EMIF06-USD14F3 6-line low capacitance IPADTM for micro-SD card with EMI filtering and ESD protection Datasheet production data Applications Consumer and computer electronics with micro-SD card such as: - Tablet and smartphone - HD set-top boxes - Camera - Notebook - Game console - Mother boards Flip Chip (15 bumps) Features Description EMI low-pass filter The EMIF06-USD14F3 is a 6-line EMI filter dedicated to SD, mini-SD and micro-SD card applications. ESD protection 8 kV (IEC 61000-4-2) 208 MHz clock frequency compatible with SDR104 mode (SD3.0) Optimized PINOUT for easy PCB layout Lead-free package Benefits Low power consumption Easy pins access (no tracks between bumps) for easy PCB layout This filter includes ESD protection circuitry, which prevents damage to the protected device when inserting the card. Pull-up resistors are not integrated inside the chip, hence the EMIF06-USD14F3 gives the flexibility to customers to use controllers with embedded resistance. This 6-line IPAD TM is packaged into a flip-chip solution, saving PCB space. Figure 1. Pin configuration (bump side) 16 Bumps WLCSP package (with 400 m pitch) featuring natural PCB routing, cost optimization and saving space on the board $ High reliability offered by monolithic integration % Reduction of parasitic elements thanks to CSP integration & Complies with the following standards: ' IEC 61000-4-2 level 4: - 15 kV (air discharge) - 8 kV (contact discharge) TM: IPAD is a trademark of STMicroelectronics December 2015 This is information on a product in full production. DocID028200 Rev 1 1/8 www.st.com Characteristics 1 EMIF06-USD14F3 Characteristics Table 1. Absolute maximum ratings (Tamb = 25 C) Symbol VPP Tj Parameter ESD discharge IEC 61000-4-2, level 4 (on pins Vcc, SDclk, SDcmd, SDdat0, SDdat1, SDdat2, SDdat3 Air discharge, external pins Contact discharge, external pins ESD discharge IEC 61000-4-2, level 1 (on pins dat0, dat1, clk, cmd,dat3, dat2) Air discharge, internal pins Contact discharge, internal pins Maximum junction temperature Value Unit 15 8 kV 2 2 125 C Top Operating temperature range -30 to +85 C Tstg Storage temperature range -55 to +150 C Figure 2. EMIF06-USD14F3 schematic 9FF 5 &ON &PG GDW GDW GDW GDW 6'&ON 5 5 5 5 5 *1' 2/8 DocID028200 Rev 1 6'&PG 6'GDW 6'GDW 6'GDW 6'GDW EMIF06-USD14F3 Characteristics Table 2. Pin configuration Pin Signal Pin Signal A1 dat0 C1 Cmd A2 dat1 A3 SDdat1 C3 GND A4 SDdat0 C4 SDcmd B1 clk D1 dat3 B2 Vcc D2 dat2 B3 GND D3 SDdat2 B4 SDclk D4 SDdat3 Table 3. Electrical characteristics (values, Tamb = 25 C) Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. VBR Breakdown voltage IR = 1 mA IRM Leakage current VRM = 3 V R Serial resistance Tolerance 10%, matching 2% 40 VBIAS = 0V, F = 10 MHz, VOSC = 30mVRMS 10 VBIAS = 1.8V, F = 10 MHz, VOSC = 30 mVRMS 7.5 Cline Data line capacitance 14 Max. Unit 20 V 100 nA 12 pF 10 Figure 3. Electrical characteristics (definitions) , 6\PERO 9%5 950 ,50 3DUDPHWHU %UHDNGRZQYROWDJH 6WDQGRIIYROWDJH /HDNDJHFXUUHQWDW 950 &OLQH /LQHFDSDFLWDQFH 9&/ 9%5 950 ,50 9 ,33 DocID028200 Rev 1 3/8 8 Characteristics EMIF06-USD14F3 Figure 4. Attenuation versus frequency Figure 5. Analog crosstalk versus frequency 6 G% ;7DON G% ) +] . &ON 'DWD 'DWD 0 0 0 'DWD 'DWD &PG * ) +] . &ON'DWD Figure 6. ESD response to IEC 61000-4-2 (+8 kV contact discharge) 9GLY 0 0 'DWD6''DWD 0 * Figure 7. ESD response to IEC 61000-4-2 (-8 kV contact discharge) 9GLY 9 33 (6'SHDNYROWDJH 9 &/&ODPSLQJYROWDJH#QV 9 &/&ODPSLQJYROWDJH#QV 9 &/&ODPSLQJYROWDJH#QV 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 33 (6'SHDNYROWDJH 9 &/&ODPSLQJYROWDJH#QV 9 &/&ODPSLQJYROWDJH#QV 9 &/&ODPSLQJYROWDJH#QV QVGLY Figure 8. Line capacitance versus frequency and bias voltage (typical values) &OLQH S) 9%,$6 9 9%,$6 9 9%,$6 9 9RVF P9506 7$0% & ) 0+] 4/8 DocID028200 Rev 1 QVGLY EMIF06-USD14F3 2 Package information Package information Epoxy meets UL94, V0 Lead-free package In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of ECOPACK(R) packages, depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK(R) specifications, grade definitions and product status are available at: www.st.com. ECOPACK(R) is an ST trademark. Flip-Chip package information P Figure 9. Flip-Chip package outline P P P PPP P 2.1 P PPP DocID028200 Rev 1 5/8 8 Package information 2.2 EMIF06-USD14F3 Packing information Figure 10. Footprint Figure 11. Marking 'RW67ORJR (&23$&.VWDWXV [[ PDUNLQJ ] PDQXIDFWXULQJ ORFDWLRQ \ZZ GDWHFRGH \ \HDU ZZ ZHHN &RSSHUSDG'LDPHWHU PUHFRPPHQGHG PPD[LPXP 6ROGHUPDVNRSHQLQJ PPLQLPXP 6ROGHUVWHQFLORSHQLQJ PUHFRPPHQGHG [ [ ] \ Z Z 'RWLGHQWLI\LQJ3LQ$ORFDWLRQ [[] \ZZ $OOGLPHQVLRQVDUHLQPP 8VHUGLUHFWLRQRIXQUHHOLQJ 6/8 DocID028200 Rev 1 67( [[] \ZZ 67( [[ ] \ZZ 67( Figure 12. Tape and reel specification EMIF06-USD14F3 3 Ordering information Ordering information Figure 13. Ordering information scheme (0,) 86' ) (0,ILOWHU 1XPEHURIOLQHV $SSOLFDWLRQ 86' PLFUR6'&DUG 9HUVLRQ (0,)86')YHUVLRQZLWKRXWSXOOXS UHVLVWRURQGDWDV 'HVLJQYHUVLRQ VDPHHOHFWULFDOVSHFDV(0,)86') 3DFNDJH ) )OLSFKLS /HDGIUHHSLWFK PEXPS P Table 4. Ordering information Note: Order code Marking Package Weight Base qty. Delivery mode EMIF06-USD14F3 LH Flip Chip 2.6 mg 5000 Tape and reel 7" More information is available in the STMicroelectronics Application notes: AN2348: "Flip Chip: Package description and recommendations for use" AN1751: "EMI Filters: Recommendations and measurements" AN4541: "EMI Filters for SD3.0 card: High speed SD card protection and filtering devices" 4 Revision history Table 5. Document revision history Date Revision 17-Dec-2015 1 Changes First issue. DocID028200 Rev 1 7/8 8 EMIF06-USD14F3 IMPORTANT NOTICE - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries ("ST") reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST's terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers' products. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product. ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document. (c) 2015 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved 8/8 DocID028200 Rev 1