bOE D MM 8235605 00458448 413 MBSIEG SIEMENS SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T23-0O7 IGBT Module BSM 150 GB 100 D Preliminary Data BSM 150 GAL 100 D Voge = 1000 V To =2x200Aat T,= 25C To =2x150 Aat T, = 80C @ Power module @ Half-bridge/Chopper @ Including fast free-wheel diodes @ Package with insulated metal base plate @ Package outlines/Circuit diagram: 5a, 5b" Half-bridge Chopper Type Ordering Code Type Ordering Code BSM 150 GB 100 D C67076-A2102-A2 BSM 150 GAL 100 D_ | C67076-A2005-A2 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Values Unit Collector-emitter voltage Vee 1000 Vv Collector-gate voltage, Ree = 20 kQ Voer 1000 Gate-emitter voltage Vee +20 Continuous collector current, J, = 25 C Ic 200 A T, = 80 C 150 Pulsed collector current, To = 25C 16 puis 400 Ty = 80C 300 Operating and storage temperature range T), Tstg - 55... + 150 Cc Power dissipation, 7, = 25 C Prot 1250 WwW Thermal resistance, chip-case Ric <0.1 K/W Insulation test voltage), f = 1 min. Vs 2500 Vac Creepage distance - 16 mm Clearance - 11 DIN humidity category, DIN 40 040 - F - IEC climatic category, DIN IEC 68-1 - 55/150/56 1 See chapter Package Outline and Circuit Diagrams. 2 Insulation test voltage between collector and metal base plate referred to standard climate 23/50 in acc. with DIN 50 014, IEC 146, para 492.1. Semiconductor Group 252SOE D MM 6235605 0045889 35T MESIEG BSM 150 GB 100 D BSM 150 GAL 100 D SIEMENS STEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Electrical Characteristics at T, = 25 C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Values min. typ. | max. Unit Static Characteristics Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Vieryces Vor = 0, = 2.8 mA 1000 Gate threshold voltage Veetin) Voe = Vor, & = 10 mA 48 5.5 6.2 Collector-emitter saturation valtage Voetsat) Voe= 15 V, b= 150A T, =25C - T, = 150C - 2.8 4.0 3.3 45 Zero gate voltage collector current kes Voe = 1000 V, Vee = 0 T, =25C - T, =125C _ 2800 pA Gate-emitter leakage current lees Vee = 20 V, Veg = 0 - 100 nA AC Characteristics Forward transconductance Bis 54 Vor =20V, h= 150A Input capacitance Css - Vog = 25 V, Veg = 0, f= 1 MHz 22000 Output capacitance, Ves = 0 Coss - Voe = 25 V, Veg = 0, f= 1 MHz 1700 Reverse transfer capacitance Ges - Voce = 25 V, Vee = 0, f= 1 MHz 700 pF Semiconductor Group 253BOE D MM 8235605 0045890 071 SIEMENS MESIEG BSM 150 GB 100 D BSM 150 GAL 100 D SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Switching Characteristics atT, = 125 C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. | typ. | max. Resistive Load Turn-on delay time tg (on) ns Voc = 600 V, Voge = 15 V, = 150A Rg (om = 3.3 Q, Rg on = 3.3.2 - 200 - Rise time h Veco = 600 V, Vee = 15 V, = 150A Ry fon) = 3-3 Q, Rg for) = 3.3. Q - 400 - Turn-off delay time ta ot Voc = 600 V, Voge = 15 V, = 150A Rg fon) = 3.3 Q, Rg (on) = 3.3 Q - 1100 - Fall time ty Voc = 600 V, Voge = 15 V, = 150A Ro (on) = 3-3 Q, Rg (on) = 3-3 Q - 500 - Inductive Load Turn-on delay time te (on) ns Voc = 600 V, Vee = 15 V, = 150A Rg (on) = 3.3. Q, Rg (orp = 3.3 Q 120 200 250 Rise time t, Voc = 600 V, Voz = 15 V. lp = 150A Rg ton = 3-3 Q, Rg (on) = 3.3 Q 50 100 150 Turn-off delay time ta (ot Voo = 600 V, Veg = 15 V, 5 = 150A Rg tony = 3-3 Q, Rg or) = 3.3 Q 480 650 800 Fall time h Voc = 600 V, Vag = 15 V, = 150A Ry (ony = 3-3 Q, Rg (ory = 3.3 Q 65 90 120 Turn-off loss (Fg = Eggs + Eotte) Eon - 9 mWs Voc = 600 V, Vee = 15 V, = 150A cone - 7 Rg for) = 3-3 Q Ry or) = 3.3.2 Semiconductor Group 254LOE D MM 8235605 0045891 TOS MBSIEG I BSM 150 GB 100 D SIEMENS BSM 150 GAL 100 D SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Electrical Characteristics at T= 25 C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Values Unit min. | typ. | max. Free-Wheel Diode Diode forward voltage VE Vv & =150A, Veg = 0 T, =25 - 2.0 - T, =125C ~ 1.6 - Reverse recovery time tr us k =150A, Vp = 600 V Vee = 0, di-/dt = - 1500 A/us T, =125 - 0.35 ~ Reverse recovery charge On uC & =150A,V,=600V Vee = 0, de/dt = 1500 A/us T, =25 - 8 ~ T, =125C - 27 - Soft factor s _ k =150A, Va =600V Voe = 0, di-/dr = 1500 A/us T, =125C - 1 - ] Thermal resistance Ric - - 0.38 K/W Chip-case Semiconductor Group 255LOE D MM 8235605 0045892 W44 MMSTEG IEM BSM 150 GB 100 D Ss ENS BSM 150 GAL 100 D SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Characteristics at 7, = 25 C, unless otherwise specified. Power dissipation P,. = f (Tc) Safe operating area J, = f (Voce) parameter: T, = 150 C parameter: single pulse, 7, = 25 C T,s 150 C S110 0050 S00052 1400 W fy = Ry 1200 DLS 1000 800 600 400 200 | 0 19 LW! | > 20 4 60 BO 100 120 C 160 roo 5 Ot 5 10% = 5 10% 10F t a Nog Typ. output characteristics /, = f (Voce) Typ. output characteristics /, = (Vce) parameter: t, = 80 ps, T,< 25 C parameter: , = 80 us, 7,< 125 C 200 sii00201 200 7 . $1100200 A Ke = 20V A Ve = 20V 18V 18V 16V ; 16V c 15V 15V 160 14V 160 14V 12V 10V 12V 10V 120 80 80 40 40 Semiconductor Group 256bOE D MM 4235605 0045893 680 MMSIEG SIEMENS ~ STEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Reverse biased safe operating area Io =f (Vee), parameter: T, = 125 C, Vee = 15 V, Roo = 3.3 Q, L (parastic inductance, module) < 50 nH sitoo4at 0 500 1000 1500 Nee Transient thermal impedance Z mac =f (t,), parameter: D = ,/T SIOOQ057 Semiconductor Group BSM 150 GB 100 D BSM 150 GAL 100 D Safe operating area, short circuit J, =f (Vee), Veg = 415 V T,< 150 C, ts, $ 10 us, Lb < 50 nH 1100205, 12 ton Toge 10 | 8 6 4 79C | Note: y, Allowed numbers of 2 & short circuit: 1000 . Time between short E circuit:>1s p SEY 0 0 200 400 =6600 800 1000 1200 ~ Vee Typ. on-state characteristics Voe (sat) =f (Vee), parameter: lo: r, SI100054 2 - 100A 150A 300A 7 =25C _ 7,= 150C Veersaty 10 257bOE D M@@ 8235605 0045894 717 MBSIEG SIEMENS BSM 150 GB 100 D BSM 150 GAL 100 D SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Collector current J. = f(T.) parameter: Veg 2 15 V, T, = 150C Si100055 240 A I, 200 180 | 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 50 100 C 150 fe Typ. transfer characteristics /, = f (Vce) parameter: f, = 80 us, Voe = 20 V 4007 A w | $1100053 200 100 | Semiconductor Group Typ. capacitances C = f (Vce) parameter: Vee = 0, f= 1 MHz pe 51100056 10 nF 5 10" 10 107" 0 10 20 30 Vo 40 __ Vig Typ. gate charge Vee, Var =f (Qc) $1100204 20 Yf V 400V y Yee goo 600V Yor 4 16 B00V WY 600 | Wh , 12 |e 400 8 1200 | 200 4 pt, 0 400 800 1200 1600 nC 2000 - + 0; 258bOE D MM 6235605 0045895 653 MESIEG SIEMENS SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Typ. switching time 1 = f (Rg) Inductive load, parameter: T, = 125 C Voe = 600 V, Veg = +15 V,/,= 150A 31100202 10! LS 5 10 5 910? m Re Semiconductor Group BSM 150 GB 100 D BSM 150 GAL 100 D Forward characteristics of fast recovery reverse diode /, = f (V) parameter: T, 300 A S00207 200 100 Typ. switching time t = f (Z,) Inductive load, parameter: T, = 125 C Voce = 600 V, Vee = +15 V, Rg = 5.62 Q sH00203 10 bs 5 t 107! 107 0 30 60 90 120 A 150 _~. /] c