(All schematic pin numbers refer to the TSSOP.)
The capacitance seen at the input changes with the clock level, appearing as 4 pF when the clock is low, and 11
pF when the clock is high. Since a dynamic capacitance is more difficult to drive than is a fixed capacitance,
choose an amplifier that can drive this type of load. The CLC409, CLC440, LM6152, LM6154, LM6181 and
LM6182 are good devices for driving analog input of the ADC08351. Do not drive the input beyond the supply
The maximum peak-to-peak input level without clipping of the reconstructed output is determined by the values
of the resistor string between VREF and AGND. The bottom of the reference ladder has a voltage of 0.0665 times
VREF, while the top of the reference ladder has a voltage of 0.7468 times VREF. The maximum peak-to-peak input
level works out to be about 68% of the value of VREF. The relationship between the input peak-to-peak voltage
and VREF is
We do not recommend opertaing with input levels below 1 VP-P because the signal-to-noise ratio will degrade
considerably due to the quantization noise. However, the ADC08351 will give adequate results in many
applications with signal levels down to about 0.5 VP-P (VREF = 0.735V). Very good performance can be obtained
with reference voltages up to the supply voltage (VA= VREF = 3V, 2.04 VP-P).
As with all sampling ADCs, the opening and closing of the switches associated with the sampling causes an
output of energy from the analog input, VIN. The reference ladder also has switches associated with it, so the
reference source must be able to supply sufficient current to hold VREF steady.
The analog input of the ADC08351 is self-biased with an 18 kΩpull-up resistor to VREF and a 12 kΩpull-down
resistor to AGND. This allows for either a.c. or d.c. coupling of the input signal. These two resistors provide a
convenient way to ensure a signal that is less than full scale will be centered within the input common mode
range of the converter. However, the high values of these resistors and the energy coming from this input means
that performance will be improved with d.c. coupling.
The driving circuit at the signal input must be able to sink and source sufficient current at the signal frequency to
prevent distortion from being introduced at the input.
A tantalum or aluminum electrolytic capacitor of 5 µF to 10 µF should be placed within a centimeter of each of
the A/D power pins, with a 0.1 µF ceramic chip capacitor placed within ½ centimeter of each of the power pins.
Leadless chip capacitors are preferred because they provide lower lead inductance than do their leaded
While a single voltage source should be used for the analog and digital supplies of the ADC08351, these supply
pins should be decoupled from each other to prevent any digital noise from being coupled to the analog power
pins. A ferrite bead between the analog and digital supply pins would help to isolate the two supplies.
The converter digital supply should not be the supply that is used for other digital circuitry on the board. It should
be the same supply used for the A/D analog supply, decoupled from the A/D analog supply pin, as described
above. A common analog supply should be used for both VAand VD, and each of these pins should be
separately bypassed with a 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor and with low ESR a 10 µF capacitor.
As is the case with all high speed converters, the ADC08351 is sensitive to power supply noise. Accordingly, the
noise on the analog supply pin should be minimized, keeping it below 200 mVP-P at 100 kHz. Of course, higher
frequency noise on the power supply should be even more severely limited.
No pin should ever have a voltage on it that is in excess of the supply voltages. This can be a problem upon
application of power to a circuit. Be sure that the supplies to circuits driving the CLK, OE, analog input and
reference pins do not come up any faster than does the voltage at the ADC08351 power pins.
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