Snap-In Capacitors B43504 Compact - 105 C B43504 Long-life grade capacitors Applications Professional switch-mode power supplies in industrial electronics and in data processing equipment Switch-mode power supplies in entertainment electronics Frequency converters Features High reliability High CU product, extremely compact Low equivalent series resistance ESR Many different case sizes available for each capacitance value Construction Charge-discharge proof, polar Aluminum case, fully insulated Snap-in solder pins to hold component in place on PC-board Minus pole marking on case surface Minus pole not insulated from case Overload protection (safety vent) Terminals Standard version with 2 terminals 2 lengths available: 6,3 and 4,5 mm 3 terminals: length 4,5 mm (terminal arrangement ensures correct insertion) 245 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C Specifications and characteristics in brief Rated voltage UR 200 ... 450 VDC Surge voltage US 1,15 * UR (for UR 250 VDC) 1,10 * UR (for UR 400 VDC) Rated capacitance CR 47 ... 2 200 F Capacitance tolerance 20 % M UR 400 VDC: tan 0,15 UR 420 VDC: tan 0,20 Dissipation factor tan (20C, 120 Hz) Leakage current IL (5 min, 20C) C R U R 0,7 I L 0,3 A aee ------- ------- oo + 4 A F V Self-inductance ESL Approx. 20 nH Useful life 105C; UR; I~R 85C; UR; I~max 40C; UR; 1,9 * I~R Requirements: > 3 000 h > 6 500 h > 200 000 h C/C tan IL 30 % of initial value 3 times initial specified limit initial specified limit Failure percentage: 1 % Failure rate: 40 fit ( 40 * 10 -9/h) (for definiton "fit", refer to chapter "Quality", page 62) Load life test 2 000 h 105 C; UR; I~R Voltage endurance test C/C tan IL 2 000 h 105 C; UR Vibration resistance Post test requirements: 20 % of initial value 2 times initial specified limit initial specified limit Post test requirements: C/C tan IL 10 % of initial value 1,3 times specified limit initial specified limit Detail specification To IEC 60068-2-6, test Fc: displacement amplitude 0,35 mm, frequency range 10 ... 55 Hz, acceleration max. 5 g, duration 3 x 2 h To IEC 60068-1: UR 400 VDC: 40/105/56 (- 40C/+ 105C/56 days damp heat test) UR 420 VDC: 25/105/56 (- 25C/+ 105C/56 days damp heat test) Similar to CECC 30301-809 Sectional specification IEC 60384-4 IEC climatic category 246 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C Dimensional drawings Minus pole marking Minus pole marking Mounting holes Mounting holes KAL0140-J KAL0324-F Snap-in terminals, standard (length 6,3 1 mm). Also available in a shorter version with a length of 4,5 -1 mm. For packing mode and ordering example see next page. Snap-in capacitors are also available with 3 terminals (length 4,5 -1 mm). For packing mode and ordering example see next page. Dimensions (mm) d+1 l2 Approx. Packing units weight (g) (pieces) Dimensions (mm) d+1 l2 Approx. Packing units weight (g) (pieces) 22 22 22 22 22 25 30 35 40 50 9 12 15 18 24 160 160 160 160 160 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 35 40 45 50 13 17 19 22 26 30 130 130 130 130 130 130 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 35 40 45 50 17 23 29 36 41 47 80 80 80 80 80 80 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 30 35 40 45 50 22 29 36 41 57 72 60 60 60 60 60 60 247 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C Packing of snap-in capacitors For ecological reasons the packing is pure cardboard. Components can be withdrawn (in full or in part) in the correct position for insertion. Ordering codes Snap-in terminals Version Identification in 3rd block of ordering code Standard terminals (6,3 1) mm M000 Short terminals (4,5 -1) mm M007 3 terminals (4,5 -1) mm M002 Ordering example: B43504A9107M007 B43504A9107M002 } } snap-in capacitor with short terminals snap-in capacitor with 3 terminals 248 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C Overview of available types UR (VDC) 200 CR (F) Case dimensions d x l (mm) 250 400 420 450 22 x 30 22 x 35 47 22 x 25 68 82 22 x 25 22 x 30 22 x 30 100 22 x 35 25 x 25 22 x 35 25 x 30 22 x 35 25 x 30 30 x 25 120 22 x 35 22 x 40 25 x 30 25 x 35 150 22 x 40 30 x 25 25 x 35 30 x 30 25 x 40 30 x 30 35 x 25 25 x 40 30 x 30 25 x 45 30 x 35 35 x 30 25 x 40 30 x 30 25 x 45 25 x 45 30 x 35 25 x 50 30 x 40 35 x 30 180 220 22 x 25 22 x 30 270 22 x 25 22 x 35 25 x 50 30 x 40 30 x 45 35 x 35 330 22 x 30 22 x 40 25 x 30 30 x 45 35 x 35 30 x 45 35 x 35 30 x 50 35 x 40 390 22 x 30 25 x 35 30 x 50 30 x 50 35 x 40 35 x 45 470 22 x 35 30 x 25 22 x 50 30 x 30 35 x 45 35 x 45 35 x 50 560 25 x 35 25 x 45 35 x 50 680 25 x 40 35 x 25 25 x 50 30 x 40 820 25 x 45 35 x 30 30 x 45 1 000 1 200 30 x 35 30 x 40 35 x 40 35 x 45 1 500 1 800 35 x 40 35 x 45 2 200 35 x 50 The capacitance and voltage ratings listed above are available in different cases upon request. Other voltage and capacitance ratings are also available upon request. 249 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C Technical data and ordering codes UR CR 100 Hz 20 C VDC F Case dimensions dxl mm ESRtyp 100 Hz 20 C m Zmax 10 kHz 20 C m 200 220 270 22 x 25 22 x 25 580 480 700 570 330 390 22 x 30 22 x 30 390 330 470 400 250 I~max 100 Hz 85 C A Ordering code 2) I~R1) 100 Hz 105 C A 2,6 2,8 1,7 1,9 0,84 0,93 B43504E2227M000 B43504E2277M000 3,3 3,6 2,2 2,4 1,1 1,2 B43504A2337M000 B43504E2397M000 I~max 100 Hz 40 C A 470 22 x 35 280 330 4,2 2,8 1,4 B43504E2477M000 470 30 x 25 280 330 4,5 3,0 1,5 B43504F2477M000 560 25 x 35 230 280 5,0 3,4 1,6 B43504E2567M000 680 25 x 40 190 230 5,8 3,9 1,9 B43504E2687M000 680 820 35 x 25 25 x 45 190 160 230 190 6,0 6,6 4,0 4,5 2,0 2,2 B43504F2687M000 B43504E2827M000 820 1 000 35 x 30 30 x 35 160 130 190 160 6,9 7,3 4,7 4,9 2,3 2,4 B43504A2827M000 B43504E2108M000 1 200 1 500 30 x 40 35 x 40 110 90 130 110 8,4 10 5,6 6,9 2,7 3,4 B43504E2128M000 B43504E2158M000 1 800 2 200 35 x 45 35 x 50 80 60 90 70 12 14 7,9 9,1 3,9 4,4 B43504E2188M000 B43504E2228M000 220 270 22 x 30 22 x 35 580 480 700 570 2,7 3,2 1,8 2,2 0,89 1,1 B43504A2227M000 B43504A2277M000 330 22 x 40 390 470 3,7 2,5 1,2 B43504B2337M000 330 25 x 30 390 470 3,6 2,4 1,2 B43504C2337M000 390 470 25 x 35 22 x 50 330 280 400 330 4,2 4,9 2,8 3,3 1,4 1,6 B43504A2397M000 B43504A2477M000 470 560 680 30 x 30 25 x 45 25 x 50 280 230 190 330 280 230 4,7 5,5 6,3 3,2 3,7 4,2 1,6 1,8 2,1 B43504B2477M000 B43504A2567M000 B43504A2687M000 680 30 x 40 190 230 6,3 4,2 2,1 B43504B2687M000 820 30 x 45 160 190 7,2 4,9 2,4 B43504B2827M000 1 000 1 200 35 x 40 35 x 45 130 110 160 130 8,4 9,6 5,7 6,5 2,8 3,2 B43504A2108M000 B43504A2128M000 Preferred types 1) 120 Hz conversion factor of ripple current: I~ (120 Hz) = 1,03 * I~ (100 Hz) 2) Ordering code for standard terminals (6,3 mm). To determine the ordering code for short terminals (4,5 mm) and 3 terminals (4,5 mm) see page 248. 250 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C CR 100 Hz 20 C VDC F Case dimensions dxl mm ESRtyp 100 Hz 20 C m Zmax 10 kHz 20 C m I~max 100 Hz 40 C A I~max 100 Hz 85 C A Ordering code 2) I~R1) 100 Hz 105 C A 400 47 68 22 x 25 22 x 25 1870 1290 2310 1600 1,2 1,4 0,79 0,95 0,39 0,47 UR 420 B43504A9476M000 B43504A9686M000 82 22 x 30 1070 1320 1,7 1,1 0,55 B43504A9826M000 100 22 x 35 880 1090 2,0 1,3 0,64 B43504A9107M000 100 120 25 x 25 22 x 35 880 730 1090 910 1,9 2,1 1,3 1,4 0,61 0,70 B43504B9107M000 B43504A9127M000 150 22 x 40 590 730 2,5 1,7 0,82 B43504A9157M000 150 180 30 x 25 25 x 40 590 490 730 610 2,5 3,0 1,7 2,0 0,83 0,98 B43504B9157M000 B43504A9187M000 180 30 x 30 490 610 2,9 2,0 0,96 B43504B9187M000 220 25 x 45 400 500 3,4 2,3 1,1 B43504A9227M000 220 30 x 35 400 500 3,4 2,3 1,1 B43504B9227M000 220 35 x 30 400 500 3,6 2,4 1,2 B43504C9227M000 270 25 x 50 330 410 4,0 2,7 1,3 B43504A9277M000 330 30 x 45 270 330 4,6 3,1 1,5 B43504A9337M000 330 390 35 x 35 30 x 50 270 230 330 280 4,6 5,2 3,1 3,5 1,5 1,7 B43504B9337M000 B43504A9397M000 470 560 35 x 45 35 x 50 190 160 240 200 6,0 6,8 4,1 4,6 2,0 2,2 B43504A9477M000 B43504A9567M000 82 100 22 x 30 22 x 35 1650 1360 1950 1600 1,66 1,95 1,12 1,31 0,55 0,64 B43504A0826M000 B43504A0107M000 100 120 25 x 30 22 x 40 1360 1130 1600 1330 2,00 2,25 1,34 1,51 0,65 0,74 B43504E0107M000 B43504A0127M000 120 150 25 x 30 25 x 35 1130 910 1330 1070 2,19 2,58 1,47 1,74 0,72 0,85 B43504E0127M000 B43504A0157M000 150 180 30 x 30 25 x 40 910 760 1070 890 2,67 2,97 1,80 2,00 0,88 0,98 B43504E0157M000 B43504A0187M000 180 30 x 30 760 890 2,93 1,97 0,96 B43504E0187M000 Preferred types 1) 120 Hz conversion factor of ripple current: I~ (120 Hz) = 1,03 * I~ (100 Hz) 2) Ordering code for standard terminals (6,3 mm). To determine the ordering code for short terminals (4,5 mm) and 3 terminals (4,5 mm) see page 248. 251 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C I~max 100 Hz 40 C A I~max 100 Hz 85 C A Ordering code 2) I~R1) 100 Hz 105 C A 730 730 3,44 3,41 2,31 2,29 1,13 1,12 B43504A0227M000 B43504E0227M000 510 410 590 490 3,96 4,58 2,66 3,08 1,30 1,50 B43504A0277M000 B43504A0337M000 35 x 35 30 x 50 410 350 490 410 4,62 5,18 3,11 3,48 1,52 1,70 B43504E0337M000 B43504A0397M000 390 470 68 35 x 40 35 x 45 22 x 30 350 290 1990 410 340 2350 5,26 6,02 1,5 3,54 4,05 1,0 1,72 1,97 0,50 B43504E0397M000 B43504A0477M000 B43504A5686M000 UR CR 100 Hz 20 C VDC F Case dimensions dxl mm 420 220 220 450 ESRtyp 100 Hz 20 C m Zmax 10 kHz 20 C m 25 x 45 30 x 35 620 620 270 330 30 x 40 30 x 45 330 390 82 22 x 35 1650 1950 1,8 1,2 0,58 B43504A5826M000 100 22 x 35 1360 1600 2,0 1,3 0,64 B43504A5107M000 100 25 x 30 1360 1600 2,0 1,3 0,65 B43504B5107M000 100 30 x 25 1360 1600 2,1 1,4 0,67 B43504C5107M000 120 25 x 35 1130 1330 2,3 1,6 0,76 B43504A5127M000 150 25 x 40 910 1070 2,7 1,8 0,89 B43504A5157M000 150 30 x 30 910 1070 2,7 1,8 0,88 B43504B5157M000 150 35 x 25 910 1070 2,8 1,9 0,92 B43504C5157M000 180 25 x 45 760 890 3,1 2,1 1,0 B43504A5187M000 220 25 x 50 620 730 3,6 2,4 1,2 B43504A5227M000 220 30 x 40 620 730 3,6 2,4 1,2 B43504B5227M000 220 35 x 30 620 730 3,6 2,4 1,2 B43504C5227M000 270 270 30 x 45 35 x 35 510 510 590 590 4,1 4,1 2,8 2,8 1,4 1,4 B43504A5277M000 B43504B5277M000 330 30 x 50 410 490 4,8 3,2 1,6 B43504A5337M000 330 35 x 40 410 490 4,8 3,3 1,6 B43504B5337M000 390 35 x 45 350 410 5,5 3,7 1,8 B43504A5397M000 470 35 x 50 290 340 6,3 4,2 2,1 B43504A5477M000 Preferred types 1) 120 Hz conversion factor of ripple current: I~ (120 Hz) = 1,03 * I~ (100 Hz) 2) Ordering code for standard terminals (6,3 mm). To determine the ordering code for short terminals (4,5 mm) and 3 terminals (4,5 mm) see page 248. 252 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C Useful life depending on ambient temperature TA under ripple current operating conditions 1) KAL0542-Q 3,5 ~ ~R B43504 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 3 000 h 5 000 h 10 000 h 20 000 h 0,5 50 000 h 200 000 h 1,0 110 C 120 TA Frequency factor of permissible ripple current I~ versus frequency f ~f KAL0699-K 1,5 B43504 ~100 Hz 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,9 0,8 5 10 2 5 10 3 Hz 2 f 1) Refer to page 40 for an explanation on how to interpret the useful life graphs. 253 10/02 B43504 Compact - 105 C Frequency characteristics of ESR Typical behavior Impedance Z versus frequency f Typical behavior at 20 C KAL0701-1 2,5 B43504 ESR f ESR 100 Hz KAL0461-H 10 2 B43504 Z 2,0 10 1 5 1,5 10 0 5 1,0 20 C 10 0,5 0 1 10 > 60 C 5 10 2 5 10 3 _1 220 F/450 V 180 F/400 V 470 F/250 V 5 Hz 10 4 f 10 _2 10 1 254 10/02 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Hz 10 6 f Herausgegeben von EPCOS AG Unternehmenskommunikation, Postfach 80 17 09, 81617 Munchen, DEUTSCHLAND ++49 89 636 09, FAX (0 89) 636-2 26 89 ( EPCOS AG 2002. 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Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this brochure and the information contained therein without EPCOS' prior express consent is prohibited. Purchase orders are subject to the General Conditions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry recommended by the ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association), unless otherwise agreed. This brochure replaces the previous edition. For questions on technology, prices and delivery please contact the Sales Offices of EPCOS AG or the international Representatives. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the type in question please also contact one of our Sales Offices.