The product information in this catalog is for referen ce only. Please req uest the Engineering Dr awing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS product have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at www.hirose-connectors. com , or contact your Hirose sales representative .
FI Series ●Half Pitch Interface Connectors ITS-Z0344
- 55 ˚C to 85 ˚COperation Temperature
1ARated Current
250V ACRated Voltage
500 V AC for 1 minuteWithstanding voltage
1,000 MΩmin. (250 V DC)Insulation resistance
70 mΩmax. (10 mA DC)Contact resistance
Contact Area: Gold Plated
Lead: Tin Plated
Under Plating: Nickel Plated
Phosphor BronzeSoldering Type
IDC Type
Nickel PlatedZinc AlloyDie-Casting Cover
Plastic Cover
Cover Case
Plug Unit
UL94V-0, Black or BrownPPS ResinSoldering Type
IDC Type
UL94V-0, Black or BrownPPS ResinSoldering Type
IDC Type
Nickel Plated or Tin Plated*SteelShell
UL94V-0, BlackPBT Resin
UL94V-0, BlackPBT Resin
Contact Area: Gold Plated
Lead: Gold Plated
Under Plating: Nickel Plated
Phosphor Bronze
UL94V-0, GrayPolycarbonate Resin
Finish & RemarksMaterialPart
*Connector unit with Tin plated metal shell is also available with the specification No.(20),
for customers who need to solder drain wire to metal shell for grounding connection.
Please contact your Hirose representa tive for the details.
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