Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 Product Information Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed. About this document This product information is a supplement to earlier versions of the documentation and is only valid in conjunction with them. Please keep this document for later use. Follow all the safety instructions for your own safety, to protect other people and to avoid damage to property. Please pay attention to the safety instructions for all activities on the converter. (c) Siemens AG . All rights reserved 1 2 Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 Englisch EC declaration of Conformity (in accordance with the EC Directive 2006/95/EC) Manufacturer: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 115, D-90441 Nurnberg The product is in accordance with the specifications of the following European directives. 2006/95/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits We confirm conformity of the product indicated above with the standards: see page 1 Affixing of the CE-marking: This declaration confirms conformity with the guidelines mentioned. However, this is neither a quality nor a durability warranty. Please take notice of the safety notes supplied with the product documentation. Franzosisch Declaration CE de conformite (selon la directive 2006/95/CE ) Constructeur: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Le produit sus-mentionne est conforme aux prescriptions des directives europeennes suivantes : 2006/95/CE Directive du Parlement europeen et du Conseil du 12 decembre 2006 concernant le rapprochement des legislations des Etats membres relatives au materiel electrique destine a etre employe dans certaines limites de tension. Nous certifions la conformite du produit mentionne ci-dessus avec les normes: page 1 Apposition du marquage CE : Ce certificat atteste la conformite aux directives mentionnees, mais ne tient pas lieu de garantie de qualite ni de longevite. Respecter les consignes de securite figurant dans la documentation produit fournie. Spanisch Declaracion de conformidad CE (segun la Directiva2006/95/CE) Fabricante: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg El producto arriba mencionado cumple con lo especificado en las Directivas Europeas siguientes: 2006/95/CE Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 12 de diciembre de 2006, relativa a la aproximacion de las legislaciones de los Estados sobre el material electrico destinado a utilizarse con determinados limites de tension. Confirmamos que el producto especificado cumple las siguientes normas: vease pagina 1 Colocacion de la marca "CE": Esta declaracion certifica el cumplimiento de las directivas mencionadas pero no garantiza las caracteristicas ni la durabilidad. Deben observarse las consignas de seguridad de la documentacion de producto suministrada. Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 3 Italienisch Dichiarazione di conformita CE (secondo la Direttiva CE 2006/95/CE) Costruttore: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Il prodotto indicato soddisfa le norme delle seguenti Direttive Europee. 2006/95/CE Direttiva del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 12 dicembre 2006 concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative al materiale elettrico destinato ad essere adoperato entro taluni limiti di tensione Si certifica la conformita del prodotto denominato alle norme seguenti: vedi pagina 1 Apposizione del marchio CE : Questa dichiarazione certifica la conformita con le direttive citate, non costituisce pero alcuna garanzia di caratteristiche di prodotto oppure di durata. Le avvertenze di sicurezza riportate nella documentazione di prodotto allegata devono essere rispettate. Schwedisch: EG-konformitetsforklaring (enligt EG-direktiv 2006/95/EG) Tillverkare: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Den markta produkten overensstammer med foreskrifterna i foljande europeiska direktiv: 2006/95/EG Europaparlamentets och radets direktiv av den 26 December 2006 om harmonisering av medlemsstaternas lagstiftning om elektrisk utrustning avsedd for anvandning inom vissa spanningsgranser. Vi bekraftar ovan angivna produkts overensstammelse med standarderna: 1 Placering av CE-markning: Denna forklaring garanterar overensstammelse med namnda standarder, men galler inte som garanti av nagot slag. Beakta sakerhetsanvisningarna i den medfoljande produktdokumentationen. Finnisch: EY-vaatimuksenmukaisuustodistus (EY-direktiivin 2006/95/EY mukaan) Valmistaja: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Mainittu tuote on seuraavien Euro-direktiivien maaraysten mukainen: 2006/95/EY Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivi 2006/95/EY, annettu 12 paivana joulukuuta 2006, jannitealueella toimivia sahkolaitteita koskevan jasenvaltioiden lainsaadannon lahentamisesta. Todistamme, etta edella mainittu tuote on seuraavien standardien mukainen: ks. sivu 1 tietylla CE-merkin kiinnittaminen: Tama selostus todistaa, etta tuote vastaa mainittuja direktiiveja, mutta se ei ole ominaisuus- tai kestavyystakuu. Tuotteen mukana toimitettavan dokumentaation turvallisuusohjeita on noudatettava. 4 Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 Danisch: EF-overensstemmelsesattest (i henhold til EF-direktiv 2006/95/EOF) Producent: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Det angivne produkt opfylder forskrifterne fra folgende europaeiske direktiver: 2006/95/EOF: Direktiv fra det Europaeiske Parlament og Radet af 12. december 2006 til tilpasning af medlemslandenes retsforskrifter vedrorende elektriske driftsmidler til anvendelse indenfor bestemte spaendingsgraenser. Vi bekraefter det ovennaevnte produkts overensstemmelse med standarderne: 1 Anbringelse af CE-tegnet: Denne erklaering gaelder som dokumentation for overensstemmelse med de naevnte direktiver men er dog ingen beskaffenheds- eller holdbarhedsgaranti. Sikkerhedshenvisningerne i den medleverede produktinformation skal overholdes. Niederlandisch: EG-conformiteitsverklaring (volgens de EG-richtlijn 2006/95/EG) Fabrikant: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Het omschreven produkt stemt overeen met de voorschriften van de volgende Europese richtlijnen: 2006/95/EG Richtlijn van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 12 december 2006 betreffende de onderlinge aanpassing van de wettelijke voorschriften der lidstaten inzake elektrisch materiaal bestemd voor het gebruik binnen bepaalde spanningsgrenzen. Wij bevestigen de comformiteit van bovengenoemd produkt met de normen: zie pagina 1 Aanbrengen van CE-keurmerk: Deze verklaring bevestigt de conformiteit met de genoemde richtlijnen, maar geeft geen garantie betreffende de gesteldheid of de houdbaarheid. De veiligheidsaanwijzingen in de meegeleverde productdocumentatie dienen te worden nageleefd. Portugiesisch: Declaracao de conformidade CE (segundo a Diretiva 2006/95/CE) Fabricante: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg O produto especificado esta em conformidade com o disposto nas seguintes Directivas Europeias: 2006/95/CE Diretiva do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 12 de Dezembro de 2006, relativa a harmonizacao das legislacoes dos Estados-Membros no destinado a ser utilizado dentro de certos limites de tensao Certificamos a conformidade do produto supracitado com as seguintes normas: dominio do material eletrico ver pag. 1 Aposicao da classificacao CE: A presente declaracao atesta a conformidade com as directivas mencionadas, no entanto, nao constitui uma garantia de qualidade ou durabilidade. Respeitar as indicacoes de seguranca da documentacao do produto juntamente fornecida. Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 5 Griechisch E : ( 2006/95/) Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg : 2006/95/E 12 2006 . : 1 CE: , . . Polnisch: Deklaracja zgodnoci (wg dyrektywy WE 2006/95/WE) Producent: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Produkt odpowiada wymaganiom nastpujcych dyrektyw Unii Europejskiej: 2006/95/WE Dyrektywa Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 12 grudnia 2006 r. w sprawie harmonizacji ustawodawstw pastw czonkowskich odnoszcych si do sprztu elektrycznego przewidzianego do stosowania w okrelonych granicach napicia Producent deklaruje niniejszym, e opisany produkt jest zgodny z nastpujcymi standardami: patrz strona 1 Uywanie znaku CE: Niniejsza deklaracja zawiadcza zgodno z wymienionymi dyrektywami, jednak nie stanowi gwarancji o waciwociach lub trwaoci produktu. Naley zapozna si ze wskazowkami bezpieczestwa zawartych w doczonej dokumentacji produktu. Litauisch: EB atitikties deklaracija (pagal EB direktyv 2006/95/EB) Gamintojas: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Gaminys atitinka toliau nurodyt Europos direktyv specifikacijas: 2006/95/EB 2006 m. gruodio 12 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyva 2006/95/EB dl valstybi nari statym, susijusi su elektrotechniniais gaminiais, skirtais naudoti tam tikrose tampos ribose, suderinimo Patvirtiname, kad pirmiau nurodyti gaminiai atitinka iuos standartus: r. p. 1. Paenklintas CE enklu: Si deklaracija patvirtina atitikim nurodytoms direktyvoms, taiau negarantuoja joki ypatybi ar tinkamumo naudoti termino. Btina laikytis pridedamoje gaminio dokumentacijoje pateikt spjamj nurodym. 6 Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 Lettisch: EK atbilstbas deklarcija (saska ar EK Direktvu 2006/95/EK) Raotjs: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Raojums atbilst turpmk minto Eiropas direktvu specifikcijm: 2006/95/EK Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Direktva 2006/95/EK (2006.gada12.decembris) par dalbvalstu tiesbu aktu saskaoanu attiecb uz elektroiekrtm, kas paredztas lietoanai noteikts sprieguma robes Ar o dokumentu apliecinm, ka iepriek apraksttais izstrdjums atbilst dm prasbm: skatt 1. lappusi. CE zmes uzlikana: S deklarcija apliecina atbilstbu nordtajm direktvm, bet t negarant atbilstbu nordtajm izstrdjuma pabm vai kalpoanas ilgumam. Jievro drobas nordjumi, kas ietverti piegdes komplekt iekautaj izstrdjuma dokumentcij. Estnisch: EU vastavusdeklaratsioon (EU direktiivi 2006/95/EU alusel) Tootja: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Toode vastab jargmiste Euroopa direktiivide spetsifikatsioonidele: 2006/95/EU Euroopa Parlamendi ja Noukogu direktiiv 12. detsembrist 2006 liikmesriikides teatud pingevahemikes kaitatavaid elektriseadmeid kasitlevate oigusaktide uhtlustamise kohta Kaesolevaga avaldame, et eespool kirjeldatud toode vastab jargmistele normidele: vt lk 1. Naidatud on CE-margistus: Kaesolev deklaratsioon toendab vastavust nimetatud direktiividele, ei kujuta endast aga tooteomadus- ega vastupidavusgarantiid. Tarnimisel kaasaantud tootedokumentatsioonis aratoodud ohutusjuhistest tuleb kinni pidada. Tschechisch: ES Prohlaeni o shod (podle smrnice Evropskeho parlamentu a Rady 2006/95/ES) Vyrobce: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Dotyny vyrobek odpovida specifikacim nasledujicich evropskych smrnic: 2006/95/ES smrnice Evropskeho parlamentu a Rady ze dne 12. prosince 2006 o harmonizaci pravnich pedpis lenskych stat tykajicich se elektrickych zaizeni urenych pro pouivani v uritych mezich napti Prohlaujeme timto, e vye popsany vyrobek spluje nasledujici normy: viz str. 1 Zobrazeni znaky CE: Toto prohlaeni osvduje shodu s uvedenymi smrnicemi, neznamena vak zaruku vlastnosti nebo trvanlivosti. Dodrujte bezpenostni pokyny podle dodane dokumentace k vyrobk Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 7 Slowakisch: ES Prehlasenie o zhode (poda smernice Europskeho parlamentu a Rady 2006/95/ES) Vyrobca: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Dany vyrobok zodpoveda pecifikaciam nasledovnych europskych smernic: 2006/95/ES smernica Europskeho parlamentu a Rady zo da 12. decembra 2006 o harmonizacii pravnych predpisov lenskych tatov tykajucich sa elektrickych zariadeni urenych pre pouivanie v uritych rozmedziach napatia Tymto prehlasujeme, e vyie opisany vyrobok spa nasledovne normy: vi str. 1 Zobrazenie oznaenia CE: Toto prehlasenie osveduje zhodu s uvedenymi smernicami, neznamena vak zaruku vlastnosti alebo trvanlivosti. Dodriavajte bezpenostne pokyny poda dodanej dokumentacie k vyrobku. Ungarisch: EK Megfelelsegi nyilatkozat (a 2006/95/EK iranyelv szerint) Termek gyartoja: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Az itt megnevezett termek megfelel a kovetkez europai iranyelvek elirasainak: 2006/95/EK Az Europai Parlament es a Tanacs 2006 december 12-en elfogadott iranyelve a meghatarozott feszultseeghataron beluli hasznalatra tervezett elektromos berendezesekre vonatkozo tagallami jogszabalyok osszehangolasarol Ezennel kijelentjuk, hogy a fenti termek megfelel a kovetkez szabvanyoknak: lasd 1. oldal A CE jeloles feltuntetese: Ez a nyilatkozat tanusitja a nevezett iranyelveknek valo megfelelseget, de semmilyen minsegi- vagy tartossagi garanciat nem jelent. A csatolt termekdokumentacioban szerepl biztonsagi utasitasokat figyelembe kell venni. Slowenisch: Izjava o skladnosti ES (v skladu z ES-direktivo 2006/95/ES) Proizvajalec: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Opisani 2006/95/ES izdelek ustreza zahtevam naslednjih smernic Evropske Unije: Direktiva evropskega parlamenta in posveta z dne 12. decembra 2006 zaradi izenaitve pravnih predpisov drav evropske skupnosti, ki se nanaa na elektrina obratna sredstva za uporabo znotraj doloenih napetostnih mej Izjavljamo, da se zgoraj opisan izdelek sklada z naslednjimi standardi: glej stran 1 Uporaba znaka CE: Ta izjava potrjuje skladnost z navedenimi direktivami, vendar pa ni garancija za samo sestavo ali garancija za vsebnost. Treba je upotevati varnostna opozorila priloene dokumentacije produkta. 8 Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 Rumanisch: Declaraie de conformitate CE (conform Directivei CE 2006/95/CE) Productor: Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg Produsul descris aici respect prevederile urmtoarelor Directive Europene: 2006/95/CE Directiva Parlamentului i Consiliului European din 12 decembrie 2006 pentru armonizarea legislaiei statelor membre cu privire la mijloacele de producie electrice destinate utilizrii intre anumite limite de tensiune. Confirmm prin prezenta conformitatea produsului mai sus menionat cu urmtoarele norme: 1 Aplicarea marcajului CE: Aceast declaraie confirm conformitatea cu directivele menionate, ins nu reprezint o garanie a calitii sau fiabilitii. Trebuie respectate indicaiile de siguran din documentaia livrat cu produsul. Bulgarisch: EO- ( EO- 2006/95/EO) : Siemens AG Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives, Vogelweiherstr. 1-15, D-90441 Nurnberg : 2006/95/EO 12 2006 . : 1 -: , . , . Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 9 Residual risks of power drive systems The control and drive components of a power drive system (PDS) are approved for industrial and commercial use in industrial line supplies. Their use in public line supplies requires a different configuration and/or additional measures. These components may only be operated in closed housings or in higher-level control cabinets with protective covers that are closed, and when all of the protective devices are used. These components may only be handled by qualified and trained technical personnel who are knowledgeable and observe all of the safety information and instructions on the components and in the associated technical user documentation. When carrying out a risk assessment of the machine/plant in accordance with the EU Machinery Directive, the machine manufacturer/plant operator must consider the following residual risks associated with the control and drive components of a power drive system (PDS). 1. Unintentional movements of driven machine components during commissioning, operation, maintenance, and repairs caused by, for example: - Hardware defects and/or software errors in the sensors, controllers, actuators, and connection technology - Response times of the controller and drive - Operating and/or ambient conditions outside of the specification - Condensation/conductive contamination - Parameterization, programming, cabling, and installation errors - Use of radio devices/cellular phones in the immediate vicinity of the controller - External influences/damage 2. In the event of a fault, exceptionally high temperatures, including an open fire, as well as emissions of light, noise, particles, gases, etc. can occur inside and outside the inverter, e.g.: - Component malfunctions - Software errors - Operating and/or ambient conditions outside of the specification - External influences/damage Inverters of the Open Type/IP20 degree of protection must be installed in a control cabinet (or protected by another equivalent measure) in such a way that contact with fire inside and outside the inverter is prevented. 3. Hazardous shock voltages caused by, for example: - Component malfunctions - Influence of electrostatic charging - Induction of voltages in moving motors - Operating and/or ambient conditions outside of the specification - Condensation/conductive contamination - External influences/damage 4. Electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated in operation that can pose a risk to people with a pacemaker, implants or metal replacement joints, etc. if they are too close. 5. Release of environmental pollutants or emissions as a result of improper operation of the system and/or failure to dispose of components safely and correctly. Note The components must be protected against conductive pollution (e.g. by installing them in a cabinet with degree of protection IP54B acc. to EN 60529). Provided conductive pollution can be prevented at the installation site, the degree of protection for the cabinet can be decreased accordingly. For more information about residual risks of the Power Drive System components, see the relevant chapters in the technical user documentation. 10 Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 WARNING Electromagnetic fields "electro smog" Electromagnetic fields are generated by the operation of electrical power engineering installations such as transformers, converters or motors. Electromagnetic fields can interfere with electronic devices, which could cause them to malfunction. For example, the operation of heart pacemakers can be impaired, potentially leading to damage to a person's health or even death. It is therefore forbidden for persons with heart pacemakers to enter these areas. The plant operator is responsible for taking appropriate measures (labels and hazard warnings) to adequately protect operating personnel and others against any possible risk. Observe the relevant nationally applicable health and safety regulations. In Germany, "electromagnetic fields" are subject to regulations BGV B11 and BGR B11 stipulated by the German statutory industrial accident insurance institution. Display adequate hazard warning notices. Place barriers around hazardous areas. Take measures, e.g. using shields, to reduce electromagnetic fields at their source. Make sure that personnel are wearing the appropriate protective gear. Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 11 Siemens Industry Online Support On-site service and spare parts If you wish to request on-site service or if you require spare parts, please contact your local sales partner who establishes the contact to the responsible service center. Technical queries or additional information If you have any technical queries or you require additional information, please contact the Siemens Service Center. Please have the following data ready: Order number Serial number You can find this data on the rating plate of the device. Answers to frequently asked questions and the possibility of sending your questions to the service department can be found here ( You can find your local contact partner here ( You can also call the following numbers directly during local working hours to reach a contact partner who speaks the corresponding national language. Contact to central technical support Europe and Africa +49 911 895 7222 +49 911 895 7223 Americas +1 423 262 5710 +1 423 262 2231 Asia/Australia/Pacific +86 10 6475 7575 +86 10 6474 7474 Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG Supplementary operating instructions MASTER DRIVES standard cabinet unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 Supplementary operating instructions for MASTER DRIVES standard cabinetfor unit SIMOVERT 6SE71 12