Cables +
Ha-VIS RFID Components
HARTING Ha-VIS RFID System components
Real-time information and the close synchronization of
computer data and real processes play a critical role in
process management and process optimization. Ensu-
ring that information precisely maps and concurs with
reality is the only way to control processes optimally and
reap savings potentials accordingly.
One important prerequisite for guaranteeing that data
and processes are synchronized is an intelligent infra-
structure that makes data transparent and available
throughout a company in order to achieve the maximum
savings potentials.
RFID oers you the full potential to create intelligent in-
frastructures: benet from the simultaneous identication
of up to several hundred objects - without the need for
the direct line of sight as required by barcode solutions.
The collected data are immediately ready for further pro-
cessing throughout the company.
Moreover, a transponder can be used to store informati-
on directly on the product at the same time it is identied.
This means that these data are also always available
wherever the product may happen to be located.
HARTING oers smart infrastructure solutions based on
optimally coordinated components from a single source.
These solutions enable the reliable control and steering
of production and business processes, thereby resulting
in lower costs.
The HARTING RFID Reader and components have been
designed for harsh industrial applications. Deployed in
the transportation, machinery and energy markets, HAR-
TING RFID components guarantee secure and reliable
information processing - also under the most challenging
environmental conditions