SILICON TRANSISTORS Planar Epitaxial High Speed Switching (n-p-n) Maximum Ratings Characteristics Veso| Vcer | VEBO] Prot VCE(sat) bre fr Storage Time Type 25C (max) min. ts(max.) Out- No. amb. line at at Ic= Draw- le Ip atle Ip1=lp2 ing volts | volts | volts] mW ] volts mA mA min max. mA MHz ns mA Package Comments BSY95A 20 | 20 5 300 | 0-35 10} 0-2 50 200 10 200 50 10 TO-18 | T2B ZTX310, BSV23 25 | 20 3 300 | 0-6 10 | 1 20 _ 10 200 60 10 E-Line| 121 ZTX311, BSV24 20 | 15+t 5 300 | 0-35 10 | 0-2 50 200 10 200 25 10 E-Line| 121 For low cost ZTX312, BSV25 30 | 12tt 5 300 | 0-24 10 | 1 40 _ 10 400 13 10 E-Line| 721 high performance 271X313, BSV26 40 | 15tt 5 300 | 0-24 10 | 1 40 120 10 500 13 10 E-Line| 121 systems. ZTX314, BSV27 40 | 15+t 5 300 | 0-5 100 | 10 40 120 10 500 13 10 E-Line| T21 2N706 25 | 20 3 300 | 0-6 10] 1 20 10 200 60 10 TO-18 T2B 2N706A 25 | 20 5 300 | 0-6 10 | 1 20 60 10 200 25 10 TO-18 | T2B 2N708 40 } 20 5 360 | 0-4 10) 1 30 120 10 300 25 10 TO-18 T2B 2N709 16 6t 4 300 | 0-3 3; 0-15 20 120 10 600 6 5 TO-18 T2A 2N753 25 | 20 5 300 | 0-6 10] 1 40 420 10 250 35 _ TO-18 T2B 2N2206 25 | 20tt 5 300 | 0-22 10] 1 40 120 10 200 35 10 TO-46 TIA {| Highspeed 2N2368 40 | 15t 4-5; 360 | 0-25 10/1 20 60 10 400 10 10 TO-18 T2A | }logic and core 2N2369 40 | 15t 4-5) 360 | 0-25 10; 1 40 420 10 500 13 10 TO-18 T2A \\driving 2N2369A 40 | 18+ 4-51 360 | 0-2 10 | 1 40 120 10 500 13 10 TO-18 T2A {| applications 2N2475 15 6t 4 300 | 0-4 20 | 0-66 30 150 20 600 6 5 TO-18 T2A 2N2476 60 | 20+ 5 600 | 0-4 150 | 7-5 20 _ 150 250 25 150t TO-5 TIA 2N2477 60 | 20+ 5 600 | 0-4 150 | 3-75 40 _ 150 250 25 150t TO-5 TIA 2N2938 25 | 13+ 5 300 | 0-4 5011-6 25 _ 10 500 15 10 TO-18 T2A High voltage, high 2N3262 100 | 80t 4 1000 | 0-6 1000 | 100 40 _ 500 150 40 ll TO-5 T7C |{speed switching and pulse amplifier *Also available as ZT706, etc. + VcEO 2 VceEoO(sus) tt Veer, RL=100Q tlpq=lp2=15 mA. See note below High-Speed Core Drivers (n-p-n) High-Speed Core Drivers (n-p-n) ton at lo=1 Amp and [pq =Ip2=100mA Maximum Ratings Characteristics VcBo} VcEO | VeBO} Prot VeE(sat) hre fr Storage Time Type 25C (max.) min. ts (max.) Out- No. amb. line at at lc= Draw- Ic tp at I Ip1=!B2 ing volts | volts | volts | mW | volts mA mA min max. mA MHz ns mA Package Comments BSX12 25 12 4 600 | 0-33 | 300 | 30 30 120 | 300 450 15 100 TO-39 } T7C BSX59 70 | 45 5 800 | 0-3 150 15 30 _ 150 250 _ TO-5 T7A BSX60 70 | 30 5 800 | 0-3 150 15 30 _ 150 250 TO-5 T7A BSX61 70 | 45 5 800 | 0-5 150 15 30 _ 150 250 _ _ TO-5 TIA th 4 ZTX360 60 | 40 5 } 500 | 0-6 | 500 } 50 25 | 150 | 500 250 _ E-Line| 121 igh speed core ZT600 24 | 20 5 | 800 | 0-5 | 500 | 50 50 | 150 | 150 250 _ TO-5 T7A | (driver 2N3013 40 15 5 360 | 0-18 30 3 30 120 30 350 18 10 TO-18 | T2A ||aPPlications 2N3261 40 | 15 6 300 | 0-35 | 100 10 40 150 10 600 10 10 TO-18 | T2A 2N3512 60 | 35 5 soo | 0.4 150 | 7-5 | 50 | 500 250 30 150t | TO-5 TIA 2N3724 50 | 30 6 800 | 0-2 100 10 60 150 | 100 300 50 500* TO-5 TTA 2N3725 80 50 6 ! 800 | 0-26] 100 10 60 150 | 100 300 50 500* TO-5 T7A t Ipq Ip2 =15mA * 1=500mA, tpy =50mA, Ipa= ~5OmMA Lead Configuration: The leads of E-Line devices can be preformed, on request, to the TO-5 configuration and when this is done suffix K is added to the type number Similarly, suffix L indicates that the leads have been preformed to the TO-18 configuration. For flat mounting, suffix M is added to the type number. Other Transistor types available Planar Matched Pairs (n-p-n) Planar Medium Power and Switching (n-p-n) ZDT 10 ZDT 11 ZDT 20 ZDT 21 ZT 60--69 Planar Medium Power and Switching (p-n-p) Pianar General Purpose - Small Signal (n-p-n) Planar Epitaxial High Speed Switching (n-p-n) 23 ZT 152 ZT 202 ZT 203 ZT 204 ZT 402 ZT 403 ZT 404 2N 1708 2N 2205MICRO-E CHARACTERISTICS AT 25C npn p-np MEDIUM CURRENT GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS BFS38A BFS38 BFS39 BFS40A BFS40 BFS41 Units Parameter Test Conditions Min. | Max. | Min Max Min. | Max. Min. | Max. | Min Max. | Min. | Max. VoBO Rated Max. - 25 _ 45 60 25 _- 45 _ 45 Vv VcEO (sus) Ic=5mA, Igp=0 25 _ 35 45 25 35 45 _ Vv VeBO Rated Max. 5 _ 5 5 _ 5 5 _ 5 Vv tcBo Vcp=VcBo Rated Max, Ip=0 _ 0-5 _ C5 _ -05 _ 0-5 _ 0-5 _ -05 pA leno VeBo=5V, Ic=0 0-5 _ -05 _ -05 _ _ _ uA Vepo=4V, Ic=0 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0-5 - 0-05; 0:05 | pA hee I=100uA, Vep=6V 20 | 20 | _ hee ic=10mA, Vce=6V 50 300 100 300 40 120 50 300 100 300 40 120 hee Ico=50mA, Vce=6V _ _ 50 _ _ _ _ 50 _ _ _ VCE(sat) 1=50mA, igp=5mA _ 0-25 0-25 _ 0.25 _ 0.25 | Vv Ic=10mA, lp=1mA _ 0:35 _ _ _ 0:35 _ _ _ v VBE(sat) Ic =50mA, Ip=SmA _ 1-0 _ 1-0 _ _ _ 1:0 10/]V ic=10mA, Ip=1mA _ 1-0 _ _ _ _ 1-0 _ _ _ Vv fr \co=10mA, Vce=6V, f=100MHz 150 _ 150 _ 150 _ 150 _ 150 150 _ MHz Cob Vep=6V, le=0 5 _ 5 5 5 5 - 5 pF DEVICE TYPES and nearest metal can equivalents npn p-n-p LOW LEVEL AMPLIFICATION BFS36 2N930 BFS37 2N2605 BFS36A 2N929 BFS37A 2N2604 MEDIUM CURRENT BFS38A ZT80 BFS40A ZT180 BFS38 ZT82 BFS40 ZT182 BFS39 ZT83 BFS41 27183 MEDIUM POWER BFS42 2N2221 BFS44 2N2906 BFS43 2N2222A BFS45 2N2907A HIGH-SPEED SWITCHES BSV35A 2N708 BSV37 2N2894 BSV35 2N2369 BSV36 2N2475 V.H.F. AMPLIFIERS BFS46 2N918 BFS46A HIGH-SPEED DIODES BAW63 1N914 BAW63A BAW63B PACKAGE PHYSICAL DATA HIGH SPEED SWITCHING DIODES Pin Connections 2LEAOS 238 78-00 c 2888 __ $ bs rop 8 F 134 Cc t EWP ie pt, lead' q situated in c c F centre . ommon iommon Single cathode anode s 1,3820,20 10 pair pair 1,426" 1 ep b 2,9520,13 37 po ee E B E B oseara B Base CCollector E- Emitter Dimensions in millimetres Ez * Actual size 42