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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
Designed for Short-Range Wireless Data Communications
Supports RF Data Transmission Rates Up to 115.2 kbps
3 V, Low Current Operation plus Sleep Mode
Up to 10 mW Transmitter Power
The TR7000 hybrid transceiver is ideal for short-range wireless data applications where robust
operation, small size, low power consumption and low cost are required. The TR7000 employs
RFM’s amplifier-sequenced hybrid (ASH) architecture to achieve this unique blend of character-
istics. All critical RF functions are contained in the hybrid, simplifying and speeding design-in.
The receiver section of the TR7000 is sensitive and stable. A wide dynamic range log detector ,
in combination with digital AGC and a compound data slicer, provide robust performance in the
presence of on-channel interference or noise. Two stages of SAW filtering provide excellent re-
ceiver out-of-band rejection. The transmitter includes provisions for both on-off keyed (OOK) and
amplitude-shift keyed (ASK) modulation. The transmitter employs SA W filtering to suppress out-
put harmonics, facilitating compliance with FCC/ETSI I-ETS 300 220 and similar regulations.
Rating Value Units
Power Supply and All Input/Output Pins -0.3 to +4.0 V
Non-Operating Case Temperature -50 to +100 °C
Soldering Temperature (10 seconds, 5 cycles maximum) 260 °C
433.92 MHz
Electrical Characteristics
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Operating Frequency fo433.72 434.12 MHz
Data Modulation Type OOK/ASK
OOK Data Rate 30 kb/s
ASK Data Rate 576 kb/s
Receiver Performance
Sensitivity, 4.8 kbps, 10-3 BER, AM Test Method 1 -111 dBm
Sensitivity, 4.8 kbps, 10-3 BER, Pulse Test Method 1 -105 dBm
Current, 4.8 kbps 4.2 mA
Sensitivity, 19.2 kbps, 10-3 BER, AM Test Method 1 -107 dBm
Sensitivity, 19.2 kbps, 10-3 BER, Pulse Test Method 1 -101 dBm
Current, 19.2 kbps 4.25 mA
Sensitivity, 115.2 kbps, 10-3 BER, AM Test Method 1 -102 dBm
Sensitivity, 115.2 kbps, 10-3 BER, Pulse Test Method 1 -96 dBm
Current, 115.2 kbps 4.3 mA
Receiver Out-of-Band Rejection, ±5% fo R±5% 280dB
Receiver Ultimate Rejection RULT 2100dB
Absolute Maximum Ratings
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Electrical Characteristics (typical values given for 3.0 Vdc power supply, 25 °C)
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Transmitter Performance
Peak RF Output Power, 235 µA TXMOD Current POL 210dBm
Peak Current, 235 µA TXMOD Current ITPL 232mA
2nd - 4th Harmonic Outputs 2 -40 dBm
5th - 10th Harmonic Outputs 2 -45 dBm
Non-harmonic Spurious Outputs 2 -40 dBm
OOK Turn On/Turn Off Times tON/tOFF 3 12/6 µs
ASK Output Rise/Fall Times tTR/tTF 3 1.1/1.1 µs
Logic 0 Input Voltage 0 0.15 Vcc V
Logic 1 Input Voltage 0.85 Vcc Vcc V
Logic 0 Output Voltage, 1 mA Sink 0 0.1 Vcc V
Logic 1 Output Voltage, 1 mA Source 0.9 Vcc Vcc V
Sleep Mode Current IS200 nA
Power Supply Voltage Range VCC 2.2 3.7 Vdc
Power Supply Voltage Ripple 10 mVP-P
Ambient Operating Temperature TA-40 85 °C
1. Typical sensitivity dat a is based on a 10-3 bit error rat e (BER), using DC-balanc ed data. There are two te st methods commonly use d to mea-
sure OOK/ASK receiver sensitivity, the “100% AM” test method and th e “Pulse” test metho d. Sensiti vity data is given for both test methods.
The application/test circuit and component values are shown on the next page.
2. Data is given with the ASH radio matched to a 50 ohm load. Matching component values are given on the next page.
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
TX Data
RX Data
+ 3
3G ASH Transceiver Application Circuit
3G OOK/ASK Configuration
+ 3
Microcontroller RX Clock
CAUTION: Electrostatic Device. Observe precautions when handling.
Item Symbol OOK OOK ASK Units Notes
Encoded Data Rate DRNOM 4.8 19.2 115.2 kb/s see pages 1 & 2
Minimum Signal Pulse SPMIN 208.32 52.08 8.68 µs single bit
Maximum Signal Pulse SPMAX 833.28 208.32 34.72 µs 4 bits of same value
PKDET Capacitor CPKD 0.022 0.0056 820 pF µF ±10% ceramic
BBOUT Capacitor CBBO 0.01 0.0027 390 pF µF ±10% ceramic
TXMOD Resistor RTXM 9.1 9.1 9.1 K ±5%, for 10 dBm output
LPFADJ Resistor RLPF 470 160 24 K ±5%
RREF Resistor RREF 100 100 100 K ±1%
THLD2 Resistor RTH2 - - 100 K ±1%, typical values
THLD1 Resistor1RTH1 20 20 20 K ±1%, typical values
DC Bypass Capacitor CDCB 4.7 4.7 4.7 µF tantalum
RF Bypass Capacitor CRFB 100 100 100 pF ±5% NPO
Series Tuning Inductor LAT 56 56 56 nH 50 ohm antenna
Shunt Tuning/ESD Inductor LESD 220 220 220 nH 50 ohm antenna
RF Bypass Bead LRFB Fair-Rite Fair-Rite Fair-Rite 2506033017YO or equivalent
Tranceiver Set-Up, 3.0 Vdc, -40 to +85 °C
TX Data
RX Data
+ 3
3G ASH Transceiver Application Circuit
2G Default OOK/ASK Configuration
+ 3
1. When using internal data and clock recovery, a THLD1 value of 47K is recommended to minimize st art vector “nuisance tripping” due
to random noise.
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
ASH Receiver Block Diagram & Timing Cycle
Delay Line
SAW Filter RFA1 RFA2 Data
Detector &
RF Data Pulse
P1 P2
RFA1 Out
RF Input
Delay Line
Figure 1
ASH Transceiver Theory of Operation
RFM’s amplifier-sequenced hybrid (ASH) transceiver technology is specif-
ically designed for short-range wireless data communication applications.
ASH transceivers provide robust operation, very small size, low power
consumption and low implementation cost. All critical RF functions are
contained in the hybrid, simplifying and speed-ing design-in. ASH trans-
ceivers can be readily configured to support a wide range of data rates
and protocol requirements. These transceivers feature excellent suppres-
sion of transmitter harmonics and virtually no RF emissions when receiv-
ing, making them easy to certify to short-range (unlicensed) radio
Amplifier-Sequenced Receiv e r Operation
The ASH transceiver’s unique feature set is made possible by its system
architecture. The heart of the transceiver is the amplifier-sequenced
receiver section, which provides more than 100 dB of stable RF and
detector gain without any special shielding or decoupling requirements.
Figure 1 shows the basic block diagram and timing cycle for an amplifier
sequenced receiver. Note that the bias to RF amplifiers RFA1 and RFA2
are independently controlled by a pulse generator, and that the two ampli-
fiers are coupled by a surface acoustic wave (SAW) delay line, which has
a typical delay of 0.5 µs.
An incoming RF signal is first filtered by a narrow-band SAW filter, and is
then applied to RFA1. The pulse generator turns RFA1 ON for 0.814 µs.
The amplified signal from RFA1 emerges from the SAW delay line at the
input to RFA2. RFA1 is now switched OFF and RFA2 is switched ON for
0.814 µs, amplifying the RF signal further. The ON time for RFA1 and
RFA2 is set by a 614 kHz internal pulse generator. As shown in the timing
diagram, RFA1 and RFA2 are never on at the same time, assuring excel-
lent receiver stability. Note that the narrow-band SAW filter eliminates
sampling sideband responses outside of the receiver passband, and the
SAW filter and delay line act together to provide very high receiver ulti-
mate rejection.
ASH Transceiver Block Diagram
Figure 2 is the general block diagram of the ASH transceiver.
Please refer to Figure 2 for the following discussions.
Antenna Port
The only external RF components needed for the transceiver are the
antenna and its matching components. Antennas presenting an imped-
ance in the range of 35 to 72 ohms resistive can be satisfactorily matched
to the RFIO pin with a series matching coil and a shunt matching/ESD pro-
tection coil. Other antenna impedances can be matched using two o r
three components. For some impedances, two inductors and a capacitor
will be required. A DC path from RFIOto ground is required for ESD pro-
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Figure 2
Receiver Chain
The output of the SAW filter drives amplifier RFA1. This amplifier includes
provisions for detecting the onset of saturation (AGC Set), and for switch-
ing between 35 dB of gain and 5 dB of gain (Gain Select). AGC Set is an
input to the AGC Control function, and Gain Select is the AGC Control
function output. ON/OFF control to RFA1 (and RFA2) is generated by the
Pulse Generator & RF Amp Bias function. The output of RFA1 drives the
SAW delay line, which has a nominal delay of 0.5 µs.
The second amplifier, RFA2, provides 51 dB of gain below saturation. The
output of RFA2 drives a full-wave detector with 19 dB of threshold gain.
The onset of saturation in each section of RFA2 is detected and summed
to provide a logarithmic response. This is added to the output of the full-
wave detector to produce an overall detector response that is square law
for low signal levels, and transitions into a log response for high signal lev-
els. This combination provides excellent threshold sensitivity and more
than 70 dB of detector dynamic range. In combination with the 30 dB of
AGC range in RFA1, more than 100 dB of receiver dynamic range is
The detector output drives a gyrator filter. The filter provides a three-pole,
0.05 degree equiripple low-pass response with excellent group delay flat-
ness and minimal pulse ringing. The 3 dB bandwidth of the filter can be set
from 4.5 kHz to 1.8 MHz with an external resistor.
The filter is followed by a base-band amplifier which boosts the detected
signal to the BBOUT pin. When the receiver RF amplifiers are operating at
a 50%-50% duty cycle, the BBOUT signal changes about 10 mV/dB, with
a peak-to-peak signal level of up to 450 mV. For lower duty cycles, the
mV/dB slope and peak-to-peak signal level are proportionately less. The
detected signal is riding on a 1.5 Vdc level that varies somewhat with sup-
ply voltage, temperature, etc. BBOUT is coupled to the CMPIN pin, or to
an external data recovery process (DSP), by a series capacitor. The cor-
rect value of the series capacitor depends on data rate, data run length,
and other factors as discussed in the ASH Transceiver Designer’s Guide.
When an external data recovery process is used with AGC, BBOUT must
be coupled to the external data recovery process and to CMPIN by sepa-
rate series coupling capacitors. The AGC reset function is driven by the
signal applied to CMPIN.
Data Slicers
The CMPIN pin drives two data slicers, which convert the analog signal
from BBOUT back into a digital stream. The best data slicer configuration
depends on the system operating parameters. Data slicer DS1 is a capac-
itively-coupled comparator with provisions for an adjustable threshold.
DS1 provides the best performance at low signal-to-noise conditions. The
threshold, or squelch, offsets the comparator’s slicing level from 0 to 90
mV, and is set with a resistor between the RREF and THLD1 pins. This
threshold allows a trade-off between receiver sensitivity and output noise
density in the no-signal condition. For best sensitivity, the threshold is set
to zero but a minimum RTH1 value of approximately 20 K Ohms should be
used for proper AGC action. In this case, noise is output continuously
when no signal is present. This, in turn, requires the circuit being driven by
the RXDATA pin to be able to process noise (and signals) continuously.
This can be a problem if RXDATA is driving a circuit that must sleep when
data is not present to conserve power , or when it its necessary to minimize
false interrupts to a multitasking processor. In this case, noise can be
greatly reduced by increasing the threshold level, but at the expense of
sensitivity. In order to guarantee THLD1 to be the value calculated, the
device should not be powered up in the receive mode. It should be pow-
ered up in either the sleep mode or the transmit mode and then switched
to the recieve mode. The best 3 dB bandwidth for the low-pass filter is also
affected by the threshold level setting of DS1. The bandwidth must be
increased as the threshold is increased to minimize data pulse-width vari-
ations with signal amplitude.
3G ASH Transceiver Block Diagram
Delay Line
CR Filter
Detector Low-Pass
Filter BB
Local Oscillator,
Pulse Generator
& RF Amp Bias
Gain Select
AGC Reset Threshold
dB Below
Peak Thld
Ref Thld
817 18
13 11 12
VCC1: Pin 2
VCC3: Pin 3
VCC2: Pin 16
GND1: Pin 1
GND2: Pin 10
Master Oscillator
Baud Rate
Power Down Control Programming
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
DS2 is a “dB-below-peak” slicer. The peak detector charges rapidly to the
peak value of each data pulse, and decays slowly in between data pulses
(1:1000 ratio). The slicer trip point can be set from 0 to 120 mV below this
peak value with a resistor between RREF and THLD2.
DS2 is best for ASK modulation where the transmitted waveform has been
shaped to minimize signal bandwidth. However, DS2 is subject to being
temporarily “blinded” by strong noise pulses, which can cause burst data
errors. Note that DS1 is active when DS2 is used, as the compound data
slicer output is the logical AND of the DS1 and DS2 outputs. DS2 can be
disabled by leaving THLD2 disconnected. Note that a non-zero DS1
threshold is required for proper AGC operation.
Data and Clock Recovery
RXDATA is the receiver data output pin. The signal on this pin can come
from one of two sources. The default source is directly from the output of
the compound data slicer circuit. The alternate source is from the radio’s
internal data and clock recovery circuit. When the internal data and clock
recovery circuit is used (CFG0 Bit 0 high), the signal on RXDATA is
switched from the output of the data slicer to the output of the data and
clock recovery circuit when a packet start symbol is detected.
When the radio’s internal data and clock recovery circuit is not used, RXD-
CLK is a steady low value. When the internal data and clock recovery is
used, RXDCLK is low until a start symbol is detected at the output of the
data slicer. Each bit following the start symbol is output at RXDATA on the
rising edge of a RXDCLK pulse, and is stable for reading on the falling
edge of the RXDCLK pulse. Once RXDCLK is activated by the detection
of a start symbol, it remains active until CFG0 Bit 0 is reset low. Normally
RXDCLK is reset by the host processor as soon as a packet is received.
AGC Control
The output of the Peak Detector also provides an AGC Reset signal to the
AGC Control function through the AGC comparator. The purpose of the
AGC function is to extend the dynamic range of the receiver, so that two
transceivers can operate close together when running ASK and/or high
data rate modulation. The onset of saturation in the output stage of RFA1
is detected and generates the AGC Se t signal to the AGC Control func-
tion. The AGC Control function then selects the 5 dB gain mode for RF A1.
The AGC Comparator will send a reset signal when the Peak Detector
output (multiplied by 0.8) falls below the threshold voltage for DS1.
Transmitter Chain
The transmitter chain consists of a SAW delay line oscillator followed by
an OOK/ASK modulated buffer amplifier. The SAW filter suppresses trans-
mitter harmonics to the antenna. Note that the same SAW devices used in
the amplifier-sequenced receiver are reused in the transmit modes.
Transmitter operation supports two modulation formats, on-off keyed
(OOK) modulation, and amplitude-shift keyed (ASK) modulation. When
OOK modulation is chosen, the transmitter output turns comp letely off
between “1” data pulses. When ASK modulation is chosen, a “1” pulse is
represented by a higher transmitted power level, and a “0” is represented
by a lower transmitted power level. OOK modulation provides compatibility
with first-generation ASH technology, and provides for power conserva-
tion. ASK modulation must be used for high data rates (data pulses less
than 30 µs). ASK modulation also reduces the effects of some types of
interference and allows the transmitted pulses to be shaped to control
modulation bandwidth.
When either modulation format is chosen, the receiver RF amplifiers are
turned off. In the OOK mode, the delay line oscillator amplifier TXA1 and
the buffer amplifier TXA2 are turned off when the voltage to the TXMOD
input falls below 220 mV. In the OOK mode, the data rate is limited by the
turn-on and turn-off times of the delay line oscillator , which are 12 and 6 µs
respectively. In the ASK mode TXA1 is biased ON continuously, and the
output of TXA2 is modulated by the TXMOD input current. Minimum out-
put power occurs in the ASK mode when the modulation driver sinks
about 10 µA of current from the TXMOD pin.
The transmitter RF output power is proportional to the input current to the
TXMOD pin. A series resistor is used to adjust the peak transmitter output
power. 10 dBm of output power requires about 235 µA of input current.
Configuration Control
The operating configuration of the TR7000 is controlled by three pins: Pin
17 (CFGDAT), Pin 18 (CFGCLK), and Pin 19 (CFG). When DC power is
applied to the TR7000 with Pin 19 held low, the functions of Pins 17 and
18 default to the “2G ASH” TR3000 definition. This allows the TR7000 to
be used with existing TR1000 PCB layouts and protocol software. The
logic levels on Pins 17 and 18 control the default operation as shown
Note that for default 2G operation, Pin 15 is grounded (zero ohm resistor)
and Pin 14 is left unconnected.
When Pin 19 is first set to a logic 1 after DC power is applied, the function-
ality of Pins 17 and 18 change from direct mode control to serial control.
This change persists until a DC power reset occurs.
After serial control is invoked, Pins 17, 18 and 19 are used to write dat a to
and read from three 8-bit configuration control registers in the radio. To
begin a write or read sequence, Pin 19 is set to logic 1. Data is then
clocked into or out of Pin 17 on the rising edge of each clock pulse applied
to Pin 18. Configuration data clocked into Pin 17 is transferred to a control
register every eight bits. Bits clocked into Pin 17 when Pin 19 is a logic 0
are ignored. Also, if Pin 19 is reset to logic 0 before a complete group of
eight data bits is received, the incomplete group is ignored.
Single-byte and multi-byte write and read sequences are detailed in Fig-
ures 4 and 5. The bits in the configuration registers are summarized in Fig-
ure 3.
CFG0 Bit 7 - When this bit is 0, the radio is operational. Setting this bit to 1
invokes the sleep mode. In the sleep mode most of the radio is powered
down, reducing the radio’s current consumption to about 200 nA. The con-
tents of the configuration registers are preserved during sleep mode. The
power-on default value of this bit is 0. Note that once sleep mode is
invoked, Pin 19 must be set to a logic 1 to return to active operation. In
changing from sleep mode to active mode, Pin 19 should be high for at
least one microsecond before attempting to clock data in or out of the con-
trol registers.
Pin 17 Pin 18 Mode
11 Receive
00 Sleep
0 1 Transmit OOK
1 0 Transmit ASK
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Figure 3
Adress Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 CFG0 Sleep TX/RX ASK/OOK - Mode 1 Mode 0 - SV En
1 CFG1 - VCOlock - - BR3 BR2 BR1 BR0
2 LoSyn Test LOSyn6 LOSyn5 LOSyn4 LOSyn3 LOSyn2 LOSyn1 LOSyn0
CFG0 Bit 6 - When this bit is 0, the radio is in the receive mode (provided
CFG0 Bit 7 is 0). When this bit is 1, the radio is in one of the transmit
modes. Note the radio will transmit using OOK or ASK modulation,
depending on the value of CFG0 Bit 5. The power-on default value of this
bit is 0.
CFG0 Bit 5 - When this bit is 0, the transmitter uses OOK modulation.
When this bit is 1, the transmitter uses ASK modulation. The power-on
default value of this bit is 0.
CFG0 Bit 4 - This bit should always be set to 0 in the TR7000. The power-
on default value of this bit is 0.
CFG0 Bits 3, 2 - The st ates of these two bits set the basic operating mode
of the radio as shown below. The power-on default value of these two
bits is 0.
CFG0 Bit 1 - This bit should always be set to 0 in the TR7000. The power-
on default value of this bit is 0.
CFG0 Bit 0 - Setting this bit to logic 1 enables the internal start symbol
(vector) detection and the data and clock recovery circuit. When active,
this function continuously tests for a 16-bit start symbol, 0xE2E2 (hex).
Data clocking begins in the middle of the first bit following the 16-b it start
symbol, and clocking continues until CFG0 Bit 0 is reset to a logic 0. Note
that CFG0 Bit 0 must be set to back to a logic 1 to re-enable the start sym-
bol detection and the data and clock recovery circuit. The common way to
use this function is for the host processor to set this bit to a 1 when it is
ready to receive a message. When a start symbol is detected, data clock-
ing begins, and the host processor inputs the message bits. Once all of
the bits in the message are received, the host processor resets this bit to 0
to end data clocking. After the current message has been processed, the
host processor sets this bit to 1 again to enable detection of the next mes-
sage. The power-on default value of this bit is 0.
The start symbol pattern is sent starting with the MSB. This start symbol
pattern will not occur in a message that has been encoded for DC-balance
using either Manchester encoding or 8-to-12 bit symbolization using the
encoding table given below. Note that the table is given for 4-to-6 bit
encoding, so each byte of the message is encoded starting with the high
nibble and then the low nibble.
CFG1 Bit 7 - This bit is unused in the TR7000.
CFG1 Bit 6 - This bit is a Read Only bit. Writing has no effect. When per-
forming a read and this bit is set, this indicates that the internal VCO is
locked and ready to transmit or receive data.
CFG1 Bit 5 - This bit is unused in the TR7000.
CFG1 Bit 4 - This bit is unused in the TR7000.
CFG1 Bits 3, 2, 1, 0 - These bits select the internal data and clock recov-
ery data (bit) rate as shown in the table below . The power-on default value
of these bits is 0.
LOSyn Bit 7 - This bit is only used in product testing. It should always be
set to 0 for normal operation. The power-on default value of this bit is 0.
LOSyn Bits 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 -These bits have no function in the TR7000
and can be written as either a logic 1 or a logic 0.
Note that data to/from the configuration registers is clocked in/out MSB
first. See the Control Register Read/Write Detail and Control Register
Read/Write Timing Drawings for additional details.
Bit 3 Bit 2 Mode
0 0 Single-channel Mode
01 Not Used
10 Not Used
11 Not Used
Nibble Hex Value Symbol Hex Value (6 bits)
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Receiver Turn-On Timing
The maximum time tPR required for the receive function to become opera-
tional at turn-on is influenced by two factors. All receiver circuitry will be op-
erational 1 ms after the supply voltage reaches 2.2 Vdc. The BBOUT-
CMPIN coupling-capacitor is then DC stabilized in 4 time constants
(4*tBBC). The total turn-on time to stable receiver operation for a 10 ms
power supply rise time is:
tPR = 15 ms + 4*tBBC
Receiver Wake-Up Timing
The maximum transition time tSR from the sleep mode to the receive mode
is 4*tBBC, where tBBC is the BBOUT-CMPIN coupling-capacitor time con-
stant. When the operating temperature is limited to 60°C, the time
required to switch from sleep to receive is dramatically less for short sleep
times, as less charge leaks away from the BBOUT-CMPIN coupling
AGC Timing
The maximum AGC engage time tAGC is 5 µs after the reception
of a -30 dBm RF signal with a 1 µs envelope rise time.
Peak Detector Timing
The Peak Detector attack time constant is set by the value of the capacitor
at the PKDET pin. The attack time tPKA =CPKD/4167, where tPKA is in µs
and CPKD is in pF. The Peak Detector decay time constant
tPKD = 1000*tPKA.
Data Rate (b/s) CFG1 Bits 3-0
1200 0000
2400 0001
4800 0010
9600 0011
19200 0100
38400 0101
57600 0110
115200 0111
230400 1000
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Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Description
1 GND1 GND1 is the RF ground pin.
2 VCC1 VCC1 is a positive supply voltage pin. VCC1 is decoupled with a ferrite bead and bypassed by an RF capacitor.
3 VCC3 VCC3 is a positive supply voltage pin. VCC3 is bypassed by an RF capacitor.
This pin controls the peak detector operation. A capacitor between this pin and ground sets the peak detector attack and
decay times, which have a fixed 1:1000 ratio. For most applications, these time constants should be coordinated with the
base-band time constant. For a given base-band capacitor CBBO , the capacitor value CPKD is:
CPKD = 2.0* CBBO , where CBBO and CPKD are in pF
A ±10% ceramic capacitor should be used at this pin. This time constant will vary between tPKA and 1.5* tPKA with varia-
tions in supply voltage, temperature, etc. The capacitor is driven from a 200 ohm “attack” source, and decays through a
200 K load. The peak detector is used to drive the “dB-below-peak” data slicer and the AGC release function. The peak
detector capacitor is discharged in the receiver power-down (sleep) mode and in the transmit modes.
BBOUT is the receiver base-band output pin. This pin drives the CMPIN pin through a coupling capacitor CBBO for internal
data slicer operation. The time constant tBBC for this connection is:
tBBC = 0.1CBBO , where tBBC is in µs and CBBO is in pF
A ±10% ceramic capacitor should be used between BBOUT and CMPIN. The time constant can vary between tBBC and
1.8*tBBC with variations in supply voltage, temperature, etc. The optimum time constant in a given circumstance will
depend on the data rate, data run length, and other factors as discussed in the ASH Transceiver Designer’s Guide.
CBBO = 11.2*SPMAX, where SPMAX is the maximum signal pulse width in µs and CBBO is in pF
The output from this pin can also be used to drive an external data recovery process (DSP, etc.). The nominal output
impedance of this pin is 1 K. When the receiver RF amplifiers are operating at a 50%-50% duty cycle, the BBOUT signal
changes about 10 mV/dB, with a peak-to-peak signal level of up to 450 mV. The signal at BBOUT is riding on a 1.5 Vdc
value that varies somewhat with supply voltage and temperature, so it should be coupled through a capacitor to an exter-
nal load. A load impedance of 50 K to 500 K in parallel with no more than 10 pF is r ecommended. When an external data
recovery process is used with AGC, BBOUT must be coupled to the external data recovery process and CMPIN by sepa-
rate series coupling capacitors. The AGC reset function is driven by the signal applied to CMPIN. When the transceiver is
in power-down (sleep) or in a transmit mode, the output impedance of this pin becomes very high, preserving the charge
on the coupling capacitor.
This pin is the input to the internal data slicers. It is driven from BBOUT through a coupling capacitor . The input impedance
of this pin is 100 K.
RXDATA is the receiver data output pin. It is a CMOS output. The signal on this pin can come from one of two sources. The
default source is directly from the output of the data slicer circuit. The alternate source is from the radio’s internal data and
clock recovery circuit. When the internal data and clock recovery circuit is used, the signal on RXDA TA is switched from the
output of the data slicer to the output of the data and clock recovery circuit when a packet start symbol is detected. Each
recovered data bit is then output on the rising edge of a RXDCLK pulse (Pin 14), and is stable for reading on the falling
edge of the RXDCLK pulse.
The transmitter RF output voltage is proportional to the input current to this pin. A resistor in series with the TXMOD input
is normally used to adjust the peak transmitter output. Full transmitter power (10 mW) requires about 235 µA of drive cur-
rent. The transmitter output power PO for a 3 Vdc supply voltage is approximately:
PO = 180*(ITXM)2, where PO is in mW and the modulation current ITXM is in mA
The practical power control range is 10 to -50 dBm. A ±5% TXMOD resistor value is recommended. Internally, this pin is
connected to the base of a bipolar transistor with a small emitter resistor. The volt age at the TXMOD input pin is about 0.85
volt with 235 uA of drive current. This pin accepts analog modulation and can be driven with either logic level data pulses
(unshaped) or shaped data pulses.
This pin is the receiver low-pass filter bandwidth adjust. The filter bandwidth is set by a resistor RLPF between this pin and
ground. The resistor value can range from 510 K to 3 K, providing a filter 3 dB bandwidth fLPF from 5 to 600 kHz. The resis-
tor value is determined by:
RLPF = (0.0006*fLPF) -1.069 where RLPF is in kilohms, and fLPF is in kHz
A ±5% resistor should be used to set the filter bandwidth. This will provide a 3 dBfilter bandwidth between fLPF and
1.3* fLPF with variations in supply voltage, temperature, etc. The filter provides a three-pole, 0.05 degree equiripple phase
response.D input is normally used to
10 GND2 GND2 is an IC ground pin.
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
Pin Name Description
RREF is the external reference resistor pin. A 100 K reference resistor is connected between this pin and ground. A ±1%
resistor tolerance is recommended. It is important to keep the total capacitance between ground, Vcc and this node to less
than 5 pF to maintain current source stability. If THLD1 and/or THDL2 are connected to RREF through resistor values less
that 1.5 K, their node capacitance must be added to the RREF node capacitance and the total should not exceed 5 pF.
12 THLD2
THLD2 is the “dB-below-peak” data slicer (DS2) threshold adjust pin. The threshold is set by a 0 to 200 Kresistor RTH2
between this pin and RREF. Increasing the value of the resistor decreases the thr eshold below the peak detector value
(increases difference) from 0 to 120 mV. For most applications, this threshold should be set at 6 dB below peak. The
THLD2 resistor value is given by:
RTH2 = 1.5*V, where RTH2 is in kilohms and the threshold V is in mV
A ±1% resistor tolerance is recommended for the THLD2 resistor. Leaving the THLD2 pin open disables the dB-below-
peak data slicer operation.
13 THLD1
The THLD1 pin sets the threshold for the standard data slicer (DS1) through a resistor RTH1 to RREF. The threshold is
increased by increasing the resistor value. Connecting this pin directly to RREF provides zero theshold. The value of the
resistor depends on whether THLD2 is used. For the case that THLD2 is not used, the acceptable range for the resistor is
0 to 200K, providing a THLD1 range of 0 to 112 mV. The resistor value is given by:
For thresholds :
RTH1 = 3.81*V -14.28, where RTH1 is in kilohms and the threshold V is in mV.
For thresholds :
RTH1 = 1.22*V +63.36, where RTH1 is in kilohms and the threshold V is in mV.
For the case that THLD2 is used, the acceptable range for the THLD1 resistor is 0 to 100K. The resistor value is given by:
RTH1 = 2.22*V, where RTH1 is in kilohms and the threshold V is in mV
A ±1% resistor tolerance is recommended for the THLD1 resistor. Note that a non-zero DS1 threshold is required for
proper AGC operation. The minimum value recommended is 20K.
RXDCLK is the clock output from the data and clock recovery circuit. RXDCLK is a CMOS output. When the radio’s internal
data and clock recovery circuit is not used, RXDCLK is a steady low value. When the internal data and clock recovery is
used, RXDCLK is low until a packet start symbol is detected at the output of the data slicer. Each bit following the start
symbol is output at RXDATA on the rising edge of a RXDCLK pulse, and is stable for reading on the falling edge of the
RXDCLK pulse. Once RXDCLK is activated by the detection of a start symbol, it remains active until CFG0 Bit 0 is set to 0.
Normally RXDCLK is reset by the host processor as soon as a packet is received.
15 GND3 GND3 is an IC ground pin.
16 VCC2 VCC2 is a positive supply voltage pin. Pin 16 must be bypassed with an RF capacitor, and must also be by passed with a
1 µF tantalum or electrolytic capacitor.
In 3G control mode, CFGDAT is a bi-directional CMOS logic pin. When CFG (Pin 19) is set to a logic 1, configuration data
can be clocked into or out of the radio’s configuration registers through CFGDAT using CFGCLK (Pin 18). Data clocked
into CFGDAT is transferred to a control register each time a group of 8 bits is received (see Figure 4). Pulses on CFGCLK
are used to clock configuration data into and out of the radio through CFGDAT (Pin 17). When writing through CFGDAT, a
data bit is clocked into the radio on the rising edge of a CFGCLK pulse. When reading through CFGDAT, data is output on
the rising edge of the CFGCLK pulse and is stable for reading on the falling edge of the CFGCLK. CFGCLK is inactive
when the CFG (Pin 19) is set at a logic 0. See Page 6 for details of 2G default control mode operation of this pin.
In 3G control mode, pulses on CFGCLK are used to clock configuration data into and out of the radio through CFGDAT
(Pin 17). When writing through CFGDAT, a data bit is clocked into the radio on the rising edge of a CFGCLK pulse . When
reading through CFGDAT, data is output on the rising edge of the CFGCLK pulse and is stable for reading on the falling
edge of the CFGCLK. CFGCLK is inactive when the CFG (Pin 19) is set to logic 0. See Page 6 for details of 2G default
control mode operation of this pin. eac
19 CFG
CFG controls the operation of the CFGDAT (Pin 17) and CFGCLK (Pin 18) pins. If CFG is held at logic 0 when the radio is
powered on, radio operation defaults to 2G control mode as explained on Page 6. Radio operation is switched to 3G serial
control mode the first time CFG is set to logic 1. CFG must be set to a logic 1 before data can be clocked into or out of
CFGDAT by CFGCLK. CFGDA T is inactive when the CFG (Pin 19) is set to logic 0. Setting CFG to a logic 1 will also switch
the radio from sleep mode to active mode.
RFIO is the RF input/output pin. This pin is connected directly to the SAW filter transducer. Antennas presenting an imped-
ance in the range of 35 to 72 ohms resistive can be satisfactorily matched to this pin with a series matching coil and a
shunt matching/ESD protection coil. Other antenna impedances can be matched using two or three components. For some
impedances, two inductors and a capacitor will be required. A DC path from RFIO to ground is required for ESD protection.
31mV V 112mV≤≤
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
Pin 19
Pin 18
Pin 17
Pin 19
Pin 18
Pin 17
Pin 19
Pin 18
Pin 17
Pin 19
Pin 18
Pin 17
next to last byte
next to last byte last data byte
last data byte
Single Byte Writ e Se que nc e
The write, address and data bits are clocked into the radio (left to right) on the rising edge of the clock input to Pin 18.
Single Byte Read Sequence
The read and address bits and are clocked into the radio on the rising edge of the clock input to Pin 18;
data is output on the rising edge of the clock and should b e read into the host on the falling edge of th e clock.
Multi-byte Write Sequence
Address increments automatically and rolls over from address 2 to address 0.
Multi-byte Read Sequence
Address increments automatically and rolls over from address 2 to address 0.
W A1A0D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0
R A1A0 D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0
Control Register Read/Write Detail
D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Figure 4
RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 E-mail: info@rfm.com Page 12 of 15
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
Control Register Read/Write Timing
Pin 19
Pin 18
Pin 17
Write Cycle Timing
Pin 18
Pin 19
Pin 17
Read Cycle Timing
A0 D7 D0
Symbol Characteristic Min Typ Max Units Conditions
TC0SU CFGCLK (18) low setup time to CFG (19) rising edge 45 ns
TC0HI CFGCLK (18) high time 90 ns
TC0LO CFGCLK (18) low time 90 ns
TC0PD CFGCLK (18) period - rising edge to rising edge 190 ns
TCFGSU CFG (19) setup time - active modes 90 ns all modes except sleep
TCFGSU CFG (19) setup time - sleep mode 1000 ns sleep mode
TC1SU CFGDAT (17) setup time to CFGCLK (18) rising edge 45 ns
TC1HLD CFGDAT (17) hold time to CFGCLK (18) rising edge 90 ns
TCFGLO CFG (19) low time between transfers 90 ns
TC1RDZ CFGDAT (17) high impedance setup time on data read 20 ns
TC1RDVAL CFGDAT (17) time to valid data output on read 90 ns
TC1RLS CFGDAT (17) time to high impedance on end of transfer 20 ns
Tranceiver Set-Up, 3.0 Vdc, -40 to +85 °C
Command R/W Address CFG0 CFG1
Receive OOK using external data and clock recovery 0 00 0000 0000 0000 0000
Receive OOK using internal 19.2 kb/s data and clock recovery 0 00 0000 0001 0000 0100
Transmit OOK 0 00 0100 0000 0010 0000
Sleep 0 00 1000 0000 0000 0000
Tranceiver Set-Up, 3.0 Vdc, -4 0 to +85 °C
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
1000 TR7000 VTXM vs ITXM
ITXM in µA
in mV
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
16.0 TR7000 RF Output Power vs I TXM
ITXM in µA
Output Power in mW
RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 E-mail: info@rfm.com Page 14 of 15
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©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
Pin Out
Note: Specifications subject to change without notice.
Dimension mm Inches
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
A 10.6 10.7 10.9 0.417 0.423 0.429
B 6.7 6.8 7.0 0.264 0.270 0.276
C 1.5 1.8 2.0 0.061 0.070 0.079
D 1.4 1.7 1.9 0.058 0.066 0.074
E3.2 3.3 3.4 0.125 0.130 0.135
F 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.069 0.074 0.079
G 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.015 0.020 0.025
H 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.035 0.040 0.045
I 1.7 1.8 1.9 0.065 0.070 0.075
SM3-20H PCB Pad Layout
Dimensions in inches
RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 E-mail: info@rfm.com Page 15 of 15
RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 http://www.rfm.com
©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. TR7000-11062007
Revision History
Rev Date Comments
- 2/14/2007 Initial Release
1.0 5/24/2007 -Changed wording of Data Slicers section, pg. 5 to include RTH1
value for 9mV threshold. Also included description of powering up
the device in a mode other than RX mode to keep THLD1 stable.
-Updated THLD1 equation for not using THLD2.
-Corrected Sleep Mode Current typo from 200 uA to 200 nA.
1.1 7/11/2007 Changed TXMOD resistor RTXM value from 6.2K to 9.1K
1.2 8/28/2007 Changed description of CFG1 Bit 6.
1.3 10/17/2007 Changed RTH1 equations for non-THLD2 use.
1.4 11/6/2007 Updated Receiver Performance Values.