54283 /74283 4-Bit Binary Full Adder with Fast Carry a7 Schottky TTL High-Speed TTL Low-Power Schottky TTL Standard TTL Low-Power TTL a aa - - _ a _. Package Package . Package . Package . Package Device T el -+1 Device Type |}--71_7~ J Device Type Device Type 1 Device Type yP 6] P| McA yer ct P| mcr C] P[MIcF c|P|M|cF c|Pim|cr T. SNSaL $283 Ja WET SN54283 10 wii} a Paine) | ) SN74L $283 3a SIN74283 Jai Newt FAIRCHILD FMS4($283./FM9LS283 | D@) FQ) | FM54283,FW93283 | o@ FO aa ee ee eee ee T Foraiseea FoeLsze3 | OG | PO) FO] Foraisa~ Fo93283 o@| P@ MOTOROLA |- 7 7 SN74L $283 PT N.S. C. t - -4 4 - PHILIPS - NTL $283 o N74283 D SIGNETICS |~ ~ [ot N74283 Ad | + SIEMENS a FUJITSU tf 74 $283 MCU a HITACHI a HDTaL $283 pal | HD74283 PO MITSUBISHI Naas = NEC t-+- | TOSHBA | ----- : i = 1 1 Electrical Characteristics SN54LS283/SN74LS283 Pin Assignment (Top View) a : . . . Yoo B83 A3 2X3 4 Ba 4 Ca absolute maximum ratings over operating ao Ta fial fia 2Lfiilho_ts free-air temperature range 16 ~ _. . - a _ pe --.- ______.._] positive logic: __Supoly volta e | _| prating free-air SWSALS 55C to 125C Input voltage 3 ture range 3 OCto 70C B3 A3 za Aa Ba Ba a | . Storage temperature range - 65C to 150C . age : xz 4 recommended apering conditions mr ee ~ [_SNS4.S263 | SN74LS283 Font pe Az >) Ale) oo _ _ [MIN NOM MAX [MIN NOM MAX ! | | | | | Supply Voltage, Voo 7 4.5 5 5.5 ]4.75 5 5.25] Vv 4 Hiab-level output A 1 2 3} 4 5 6 7 8 ~ 400 ~ 400) # 22 B2 2 21 Al Bl Co GND 4 8] ma Function Table current. IO. ee sien ee Cc OUTPUT Operanng free-air tempera ~ 55 125 0 70 cc WHEN WHER me in ot - an wer come coon electrical characterics over recommended operating . ue te free-air temperature range Yo, a2, Yan 217 Ji, ot 1,7 i Jor, ae ee ce Az as Aa wl 29 RJ ca HY oa __._. PARAMETER * TEST CONDITIONSt [MIN TYP MAX | UNIT rey, Popeye ypeye ye ye ys Vin High-level input voltage 2 Vv fefe foyouw pu fefeda de SNE DPA Woe wfepe tote da be bada ye Vit Low-level input voltage 0.8 v L . a L L " L 4 pit _ ee re vy Input Veco MIN, hi (8mA -15] Vv cya da dofpeade ope tela Yo - wha ba fe pe peda fa fode Voo= MIN. Viq= 2V spe " Von High-levei output voltage co= MIN. Vin 2 (27 3.4 Vv eto folaqe)dadefedeba VIL =0.8V. oy MAX i eta fofuedetadeotbeteden _ oe VooeMIN. Vig 2V ty ofa pe fete dajaroda VoL Low-levet output voltage ce oH : 0.35 os] v efola ga dai re |e pada : _ _ Vit 79.8V. IoL MAX ola eyes wfijafe | Input currert at ny Ao B y 9.2 | wo otw L aja mw Jw [a maximum So MAX, v WW fo nA . i vonage co ce uN a! Functional Block Diagram : High-level vo 2w 40 A ! Input current ot __ 20 _ (9) low-ievel 0.8 ow-ieve vy o4v oe 8) ua C4 input Current _ 0.4 Cy Short-oireuit ~~ |snsasf ~-20 100 Fay) los mA a) output current SN74LS 20 100 B4 Al B low. other SNSals| 3 ng (12) > Supply inputs at 4.5V Vou =MAX, SN7QLS 19 3a A 10) 54 co m. current All inputs at Outputs open 19 34 + ee i4-5 Z _ 19 34 ro t 16 24 rr PLAY froma to output Any & . ns B35) (PHL Voor 5. Ta-2s. 15 24 ay + 1 cCL= RU = 2kid PLH from Aior Bi to output Si L= '59F Ls ek 15 24 ns a3 433) =3 {PHL ts 24 17 cones Ds HPL) trom Gg w output Ca u ns tH 1PHL ul 22 (2) Pp Te 82 5 PAPE from Ai cr Bi to ourpur Ca _ ns (3) a PHL LE 12 7 A2 z2 NOTES: 1. Fh is the voltage between two emitters of a multinle-emitter transitor 1] For tnis circuit, thing rating apples between the following a1 (6) 2, pairs: Al and B1, A2 and B2 . 43 and B3, Aa and B4 (5) ) 2. Input conditions at Al, BI, A2, Bz, and CO are used to determine At x1 outputs Xt and N2 and the value of the internal carry Cz The values at co. (7) C2. A3, B3, A4, and B4 are then used to determine outputs 23, --_ 24, and C4 283. 4-BIT BINARY FULL ADDER WITH FAST CARRY + For condions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specitied under recommended operating conditions for the applicable daive type. t Ali typiwal values are at Veg = 5. Ta=2s'c @ Only one output should be shorted at a time *tp_ y= Propagation delay time, low-to-high-level output tery =Propaqation delay time, nigh-to-low-level output