Application Information
The LM4899 is a fully differential audio amplifier that features
differential input and output stages. Internally this is accom-
plished by two circuits: a differential amplifier and a common
mode feedback amplifier that adjusts the output voltages so
that the average value remains VDD/2. The LM4899 features
precisely matched internal gain-setting resistors, thus elimi-
nating the need for external resistors and fixing the differential
gain at AVD = 6dB.
A differential amplifier works in a manner where the difference
between the two input signals is amplified. In most applica-
tions, this would require input signals that are 180° out of
phase with each other.
The LM4899 provides what is known as a "bridged mode"
output (bridge-tied-load, BTL). This results in output signals
at Vo1 and Vo2 that are 180° out of phase with respect to each
other. Bridged mode operation is different from the single-
ended amplifier configuration that connects the load between
the amplifier output and ground. A bridged amplifier design
has distinct advantages over the single-ended configuration:
it provides differential drive to the load, thus doubling maxi-
mum possible output swing for a specific supply voltage. Four
times the output power is possible compared with a single-
ended amplifier under the same conditions. This increase in
attainable output power assumes that the amplifier is not cur-
rent limited or clipped.
A bridged configuration, such as the one used in the LM4899,
also creates a second advantage over single-ended ampli-
fiers. Since the differential outputs, Vo1 and Vo2, are biased at
half-supply, no net DC voltage exists across the load. BTL
configuration eliminates the output coupling capacitor re-
quired in single-supply, single-ended amplifier configurations.
If an output coupling capacitor is not used in a single-ended
output configuration, the half-supply bias across the load
would result in both increased internal IC power dissipation
as well as permanent loudspeaker damage. Further advan-
tages of bridged mode operation specific to fully differential
amplifiers like the LM4899 include increased power supply
rejection ratio, common-mode noise reduction, and click and
pop reduction.
The LM4899's exposed-DAP (die attach paddle) package
(LD) provide a low thermal resistance between the die and
the PCB to which the part is mounted and soldered. This al-
lows rapid heat transfer from the die to the surrounding PCB
copper traces, ground plane and, finally, surrounding air. The
result is a low voltage audio power amplifier that produces
1.4W at ≤ 1% THD with a 4Ω load. This high power is
achieved through careful consideration of necessary thermal
design. Failing to optimize thermal design may compromise
the LM4899's high power performance and activate unwant-
ed, though necessary, thermal shutdown protection. The LD
package must have its DAP soldered to a copper pad on the
PCB. The DAP's PCB copper pad is connected to a large
plane of continuous unbroken copper. This plane forms a
thermal mass and heat sink and radiation area. Place the heat
sink area on either outside plane in the case of a two-sided
PCB, or on an inner layer of a board with more than two layers.
Connect the DAP copper pad to the inner layer or backside
copper heat sink area with 4 (2x2) vias. The via diameter
should be 0.012in - 0.013in with a 0.050in pitch. Ensure effi-
cient thermal conductivity by plating-through and solder-filling
the vias.
Best thermal performance is achieved with the largest prac-
tical copper heat sink area. If the heatsink and amplifier share
the same PCB layer, a nominal 2.5in2 (min) area is necessary
for 5V operation with a 4Ω load. Heatsink areas not placed on
the same PCB layer as the LM4899 should be 5in2 (min) for
the same supply voltage and load resistance. The last two
area recommendations apply for 25°C ambient temperature.
In all circumstances and conditions, the junction temperature
must be held below 150°C to prevent activating the LM4899's
thermal shutdown protection. The LM4899's power de-rating
curve in the Typical Performance Characteristics shows the
maximum power dissipation versus temperature. Example
PCB layouts for the exposed-DAP TSSOP and LLP packages
are shown in the Demonstration Board Layout section. Fur-
ther detailed and specific information concerning PCB layout,
fabrication, and mounting an LLP package is available from
National Semiconductor's package Engineering Group under
application note AN-1187.
Power dissipated by a load is a function of the voltage swing
across the load and the load's impedance. As load impedance
decreases, load dissipation becomes increasingly dependent
on the interconnect (PCB trace and wire) resistance between
the amplifier output pins and the load's connections. Residual
trace resistance causes a voltage drop, which results in power
dissipated in the trace and not in the load as desired. For ex-
ample, 0.1Ω trace resistance reduces the output power dis-
sipated by a 4Ω load from 1.4W to 1.37W. This problem of
decreased load dissipation is exacerbated as load impedance
decreases. Therefore, to maintain the highest load dissipation
and widest output voltage swing, PCB traces that connect the
output pins to a load must be as wide as possible.
Poor power supply regulation adversely affects maximum
output power. A poorly regulated supply's output voltage de-
creases with increasing load current. Reduced supply voltage
causes decreased headroom, output signal clipping, and re-
duced output power. Even with tightly regulated supplies,
trace resistance creates the same effects as poor supply reg-
ulation. Therefore, making the power supply traces as wide
as possible helps maintain full output voltage swing.
Power dissipation is a major concern when designing a suc-
cessful amplifer, whether the amplifier is bridged or single-
ended. Equation 2 states the maximum power dissipation
point for a single-ended amplifier operating at a given supply
voltage and driving a specified output load.
PDMAX = (VDD)2 / (2π2RL) Single-Ended (1)
However, a direct consequence of the increased power de-
livered to the load by a bridge amplifier is an increase in
internal power dissipation versus a single-ended amplifier op-
erating at the same conditions.
PDMAX = 4*(VDD)2 / (2π2RL) Bridge Mode (2)
Since the LM4899 has bridged outputs, the maximum internal
power dissipation is 4 times that of a single-ended amplifier.
Even with this substantial increase in power dissipation, the
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200645 Version 6 Revision 2 Print Date/Time: 2011/10/05 08:26:48