OM13071 LPCXpresso824-MAX Development board
Rev. 129 September 2014
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1. Introduction
The LPCXpresso-MAX family of boards provides a powerful and flexible development
system for NXP's low end Cortex-M0+ MCUs. They can be used with a range of
development tools, including the LPCXpresso IDE, in addition to ARM's mbed online
toolchain. The LPCXpresso824-MAX board is developed by NXP to enable evaluation of
and prototyping with the LPC82x family of MCUs. Fig 1 shows the LPCXpresso824-MAX
Fig 1. LPCXpresso824-MAX Board
1.1 Features
The LPCXpresso824-MAX board includes the following features:
Compatible with LPCXpresso IDE, mbed, and other toolchains.
On-board CMSIS-DAP (debug probe) with USB, bas e d on LPC11U35 MCU.
Debug connector to allow debug of target MCU through an external probe.
Tri-color LED.
Target ISP and WAKE buttons.
Target Reset button.
Target pins available on ‘standard LPCXpresso/mbed’ expansion connector.
Arduino connectors compatible with the “Arduino UNO” platform.
Pmod® expansion header.
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Prototyping area.
Powering options from multiple sources.
Options to allow measurement of current consumed by target MCU.
2. Board layout
The LPCXpresso824-MAX development board layout is shown in Fig 2.
Fig 2. LPCXpresso824-MAX development board layout
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2.1 Jumper settings
Jumpers on the LPCXpresso824-MAX board can be used to configure debug probe
selection (on-board vs off-board) or to measure power consumption as described in
sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.
2.1.1 JP1: on-board/off-board debug
When this jumper is open (default), the on-board debug probe (LPC11U35 device) is
used as the debug interface. The JP1 header is not fitted during manufacture of the
board. The debug probe boots from flash, enumerates as a CMSIS-DAP device, mbed
mass storage device, and mbed serial port. See section 5 for more details on the serial
port device.
When JP1 is closed (jumper fitted), the on-board debug probe is held in reset, and an
external debug probe can be connected using the P5 connector. The Reset button can
also be held down at board power-up to prevent the LPC11U35 booting up as a
CMSIS-DAP debug probe.
Note: The mbed serial device will not enumerate when using an external debug probe.
2.1.2 JP2: target current
The JP2 jumper is provided to enable supply current to the measuring board by placing
an ammeter in line with JP2 pins. By default, the solder jumper (SJ2) bypasses the JP2
jumper. Header P1 can be installed to measure supply power (across a 2.43 ohm resistor
on the board). Fig 3 shows a close up of the board in the area where SJ2 and P1 are
located. The IC below SJ2 is the LPC824.
Fig 3. Close up of board showing SJ2 and P1
See the schematic, available at for more
2.2 Buttons
The LPC824Xpresso-MAX has three push buttons available to control the operation of
the LPC824 (target) MCU. Their functions are described in sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and
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2.2.1 Reset
This button is normally used to reset the LPC824. Holding down this button when the
board is powered-up also prevents the LPC11U35 from booting. See section 2.1.1.
2.2.2 ISP
The ISP button connects to the LPC824 PIO_12 pin and can be used to force the
LPC824 into ISP boot mode. This can be useful when the LPC824 flash is programmed
with code that disables the SWD debug pins or changes timing settings so that the debug
probe has problems communicating with it. To force ISP boot, hold the ISP button down
while pressing and releasing the reset button.
The ISP button can also be used to trigger an interrupt b y conf iguri ng the PIO_12 pin and
associated interrupt controls within your application code.
2.2.3 Wake
Depressing this button triggers a wake interrupt b y pulling-down the WAKEUP input (pin
4) of the LPC824.
2.3 LEDs
There are five LED devices on the board: one tricolor device (with red, green, and blue
channels) for user programs, three discrete LEDs that indicate t he acti vity of the debug
probe, and a power LED .
The Tricolor LED is driven by PIO_12 (red), PIO_16 (green) and PIO_27 (blue), with the
LEDs illuminating when t ho se lines are driven lo w.
Note: The red tricolor LED channel is also controlled by PIO_12, so the tricolor LED turns
red when ISP is depressed.
The status LEDs operate as follows:
USB Disk LED (red): illuminates when the mbed disk device is being accessed.
CMSIS-DA P (gre en) : illuminates when deb ug ac ti vit y (contr ol of the target SWD
port) is occurring.
USB Comm (blue): illuminates when the mbed serial port device is active.
3. Expansi on c onne c t ors
The LPCXpresso824-MAX board provides four options for expanding the capabilities of
the board by adding hardware to it:
Arduino UNO st yle hea ders .
LPCXpresso/mbed headers.
Pmod header.
Prototyping area.
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See the board schematics, available at,
for more information.
3.1 Arduino UNO headers
Arduino is a popular hobbyist platform, with a standardized set of expansion connectors.
The Arduino connectors on the LPCXpresso824-MAX board are compatible with t he
“Arduino UNO” platform. Several compatible expansion cards (shields) can be obtained
from vendors such as Sparkfun, Adafruit, and others. Shield designs might vary in their
implementation because the Arduino UNO platform is based on guidelines and is not a
fully defined specification. See the LPCX pr ess o824-MAX schematics and those of the
board(s) you are interfacing before attempting to connect the two together.
The Arduino UNO headers are factory installed on the LPCXpresso824-MAX.
3.2 LPCXpresso™ / mbed headers
The LPCXpresso headers on the LPCXpresso824-MAX are suitable for use with existing
LPCXpresso compatible baseboards, available from 3rd parties such as Embedded
Artists. Check the component clearance on any baseboard you are considering to ensure
components on the baseboard will not interfer e with the mounting of the
LPCXpresso824-MAX because this board is wider than the original mbed and
LPCXpress o™ boar ds .
LPCXpresso expansion headers can be mounted on the bottom side of the PCB but are
not factory fitted.
3.3 Pmod™ header
Pmod support is available on the LPCXpresso824-MAX:
Pins 1 6 (left side) will support Pmod™ Type 2 (SPI) or Type 1 (GPIO).
Pins 7 12 (right side) design to support I2C. Will Pmod™ Type 1 (GPIO)
Mount the Pmod connectors on the top side of the PCB.
Note: Connectors are not factory fitted for this interface.
4. Using devel opm e nt t ools
4.1 LPCXpresso IDE
LPCXpresso IDE supports programming and debugging LPCXpresso-MAX boards using
the on-board CMSIS-DAP debug interface, or with an external debug probe, such as
LPC-Link2. Version 7.4 or later of the LPCXpresso IDE is required.
Download the IDE from:
4.1.1 Debugging via the built-in debug probe
LPCXpresso824-MAX is pre-programmed with CMSIS-DAP/mbed firmware and will work
out of the box with the LPCXpresso IDE. The IDE can detect the board as a
CMSIS-DA P pr obe when it is used for the first time and asks for confirmation that this is
the correct target. For subsequent debug sessions, this target selection is made
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If running on Windows, you will need to install the mbed Windows serial port driver so
that the LPCX pres s o8 24-MAX board’s CMSIS-DAP debug link is visible to LPCXpresso.
Download the drivers from:
4.1.2 Debugging with an external debug probe
JP1 should be closed (jumper fitted) t o use the boar d w ith an exter na l debu g probe. See
section 2.1.1 for more information.
4.2 mbed
The LPCXpresso824-MAX board implements the latest version of the mbed interface
from ARM. When connected to a PC, the board enumerates as a mass-storage device.
Firmware images placed on it are written to the target MCU after a power cycle, per other
mbed boards. See for more information on
downloading the mbed SDK for the board and the mbed development environment.
4.3 Using other toolchains
A number of other toolchains can be used since the LPCXpresso-MAX boards support
the CMSIS-DAP protoco l. Ref er to the manuals from your development toolchain
provider for more information on how to use CMSIS-DAP probes.
5. Example code and drivers
The LPCOpen platform allows users to quickly and easily utilize NXP's extensive array of
microcontroller software libraries to create and develop multifunctional products. The
platform uses common APIs that work equally across all microcontroller families and can
be built with Keil, IAR, and LPCXpresso toolchains. De tai led documentation and
examples make it easy to integrate the necessary development tools into projects. For
more information on LPCOpen, go to For direct access
to the LPCOpen drivers for the LPCXpresso824-MAX board, go to:
The LPCXpresso824-MAX enumerates an mbed serial port device when installed. This
serial port is bridged from a LPC824 UART by the LPC11U35 to its USB port and is used
by the mbed tools. This device can also be used by host computer applications (such as
Tera Term) for debugging and application purposes when developing with other
toolchains. Some of the UART examples in LPCOpen show you how to use this port
(example, periph_mrt). However, other examples might use a different UART on the
LPC824 that require external circuitry or cables to be connected using the expans ion
6. Re-flas hing the debug probe (LPC1 1U3 x )
The debug probe (LPC11U3x MCU) on the LPCXpresso824-MAX is programmed during
manufacture and does not require any update. However, if a firmware update is required,
follow these steps to re-program the flash:
1. Unplug the usb connector.
2. Hold down the reset button and plug in the usb connector.
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3. The board will appear on your system as a disk called CRP DISABLD.
4. Delete the file called firmware.bin on this disk.
5. Drag and drop the new binary image to be programmed onto this disk.
6. Connect and re-connect usb.
7. Board specifications
Recommended operating conditions: 0 to 70oC ambient temperature
Weight: 0.7 ounces
Size: 2.15 x 3.05 inches
The LPCXpresso824-MAX board is RoHS compliant.
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Date of release: 29 Septem
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9. Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................... 3
2. Board layout ........................................................ 4
2.1 Jumper setti ng s .................................................. 5
2.1.1 JP1: on-board/off-board debug .......................... 5
2.1.2 JP2: target curr ent .............................................. 5
2.2 Buttons ............................................................... 5
2.2.1 Reset .................................................................. 6
2.2.2 ISP ..................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Wake .................................................................. 6
2.3 LEDs .................................................................. 6
3. Expansion connectors ........................................ 6
3.1 Arduino UNO headers ........................................ 7
3.2 LPCXpresso™ / mbed headers.......................... 7
3.3 Pmod™ header .................................................. 7
4. Using development tools .................................... 7
4.1 LPCXpresso IDE ................................................ 7
4.1.1 Debugging via the built-in debug probe .............. 7
4.1.2 Debugging with an external debug probe ........... 8
4.2 mbed .................................................................. 8
4.3 Using other toolch ain s ........................................ 8
5. Example code and drivers .................................. 8
6. Re-flashing the debug probe (LPC11U3x) ......... 8
7. Board specifications ........................................... 9
8. Legal information .............................................. 10
8.1 Definitions ........................................................ 10
8.2 Disclaimers....................................................... 10
9. Contents ............................................................. 11