Rev Date: 01/11/2013 1 www.seielect.com
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Aluminum Housed Surface Mount Resistor
Stackpole Electronics, I nc.
Resistive Product Solutions
Ambient Temperature (ºC)
Test Test Conditions Results
Short time Overload 5x wattage rating - 5 seconds ∆R ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω) MAX
Moisture resistance Temp 40ºC moisture 95% CDC 100V for 500 hours ∆R ± (0.5% + 0.05Ω) MAX
Load rating (chasis is mounted)
1.5 hours ON, 0.5 hours OFF. Repeated for 1000 hours
∆R ± (1.5% + 0.05Ω) MAX
Commercial MIL Voltage 0.1% 0.5% 1% 3% 5%
KAL10 RE-65 12.5W 10W 1,000 VAC
KAL100 RE-77 100W 75W 0.4 - 50K
Ohmic Range (Ω) and Tolerance
Temperature Coefficient Standard: ±100ppm below 0.1Ω, ±50ppm from 0.1Ω - 9.9Ω, ±30ppm from 10Ω - 49Ω, & ±20ppm above 50Ω
Power Derating Curve:
• Aluminum housing for maximum heat dissipation
• Complete welded construction
• 10-50W tinned copper terminals
• Centerless ground steatite or alumina cores
• Molded epoxy body for heat transfer
• Non-induct ive winding avail abl e (NKAL)
• 100–250W threaded terminals
• RoHS compliant / lead-free
Electrical Specifica tions
Performance Characteristics