LT1963A Series
Rev. G
For more information www.analog.com
The LT1963A series are 1.5A low dropout regulators opti-
mized for fast transient response. The devices are capable
of supplying 1.5A at a dropout voltage of 350mV. The low
operating quiescent current (1mA) drops to less than 1µA
in shutdown. In addition to the low quiescent current, the
LT1963A regulators incorporate several protection fea-
tures which make them ideal for use in battery-powered
systems. The devices are protected against both reverse
input and reverse output voltages. In battery backup appli-
cations where the output can be held up by a backup bat-
tery when the input is pulled to ground, the LT1963A-X
acts like it has a diode in series with its output and prevents
reverse current flow. Additionally, in dual supply applica-
tions where the regulator load is returned to a negative
supply, the output can be pulled below ground by as much
as 20V and still allow the device to start and operate.
Adjustable Operation
The adjustable version of the LT1963A has an output volt
age range of 1.21V to 20V. The output voltage is set by
the ratio of two external resistors as shown in Figure2.
The device servos the output to maintain the voltage at
the ADJ pin at 1.21V referenced to ground. The current
in R1 is then equal to 1.21V/R1 and the current in R2 is
the current in R1 plus the ADJ pin bias current. The ADJ
pin bias current, 3µA at 25°C, flows through R2 into the
ADJ pin. The output voltage can be calculated using the
formula in Figure2. The value of R1 should be less than
4.17k to minimize errors in the output voltage caused by
the ADJ pin bias current. Note that in shutdown the output
is turned off and the divider current will be zero.
The adjustable device is tested and specified with the ADJ
pin tied to the OUT pin for an output voltage of 1.21V.
Specifications for output voltages greater than 1.21V will
be proportional to the ratio of the desired output voltage
to 1.21V: V
/1.21V. For example, load regulation for an
output current change of 1mA to 1.5A is –3mV typical at
VOUT = 1.21V. At VOUT = 5V, load regulation is:
(5V/1.21V)(–3mV) = –12.4mV
Output Capacitors and Stability
The LT1963A regulator is a feedback circuit. Like any
feedback circuit, frequency compensation is needed to
make it stable. For the LT1963A, the frequency compensa-
tion is both internal and external—the output capacitor.
The size of the output capacitor, the type of the output
capacitor, and the ESR of the particular output capacitor
all affect the stability.
In addition to stability, the output capacitor also affects
the high frequency transient response. The regulator
loop has a finite band width. For high frequency transient
loads, recovery from a transient is a combination of the
output capacitor and the bandwidth of the regulator. The
LT1963A was designed to be easy to use and accept a
wide variety of output capacitors. However, the frequency
compensation is affected by the output capacitor and opti-
mum frequency stability may require some ESR, espe-
cially with ceramic capacitors.
For ease of use, low ESR polytantalum capacitors
(POSCAP) are a good choice for both the transient
response and stability of the regulator. These capacitors
have intrinsic ESR that improves the stability. Ceramic
capacitors have extremely low ESR, and while they are a
good choice in many cases, placing a small series resis-
tance element will sometimes achieve optimum stability
and minimize ringing. In all cases, a minimum of 10µF is
required while the maximum ESR allowable is 3Ω.
The place where ESR is most helpful with ceramics is
low output voltage. At low output voltages, below 2.5V,
some ESR helps the stability when ceramic output capac-
itors are used. Also, some ESR allows a smaller capaci-
tor value to be used. When small signal ringing occurs
with ceramics due to insufficient ESR, adding ESR or
increasing the capacitor value improves the stability and
reduces the ringing. Table1 gives some recommended
values of ESR to minimize ringing caused by fast, hard
current transitions.
Figure2. Adjustable Operation
VOUT =1.21V 1+R2
( )
( )
VADJ =1.21V
IADJ =3µA AT 25°C