Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit
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from Altera
Ordering Information
Development Kit C ontents
Available Documentation, Errata, and Training Lab
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The low-cost C yclone® II FPGA Starter Development Kit is ideal for evaluating Altera's high-performance, low-power,
90-nm technology. By using this RoHS-compliant starter development kit, you will see 60 percent (on average) higher
performance and 50 percent (on average) lower power than competing 90-nm, low-cost FPGAs. Several reference
designs and demonstrations included in the kit make for a quick, "out-of-the-box" evaluation experience.
The C yclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit includes the following:
Altera's easy-to-use Quartus® II design software (Web Edition)
Nios® II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
C omplete documentation
C ables and power supply
Ordering Information
Table 1. Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit Orde ring Code and Pricing Information
Ordering Code Price Ordering
Information DK-CYCII-2C20N
Development Kit Contents
The C yclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit is RoHS-compliant and features:
C yclone II Starter Development Board
C yclone II EP2C 20F484C 7N device
C onfiguration
USB-BlasterTM download cable (embedded)
EPC S4 serial configuration device
512-Kb SRAM
4-Mb flash
C locking
SMA connector (external clock input)
24-bit coder/decoder (C ODEC )
Switches and indicators
Ten switches and four push buttons
Four 7-segment displays
Ten red and eight green LEDs
C onnectors
VGA, RS-232, and PS/2 ports
Two 40-pin expansion ports
SD/MMC socket
C ables/power
Power from USB cable or external power supply (recommended when using the kit with accessory
daughtercards, U.S.-style adapter provided)
C yclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit C D-ROM
Reference designs and demonstrations targeted for the C yclone II FPGA Starter Development Board
User manual
Reference guide
Quartus II Web Edition C D-ROM
Nios II evaluation license included
Figure 1. Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Board
Available Documentation
Table 2. Document Available for the Cy clone II FPGA Starter Development Kit
Document File Format Language
User Guide Adobe PDF English
Adobe PDF Japanese
Adobe PDF Simplified C hinese
Reference Manual Adobe PDF English
Adobe PDF Japanese
Development Board Schematic Adobe PDF English
Table 3. Errata for the Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit
Document File Format Language Comments
CII_Starter_NIOS.v Adobe PDF English Note 1
1. Problem: Nios design example included with the kit does not compile or you receive a compilation error
Reason: File was not included on C D shipped with kit.
Resolution: Download this file and place into the following directory structure: altera\kits\CII_Starter_Kit-
Table 4. Embedded Sy stem Lab for the Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit
Document File Format Language Comments
Instruction Manual Adobe PDF English Note 1
Product Selector
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Design Files Quartus II design files English Note 2
1. Learn how to develop embedded systems for FPGAs. Does not require purchase of development kit.
2. Requires installation of Quartus II software and Nios II EDS v8.1 or later (free download).
Related links
Other C yclone II-based Development Kits
C yclone II Low-C ost FPGA Literature
DSP in C yclone II FPGAs
C yclone III-based Development Kits
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