0.4" Single Digit Numeric LED Displays LTS-4000A Series Features Package Dimensions 0.4 inch (10.16mm) digit height. Choices of six bright colors-AlGaAs red/bright red/ green/yellow/red orange/high efficiency red. Low power requirement. Excellent characters appearance. Categorized for luminous intensity. I.C. compatiable. Easy mounting on P.C. board or socket. A.LTS-4x10A/4x40A/4x80A Descriptions The LTS-4000A series are 0.4 inch (10.16mm) height single digit displays. AlGaAs red displays has gray face and white segments. Bright red displays has black face and red segments. Green and yellow displays have gray face and white segments. Red orange displays has orange face and orange segments. The high efficiency red displays have red face and red segments. The AlGaAs red seven segment displys are designed for applications requiring low power consumption. They are tested and selected for their excellent low current characteristics to ensure that the segments are matched at low current. Drive current as low as 1 mA per segment is available. The AlGaAs red series devices utilize LED chips which are made from AlGaAs on a non-transparent GaAs substrate. The bright red and green series devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaP on a transparent GaPsubstrate. The yellow and red orange series devices utilize LED chips which are made from GaAsP on a transparent GaP substrate. All devices have gray face and white segments. B.LTS-4x05A/4x30A Notes:All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Tolerance: 0.25mm (0.01") unless otherwise noted. Devices Part No. AlGaAs Red Bright Red Red Green Yellow Orange 4705AWC 4705AP 4505AG 4805AY 4605AE Hi.-Eff Red 4905AHR 4710AWC 4710AP 4510AG 4810AY 4610AE 4910AHR 4730AWC 4730AP 4530AG 4830AY 4630AE 4930AHR 4740AWC 4740AP 4540AG 4840AY 4640AE 4940AHR 4780AWC 4780AP 4580AG 4880AY 4680AE 4980AHR Description Universal, 1 Overflow Common Anode, Rt. Hand Decimal Common Anode, 1 Overflow Common Cathode, Rt. Hand Decimal Common Cathode, Rt. Hand Decimal Package Dimension Internal Circuit Diagram B A A B B C A D A E 9-132 14-4000a.p65 Page 132 2000/7/11, UE 06:44 Adobe PageMaker 6.5C/Win Pin No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. A.LTS-4x05A B.LTS-4x10A Connection C.LTS-4x30A D.LTS-4x40A E.LTS-4X80A Anode H No Pin Cathode H Cathode G Cathode J Anode J Anode G Anode D.P. No Pin Cathode D.P. Cathode C Cathode B Anode B Anode C Cathode A Cathode F Common Anode *1 No Pin No Pin No Pin Cathode E Cathode D Cathode D.P. Cathode C Cathode G No Pin Cathode B Common Anode *1 Anode G, H & J *2 No Pin Anode G, H & J *2 No Pin No Pin No Connection Cathode H & J Cathode G Cathode D.P. Cathode C Cathode B No Pin No Pin Anode B, C & D.P. Anode F Anode G No Pin Common Cathode *3 No Pin Anode E Anode D Anode C Anode D.P. No Pin No Pin Common Cathode *3 Anode B Anode A Common Cathode *4 Anode F Anode G Anode E Anode D Common Cathode *4 Anode D.P. Anode C Anode B Anode A - Notes: 1.Pin 3 & 14 are internally connected. 2.Pin 1 & 3 are internally connected. 3.Pin 4 & 12 are internally connected. 4.Pin 1 & 6 are internally connected. DISPLAYS Pin Connection Internal Circuit Diagrams A.LTS-4X05A C.LTS-4X30A B.LTS-4X10A D.LTS-4X40A E.LTS-4X80A Absolute Maximum Rating at Ta=25 AlGaAs Red Bright Red Hi. -Eff. Red Unit 75 40 75 60 75 75 mW 125 60 100 80 100 100 mA 30 0.4 5 15 0.2 5 25 0.33 5 25 0.33 5 mA mA/ V Operating Temperature Range 20 25 0.27 0.33 5 5 -35 to +85 Stroage Temperature Range -35 Parameter Power Dissipation Per Segment Peak Forward Current Per Segment (1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width) Continuous Forward Current Per Segment Derating Linear from 25 Per Segment Reverse Voltage Per Segment Red Green Yellow Orange to +85 Solder Temperature 1/16 Inch Below Seating Plane for 3 Seconds at 260 9-133 14-4000a.p65 Page 133 2000/7/11, UE 06:45 Adobe PageMaker 6.5C/Win Electrical/Optical Characteristics at Ta=25 LTS-4705/4710/4730/4740/4780AWC Parameter Symbol Min. 200 Average Luminous Intensity Peak Emission Wavelength IV Max. Unit cd IF=5mA P 660 nm IF=20mA 35 nm IF=20mA d 638 nm IF=20mA V IF=5mA IF=1mA 1.6 Forward Voltage, Per Segment or D.P. VF Reverse Current, Per Segment or D.P. IR 100 I V -m 2.1 1.7 2.4 IF=20mA 1.8 Luminous Intensity Matching Ratio Tset Condition IF=1mA 650 3100 Spectral Line Half-Width Dominant Wavelength Typ. A VR=5V IF=1mA LTS-4705/4710/4730/4740/4780AP Parameter Average Luminous Intensity Symbol Min. Typ. IV 340 800 P Peak Emission Wavelength Spectral Line Half-Width d Dominant Wavelength Max. cd Tset Condition IF=10mA 697 nm IF=20mA 90 nm IF=20mA 657 nm IF=20mA V IF=20mA Forward Voltage, Per Segment or D.P. VF Reverse Current, Per Segment or D.P. IR 100 I V-m 2:1 Luminous Intensity Matching Ratio Unit 2.1 2.6 A VR=5V IF=10mA LTS-4505/4510/4530/4540/4580AG Parameter Average Luminous Intensity Symbol Min. Typ. IV 870 2200 P Peak Emission Wavelength Spectral Line Half-Width d Dominant Wavelength Max. cd Tset Condition IF=10mA 565 nm IF=20mA 30 nm IF=20mA 569 nm IF=20mA V IF=20mA Forward Voltage, Per Segment or D.P. VF Reverse Current, Per Segment or D.P. IR 100 I V-m 2:1 Luminous Intensity Matching Ratio Unit 2.1 2.6 A VR=5V IF=10mA LTS-4805/4810/4830/4840/4880AY Parameter Average Luminous Intensity Symbol Min. Typ. IV 870 2200 P Peak Emission Wavelength Spectral Line Half-Width d Dominant Wavelength Max. cd Tset Condition IF=10mA 585 nm IF=20mA 35 nm IF=20mA 588 nm IF=20mA V IF=20mA Forward Voltage, Per Segment or D.P. VF Reverse Current, Per Segment or D.P. IR 100 I V-m 2:1 Luminous Intensity Matching Ratio Unit 2.1 2.6 A VR=5V IF=10mA LTS-4605/4610/4630/4640/4680AE Parameter Average Luminous Intensity Symbol Min. Typ. IV 870 2200 P Peak Emission Wavelength Spectral Line Half-Width d Dominant Wavelength 9-134 Max. cd IF=20mA 40 nm IF=20mA 621 nm IF=20mA V IF=20mA Reverse Current, Per Segment or D.P. IR 100 I V-m 2:1 Page 134 IF=10mA nm VF 14-4000a.p65 Tset Condition 630 Forward Voltage, Per Segment or D.P. Luminous Intensity Matching Ratio Unit 2.0 2.6 A VR=5V IF=10mA 2000/7/11, UE 06:45 Adobe PageMaker 6.5C/Win LTS-4905/4910/4930/4940/4980AHR Parameter Average Luminous Intensity Symbol Min. Typ. IV 870 2200 P Peak Emission Wavelength Spectral Line Half-Width d Dominant Wavelength Max. cd Tset Condition IF=10mA 635 nm IF=20mA 40 nm IF=20mA 623 nm IF=20mA V IF=20mA Forward Voltage, Per Segment VF Reverse Current, Per Segment IR 100 I V-m 2:1 Luminous Intensity Matching Ratio Unit 2.0 2.6 A VR=5V IF=10mA DISPLAYS Note: Luminous intensity is measured with a light sensor and filter combiuation that approximates the CIE (Commision Internationale De L'Eclairage) eye-response curve. Typical Electrical/Optical Characteristic Curves (25 Ambient Temperature Unless Otherwise Noted) 9-135 14-4000a.p65 Page 135 2000/7/11, UE 06:46 Adobe PageMaker 6.5C/Win