Electrical Characteristics (1)(2)
The following specifications apply for all channels with VDD = +6V, VSS =−6V, VIN = 5.5 Vpk, and f = 1 kHz, unless otherwise
specified. Limits apply for TA= 25°C. Digital inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible.
Symbol Parameter Conditions LM1972 Units
Typical(3) Limit (4)
ISSupply Current Inputs are AC Grounded 2 4mA (max)
THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise VIN = 0.5 Vpk @ 0dB Attenuation 0.0008 0.003 % (max)
XTalk Crosstalk (Channel Separation) 0dB Attenuation for VIN 110 100 dB (min)
VCH measured @ −78dB
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio Inputs are AC Grounded
@−12dB Attenuation 120 110 dB (min)
AMMute Attenuation 104 96 dB (min)
Attenuation Step Size Error 0dB to −47.5dB ±0.05 dB (max)
−48dB to −78dB ±0.25 dB (max)
Absolute Attenuation Error Attenuation @ 0dB 0.03 0.5 dB (min)
Attenuation @ −20dB 19.8 19.0 dB (min)
Attenuation @ −40dB 39.5 38.5 dB (min)
Attenuation @ −60dB 59.3 57.5 dB (min)
Attenuation @ −78dB 76.3 74.5 dB (min)
Channel-to-Channel Attenuation Attenuation @ 0dB, −20dB, −40dB, −60dB ±0.5 dB (max)
Tracking Error Attenuation @ −78dB ±0.75 dB (max)
ILEAK Analog Input Leakage Current Inputs are AC Grounded 10.0 100 nA (max)
RIN AC Input Impedance Pins 4, 20, VIN = 1.0 Vpk, f = 1 kHz 40 20 kΩ(min)
60 kΩ(max)
IIN Input Current @ Pins 9, 10, 11 @ 0V < VIN < 5V 1.0 ±100 nA (max)
fCLK Clock Frequency 3 2 MHz (max)
VIH High-Level Input Voltage @ Pins 9, 10, 11 2.0 V (min)
VIL Low-Level Input Voltage @ Pins 9, 10, 11 0.8 V (max)
Data-Out Levels (Pin 12) VDD=6V, VSS=0V 0.1 V (max)
5.9 V (min)
(1) All voltages are measured with respect to GND pins (1, 3, 5, 6, 14, 16, 19), unless otherwise specified.
(2) Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for
which the device is functional. Electrical Characteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions. This
assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings. The typical value is a good indication of device performance.
(3) Typicals are measured at 25°C and represent the parametric norm.
(4) Limits are specified to Texas Instrument's AOQL (Average Output Quality Level).
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