Section 6.12) contains a 128-bit true random seed that can be used to implement a deterministic random-number generator. 6.11.20 Shared Reference (REF_A) The REF_A module is responsible for generation of all critical reference voltages that can be used by the various analog peripherals in the device. 6.11.21 LCD_C The LCD_C driver generates the segment and common signals required to drive a liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD_C controller has dedicated data memories to hold segment drive information. Common and segment signals are generated as defined by the mode. Static, and 2-mux up to 4-mux LCDs are supported. The module can provide an LCD voltage independent of the supply voltage with its integrated charge pump. It is possible to control the level of the LCD voltage and thus contrast by software. The module also provides an automatic blinking capability for individual segments in static, 2-mux, 3-mux, and 4-mux modes. To reduce system noise the charge pump can be temporarily disabled. Table 6-18 lists the available automatic charge pump disable options. Table 6-18. LCD Automatic Charge Pump Disable Bits (LCDCPDISx) CONTROL BIT LCDCPDIS0 LCDCPDIS1 to LCDCPDIS7 DESCRIPTION LCD charge pump disable during ADC12 conversion. 0b = LCD charge pump not automatically disabled during conversion 1b = LCD charge pump automatically disabled during conversion No functionality 6.11.22 Embedded Emulation Embedded Emulation Module (EEM) The EEM supports real-time in-system debugging. The S version of the EEM has the following features: * Three hardware triggers or breakpoints on memory access * One hardware trigger or breakpoint on CPU register write access * Up to four hardware triggers that can be combined to form complex triggers or breakpoints * One cycle counter * Clock control on module level EnergyTrace++ Technology The devices implement circuitry to support EnergyTrace++ technology. The EnergyTrace++ technology lets you observe information about the internal states of the microcontroller. These states include the CPU Program Counter (PC), the ON or OFF status of the peripherals and the system clocks (regardless of the clock source), and the low-power mode currently in use. These states can always be read by a debug tool, even when the microcontroller sleeps in LPMx.5 modes. The activity of the following modules can be observed: * MPY is calculating. * WDT is counting. * RTC is counting. * ADC: a sequence, sample, or conversion is active. * REF: REFBG or REFGEN active and BG in static mode. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 81 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 * * * * * * * * * * * * 82 COMP is on. AES is encrypting or decrypting. eUSCI_A0 is transferring (receiving or eUSCI_A1 is transferring (receiving or eUSCI_B0 is transferring (receiving or eUSCI_B1 is transferring (receiving or TB0 is counting. TA0 is counting. TA1 is counting. TA2 is counting. TA3 is counting. LCD timing generator is active. Detailed Description transmitting) transmitting) transmitting) transmitting) data. data. data. data. Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.11.23 Input/Output Diagrams Digital I/O Functionality Port P1 to P7 and P9 The port pins provide the following features: * Interrupt and wakeup from LPMx.5 capability for ports P1 to P4 * Capacitive touch functionality (see Section * Up to three digital module input and/or output functions * LCD segment functionality (not all pins, package dependent) Figure 6-1 shows the features and the corresponding control logic (besides the Capacitive Touch logic). Figure 6-1 is applicable for all port pins P1.0 to P9.7, unless a dedicated diagram is available in the following sections. The module functions provided per pin and whether the direction is controlled by the module or by the port direction register for the selected secondary function are described in the following pin function tables. Pad Logic Sz LCDSz PxREN.y PxDIR.y 00 From module 1 (B) From module 2 (B) 10 From module 3 (B) 11 01 PxOUT.y 00 From module 1 01 From module 2 10 From module 3 11 Direction 0: Input 1: Output DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 Px.y/Mod1/Mod2/Mod3/Sz PxSEL1.y PxSEL0.y PxIN.y To module 1 (A) To module 2 To module 3 (A) (A) A. The direction is either controlled by connected module or by the corresponding PxDIR.y bit. See pin function tables. B. The inputs from several pins towards a module are ORed together. NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-1. General Port Pin Diagram Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 83 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Capacitive Touch Functionality on Port P1 to P7, P9, and PJ Figure 6-2 shows the the capacitive touch functionality that is available on all port pins. The capacitive touch functionality is controlled using the capacitive touch I/O control registers CAPTIO0CTL and CAPTIO1CTL as described in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, MSP430FR68xx, and MSP430FR69xx Family User's Guide. The capacitive touch functionality is not shown in the other pin diagrams. Analog Enable PxREN.y Capacitive Touch Enable 0 Capacitive Touch Enable 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 Direction Control PxOUT.y 0 1 Output Signal Px.y Input Signal Q D EN Capacitive Touch Signal 0 Capacitive Touch Signal 1 NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-2. Capacitive Touch I/O Functionality 84 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P1 (P1.0 to P1.3) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 6-3 shows the port diagram. Table 6-19 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. To ADC From ADC To Comparator From Comparator CEPD.x Pad Logic P1REN.x P1DIR.x 00 01 10 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 11 P1OUT.x 00 DVSS 01 DVSS 10 DVSS 11 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 P1.0/TA0.1/DMAE0/RTCCLK/ A0/C0/VREF-/VeREFP1.1/TA0.2/TA1CLK/COUT/ A1/C1/VREF+/VeREF+ P1.2/TA1.1/TA0CLK/COUT/A2/C2 P1.3/TA1.2/A3/C3 P1SEL1.x P1SEL0.x P1IN.x Bus Keeper NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-3. Port P1 (P1.0 to P1.3) Diagram Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 85 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-19. Port P1 (P1.0 to P1.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P1.x) P1.0/TA0.1/DMAE0/RTCCLK/A0/C0/ VREF-/VeREF- x 0 FUNCTION P1.0 (I/O) 1 2 3 (4) (5) 86 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 DMAE0 0 RTCCLK (2) 1 P1.1 (I/O) TA0.CCI2A 0 TA0.2 1 TA1CLK 0 COUT (5) 1 P1.2 (I/O) (3) (4) TA1.CCI1A 0 TA1.1 1 TA0CLK 0 COUT (5) 1 (3) (4) P1.3 (I/O) TA1.CCI2A 0 TA1.2 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 A3, C3 (1) (2) (3) P1SEL0.x 0 1 A2, C2 P1.3/TA1.2/A3/C3 P1SEL1.x TA0.1 A1, C1, VREF+, VeREF+ P1.2/TA1.1/TA0CLK/COUT/A2/C2 P1DIR.x 0 (3) (4) (3) (4) (1) I: 0; O: 1 TA0.CCI1A A0, C0, VREF-, VeREFP1.1/TA0.2/TA1CLK/COUT/A1/C1/ VREF+/VeREF+ CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS X X = Don't care Do not use this pin as RTCCLK output if the DMAE0 functionality is used on any other pin. Select an alternative RTCCLK output pin. Setting P1SEL1.x and P1SEL0.x disables the output driver and the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. Setting the CEPD.x bit of the comparator disables the output driver and the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. Selecting the Cx input pin to the comparator multiplexer with the input select bits in the comparator module automatically disables output driver and input buffer for that pin, regardless of the state of the associated CEPD.x bit. Do not use this pin as COUT output if the TA1CLK functionality is used on any other pin. Select an alternative COUT output pin. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P1 (P1.4 to P1.7) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger For the port diagram, see Figure 6-1. Table 6-20 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. Table 6-20. Port P1 (P1.4 to P1.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P1.x) x P1.4/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE/TA1.0/Sz 4 FUNCTION P1.4 (I/O) UCB0CLK UCA0STE 5 0 X (2) 0 1 0 X (3) 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X X 1 P1.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 X (2) 0 1 0 X (3) 1 0 0 1 1 0 TA0.CCI0A 0 TA0.0 1 (4) X X X 1 P1.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 TA0.CCI1A 0 TA0.1 1 (4) X X X 1 P1.7 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 Sz UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL X (2) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 TA0.CCI2A 0 TA0.2 1 (4) X Sz (1) (2) (3) (4) LCDSz 0 (4) UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA 7 P1SEL0.x 0 1 Sz P1.7/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL/TA0.2/ Sz P1SEL1.x TA1.0 UCA0CLK 6 P1DIR.x 0 UCB0STE P1.6/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA/TA0.1/ Sz (1) I: 0; O: 1 TA1.CCI0A Sz P1.5/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK/TA0.0/Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS X = Don't care Direction controlled by eUSCI_B0 module. Direction controlled by eUSCI_A0 module. Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 87 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P2 (P2.0 to P2.3) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger For the port diagram, see Figure 6-1. Table 6-21 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. Table 6-21. Port P2 (P2.0 to P2.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P2.x) P2.0/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/TB0.6/ TB0CLK/Sz x 0 FUNCTION P2.0 (I/O) UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 (2) Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P2.1 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) TB0.CCI5B 0 TB0.5 1 DMA0E 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P2.2 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) TB0.CCI4B 0 TB0.4 1 N/A 0 RTCCLK 1 (3) X X X 1 P2.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 X (2) TB0OUTH 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 Sz 88 0 0 X 0 UCA0STE (1) (2) (3) LCDSz 0 TB0CLK Sz 3 P2SEL0.x 0 1 UCA0CLK P2.3/UCA0STE/TB0OUTH/Sz P2SEL1.x 0 UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD 2 P2DIR.x TB0.6 Sz P2.2/UCA0CLK/TB0.4/RTCCLK/Sz (1) I: 0; O: 1 TB0.CCI6B Sz P2.1/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/TB0.5/ DMAE0/Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS (3) X X = Don't care Direction controlled by eUSCI_A0 module. Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P3 (P3.0 to P3.7) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger For the port diagram, see Figure 6-1. Table 6-22 and Table 6-23 summarize the selection of the pin functions. Table 6-22. Port P3 (P3.0 to P3.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P3.x) P3.0/UCB1CLK/Sz x 0 FUNCTION P3.0 (I/O) UCB1CLK 1 P3SEL1.x P3SEL0.x LCDSz 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) TA3.2 Internally tied to DVSS (for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P3.1 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) TA3.CCI3B (Note: not available for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) 0 TA3.3 Internally tied to DVSS (for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P3.2 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Sz 2 P3DIR.x 0 UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA P3.2/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/Sz UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL X (2) TA3.CCI4B (Note: not available for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) 0 TA3.4 Internally tied to DVSS (for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) 1 0 1 (3) X X X 1 P3.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 Sz P3.3/TA1.1/TB0CLK/Sz 3 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 TA1.CCI1A 0 TA1.1 1 TB0CLK 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 Sz (1) (2) (3) (1) I: 0; O: 1 TA3.CCI2B (Note: not available for FR692x(1) and FR682x(1) 64-pin package devices) Sz P3.1/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS (3) X X = Don't care Direction controlled by eUSCI_B1 module. Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 89 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-23. Port P3 (P3.4 to P3.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P3.x) P3.4/UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD/TB0.0/ Sz x 4 FUNCTION P3.4 (I/O) UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD 5 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 (2) Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P3.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) TB0CCI1A 0 TB0.1 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P3.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) TB0CCI2A 0 TB0.2 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P3.7 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 X (2) TB0CCI3B 0 TB0.3 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 Sz 90 0 0 X 0 UCA1STE (1) (2) (3) LCDSz 0 N/A Sz 7 P3SEL0.x 0 1 UCA1CLK P3.7/UCA1STE/TB0.3/Sz P3SEL1.x 0 UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD 6 P3DIR.x TB0.0 Sz P3.6/UCA1CLK/TB0.2/Sz (1) I: 0; O: 1 TB0CCI0A Sz P3.5/UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD/TB0.1/ Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS (3) X X = Don't care Direction controlled by eUSCI_A1 module. Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P4 (P4.2 to P4.7) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger For the port diagram, see Figure 6-1. Table 6-24 and Table 6-25 summarize the selection of the pin functions. Table 6-24. Port P4 (P4.2 and P4.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P4.x) P4.2/UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD/ UCB1CLK/Sz x 2 FUNCTION P4.2 (I/O) UCA0SIMO/UCA0TXD UCB1CLK 3 P4DIR.x P4SEL1.x P4SEL0.x LCDSz 0 0 0 X (2) 0 1 0 X (3) 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (4) X X X 1 P4.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD UCB1STE X (2) 0 1 0 X (3) 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 Sz (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) I: 0; O: 1 N/A Sz P4.3/UCA0SOMI/UCA0RXD/ UCB1STE/Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS (4) X X = Don't care Direction controlled by eUSCI_A0 module. Direction controlled by eUSCI_B1 module. Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 91 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-25. Port P4 (P4.4 to P4.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P4.x) x P4.4/UCB1STE/TA1CLK/Sz 4 FUNCTION P4.4 (I/O) 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) 1 (3) X X X 1 P4.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 X (2) TA1CCI0A 0 TA1.0 1 (3) X X X 1 P4.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 X (2) TA1CCI1A 0 TA1.1 1 (3) X X X 1 P4.7 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 X (2) TA1CCI2A 0 TA1.2 1 (3) X Sz 92 0 Internally tied to DVSS UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL (1) (2) (3) 0 0 Sz 7 LCDSz 0 TA1CLK UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA P4.7/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL/TA1.2/ Sz P4SEL0.x 0 1 Sz 6 P4SEL1.x Internally tied to DVSS UCB1CLK P4.6/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA/TA1.1/ Sz P4DIR.x 0 Sz 5 (1) I: 0; O: 1 N/A UCB1STE P4.5/UCB1CLK/TA1.0/Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS X = Don't care Direction controlled by eUSCI_B1 module. Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P5 (P5.4 to P5.7) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger For the port diagram, see Figure 6-1. Table 6-26 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. Table 6-26. Port P5 (P5.4 to P5.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P5.x) P5.4/UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD/Sz x 4 FUNCTION P5.4 (I/O) UCA1SIMO/UCA1TXD 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P5.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P5.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X (2) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (3) X X X 1 P5.7 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 UCA1STE X (2) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 TB0CLK 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 Sz (1) (2) (3) LCDSz 0 N/A Sz 7 P5SEL0.x 0 1 UCA1CLK P5.7/UCA1STE/TB0CLK/Sz P5SEL1.x 0 Sz 6 P5DIR.x Internally tied to DVSS UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD P5.6/UCA1CLK/Sz (1) I: 0; O: 1 N/A Sz P5.5/UCA1SOMI/UCA1RXD/Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS (3) X X = Don't care Direction controlled by eUSCI_A1 module. Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 93 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P6 (P6.0 to P6.6) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 6-4 shows the port diagram. Table 6-27 and Table 6-28 summarize the selection of the pin functions. To/From LCD module Pad Logic P6REN.x P6DIR.x 00 01 10 11 P6OUT.x Direction 0: Input 1: Output DVSS 0 DVCC 1 00 From module 1 01 From module 2 10 DVSS 11 P6.0/R23 P6.1/R13/LCDREF P6.2/COUT/R03 P6.3/COM0 P6.4/TB0.0/COM1 P6.5/TB0.1/COM2 P6.6/TB0.2/COM3 P6SEL1.x P6SEL0.x P6IN.x To module 1 (A) To module 2 1 Bus Keeper (A) NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-4. Port P6 (P6.0 to P6.6) Diagram 94 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-27. Port P6 (P6.0 to P6.2) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P6.x) P6.0/R23 x 0 FUNCTION P6.0 (I/O) P6.1/R13/LCDREF 1 2 P6SEL0.x 0 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (2) P6.1 (I/O) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (2) P6.2 (I/O) N/A 0 COUT 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 R03 (1) (2) P6SEL1.x 0 R13/LCDREF P6.2/COUT/R03 P6DIR.x I: 0; O: 1 N/A R23 (2) (1) CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS X X = Don't care Setting P6SEL1.x and P6SEL0.x disables the output driver and the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 95 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-28. Port P6 (P6.3 to P6.6) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P6.x) P6.3/COM0 3 P6.4/TB0.0/COM1 P6.5/TB0.1/COM2 P6.6/TB0.2/COM3 (1) (2) 96 x 4 5 6 FUNCTION P6.3 (I/O) (1) CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS P6DIR.x P6SEL1.x P6SEL0.x I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 COM0 (2) X 1 1 P6.4 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 TB0CCI0B 0 TB0.0 1 0 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 0 COM1 (2) X 1 1 P6.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 TB0CCI1A 0 TB0.1 1 0 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 0 COM2 (2) X 1 1 P6.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 TB0CCI2A 0 TB0.2 1 0 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 0 COM3 (2) X 1 1 X = Don't care Setting P6SEL1.x and P6SEL0.x disables the output driver and the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P7 (P7.0 to P7.4) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger For the port diagram, see Figure 6-1. Table 6-29 and Table 6-30 summarize the selection of the pin functions. Table 6-29. Port P7 (P7.0 to P7.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P7.x) P7.0/TA0CLK/Sz x 0 FUNCTION 1 P7DIR.x P7SEL1.x P7SEL0.x LCDSz I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 TA0CLK 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 0 1 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 0 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 1 0 (2) X X X 1 P7.1 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 TA0CCI0B 0 TA0.0 1 0 1 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 0 0 N/A 0 ACLK 1 1 1 0 (2) X X X 1 P7.2 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 TA0CCI1A 0 TA0.1 1 0 1 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 0 0 N/A 0 N/A 1 1 1 0 Sz P7.2/TA0.1/Sz 2 (2) X X X 1 P7.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 TA0CCI2A 0 TA0.2 1 0 1 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 0 0 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 1 1 0 X X 1 Sz P7.3/TA0.2/Sz 3 Sz (1) (2) (1) P7.0 (I/O) Sz P7.1/TA0.0/ACLK/Sz CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS (2) X X = Don't care Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 97 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-30. Port P7 (P7.4) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P7.x) P7.4/SMCLK/Sz x 4 FUNCTION P7.4 (I/O) 98 P7DIR.x P7SEL1.x P7SEL0.x LCDSz 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 X X 1 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 SMCLK 1 (2) (1) I: 0; O: 1 N/A Sz (1) (2) CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS X X = Don't care Associated LCD segment is package dependent. See the pin diagrams and signal descriptions in Section 4. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port P9 (P9.4 to P9.7) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 6-5 shows the port diagram. Table 6-31 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. To ADC From ADC To Comparator From Comparator CEPD.x Pad Logic P9REN.x P9DIR.x 00 01 10 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 11 P9OUT.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 00 DVSS 01 DVSS 10 DVSS 11 P9.4/A12/C12 P9.5/A13/C13 P9.6/A14/C14 P9.7/A15/C15 P9SEL1.x P9SEL0.x P9IN.x Bus Keeper NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-5. Port P9 (P9.4 to P9.7) Diagram Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 99 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-31. Port P9 (P9.4 to P9.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P9.x) P9.4/A12/C12 x 4 FUNCTION P9.4 (I/O) 5 6 7 (3) 100 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 X 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 P9.5 (I/O) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (2) (3) P9.6 (I/O) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (2) (3) P9.7 (I/O) N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 A15/C15 (1) (2) P9SEL0.x 0 1 A14/C14 P9.7/A15/C15 P9SEL1.x Internally tied to DVSS A13/C13 P9.6/A14/C14 P9DIR.x 0 (2) (3) (2) (3) (1) I: 0; O: 1 N/A A12/C12 P9.5/A13/C13 CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS X X = Don't care Setting P9SEL1.x and P9SEL0.x disables the output driver and the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. Setting the CEPD.x bit of the comparator disables the output driver and the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. Selecting the Cx input pin to the comparator multiplexer with the input select bits in the comparator module automatically disables output driver and input buffer for that pin, regardless of the state of the associated CEPD.x bit. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port PJ (PJ.4 and PJ.5) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 6-6 and Figure 6-7 show the port diagrams. Table 6-32 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. Pad Logic To LFXT XIN PJREN.4 PJDIR.4 00 01 10 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 11 PJOUT.4 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 00 DVSS 01 DVSS 10 DVSS 11 PJ.4/LFXIN PJSEL1.4 PJSEL0.4 PJIN.4 Bus Keeper EN To modules D NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-6. Port PJ (PJ.4) Diagram Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 101 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Pad Logic To LFXT XOUT PJSEL0.4 PJSEL1.4 LFXTBYPASS PJREN.5 PJDIR.5 00 01 10 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 11 PJOUT.5 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 00 DVSS 01 DVSS 10 DVSS 11 PJ.5/LFXOUT PJSEL1.5 PJSEL0.5 PJIN.5 EN To modules Bus Keeper D NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-7. Port PJ (PJ.5) Diagram 102 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-32. Port PJ (PJ.4 and PJ.5) Pin Functions PIN NAME (PJ.x) PJ.4/LFXIN x 4 PJ.4 (I/O) PJSEL1.5 PJSEL0.5 PJSEL1.4 PJSEL0.4 LFXTBYPASS X X 0 0 X X X 1 X X Internally tied to DVSS 1 (2) X X X 0 1 0 X X X 0 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 (2) 5 PJ.5 (I/O) N/A Internally tied to DVSS LFXOUT crystal mode (2) (3) (4) PJDIR.x I: 0; O: 1 0 LFXIN bypass mode (1) (2) (1) N/A LFXIN crystal mode PJ.5/LFXOUT CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS FUNCTION 0 1 X See See X (4) (4) See See X (4) (4) 0 0 1 X X X 0 1 (3) 0 0 1 X X X 0 0 1 X X X 1 (3) 0 1 0 0 1 (3) 0 X = Don't care Setting PJSEL1.4 = 0 and PJSEL0.4 = 1 causes the general-purpose I/O to be disabled. When LFXTBYPASS = 0, PJ.4 and PJ.5 are configured for crystal operation and PJSEL1.5 and PJSEL0.5 are don't care. When LFXTBYPASS = 1, PJ.4 is configured for bypass operation and PJ.5 is configured as general-purpose I/O. When PJ.4 is configured in bypass mode, PJ.5 is configured as general-purpose I/O. With PJSEL0.5 = 1 or PJSEL1.5 =1 the general-purpose I/O functionality is disabled. No input function is available. Configured as output, the pin is actively pulled to zero. Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 103 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port PJ (PJ.6 and PJ.7) Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 6-8 and Figure 6-9 show the port diagrams. Table 6-33 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. Pad Logic To HFXT XIN PJREN.6 PJDIR.6 00 01 10 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 11 PJOUT.6 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 00 DVSS 01 DVSS 10 DVSS 11 PJ.6/HFXIN PJSEL1.6 PJSEL0.6 PJIN.6 EN To modules Bus Keeper D NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-8. Port PJ (PJ.6) Diagram 104 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Pad Logic To HFXT XOUT PJSEL0.6 PJSEL1.6 HFXTBYPASS PJREN.7 PJDIR.7 00 01 10 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 11 PJOUT.7 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 00 DVSS 01 DVSS 10 DVSS 11 PJ.7/HFXOUT PJSEL1.7 PJSEL0.7 PJIN.7 Bus Keeper EN To modules D NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-9. Port PJ (PJ.7) Diagram Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 105 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-33. Port PJ (PJ.6 and PJ.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (PJ.x) PJ.6/HFXIN x 6 PJ.7/HFXOUT FUNCTION PJ.6 (I/O) PJSEL1.7 PJSEL0.7 PJSEL1.6 PJSEL0.6 HFXTBYPASS X X 0 0 X X X 1 X X Internally tied to DVSS 1 HFXIN crystal mode (2) X X X 0 1 0 HFXIN bypass mode (2) X X X 0 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 7 Internally tied to DVSS HFXOUT crystal mode (2) 106 PJDIR.x I: 0; O: 1 0 N/A (3) (4) (1) N/A PJ.7 (I/O) (1) (2) CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS 0 1 X See See X (4) (4) See See X (4) (4) 0 0 1 X X X 0 1 (3) 0 0 1 X X X 0 0 1 X X X 1 (3) 0 1 0 0 1 (3) 0 X = Don't care Setting PJSEL1.6 = 0 and PJSEL0.6 = 1 causes the general-purpose I/O to be disabled. When HFXTBYPASS = 0, PJ.6 and PJ.7 are configured for crystal operation and PJSEL1.6 and PJSEL0.7 are don't care. When HFXTBYPASS = 1, PJ.6 is configured for bypass operation and PJ.7 is configured as general-purpose I/O. When PJ.6 is configured in bypass mode, PJ.7 is configured as general-purpose I/O. With PJSEL0.7 = 1 or PJSEL1.7 = 1 the general-purpose I/O functionality is disabled. No input function is available. Configured as output, the pin is actively pulled to zero. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Port PJ (PJ.0 to PJ.3) JTAG Pins TDO, TMS, TCK, TDI/TCLK, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Figure 6-10 shows the port diagram. Table 6-34 summarizes the selection of the pin functions. Pad Logic DVSS JTAG enable From JTAG From JTAG PJREN.x PJDIR.x 00 1 01 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 11 PJOUT.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 0 10 1 00 From module 1 01 1 From Status Register (SR) 10 0 DVSS 11 PJSEL1.x PJSEL0.x PJIN.x EN Bus Keeper PJ.0/TDO/TB0OUTH/ SMCLK SRSCG1 PJ.1/TDI/TCLK/MCLK/ SRSCG0 PJ.2/TMS/ACLK/ SROSCOFF PJ.3/TCK/COUT/ SRCPUOFF D To modules and JTAG NOTE: Functional representation only. Figure 6-10. Port PJ (PJ.0 to PJ.3) Diagram Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 107 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-34. Port PJ (PJ.0 to PJ.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (PJ.x) PJ.0/TDO/TB0OUTH/ SMCLK/SRSCG1 PJ.1/TDI/TCLK/MCLK/ SRSCG0 PJ.2/TMS/ACLK/ SROSCOFF PJ.3/TCK/COUT/ SRCPUOFF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 108 x 0 FUNCTION PJ.0 (I/O) TDO 1 2 (3) PJDIR.x PJSEL1.x I: 0; O: 1 0 0 X X X 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 SMCLK (4) 1 N/A 0 CPU Status Register Bit SCG1 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 PJ.1 (I/O) (2) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 TDI/TCLK (3) (5) X X X 0 1 1 0 1 1 N/A 0 MCLK 1 N/A 0 CPU Status Register Bit SCG0 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (2) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 X X X 0 1 1 0 1 1 PJ.2 (I/O) (3) (5) N/A 0 ACLK 1 N/A 0 CPU Status Register Bit OSCOFF 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (2) I: 0; O: 1 0 0 X X X 0 1 1 0 1 1 PJ.3 (I/O) TCK (3) (5) N/A 0 COUT 1 N/A 0 CPU Status Register Bit CPUOFF 1 N/A 0 Internally tied to DVSS 1 (1) PJSEL0.x TB0OUTH TMS 3 (2) CONTROL BITS OR SIGNALS X = Don't care Default condition The pin direction is controlled by the JTAG module. JTAG mode selection is made by the SYS module or by the Spy-Bi-Wire 4-wire entry sequence. Neither PJSEL1.x and PJSEL0.x nor CEPD.x bits have an effect in these cases. Do not use this pin as SMCLK output if the TB0OUTH functionality is used on any other pin. Select an alternative SMCLK output pin. In JTAG mode, pullups are activated automatically on TMS, TCK, and TDI/TCLK. PJREN.x are don't care. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.12 Device Descriptors (TLV) Table 6-35 summarizes the Device IDs. Table 6-36 list the contents of the device descriptor tag-lengthvalue (TLV) structure. Table 6-35. Device ID DEVICE PACKAGE MSP430FR6970 DEVICE ID At 01A05h At 01A04h PM and RGC 82h 49h MSP430FR6972(1) PM and RGC 82h 4Bh MSP430FR6870 PM and RGC 82h 4Ch MSP430FR6872(1) PM and RGC 82h 4Eh MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6922(1) MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6822(1) DGG 82h 4Fh PM and RGC 82h 50h DGG 82h 53h PM and RGC 82h 54h DGG 82h 55h PM and RGC 82h 56h DGG 82h 59h PM and RGC 82h 5Ah Table 6-36. Device Descriptor Table DESCRIPTION MSP430FRxxxx1 (I2C BSL) ADDRESS VALUE ADDRESS VALUE 01A00h 06h 01A00h 06h CRC length 01A01h 06h 01A01h 06h 01A02h Per unit 01A02h Per unit 01A03h Per unit 01A03h Per unit Device ID 01A04h Device ID 01A05h Hardware revision 01A06h Per unit 01A06h Per unit Firmware revision 01A07h Per unit 01A07h Per unit Die record tag 01A08h 08h 01A08h 08h Die record length 01A09h 0Ah 01A09h 0Ah 01A0Ah Per unit 01A0Ah Per unit 01A0Bh Per unit 01A0Bh Per unit 01A0Ch Per unit 01A0Ch Per unit 01A0Dh Per unit 01A0Dh Per unit 01A0Eh Per unit 01A0Eh Per unit 01A0Fh Per unit 01A0Fh Per unit 01A10h Per unit 01A10h Per unit 01A11h Per unit 01A11h Per unit 01A12h Per unit 01A12h Per unit 01A13h Per unit 01A13h Per unit Lot/wafer ID Die Record Die X position Die Y position Test results (1) MSP430FRxxxx (UART BSL) Info length CRC value Info Block (1) See Table 6-35. 01A04h 01A05h See Table 6-35. NA = Not applicable, Per unit = content can differ from device to device Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 109 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-36. Device Descriptor Table (1) (continued) DESCRIPTION VALUE ADDRESS VALUE ADC12B calibration tag 01A14h 11h 01A14h 11h ADC12B calibration length 01A15h 10h 01A15h 10h 01A16h Per unit 01A16h Per unit 01A17h Per unit 01A17h Per unit 01A18h Per unit 01A18h Per unit 01A19h Per unit 01A19h Per unit ADC 1.2-V reference Temperature sensor 30C 01A1Ah Per unit 01A1Ah Per unit 01A1Bh Per unit 01A1Bh Per unit ADC 1.2-V reference Temperature sensor 85C 01A1Ch Per unit 01A1Ch Per unit 01A1Dh Per unit 01A1Dh Per unit ADC 2.0-V reference Temperature sensor 30C 01A1Eh Per unit 01A1Eh Per unit 01A1Fh Per unit 01A1Fh Per unit ADC 2.0-V reference Temperature sensor 85C 01A20h Per unit 01A20h Per unit 01A21h Per unit 01A21h Per unit ADC 2.5-V reference Temperature sensor 30C 01A22h Per unit 01A22h Per unit 01A23h Per unit 01A23h Per unit ADC 2.5-V reference Temperature sensor 85C 01A24h Per unit 01A24h Per unit 01A25h Per unit 01A25h Per unit REF calibration tag 01A26h 12h 01A26h 12h REF calibration length 01A27h 06h 01A27h 06h 01A28h Per unit 01A28h Per unit 01A29h Per unit 01A29h Per unit 01A2Ah Per unit 01A2Ah Per unit ADC offset (3) REF 1.2-V reference REF Calibration REF 2.0-V reference REF 2.5-V reference (2) (3) 110 MSP430FRxxxx1 (I2C BSL) ADDRESS ADC gain factor (2) ADC12B Calibration MSP430FRxxxx (UART BSL) 01A2Bh Per unit 01A2Bh Per unit 01A2Ch Per unit 01A2Ch Per unit 01A2Dh Per unit 01A2Dh Per unit ADC gain: The gain correction factor is measured using the internal voltage reference with REFOUT = 0. Other settings (for example, with REFOUT = 1) can result in different correction factors. ADC offset: The offset correction factor is measured using the internal 2.5-V reference. Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-36. Device Descriptor Table (1) (continued) DESCRIPTION VALUE ADDRESS VALUE 128-bit random number tag 01A2Eh 15h 01A2Eh 15h Random number length 01A2Fh 10h 01A2Fh 10h 01A30h Per unit 01A30h Per unit 01A31h Per unit 01A31h Per unit 01A32h Per unit 01A32h Per unit 01A33h Per unit 01A33h Per unit 01A34h Per unit 01A34h Per unit 01A35h Per unit 01A35h Per unit 01A36h Per unit 01A36h Per unit 01A37h Per unit 01A37h Per unit 01A38h Per unit 01A38h Per unit 01A39h Per unit 01A39h Per unit 01A3Ah Per unit 01A3Ah Per unit 128-bit random number (4) (4) MSP430FRxxxx1 (I2C BSL) ADDRESS Random Number BSL Configuration MSP430FRxxxx (UART BSL) 01A3Bh Per unit 01A3Bh Per unit 01A3Ch Per unit 01A3Ch Per unit 01A3Dh Per unit 01A3Dh Per unit 01A3Eh Per unit 01A3Eh Per unit 01A3Fh Per unit 01A3Fh Per unit BSL tag 01A40h 1Ch 01A40h 1Ch BSL length 01A41h 02h 01A41h 02h BSL interface 01A42h 00h 01A42h 01h BSL interface configuration 01A43h 00h 01A43h 48h 128-bit random number: The random number is generated during production test using the CryptGenRandom() function from Microsoft(R). Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 111 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.13 Memory Table 6-37 summarizes the memory map for all devices. Table 6-37. Memory Organization (1) MSP430FR69x2(1) MSP430FR68x2(1) MSP430FR69x0 MSP430FR68x0 Total Size 63KB 00FFFFh to 00FF80h 013FFFh to 004400h 32KB 00FFFFh to 00FF80h 00FF7Fh to 008000h Sect 1 2KB 0023FFh to 001C00h 2KB 0023FFh to 001C00h 256 bytes 001AFFh to 001A00h 256 bytes 001AFFh to 001A00h Info A 128 bytes 0019FFh to 001980h 128 bytes 0019FFh to 001980h Info B 128 bytes 00197Fh to 001900h 128 bytes 00197Fh to 001900h Info C 128 bytes 0018FFh to 001880h 128 bytes 0018FFh to 001880h Info D 128 bytes 00187Fh to 001800h 128 bytes 00187Fh to 001800h BSL 3 512 bytes 0017FFh to 001600h 512 bytes 0017FFh to 001600h BSL 2 512 bytes 0015FFh to 001400h 512 bytes 0015FFh to 001400h BSL 1 512 bytes 0013FFh to 001200h 512 bytes 0013FFh to 001200h BSL 0 512 bytes 0011FFh to 001000h 512 bytes 0011FFh to 001000h Peripherals Size 4KB 000FFFh to 000020h 4KB 000FFFh to 000020h Tiny RAM Size 26 bytes 000001Fh to 000006h 26 bytes 000001Fh to 000006h Reserved (Read Only) (2) Size 6 bytes 000005h to 000000h 6 bytes 000005h to 000000h Memory (FRAM) Main: interrupt vectors and signatures Main: code memory RAM Device Descriptor Info (TLV) (FRAM) Information memory (FRAM) Bootloader (BSL) memory (ROM) (1) (2) 112 All address space not listed is considered vacant memory. Read as: D032h at 00h (Opcode: BIS.W LPM4, SR), 00F0h at 02h (Opcode: BIS.W LPM4, SR), 3FFFh at 04h (Opcode: JMP$) Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.13.1 Peripheral File Map Table 6-38 lists the base address and offset range for the registers of supported peripheral modules. Table 6-38. Peripherals MODULE NAME BASE ADDRESS OFFSET ADDRESS RANGE Special Functions (see Table 6-39) 0100h 000h to 01Fh PMM (see Table 6-40) 0120h 000h to 01Fh FRAM Control (see Table 6-41) 0140h 000h to 00Fh CRC16 (see Table 6-42) 0150h 000h to 007h RAM Controller (see Table 6-43) 0158h 000h to 001h Watchdog (see Table 6-44) 015Ch 000h to 001h CS (see Table 6-45) 0160h 000h to 00Fh SYS (see Table 6-46) 0180h 000h to 01Fh Shared Reference (see Table 6-47) 01B0h 000h to 001h Port P1, P2 (see Table 6-48) 0200h 000h to 01Fh Port P3, P4 (see Table 6-49) 0220h 000h to 01Fh Port P5, P6 (see Table 6-50) 0240h 000h to 01Fh Port P7 (see Table 6-51) 0260h 000h to 01Fh Port P9 (see Table 6-52) 0280h 000h to 01Fh Port PJ (see Table 6-53) 0320h 000h to 01Fh Timer_A TA0 (see Table 6-54) 0340h 000h to 02Fh Timer_A TA1 (see Table 6-55) 0380h 000h to 02Fh Timer_B TB0 (see Table 6-56) 03C0h 000h to 02Fh Timer_A TA2 (see Table 6-57) 0400h 000h to 02Fh Capacitive Touch I/O 0 (see Table 6-58) 0430h 000h to 00Fh Timer_A TA3 (see Table 6-59) 0440h 000h to 02Fh Capacitive Touch I/O 1 (see Table 6-60) 0470h 000h to 00Fh Real-Time Clock (RTC_C) (see Table 6-61) 04A0h 000h to 01Fh 32-Bit Hardware Multiplier (see Table 6-62) 04C0h 000h to 02Fh DMA General Control (see Table 6-63) 0500h 000h to 00Fh DMA Channel 0 (see Table 6-63) 0510h 000h to 00Fh DMA Channel 1 (see Table 6-63) 0520h 000h to 00Fh DMA Channel 2 (see Table 6-63) 0530h 000h to 00Fh MPU Control (see Table 6-64) 05A0h 000h to 00Fh eUSCI_A0 (see Table 6-65) 05C0h 000h to 01Fh eUSCI_A1 (see Table 6-66) 05E0h 000h to 01Fh eUSCI_B0 (see Table 6-67) 0640h 000h to 02Fh eUSCI_B1 (see Table 6-68) 0680h 000h to 02Fh ADC12_B (see Table 6-69) 0800h 000h to 09Fh Comparator_E (see Table 6-70) 08C0h 000h to 00Fh CRC32 (see Table 6-71) 0980h 000h to 02Fh AES (see Table 6-72) 09C0h 000h to 00Fh LCD_C (see Table 6-73) 0A00h 000h to 05Fh Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 113 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-39. Special Function Registers (Base Address: 0100h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET SFR interrupt enable SFRIE1 00h SFR interrupt flag SFRIFG1 02h SFR reset pin control SFRRPCR 04h Table 6-40. PMM Registers (Base Address: 0120h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET PMM control 0 PMMCTL0 00h PMM interrupt flags PMMIFG 0Ah PM5 control 0 PM5CTL0 10h Table 6-41. FRAM Control Registers (Base Address: 0140h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET FRAM control 0 FRCTL0 00h General control 0 GCCTL0 04h General control 1 GCCTL1 06h Table 6-42. CRC16 Registers (Base Address: 0150h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET CRC data input CRCDI 00h CRC data input reverse byte CRCDIRB 02h CRC initialization and result CRCINIRES 04h CRC result reverse byte CRCRESR 06h Table 6-43. RAM Controller Registers (Base Address: 0158h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION RAM controller control 0 REGISTER RCCTL0 OFFSET 00h Table 6-44. Watchdog Registers (Base Address: 015Ch) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Watchdog timer control REGISTER WDTCTL OFFSET 00h Table 6-45. CS Registers (Base Address: 0160h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET CS control 0 CSCTL0 00h CS control 1 CSCTL1 02h CS control 2 CSCTL2 04h CS control 3 CSCTL3 06h CS control 4 CSCTL4 08h CS control 5 CSCTL5 0Ah CS control 6 CSCTL6 0Ch Table 6-46. SYS Registers (Base Address: 0180h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET System control SYSCTL 00h JTAG mailbox control SYSJMBC 06h 114 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-46. SYS Registers (Base Address: 0180h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET JTAG mailbox input 0 SYSJMBI0 08h JTAG mailbox input 1 SYSJMBI1 0Ah JTAG mailbox output 0 SYSJMBO0 0Ch JTAG mailbox output 1 SYSJMBO1 0Eh User NMI vector generator SYSUNIV 1Ah System NMI vector generator SYSSNIV 1Ch Reset vector generator SYSRSTIV 1Eh Table 6-47. Shared Reference Registers (Base Address: 01B0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Shared reference control REGISTER REFCTL OFFSET 00h Table 6-48. Port P1, P2 Registers (Base Address: 0200h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port P1 input P1IN 00h Port P1 output P1OUT 02h Port P1 direction P1DIR 04h Port P1 resistor enable P1REN 06h Port P1 selection 0 P1SEL0 0Ah Port P1 selection 1 P1SEL1 0Ch Port P1 interrupt vector word P1IV 0Eh Port P1 complement selection P1SELC 16h Port P1 interrupt edge select P1IES 18h Port P1 interrupt enable P1IE 1Ah Port P1 interrupt flag P1IFG 1Ch Port P2 input P2IN 01h Port P2 output P2OUT 03h Port P2 direction P2DIR 05h Port P2 resistor enable P2REN 07h Port P2 selection 0 P2SEL0 0Bh Port P2 selection 1 P2SEL1 0Dh Port P2 complement selection P2SELC 17h Port P2 interrupt vector word P2IV 1Eh Port P2 interrupt edge select P2IES 19h Port P2 interrupt enable P2IE 1Bh Port P2 interrupt flag P2IFG 1Dh Table 6-49. Port P3, P4 Registers (Base Address: 0220h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port P3 input P3IN 00h Port P3 output P3OUT 02h Port P3 direction P3DIR 04h Port P3 resistor enable P3REN 06h Port P3 selection 0 P3SEL0 0Ah Port P3 selection 1 P3SEL1 0Ch Port P3 interrupt vector word P3IV 0Eh Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 115 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-49. Port P3, P4 Registers (Base Address: 0220h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port P3 complement selection P3SELC 16h Port P3 interrupt edge select P3IES 18h Port P3 interrupt enable P3IE 1Ah Port P3 interrupt flag P3IFG 1Ch Port P4 input P4IN 01h Port P4 output P4OUT 03h Port P4 direction P4DIR 05h Port P4 resistor enable P4REN 07h Port P4 selection 0 P4SEL0 0Bh Port P4 selection 1 P4SEL1 0Dh Port P4 complement selection P4SELC 17h Port P4 interrupt vector word P4IV 1Eh Port P4 interrupt edge select P4IES 19h Port P4 interrupt enable P4IE 1Bh Port P4 interrupt flag P4IFG 1Dh Table 6-50. Port P5, P6 Registers (Base Address: 0240h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port P5 input P5IN 00h Port P5 output P5OUT 02h Port P5 direction P5DIR 04h Port P5 resistor enable P5REN 06h Port P5 selection 0 P5SEL0 0Ah Port P5 selection 1 P5SEL1 0Ch Reserved 0Eh Port P5 complement selection P5SELC 16h Reserved 18h Reserved 1Ah Reserved 1Ch Port P6 input P6IN 01h Port P6 output P6OUT 03h Port P6 direction P6DIR 05h Port P6 resistor enable P6REN 07h Port P6 selection 0 P6SEL0 0Bh Port P6 selection 1 P6SEL1 0Dh Port P6 complement selection P6SELC 17h Reserved 1Eh Reserved 19h Reserved 1Bh Reserved 1Dh Table 6-51. Port P7 Registers (Base Address: 0260h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port P7 input P7IN 00h Port P7 output P7OUT 02h Port P7 direction P7DIR 04h Port P7 resistor enable P7REN 06h 116 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-51. Port P7 Registers (Base Address: 0260h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port P7 selection 0 P7SEL0 0Ah Port P7 selection 1 P7SEL1 0Ch Reserved 0Eh Port P7 complement selection P7SELC 16h Reserved 18h Reserved 1Ah Reserved 1Ch Table 6-52. Port P9 Registers (Base Address: 0280h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port P9 input P9IN 00h Port P9 output P9OUT 02h Port P9 direction P9DIR 04h Port P9 resistor enable P9REN 06h Port P9 selection 0 P9SEL0 0Ah Port P9 selection 1 P9SEL1 0Ch Reserved 0Eh Port P9 complement selection P9SELC 16h Reserved 18h Reserved 1Ah Reserved 1Ch Table 6-53. Port J Registers (Base Address: 0320h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Port PJ input PJIN 00h Port PJ output PJOUT 02h Port PJ direction PJDIR 04h Port PJ resistor enable PJREN 06h Port PJ selection 0 PJSEL0 0Ah Port PJ selection 1 PJSEL1 0Ch Port PJ complement selection PJSELC 16h Table 6-54. Timer_A TA0 Registers (Base Address: 0340h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TA0 control TA0CTL 00h Capture/compare control 0 TA0CCTL0 02h Capture/compare control 1 TA0CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 2 TA0CCTL2 06h TA0 counter TA0R 10h Capture/compare 0 TA0CCR0 12h Capture/compare 1 TA0CCR1 14h Capture/compare 2 TA0CCR2 16h TA0 expansion 0 TA0EX0 20h TA0 interrupt vector TA0IV 2Eh Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 117 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-55. Timer_A TA1 Registers (Base Address: 0380h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TA1 control TA1CTL 00h Capture/compare control 0 TA1CCTL0 02h Capture/compare control 1 TA1CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 2 TA1CCTL2 06h TA1 counter TA1R 10h Capture/compare 0 TA1CCR0 12h Capture/compare 1 TA1CCR1 14h Capture/compare 2 TA1CCR2 16h TA1 expansion 0 TA1EX0 20h TA1 interrupt vector TA1IV 2Eh Table 6-56. Timer_B TB0 Registers (Base Address: 03C0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TB0 control TB0CTL 00h Capture/compare control 0 TB0CCTL0 02h Capture/compare control 1 TB0CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 2 TB0CCTL2 06h Capture/compare control 3 TB0CCTL3 08h Capture/compare control 4 TB0CCTL4 0Ah Capture/compare control 5 TB0CCTL5 0Ch Capture/compare control 6 TB0CCTL6 0Eh TB0 counter TB0R 10h Capture/compare 0 TB0CCR0 12h Capture/compare 1 TB0CCR1 14h Capture/compare 2 TB0CCR2 16h Capture/compare 3 TB0CCR3 18h Capture/compare 4 TB0CCR4 1Ah Capture/compare 5 TB0CCR5 1Ch Capture/compare 6 TB0CCR6 1Eh TB0 expansion 0 TB0EX0 20h TB0 interrupt vector TB0IV 2Eh Table 6-57. Timer_A TA2 Registers (Base Address: 0400h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TA2 control TA2CTL 00h Capture/compare control 0 TA2CCTL0 02h Capture/compare control 1 TA2CCTL1 04h TA2 counter TA2R 10h Capture/compare 0 TA2CCR0 12h Capture/compare 1 TA2CCR1 14h TA2 expansion 0 TA2EX0 20h TA2 interrupt vector TA2IV 2Eh Table 6-58. Capacitive Touch I/O 0 Registers (Base Address: 0430h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Capacitive touch I/O 0 control 118 Detailed Description REGISTER CAPTIO0CTL OFFSET 0Eh Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-59. Timer_A TA3 Registers (Base Address: 0440h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET TA3 control TA3CTL 00h Capture/compare control 0 TA3CCTL0 02h Capture/compare control 1 TA3CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 2 TA3CCTL2 06h Capture/compare control 3 TA3CCTL3 08h Capture/compare control 4 TA3CCTL4 0Ah TA3 counter TA3R 10h Capture/compare 0 TA3CCR0 12h Capture/compare 1 TA3CCR1 14h Capture/compare 2 TA3CCR2 16h Capture/compare 3 TA3CCR3 18h Capture/compare 4 TA3CCR4 1Ah TA3 expansion 0 TA3EX0 20h TA3 interrupt vector TA3IV 2Eh Table 6-60. Capacitive Touch I/O 1 Registers (Base Address: 0470h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION Capacitive touch I/O 1 control REGISTER CAPTIO1CTL OFFSET 0Eh Table 6-61. RTC_C Registers (Base Address: 04A0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET RTC control 0 RTCCTL0 00h RTC password RTCPWD 01h RTC control 1 RTCCTL1 02h RTC control 3 RTCCTL3 03h RTC offset calibration RTCOCAL 04h RTC temperature compensation RTCTCMP 06h RTC prescaler 0 control RTCPS0CTL 08h RTC prescaler 1 control RTCPS1CTL 0Ah RTC prescaler 0 RTCPS0 0Ch RTC prescaler 1 RTCPS1 0Dh RTC interrupt vector word RTCIV 0Eh RTC seconds/counter 1 RTCSEC/RTCNT1 10h RTC minutes/counter 2 RTCMIN/RTCNT2 11h RTC hours/counter 3 RTCHOUR/RTCNT3 12h RTC day of week/counter 4 RTCDOW/RTCNT4 13h RTC days RTCDAY 14h RTC month RTCMON 15h RTC year RTCYEAR 16h RTC alarm minutes RTCAMIN 18h RTC alarm hours RTCAHOUR 19h RTC alarm day of week RTCADOW 1Ah RTC alarm days RTCADAY 1Bh Binary-to-BCD conversion BIN2BCD 1Ch BCD-to-binary conversion BCD2BIN 1Eh Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 119 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-62. 32-Bit Hardware Multiplier Registers (Base Address: 04C0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET 16-bit operand 1 - multiply MPY 00h 16-bit operand 1 - signed multiply MPYS 02h 16-bit operand 1 - multiply accumulate MAC 04h 16-bit operand 1 - signed multiply accumulate MACS 06h 16-bit operand 2 OP2 08h 16 x 16 result low word RESLO 0Ah 16 x 16 result high word RESHI 0Ch 16 x 16 sum extension SUMEXT 0Eh 32-bit operand 1 - multiply low word MPY32L 10h 32-bit operand 1 - multiply high word MPY32H 12h 32-bit operand 1 - signed multiply low word MPYS32L 14h 32-bit operand 1 - signed multiply high word MPYS32H 16h 32-bit operand 1 - multiply accumulate low word MAC32L 18h 32-bit operand 1 - multiply accumulate high word MAC32H 1Ah 32-bit operand 1 - signed multiply accumulate low word MACS32L 1Ch 32-bit operand 1 - signed multiply accumulate high word MACS32H 1Eh 32-bit operand 2 - low word OP2L 20h 32-bit operand 2 - high word OP2H 22h 32 x 32 result 0 - least significant word RES0 24h 32 x 32 result 1 RES1 26h 32 x 32 result 2 RES2 28h 32 x 32 result 3 - most significant word RES3 2Ah MPY32 control 0 MPY32CTL0 2Ch Table 6-63. DMA Registers (Base Address DMA General Control: 0500h, DMA Channel 0: 0510h, DMA Channel 1: 0520h, DMA Channel 2: 0530h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET DMA channel 0 control DMA0CTL 00h DMA channel 0 source address low DMA0SAL 02h DMA channel 0 source address high DMA0SAH 04h DMA channel 0 destination address low DMA0DAL 06h DMA channel 0 destination address high DMA0DAH 08h DMA channel 0 transfer size DMA0SZ 0Ah DMA channel 1 control DMA1CTL 00h DMA channel 1 source address low DMA1SAL 02h DMA channel 1 source address high DMA1SAH 04h DMA channel 1 destination address low DMA1DAL 06h DMA channel 1 destination address high DMA1DAH 08h DMA channel 1 transfer size DMA1SZ 0Ah DMA channel 2 control DMA2CTL 00h DMA channel 2 source address low DMA2SAL 02h DMA channel 2 source address high DMA2SAH 04h DMA channel 2 destination address low DMA2DAL 06h DMA channel 2 destination address high DMA2DAH 08h DMA channel 2 transfer size DMA2SZ 0Ah DMA module control 0 DMACTL0 00h DMA module control 1 DMACTL1 02h 120 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-63. DMA Registers (Base Address DMA General Control: 0500h, DMA Channel 0: 0510h, DMA Channel 1: 0520h, DMA Channel 2: 0530h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET DMA module control 2 DMACTL2 04h DMA module control 3 DMACTL3 06h DMA module control 4 DMACTL4 08h DMA interrupt vector DMAIV 0Eh Table 6-64. MPU Control Registers (Base Address: 05A0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET MPU control 0 MPUCTL0 00h MPU control 1 MPUCTL1 02h MPU Segmentation Border 2 MPUSEGB2 04h MPU Segmentation Border 1 MPUSEGB1 06h MPU access management MPUSAM 08h MPU IP control 0 MPUIPC0 0Ah MPU IP Encapsulation Segment Border 2 MPUIPSEGB2 0Ch MPU IP Encapsulation Segment Border 1 MPUIPSEGB1 0Eh Table 6-65. eUSCI_A0 Registers (Base Address: 05C0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET eUSCI_A control word 0 UCA0CTLW0 00h eUSCI _A control word 1 UCA0CTLW1 02h eUSCI_A baud rate 0 UCA0BR0 06h eUSCI_A baud rate 1 UCA0BR1 07h eUSCI_A modulation control UCA0MCTLW 08h eUSCI_A status word UCA0STATW 0Ah eUSCI_A receive buffer UCA0RXBUF 0Ch eUSCI_A transmit buffer UCA0TXBUF 0Eh eUSCI_A LIN control UCA0ABCTL 10h eUSCI_A IrDA transmit control UCA0IRTCTL 12h eUSCI_A IrDA receive control UCA0IRRCTL 13h eUSCI_A interrupt enable UCA0IE 1Ah eUSCI_A interrupt flags UCA0IFG 1Ch eUSCI_A interrupt vector word UCA0IV 1Eh Table 6-66. eUSCI_A1 Registers (Base Address:05E0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET eUSCI_A control word 0 UCA1CTLW0 00h eUSCI _A control word 1 UCA1CTLW1 02h eUSCI_A baud rate 0 UCA1BR0 06h eUSCI_A baud rate 1 UCA1BR1 07h eUSCI_A modulation control UCA1MCTLW 08h eUSCI_A status word UCA1STATW 0Ah eUSCI_A receive buffer UCA1RXBUF 0Ch eUSCI_A transmit buffer UCA1TXBUF 0Eh eUSCI_A LIN control UCA1ABCTL 10h eUSCI_A IrDA transmit control UCA1IRTCTL 12h Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 121 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-66. eUSCI_A1 Registers (Base Address:05E0h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET eUSCI_A IrDA receive control UCA1IRRCTL 13h eUSCI_A interrupt enable UCA1IE 1Ah eUSCI_A interrupt flags UCA1IFG 1Ch eUSCI_A interrupt vector word UCA1IV 1Eh Table 6-67. eUSCI_B0 Registers (Base Address: 0640h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET eUSCI_B control word 0 UCB0CTLW0 00h eUSCI_B control word 1 UCB0CTLW1 02h eUSCI_B bit rate 0 UCB0BR0 06h eUSCI_B bit rate 1 UCB0BR1 07h eUSCI_B status word UCB0STATW 08h eUSCI_B byte counter threshold UCB0TBCNT 0Ah eUSCI_B receive buffer UCB0RXBUF 0Ch eUSCI_B transmit buffer UCB0TXBUF 0Eh eUSCI_B I2C own address 0 UCB0I2COA0 14h eUSCI_B I2C own address 1 UCB0I2COA1 16h eUSCI_B I2C own address 2 UCB0I2COA2 18h eUSCI_B I2C own address 3 UCB0I2COA3 1Ah eUSCI_B received address UCB0ADDRX 1Ch eUSCI_B address mask UCB0ADDMASK 1Eh eUSCI_B I2C slave address UCB0I2CSA 20h eUSCI_B interrupt enable UCB0IE 2Ah eUSCI_B interrupt flags UCB0IFG 2Ch eUSCI_B interrupt vector word UCB0IV 2Eh Table 6-68. eUSCI_B1 Registers (Base Address: 0680h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET eUSCI_B control word 0 UCB1CTLW0 00h eUSCI_B control word 1 UCB1CTLW1 02h eUSCI_B bit rate 0 UCB1BR0 06h eUSCI_B bit rate 1 UCB1BR1 07h eUSCI_B status word UCB1STATW 08h eUSCI_B byte counter threshold UCB1TBCNT 0Ah eUSCI_B receive buffer UCB1RXBUF 0Ch eUSCI_B transmit buffer UCB1TXBUF 0Eh eUSCI_B I2C own address 0 UCB1I2COA0 14h eUSCI_B I2C own address 1 UCB1I2COA1 16h eUSCI_B I2C own address 2 UCB1I2COA2 18h eUSCI_B I2C own address 3 UCB1I2COA3 1Ah eUSCI_B received address UCB1ADDRX 1Ch eUSCI_B address mask UCB1ADDMASK 1Eh eUSCI_B I2C slave address UCB1I2CSA 20h eUSCI_B interrupt enable UCB1IE 2Ah eUSCI_B interrupt flags UCB1IFG 2Ch eUSCI_B interrupt vector word UCB1IV 2Eh 122 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-69. ADC12_B Registers (Base Address: 0800h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET ADC12_B control 0 ADC12CTL0 00h ADC12_B control 1 ADC12CTL1 02h ADC12_B control 2 ADC12CTL2 04h ADC12_B control 3 ADC12CTL3 06h ADC12_B window comparator low threshold ADC12LO 08h ADC12_B window comparator high threshold ADC12HI 0Ah ADC12_B interrupt flag 0 ADC12IFGR0 0Ch ADC12_B interrupt flag 1 ADC12IFGR1 0Eh ADC12_B interrupt flag 2 ADC12IFGR2 10h ADC12_B interrupt enable 0 ADC12IER0 12h ADC12_B Interrupt Enable 1 ADC12IER1 14h ADC12_B interrupt enable 2 ADC12IER2 16h ADC12_B interrupt vector ADC12IV 18h ADC12_B memory control 0 ADC12MCTL0 20h ADC12_B memory control 1 ADC12MCTL1 22h ADC12_B memory control 2 ADC12MCTL2 24h ADC12_B memory control 3 ADC12MCTL3 26h ADC12_B memory control 4 ADC12MCTL4 28h ADC12_B memory control 5 ADC12MCTL5 2Ah ADC12_B memory control 6 ADC12MCTL6 2Ch ADC12_B memory control 7 ADC12MCTL7 2Eh ADC12_B memory control 8 ADC12MCTL8 30h ADC12_B memory control 9 ADC12MCTL9 32h ADC12_B memory control 10 ADC12MCTL10 34h ADC12_B memory control 11 ADC12MCTL11 36h ADC12_B memory control 12 ADC12MCTL12 38h ADC12_B memory control 13 ADC12MCTL13 3Ah ADC12_B memory control 14 ADC12MCTL14 3Ch ADC12_B memory control 15 ADC12MCTL15 3Eh ADC12_B memory control 16 ADC12MCTL16 40h ADC12_B memory control 17 ADC12MCTL17 42h ADC12_B memory control 18 ADC12MCTL18 44h ADC12_B memory control 19 ADC12MCTL19 46h ADC12_B memory control 20 ADC12MCTL20 48h ADC12_B memory control 21 ADC12MCTL21 4Ah ADC12_B memory control 22 ADC12MCTL22 4Ch ADC12_B memory control 23 ADC12MCTL23 4Eh ADC12_B memory control 24 ADC12MCTL24 50h ADC12_B memory control 25 ADC12MCTL25 52h ADC12_B memory control 26 ADC12MCTL26 54h ADC12_B memory control 27 ADC12MCTL27 56h ADC12_B memory control 28 ADC12MCTL28 58h ADC12_B memory control 29 ADC12MCTL29 5Ah ADC12_B memory control 30 ADC12MCTL30 5Ch ADC12_B memory control 31 ADC12MCTL31 5Eh ADC12_B memory 0 ADC12MEM0 60h ADC12_B memory 1 ADC12MEM1 62h Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 123 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-69. ADC12_B Registers (Base Address: 0800h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET ADC12_B memory 2 ADC12MEM2 64h ADC12_B memory 3 ADC12MEM3 66h ADC12_B memory 4 ADC12MEM4 68h ADC12_B memory 5 ADC12MEM5 6Ah ADC12_B memory 6 ADC12MEM6 6Ch ADC12_B memory 7 ADC12MEM7 6Eh ADC12_B memory 8 ADC12MEM8 70h ADC12_B memory 9 ADC12MEM9 72h ADC12_B memory 10 ADC12MEM10 74h ADC12_B memory 11 ADC12MEM11 76h ADC12_B memory 12 ADC12MEM12 78h ADC12_B memory 13 ADC12MEM13 7Ah ADC12_B memory 14 ADC12MEM14 7Ch ADC12_B memory 15 ADC12MEM15 7Eh ADC12_B memory 16 ADC12MEM16 80h ADC12_B memory 17 ADC12MEM17 82h ADC12_B memory 18 ADC12MEM18 84h ADC12_B memory 19 ADC12MEM19 86h ADC12_B memory 20 ADC12MEM20 88h ADC12_B memory 21 ADC12MEM21 8Ah ADC12_B memory 22 ADC12MEM22 8Ch ADC12_B memory 23 ADC12MEM23 8Eh ADC12_B memory 24 ADC12MEM24 90h ADC12_B memory 25 ADC12MEM25 92h ADC12_B memory 26 ADC12MEM26 94h ADC12_B memory 27 ADC12MEM27 96h ADC12_B memory 28 ADC12MEM28 98h ADC12_B memory 29 ADC12MEM29 9Ah ADC12_B memory 30 ADC12MEM30 9Ch ADC12_B memory 31 ADC12MEM31 9Eh Table 6-70. Comparator_E Registers (Base Address: 08C0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET Comparator control 0 CECTL0 00h Comparator control 1 CECTL1 02h Comparator control 2 CECTL2 04h Comparator control 3 CECTL3 06h Comparator interrupt CEINT 0Ch Comparator interrupt vector word CEIV 0Eh Table 6-71. CRC32 Registers (Base Address: 0980h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION CRC32 data input REGISTER CRC32DIW0 Reserved OFFSET 00h 02h Reserved 04h CRC32 data input reverse CRC32DIRBW0 06h CRC32 initialization and result word 0 CRC32INIRESW0 08h 124 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-71. CRC32 Registers (Base Address: 0980h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET CRC32 initialization and result word 1 CRC32INIRESW1 0Ah CRC32 result reverse word 1 CRC32RESRW1 0Ch CRC32 result reverse word 0 CRC32RESRW1 0Eh CRC16 data input CRC16DIW0 10h Reserved 12h Reserved 14h CRC16 data input reverse CRC16DIRBW0 16h CRC16 initialization and result word 0 CRC16INIRESW0 18h Reserved 1Ah Reserved 1Ch CRC16 result reverse word 0 CRC16RESRW1 1Eh Reserved 20h Reserved 22h Reserved 24h Reserved 26h Reserved 28h Reserved 2Ah Reserved 2Ch Reserved 2Eh Table 6-72. AES Accelerator Registers (Base Address: 09C0h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION AES accelerator control 0 REGISTER AESACTL0 Reserved OFFSET 00h 02h AES accelerator status AESASTAT 04h AES accelerator key AESAKEY 06h AES accelerator data in AESADIN 008h AES accelerator data out AESADOUT 00Ah AES accelerator XORed data in AESAXDIN 00Ch AES accelerator XORed data in (no trigger) AESAXIN 00Eh Table 6-73. LCD_C Registers (Base Address: 0A00h) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET LCD_C control 0 LCDCCTL0 000h LCD_C control 1 LCDCCTL1 002h LCD_C blinking control LCDCBLKCTL 004h LCD_C memory control LCDCMEMCTL 006h LCD_C voltage control LCDCVCTL 008h LCD_C port control 0 LCDCPCTL0 00Ah LCD_C port control 1 LCDCPCTL1 00Ch LCD_C port control 2 LCDCPCTL2 00Eh LCD_C charge pump control LCDCCPCTL 012h LCD_C interrupt vector LCDCIV 01Eh LCD_C memory 1 LCDM1 020h LCD_C memory 2 LCDM2 021h LCD_C memory 3 LCDM3 022h Static and 2 to 4 mux modes Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 125 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-73. LCD_C Registers (Base Address: 0A00h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET LCD_C memory 4 LCDM4 023h LCD_C memory 5 LCDM5 024h LCD_C memory 6 LCDM6 025h LCD_C memory 7 LCDM7 026h LCD_C memory 8 LCDM8 027h LCD_C memory 9 LCDM9 028h LCD_C memory 10 LCDM10 029h LCD_C memory 11 LCDM11 02Ah LCD_C memory 12 LCDM12 02Bh LCD_C memory 13 LCDM13 02Ch LCD_C memory 14 LCDM14 02Dh LCD_C memory 15 LCDM15 02Eh LCD_C memory 16 LCDM16 02Fh LCD_C memory 17 LCDM17 030h LCD_C memory 18 LCDM18 031h LCD_C memory 19 LCDM19 032h LCD_C memory 20 LCDM20 033h LCD_C memory 21 LCDM21 034h LCD_C memory 22 LCDM22 035h Reserved 036h Reserved 037h LCD_C blinking memory 1 LCDBM1 040h LCD_C blinking memory 2 LCDBM2 041h LCD_C blinking memory 3 LCDBM3 042h LCD_C blinking memory 4 LCDBM4 043h LCD_C blinking memory 5 LCDBM5 044h LCD_C blinking memory 6 LCDBM6 045h LCD_C blinking memory 7 LCDBM7 046h LCD_C blinking memory 8 LCDBM8 047h LCD_C blinking memory 9 LCDBM9 048h LCD_C blinking memory 10 LCDBM10 049h LCD_C blinking memory 11 LCDBM11 04Ah LCD_C blinking memory 12 LCDBM12 04Bh LCD_C blinking memory 13 LCDBM13 04Ch LCD_C blinking memory 14 LCDBM14 04Dh LCD_C blinking memory 15 LCDBM15 04Eh LCD_C blinking memory 16 LCDBM16 04Fh LCD_C blinking memory 17 LCDBM17 050h LCD_C blinking memory 18 LCDBM18 051h LCD_C blinking memory 19 LCDBM19 052h LCD_C blinking memory 20 LCDBM20 053h LCD_C blinking memory 21 LCDBM21 054h LCD_C blinking memory 22 LCDBM22 055h Reserved 056h Reserved 057h 5 to 8 mux modes LCD_C memory 1 126 Detailed Description LCDM1 020h Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Table 6-73. LCD_C Registers (Base Address: 0A00h) (continued) REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER OFFSET LCD_C memory 2 LCDM2 021h LCD_C memory 3 LCDM3 022h LCD_C memory 4 LCDM4 023h LCD_C memory 5 LCDM5 024h LCD_C memory 6 LCDM6 025h LCD_C memory 7 LCDM7 026h LCD_C memory 8 LCDM8 027h LCD_C memory 9 LCDM9 028h LCD_C memory 10 LCDM10 029h LCD_C memory 11 LCDM11 02Ah LCD_C memory 12 LCDM12 02Bh LCD_C memory 13 LCDM13 02Ch LCD_C memory 14 LCDM14 02Dh LCD_C memory 15 LCDM15 02Eh LCD_C memory 16 LCDM16 02Fh LCD_C memory 17 LCDM17 030h LCD_C memory 18 LCDM18 031h LCD_C memory 19 LCDM19 032h LCD_C memory 20 LCDM20 033h LCD_C memory 21 LCDM21 034h LCD_C memory 22 LCDM22 035h LCD_C memory 23 LCDM23 036h LCD_C memory 24 LCDM24 037h LCD_C memory 25 LCDM25 038h LCD_C memory 26 LCDM26 039h LCD_C memory 27 LCDM27 03Ah LCD_C memory 28 LCDM28 03Bh LCD_C memory 29 LCDM29 03Ch LCD_C memory 30 LCDM30 03Dh LCD_C memory 31 LCDM31 03Eh LCD_C memory 32 LCDM32 03Fh LCD_C memory 33 LCDM33 040h LCD_C memory 34 LCDM34 041h LCD_C memory 35 LCDM35 042h LCD_C memory 36 LCDM36 043h LCD_C memory 37 LCDM37 044h LCD_C memory 38 LCDM38 045h LCD_C memory 39 LCDM39 046h LCD_C memory 40 LCDM40 047h LCD_C memory 41 LCDM41 048h LCD_C memory 42 LCDM42 049h LCD_C memory 43 LCDM43 04Ah Detailed Description Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 127 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 6.14 Identification 6.14.1 Revision Identification The device revision information is shown as part of the top-side marking on the device package. The device-specific errata sheet describes these markings. For links to the errata sheets for the devices in this data sheet, see Section 8.4. The hardware revision is also stored in the Device Descriptor structure in the Info Block section. For details on this value, see the "Hardware Revision" entries in Section 6.12. 6.14.2 Device Identification The device type can be identified from the top-side marking on the device package. The device-specific errata sheet describes these markings. For links to the errata sheets for the devices in this data sheet, see Section 8.4. A device identification value is also stored in the Device Descriptor structure in the Info Block section. For details on this value, see the "Device ID" entries in Section 6.12. 6.14.3 JTAG Identification Programming through the JTAG interface, including reading and identifying the JTAG ID, is described in detail in MSP430 Programming With the JTAG Interface. 128 Detailed Description Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 7 Applications, Implementation, and Layout NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI's customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 7.1 Device Connection and Layout Fundamentals This section describes the recommended guidelines when designing with the MSP430. These guidelines are to make sure that the device has proper connections for powering, programming, debugging, and optimum analog performance. 7.1.1 Power Supply Decoupling and Bulk Capacitors TI recommends connecting a combination of a 1-F plus a 100-nF low-ESR ceramic decoupling capacitor to each AVCC and DVCC pin. Higher-value capacitors may be used but can impact supply rail ramp-up time. Decoupling capacitors must be placed as close as possible to the pins that they decouple (within a few millimeters). Additionally, TI recommends separated grounds with a single-point connection for better noise isolation from digital to analog circuits on the board and to achieve high analog accuracy. DVCC Digital Power Supply Decoupling 1 F + 100 nF DVSS AVCC Analog Power Supply Decoupling 1 F + 100 nF AVSS Figure 7-1. Power Supply Decoupling 7.1.2 External Oscillator Depending on the device variant (see Section 3), the device can support a low-frequency crystal (32 kHz) on the LFXT pins, a high-frequency crystal on the HFXT pins, or both. External bypass capacitors for the crystal oscillator pins are required. It is also possible to apply digital clock signals to the LFXIN and HFXIN input pins that meet the specifications of the respective oscillator if the appropriate LFXTBYPASS or HFXTBYPASS mode is selected. In this case, the associated LFXOUT and HFXOUT pins can be used for other purposes. If they are left unused, they must be terminated according to Section 4.6. Figure 7-2 shows a typical connection diagram. Applications, Implementation, and Layout Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 129 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 LFXIN or HFXIN CL1 LFXOUT or HFXOUT CL2 Figure 7-2. Typical Crystal Connection See MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators for more information on selecting, testing, and designing a crystal oscillator with the MSP430 devices. 7.1.3 JTAG With the proper connections, the debugger and a hardware JTAG interface (such as the MSP-FET or MSP-FET430UIF) can be used to program and debug code on the target board. In addition, the connections also support the MSP-GANG production programmers, thus providing an easy way to program prototype boards, if desired. Figure 7-3 shows the connections between the 14-pin JTAG connector and the target device required to support in-system programming and debugging for 4-wire JTAG communication. Figure 7-4 shows the connections for 2-wire JTAG mode (Spy-Bi-Wire). The connections for the MSP-FET and MSP-FET430UIF interface modules and the MSP-GANG are identical. Both can supply VCC to the target board (through pin 2). In addition, the MSP-FET and MSPFET430UIF interface modules and MSP-GANG have a VCC-sense feature that, if used, requires an alternate connection (pin 4 instead of pin 2). The VCC-sense feature senses the local VCC present on the target board (that is, a battery or other local power supply) and adjusts the output signals accordingly. Figure 7-3 and Figure 7-4 show a jumper block that supports both scenarios of supplying VCC to the target board. If this flexibility is not required, the desired VCC connections may be hard-wired to eliminate the jumper block. Pins 2 and 4 must not be connected at the same time. For additional design information regarding the JTAG interface, see the MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide. 130 Applications, Implementation, and Layout Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 VCC Important to connect MSP430FRxxx J1 (see Note A) AVCC/DVCC J2 (see Note A) R1 47 kW JTAG VCC TOOL VCC TARGET TEST 2 RST/NMI/SBWTDIO 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 13 TDO/TDI TDO/TDI TDI TDI TMS TCK TMS TCK GND RST TEST/SBWTCK C1 2.2 nF (see Note B) AVSS/DVSS Copyright (c) 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated A. B. If a local target power supply is used, make connection J1. If power from the debug or programming adapter is used, make connection J2. The upper limit for C1 is 2.2 nF when using current TI tools. Figure 7-3. Signal Connections for 4-Wire JTAG Communication Applications, Implementation, and Layout Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 131 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 VCC Important to connect MSP430FRxxx J1 (see Note A) AVCC/DVCC J2 (see Note A) R1 47 k (See Note B) JTAG VCC TOOL VCC TARGET 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 13 TDO/TDI RST/NMI/SBWTDIO TCK GND TEST/SBWTCK C1 2.2 nF (See Note B) AVSS/DVSS Copyright (c) 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated A. B. Make connection J1 if a local target power supply is used, or make connection J2 if the target is powered from the debug or programming adapter. The device RST/NMI/SBWTDIO pin is used in 2-wire mode for bidirectional communication with the device during JTAG access, and any capacitance that is attached to this signal may affect the ability to establish a connection with the device. The upper limit for C1 is 2.2 nF when using current TI tools. Figure 7-4. Signal Connections for 2-Wire JTAG Communication (Spy-Bi-Wire) 7.1.4 Reset The reset pin can be configured as a reset function (default) or as an NMI function in the special function register (SFR) SFRRPCR. In reset mode, the RST/NMI pin is active low, and a pulse applied to this pin that meets the reset timing specifications generates a BOR-type device reset. Setting SYSNMI causes the RST/NMI pin to be configured as an external NMI source. The external NMI is edge sensitive, and its edge is selectable by SYSNMIIES. Setting the NMIIE enables the interrupt of the external NMI. When an external NMI event occurs, the NMIIFG is set. The RST/NMI pin can have either a pullup or pulldown that is enabled or not. SYSRSTUP selects either pullup or pulldown, and SYSRSTRE causes the pullup (default) or pulldown to be enabled (default) or not. If the RST/NMI pin is unused, it is required either to select and enable the internal pullup or to connect an external 47-k pullup resistor to the RST/NMI pin with a 10-nF pulldown capacitor. The pulldown capacitor should not exceed 2.2 nF when using devices with Spy-Bi-Wire interface in Spy-Bi-Wire mode or in 4-wire JTAG mode with TI tools like FET interfaces or GANG programmers. See the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide for more information on the referenced control registers and bits. 7.1.5 Unused Pins For details on the connection of unused pins, see Section 4.6. 132 Applications, Implementation, and Layout Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 7.1.6 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 General Layout Recommendations * * * * 7.1.7 Proper grounding and short traces for external crystal to reduce parasitic capacitance. See MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators for recommended layout guidelines. Proper bypass capacitors on DVCC, AVCC, and reference pins if used. Avoid routing any high-frequency signal close to an analog signal line. For example, keep digital switching signals such as PWM or JTAG signals away from the oscillator circuit. Proper ESD level protection should be considered to protect the device from unintended high-voltage electrostatic discharge. See MSP430 System-Level ESD Considerations for guidelines. Do's and Don'ts TI recommends powering AVCC and DVCC pins from the same source. At a minimum, during power up, power down, and device operation, the voltage difference between AVCC and DVCC must not exceed the limits specified in Section 5.1. Exceeding the specified limits may cause malfunction of the device including erroneous writes to RAM and FRAM. 7.2 Peripheral- and Interface-Specific Design Information 7.2.1 ADC12_B Peripheral Partial Schematic Figure 7-5 shows the recommended decoupling circuit when an external voltage reference is used. The internal reference module has a maximum drive current as specified in the IO(VREF+) specification of the REF module. AVSS Using an External Positive Reference Using an External Negative Reference VREF+/VEREF+ + 10 F 470 nF VEREF+ 10 F 470 nF Figure 7-5. ADC12_B Grounding and Noise Considerations Design Requirements As with any high-resolution ADC, appropriate printed-circuit-board layout and grounding techniques should be followed to eliminate ground loops, unwanted parasitic effects, and noise. Ground loops are formed when return current from the ADC flows through paths that are common with other analog or digital circuitry. If care is not taken, this current can generate small unwanted offset voltages that can add to or subtract from the reference or input voltages of the ADC. The general guidelines in Section 7.1.1 combined with the connections shown in Section prevent this. In addition to grounding, ripple and noise spikes on the power-supply lines that are caused by digital switching or switching power supplies can corrupt the conversion result. TI recommends a noise-free design using separate analog and digital ground planes with a single-point connection to achieve high accuracy. Applications, Implementation, and Layout Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 133 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 The reference voltage must be a stable voltage for accurate measurements. The capacitor values that are selected in the general guidelines filter out the high- and low-frequency ripple before the reference voltage enters the device. In this case, the 10-F capacitor is used to buffer the reference pin and filter any lowfrequency ripple. A 470-nF bypass capacitor is used to filter out any high-frequency noise. Detailed Design Procedure For additional design information, see Designing With the MSP430FR58xx, FR59xx, FR68xx, and FR69xx ADC. Layout Guidelines Components that are shown in the partial schematic (see Figure 7-5) should be placed as close as possible to the respective device pins. Avoid long traces, because they add additional parasitic capacitance, inductance, and resistance on the signal. Avoid routing analog input signals close to a high-frequency pin (for example, a high-frequency PWM), because the high-frequency switching can be coupled into the analog signal. If differential mode is used for the ADC12_B, the analog differential input signals must be routed close together to minimize the effect of noise on the resulting signal. 7.2.2 LCD_C Peripheral Partial Schematic Required LCD connections greatly vary by the type of display that is used (static or multiplexed), whether external or internal biasing is used, and whether the on-chip charge pump is employed. Also, there is a fair amount of flexibility as to how the segment (Sx) and common (COMx) signals are connected to the MCU which can provide unique benefits. Because LCD connections are application specific, it is difficult to provide a single one-fits-all schematic. However, for examples and how-to circuit design guidance, see Designing With MSP430TM MCUs and Segment LCDs. Design Requirements Due to the flexibility of the LCD_C peripheral module to accommodate various segment-based LCDs, selecting the correct display for the application in combination with determining specific design requirements is often an iterative process. TI strongly recommends reviewing the LCD_C peripheral module chapter in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide and Designing With MSP430TM MCUs and Segment LCDs during the initial design requirements and decision process. Detailed Design Procedure A major component in designing the LCD solution is determining the exact connections between the LCD_C peripheral module and the display itself. One of the following basic design processes can be employed for this step, although a balanced co-design approach is often recommended: * PCB layout-driven design that optimizes signal routing * Software-driven design that optimizes computational overhead For a detailed discussion of the design procedure as well as for design information regarding the LCD controller input voltage selection including internal and external options, contrast control, and bias generation, see Designing With MSP430TM MCUs and Segment LCDs and the LCD_C controller chapter in the MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide. 134 Applications, Implementation, and Layout Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Layout Guidelines LCD segment (Sx) and common (COMx) signal traces are continuously switching while the LCD is enabled and should, therefore, be kept away from sensitive analog signals such as ADC inputs to prevent any noise coupling. TI recommends keeping the LCD signal traces on one side of the PCB grouped together in a bus-like fashion. A ground plane underneath the LCD traces and guard traces employed alongside the LCD traces can provide shielding. If the internal charge pump of the LCD module is used, the externally provided capacitor on the LCDCAP pin should be as close as possible to the MCU. The capacitor should be connected to the device using a short and direct trace and also have a solid connection to the ground plane that supplies the VSS pins of the MCU. For an example layouts and a more in-depth discussion of this topic see Designing With MSP430TM MCUs and Segment LCDs. Applications, Implementation, and Layout Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 135 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 8 Device and Documentation Support 8.1 Getting Started and Next Steps For more information on the MSP430TM family of devices and the tools and libraries that are available to help with your development, visit the Getting Started page. 8.2 Device Nomenclature To designate the stages in the product development cycle, TI assigns prefixes to the part numbers of all MSP MCU devices. Each MSP MCU commercial family member has one of two prefixes: MSP or XMS. These prefixes represent evolutionary stages of product development from engineering prototypes (XMS) through fully qualified production devices (MSP). XMS - Experimental device that is not necessarily representative of the final device's electrical specifications MSP - Fully qualified production device XMS devices are shipped against the following disclaimer: "Developmental product is intended for internal evaluation purposes." MSP devices have been characterized fully, and the quality and reliability of the device have been demonstrated fully. TI's standard warranty applies. Predictions show that prototype devices (XMS) have a greater failure rate than the standard production devices. TI recommends that these devices not be used in any production system because their expected end-use failure rate still is undefined. Only qualified production devices are to be used. TI device nomenclature also includes a suffix with the device family name. This suffix indicates the temperature range, package type, and distribution format. Figure 8-1 provides a legend for reading the complete device name. MSP 430 FR 6 9721 I RGC R Feature Set Processor Family Distribution Format Packaging MCU Platform Temperature Range Memory Type Series AES Oscillators Optional: BSL FRAM Processor Family MSP = Mixed Signal Processor XMS = Experimental Silicon MCU Platform Memory Type Series 430 = TI's 16-bit MSP430 Low-Power Microcontroller Platform FR = FRAM 6 = FRAM 6 Series up to 16 MHz with LCD Feature Set AES 9 = AES 8 = No AES Temperature Range I = -40C to 85C Packaging Distribution Format T = Small reel R = Large reel No markings = Tube or tray Oscillators 7 = HFXT and LFXT 2 = LFXT FRAM (KB) 2 = 64 0 = 32 Optional - BSL 1 = I2C No value = UART Figure 8-1. Device Nomenclature 136 Device and Documentation Support Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 8.3 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Tools and Software All MSP microcontrollers are supported by a wide variety of software and hardware development tools. Tools are available from TI and various third parties. See them all at Development Kits and Software for Low-Power MCUs. Table 8-1 lists the debug features of the MSP430FR697x(1), MSP430FR687x(1), MSP430FR692x(1), and MSP430FR682x(1) MCUs. See the Code Composer Studio for MSP430 User's Guide for details on the available features. Table 8-1. Hardware Debug Features MSP430 ARCHITECTURE 4-WIRE JTAG 2-WIRE JTAG BREAKPOINTS RANGE BREAKPOINTS CLOCK CONTROL STATE SEQUENCER TRACE BUFFER LPMx.5 DEBUGGING SUPPORT EnergyTrace++ TECHNOLOGY MSP430Xv2 Yes Yes 3 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Design Kits and Evaluation Modules MSP430FR6989 LaunchPad Development Kit The MSP-EXP430FR6989 LaunchPad Development Kit is an easy-to-use Evaluation Module (EVM) for the MSP40FR6989 microcontroller (MCU). It contains everything needed to start developing on the ultra-low-power MSP430FRx FRAM microcontroller platform, including onboard emulation for programming, debugging, and energy measurements. MSP-TS430PM64F - MSP430 64-pin FRAM Target Socket Board The MSP-TS430PZ5X100 is a standalone ZIF socket target board used to program and debug the MSP430 MCU in-system through the JTAG interface or the Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. MSP-FET430U64F - MSP430 64-pin FRAM TS Board and MSP-FET Bundle The MSP-FET430U64F is a bundle containing the MSP-FET emulator and a stand-alone 64-pin ZIF socket target board to program and debug the MSP430 in-system through the JTAG interface or the SpyBi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. The TS development board supports the MSP430FR6972 FRAM device in a 64-pin LQFP package (TI package code: PM). Software MSP430WareTM Software MSP430Ware software is a collection of code examples, data sheets, and other design resources for all MSP430 devices delivered in a convenient package. In addition to providing a complete collection of existing MSP430 MCU design resources, MSP430Ware software also includes a high-level API called MSP Driver Library. This library makes it easy to program MSP430 hardware. MSP430Ware software is available as a component of CCS or as a stand-alone package. MSP430FR592x, MSP430FR5x7x, MSP430FR6x2x, MSP430FR6x7x Code Examples C Code examples are available for every MSP device that configures each of the integrated peripherals for various application needs. Capacitive Touch Software Library Free C libraries for enabling capacitive touch capabilities on MSP430 MCUs. The MSP430 MCU version of the library features several capacitive touch implementations including the RO and RC method. MSP Driver Library The abstracted API of MSP Driver Library provides easy-to-use function calls that free you from directly manipulating the bits and bytes of the MSP430 hardware. Thorough documentation is delivered through a helpful API Guide, which includes details on each function call and the recognized parameters. Developers can use Driver Library functions to write complete projects with minimal overhead. MSP EnergyTraceTM Technology EnergyTrace technology for MSP430 microcontrollers is an energybased code analysis tool that measures and displays the energy profile of the application and helps to optimize it for ultra-low-power consumption. ULP (Ultra-Low Power) Advisor ULP AdvisorTM software is a tool for guiding developers to write more efficient code to fully use the unique ultra-low-power features of MSP and MSP432 microcontrollers. Aimed at both experienced and new microcontroller developers, ULP Advisor checks your code against a thorough ULP checklist to help minimize the energy consumption of your application. At build time, ULP Advisor provides notifications and remarks to identify areas of your code that can be further optimized for lower power. Device and Documentation Support Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 137 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 IEC60730 Software Package The IEC60730 MSP430 software package was developed to help customers comply with IEC 60730-1:2010 (Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use - Part 1: General Requirements) for up to Class B products, which includes home appliances, arc detectors, power converters, power tools, e-bikes, and many others. The IEC60730 MSP430 software package can be embedded in customer applications running on MSP430s to help simplify the customer's certification efforts of functional safetycompliant consumer devices to IEC 60730-1:2010 Class B. Fixed Point Math Library for MSP The MSP IQmath and Qmath Libraries are a collection of highly optimized and high-precision mathematical functions for C programmers to seamlessly port a floating-point algorithm into fixed-point code on MSP430 and MSP432 devices. These routines are typically used in computationally intensive real-time applications where optimal execution speed, high accuracy, and ultra-low energy are critical. By using the IQmath and Qmath libraries, it is possible to achieve execution speeds considerably faster and energy consumption considerably lower than equivalent code written using floating-point math. Floating Point Math Library for MSP430 Continuing to innovate in the low-power and low-cost microcontroller space, TI provides MSPMATHLIB. Leveraging the intelligent peripherals of MSP devices, this floating-point math library of scalar functions is up to 26 times faster than the standard MSP430 math functions. Mathlib is easy to integrate into your designs. This library is free and is integrated in both Code Composer Studio IDE and IAR Embedded Workbench IDE. Development Tools Code Composer StudioTM Integrated Development Environment for MSP Microcontrollers Code Composer Studio (CCS) integrated development environment (IDE) supports all MSP microcontroller devices. CCS comprises a suite of embedded software utilities used to develop and debug embedded applications. CCS includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler, source code editor, project build environment, debugger, profiler, and many other features. Command-Line Programmer MSP Flasher is an open-source shell-based interface for programming MSP microcontrollers through a FET programmer or eZ430 using JTAG or Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW) communication. MSP Flasher can download binary files (.txt or .hex) directly to the MSP microcontroller without an IDE. MSP MCU Programmer and Debugger The MSP-FET is a powerful emulation development tool - often called a debug probe - which lets users quickly begin application development on MSP lowpower MCUs. Creating MCU software usually requires downloading the resulting binary program to the MSP device for validation and debugging. MSP-GANG Production Programmer The MSP Gang Programmer is an MSP430 or MSP432 device programmer that can program up to eight identical MSP430 or MSP432 flash or FRAM devices at the same time. The MSP Gang Programmer connects to a host PC using a standard RS-232 or USB connection and provides flexible programming options that let the user fully customize the process. 138 Device and Documentation Support Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 8.4 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Documentation Support The following documents describe the MSP430FR697x(1), MSP430FR687x(1), MSP430FR692x(1), and MSP430FR682x(1) MCUs. Copies of these documents are available on the Internet at Receiving Notification of Document Updates To receive notification of documentation updates--including silicon errata--go to the product folder for your device on (for links to product folders, see Section 8.5). In the upper right corner, click the "Alert me" button. This registers you to receive a weekly digest of product information that has changed (if any). For change details, check the revision history of any revised document. Errata MSP430FR6972 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR69721 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR6970 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR6922 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR69221 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR6920 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR6872 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR68721 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR6870 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR6822 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR68221 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. MSP430FR6820 Device Erratasheet Describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications. User's Guides MSP430FR58xx, MSP430FR59xx, and MSP430FR6xx Family User's Guide the modules and peripherals available in this device family. Detailed information on MSP430 FRAM Device Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide The bootloader (BSL) on MSP430 MCUs lets users communicate with embedded memory in the MSP430 MCU during the prototyping phase, final production, and in service. Both the programmable memory (FRAM memory) and the data memory (RAM) can be modified as required. MSP430 Programming With the JTAG Interface This document describes the functions that are required to erase, program, and verify the memory module of the MSP430 flash-based and FRAM-based microcontroller families using the JTAG communication port. In addition, it describes how to program the JTAG access security fuse that is available on all MSP430 devices. This document describes device access using both the standard 4-wire JTAG interface and the 2-wire JTAG interface, which is also referred to as Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW). MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide This manual describes the hardware of the TI MSP-FET430 Flash Emulation Tool (FET). The FET is the program development tool for the MSP430 ultralow-power microcontroller. Both available interface types, the parallel port interface and the USB interface, are described. Application Reports Designing With MSP430 and Segment LCDs Segment liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are needed to provide information to users in a wide variety of applications from smart meters to electronic shelf labels (ESLs) to medical equipment. Several MSP430TM microcontroller families include built-in low-power LCD driver circuitry that allows the MSP430 MCU to directly control the segmented LCD glass. This application note helps explain how segmented LCDs work, the different features of the various LCD modules across the MSP430 MCU family, LCD hardware layout tips, guidance on writing efficient and easy-to-use LCD driver software, and an overview of the portfolio of MSP430 devices that include different LCD features to aid in device selection. Device and Documentation Support Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 139 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 MSP430 FRAM Technology - How-To and Best Practices FRAM is a nonvolatile memory technology that behaves like SRAM while enabling a whole host of new applications, but also changes the way firmware should be designed. This application report outlines the how-to and best practices of using FRAM technology in MSP430 from an embedded software development perspective. It discusses how to implement a memory layout according to application-specific code, constant, data space requirements, the use of FRAM to optimize application energy consumption, and the use of the Memory Protection Unit (MPU) to maximize application robustness by protecting the program code against unintended write accesses. MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators Selection of the correct crystal, correct load circuit, and proper board layout are important for a stable crystal oscillator. This application report summarizes crystal oscillator function and explains the parameters to select the correct crystal for MSP430 ultra-low-power operation. In addition, hints and examples for correct board layout are given. The document also contains detailed information on the possible oscillator tests to ensure stable oscillator operation in mass production. MSP430 System-Level ESD Considerations System-Level ESD has become increasingly demanding with silicon technology scaling towards lower voltages and the need for designing costeffective and ultra-low-power components. This application report addresses three different ESD topics to help board designers and OEMs understand and design robust system-level designs. 8.5 Related Links Table 8-2 lists quick access links. Categories include technical documents, support and community resources, tools and software, and quick access to sample or buy. Table 8-2. Related Links PARTS PRODUCT FOLDER ORDER NOW TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS TOOLS & SOFTWARE SUPPORT & COMMUNITY MSP430FR6972 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR69721 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR6970 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR6872 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR68721 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR6870 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR6922 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR69221 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR6920 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR6822 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR68221 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here MSP430FR6820 Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here 8.6 Community Resources The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use. TI E2ETM Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas, and help solve problems with fellow engineers. TI Embedded Processors Wiki Texas Instruments Embedded Processors Wiki. Established to help developers get started with embedded processors from Texas Instruments and to foster innovation and growth of general knowledge about the hardware and software surrounding these devices. 140 Device and Documentation Support Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 8.7 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 Trademarks EnergyTrace++, MSP430, MSP430Ware, EnergyTrace, ULP Advisor, Code Composer Studio, E2E are trademarks of Texas Instruments. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 8.8 Electrostatic Discharge Caution This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. 8.9 Export Control Notice Recipient agrees to not knowingly export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any product or technical data (as defined by the U.S., EU, and other Export Administration Regulations) including software, or any controlled product restricted by other applicable national regulations, received from disclosing party under nondisclosure obligations (if any), or any direct product of such technology, to any destination to which such export or re-export is restricted or prohibited by U.S. or other applicable laws, without obtaining prior authorization from U.S. Department of Commerce and other competent Government authorities to the extent required by those laws. 8.10 Glossary TI Glossary This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. Device and Documentation Support Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated 141 MSP430FR6972, MSP430FR69721, MSP430FR6970, MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721, MSP430FR6870, MSP430FR6922, MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920, MSP430FR6822, MSP430FR68221, MSP430FR6820 SLASE23E - JANUARY 2015 - REVISED AUGUST 2018 9 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 142 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback Product Folder Links: MSP430FR6972 MSP430FR69721 MSP430FR6970 MSP430FR6872 MSP430FR68721 MSP430FR6870 MSP430FR6922 MSP430FR69221 MSP430FR6920 MSP430FR6822 MSP430FR68221 MSP430FR6820 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 16-Jan-2018 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (2) (6) (3) Op Temp (C) Device Marking (4/5) MSP430FR6820IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6820 MSP430FR6820IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6820 MSP430FR6820IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6820 MSP430FR68221IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR68221 MSP430FR68221IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR68221 MSP430FR68221IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR68221 MSP430FR6822IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6822 MSP430FR6822IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6822 MSP430FR6822IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6822 MSP430FR6870IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6870 MSP430FR6870IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6870 MSP430FR68721IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR68721 MSP430FR68721IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR68721 MSP430FR6872IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6872 MSP430FR6872IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6872 MSP430FR6920IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6920 MSP430FR6920IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6920 Addendum-Page 1 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM Orderable Device 16-Jan-2018 Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (2) (6) (3) Op Temp (C) Device Marking (4/5) MSP430FR6920IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6920 MSP430FR69221IG56 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 35 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69221 MSP430FR69221IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69221 MSP430FR69221IPM ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 160 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69221 MSP430FR69221IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69221 MSP430FR69221IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69221 MSP430FR69221IRGCT ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 250 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69221 MSP430FR6922IG56 ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 35 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6922 MSP430FR6922IG56R ACTIVE TSSOP DGG 56 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6922 MSP430FR6922IPM ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 160 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6922 MSP430FR6922IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6922 MSP430FR6922IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6922 MSP430FR6922IRGCT ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 250 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6922 MSP430FR6970IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6970 MSP430FR6970IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6970 MSP430FR69721IPM ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 160 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69721 MSP430FR69721IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69721 MSP430FR69721IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69721 Addendum-Page 2 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM Orderable Device 16-Jan-2018 Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (2) (6) (3) Op Temp (C) Device Marking (4/5) MSP430FR69721IRGCT ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 250 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR69721 MSP430FR6972IPM ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 160 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6972 MSP430FR6972IPMR ACTIVE LQFP PM 64 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6972 MSP430FR6972IRGCR ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6972 MSP430FR6972IRGCT ACTIVE VQFN RGC 64 250 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 FR6972 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of <=1000ppm threshold. Antimony trioxide based flame retardants must also meet the <=1000ppm threshold requirement. (3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. (4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device. (5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device. (6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and Addendum-Page 3 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 16-Jan-2018 continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 4 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION 9-Aug-2018 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION *All dimensions are nominal Device MSP430FR6820IG56R Package Package Pins Type Drawing TSSOP SPQ Reel Reel A0 Diameter Width (mm) (mm) W1 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P1 (mm) W Pin1 (mm) Quadrant DGG 56 2000 330.0 24.4 8.6 15.6 1.8 12.0 24.0 Q1 MSP430FR6820IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6820IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR68221IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 330.0 24.4 8.6 15.6 1.8 12.0 24.0 Q1 MSP430FR68221IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR68221IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6822IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 330.0 24.4 8.6 15.6 1.8 12.0 24.0 Q1 MSP430FR6822IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6822IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6870IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6870IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR68721IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR68721IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6872IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6872IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6920IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 330.0 24.4 8.6 15.6 1.8 12.0 24.0 Q1 MSP430FR6920IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6920IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 Pack Materials-Page 1 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION 9-Aug-2018 Device Package Package Pins Type Drawing SPQ Reel Reel A0 Diameter Width (mm) (mm) W1 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P1 (mm) W Pin1 (mm) Quadrant MSP430FR69221IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 330.0 24.4 8.6 15.6 1.8 12.0 24.0 Q1 MSP430FR69221IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR69221IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR69221IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 180.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6922IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 330.0 24.4 8.6 15.6 1.8 12.0 24.0 Q1 MSP430FR6922IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6922IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 180.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6970IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6970IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR69721IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR69721IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR69721IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 180.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6972IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 330.0 24.4 13.0 13.0 2.1 16.0 24.0 Q2 MSP430FR6972IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 330.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 MSP430FR6972IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 180.0 16.4 9.3 9.3 1.1 12.0 16.0 Q2 *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) MSP430FR6820IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 367.0 367.0 45.0 MSP430FR6820IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 Pack Materials-Page 2 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION 9-Aug-2018 Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) MSP430FR6820IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR68221IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 367.0 367.0 45.0 MSP430FR68221IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR68221IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR6822IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 367.0 367.0 45.0 MSP430FR6822IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR6822IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR6870IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR6870IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR68721IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR68721IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR6872IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR6872IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR6920IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 367.0 367.0 45.0 MSP430FR6920IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR6920IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR69221IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 367.0 367.0 45.0 MSP430FR69221IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR69221IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR69221IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 MSP430FR6922IG56R TSSOP DGG 56 2000 367.0 367.0 45.0 MSP430FR6922IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR6922IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 MSP430FR6970IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR6970IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR69721IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR69721IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR69721IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 MSP430FR6972IPMR LQFP PM 64 1000 336.6 336.6 41.3 MSP430FR6972IRGCR VQFN RGC 64 2000 367.0 367.0 38.0 MSP430FR6972IRGCT VQFN RGC 64 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 Pack Materials-Page 3 PACKAGE OUTLINE DGG0056A TSSOP - 1.2 mm max height SCALE 1.200 SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE C 8.3 TYP 7.9 SEATING PLANE PIN 1 ID AREA A 0.1 C 54X 0.5 56 1 14.1 13.9 NOTE 3 2X 13.5 28 B 6.2 6.0 29 56X 0.27 0.17 0.08 1.2 MAX C A B (0.15) TYP SEE DETAIL A 0.25 GAGE PLANE 0 -8 0.15 0.05 0.75 0.50 DETAIL A TYPICAL 4222167/A 07/2015 NOTES: 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Any dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 3. This dimension does not include mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15 mm per side. 4. Reference JEDEC registration MO-153. EXAMPLE BOARD LAYOUT DGG0056A TSSOP - 1.2 mm max height SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE 56X (1.5) SYMM 1 56 56X (0.3) 54X (0.5) (R0.05) TYP SYMM 28 29 (7.5) LAND PATTERN EXAMPLE SCALE:6X SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL UNDER SOLDER MASK 0.05 MAX ALL AROUND 0.05 MIN ALL AROUND SOLDER MASK DEFINED NON SOLDER MASK DEFINED SOLDER MASK DETAILS 4222167/A 07/2015 NOTES: (continued) 5. Publication IPC-7351 may have alternate designs. 6. Solder mask tolerances between and around signal pads can vary based on board fabrication site. EXAMPLE STENCIL DESIGN DGG0056A TSSOP - 1.2 mm max height SMALL OUTLINE PACKAGE 56X (1.5) SYMM 1 56 56X (0.3) 54X (0.5) (R0.05) TYP SYMM 29 28 (7.5) SOLDER PASTE EXAMPLE BASED ON 0.125 mm THICK STENCIL SCALE:6X 4222167/A 07/2015 NOTES: (continued) 7. Laser cutting apertures with trapezoidal walls and rounded corners may offer better paste release. IPC-7525 may have alternate design recommendations. 8. Board assembly site may have different recommendations for stencil design. MECHANICAL DATA MTQF008A - JANUARY 1995 - REVISED DECEMBER 1996 PM (S-PQFP-G64) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,27 0,17 0,50 0,08 M 33 48 49 32 64 17 0,13 NOM 1 16 7,50 TYP Gage Plane 10,20 SQ 9,80 12,20 SQ 11,80 0,25 0,05 MIN 0- 7 0,75 0,45 1,45 1,35 Seating Plane 0,08 1,60 MAX 4040152 / C 11/96 NOTES: A. B. C. D. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. This drawing is subject to change without notice. Falls within JEDEC MS-026 May also be thermally enhanced plastic with leads connected to the die pads. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 * DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) reserves the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. TI's published terms of sale for semiconductor products ( apply to the sale of packaged integrated circuit products that TI has qualified and released to market. Additional terms may apply to the use or sale of other types of TI products and services. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such reproduced documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Buyers and others who are developing systems that incorporate TI products (collectively, "Designers") understand and agree that Designers remain responsible for using their independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing their applications and that Designers have full and exclusive responsibility to assure the safety of Designers' applications and compliance of their applications (and of all TI products used in or for Designers' applications) with all applicable regulations, laws and other applicable requirements. Designer represents that, with respect to their applications, Designer has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards that (1) anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, (2) monitor failures and their consequences, and (3) lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate actions. Designer agrees that prior to using or distributing any applications that include TI products, Designer will thoroughly test such applications and the functionality of such TI products as used in such applications. TI's provision of technical, application or other design advice, quality characterization, reliability data or other services or information, including, but not limited to, reference designs and materials relating to evaluation modules, (collectively, "TI Resources") are intended to assist designers who are developing applications that incorporate TI products; by downloading, accessing or using TI Resources in any way, Designer (individually or, if Designer is acting on behalf of a company, Designer's company) agrees to use any particular TI Resource solely for this purpose and subject to the terms of this Notice. TI's provision of TI Resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI's applicable published warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products, and no additional obligations or liabilities arise from TI providing such TI Resources. TI reserves the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its TI Resources. TI has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular TI Resource. Designer is authorized to use, copy and modify any individual TI Resource only in connection with the development of applications that include the TI product(s) identified in such TI Resource. NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER TI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT OF TI OR ANY THIRD PARTY IS GRANTED HEREIN, including but not limited to any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information regarding or referencing third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services, or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of TI Resources may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. TI RESOURCES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. TI DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING RESOURCES OR USE THEREOF, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, TITLE, ANY EPIDEMIC FAILURE WARRANTY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. TI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND SHALL NOT DEFEND OR INDEMNIFY DESIGNER AGAINST ANY CLAIM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INFRINGEMENT CLAIM THAT RELATES TO OR IS BASED ON ANY COMBINATION OF PRODUCTS EVEN IF DESCRIBED IN TI RESOURCES OR OTHERWISE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TI BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, DIRECT, SPECIAL, COLLATERAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF TI RESOURCES OR USE THEREOF, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Unless TI has explicitly designated an individual product as meeting the requirements of a particular industry standard (e.g., ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 26262), TI is not responsible for any failure to meet such industry standard requirements. Where TI specifically promotes products as facilitating functional safety or as compliant with industry functional safety standards, such products are intended to help enable customers to design and create their own applications that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Using products in an application does not by itself establish any safety features in the application. Designers must ensure compliance with safety-related requirements and standards applicable to their applications. Designer may not use any TI products in life-critical medical equipment unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special contract specifically governing such use. Life-critical medical equipment is medical equipment where failure of such equipment would cause serious bodily injury or death (e.g., life support, pacemakers, defibrillators, heart pumps, neurostimulators, and implantables). Such equipment includes, without limitation, all medical devices identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as Class III devices and equivalent classifications outside the U.S. TI may expressly designate certain products as completing a particular qualification (e.g., Q100, Military Grade, or Enhanced Product). Designers agree that it has the necessary expertise to select the product with the appropriate qualification designation for their applications and that proper product selection is at Designers' own risk. Designers are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such selection. Designer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages, costs, losses, and/or liabilities arising out of Designer's noncompliance with the terms and provisions of this Notice. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright (c) 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Texas Instruments: XMS430FR6972IPMR MSP430FR6972IRGCR MSP430FR6972IPM MSP430FR6972IRGCT MSP430FR6972IPMR