| AnalogDialogue | Engineer/one | Wiki | ANALOG DEVICES Search Q AHEAD OF WHAT'S POSSIBLE = @ ~ Careers MYANALOG MY HISTORY PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS DESIGN CENTER EDUCATION | SUPPORT >) my/\nalog i Design Center > Evaluation Hardware & Software > Product Evaluation Boards and Kits > EVAL-ADUCM350 EVAL-AD U C M350 | ADuCM350 Evaluation Board Oa | Documentation | ain sf Peripherals Peripherals User Guides Caneatex rae Rev. E 2 r 4 USB PS Captouch s Connector! OSE SV WART-E eZ iz Perr < TRACE i PH ro AFE Coco j 5 Daughter Beene a card saaeeS Perea CR2032 EXTERNAL SUPPLY Markets & Technology Product Details Instrumentation & Measurement Precision Measurement The Eval-ADUCM350EBZ evaluation kit consists of the following: Healthcare : ; Temperature Measurement Equipment Required Spectrometer Wearable Health Monitor Body-Worn Insulin Pump Proeneaes Portable Blood Analy * 1 Eval-ADUCM350EBZ board aon eae * 1 USB-SW/UART-EMUZ also known as J-Link OB emulator Spo? * 1 ADUCHM350 4 Wire Bio Config 3 board NIBP based on ECG and PPG * 1 breakout board * 1UISB cable NIBP based on BCG and PPG Medical Isolation and Patient Safety ECG Patient Monitoring Applicable Parts * ADUCM350 View All(10) User Guides (3) Evaluation Documentation (7) User Guides UG-587: ADUCM350 Hardware Reference Manual j UG-668: Evaluating the ADUCM350 16-Bit, Ga UG-677: ADUCM350 Software Development Kit (Gi (Rev. E) ie Precision, Low Power Meter-on-a-Chip (Rev. A) ae Quick Start Guide Sa Evaluation Documentation EV-ADUCM350-SMCZ Evaluation Tools ADUCM350 GPIO Test Header Board Evaluation Tools EVAL-ADUCM350EB Evaluation Tools Schematic Ga Schematic | PDF | Schematic | PDF | PCB Layout Ga PCB Layout | PDF | PCB Layout | PDF | Bill of Materials EE Bill of Materials | XLSX | Bill of Materials =a ADUCM350 Display Captouch Evaluation Tools ADUCM350 Breakout Board Evaluation Tools ADUCM350 Audio Board Evaluation Tools Schematic Ea Schematic Ea Schematic Ea PCB Layout Ea PCB Layout Ea PCB Layout Ea Bill of Materials | XLSx | Bill of Materials E=3 Bill of Materials 3 EV-ADUCMS5.-4WBC? Evaluation Tools Schematic Ga PCB Layout Ga Bill of Materials E=3 | Buy EV-ADUCM350-4WBCzZ Additional 4 Wire Bio Config daughterboard if required $50.00 Yes Production EV-ADUCM350AUDZ Additional Daughterboard to verify Beeper and 125 functionality $50.00 Yes Production EV-ADUCM350-BIO3Z Additional 4Wire Bio Config daughterboard if required (1 supplied in Eval-ADuChM350 kit) $50.00 Yes Production EWV-ADUCM350D1SZ Additional board with large Captouch pads and a PDI display connector $50.00 Yes Production EV-ADUCM350GPIOTHZ Additional board with an LCD display to verify GPIO funtionality $50.00 Yes Production EV-ADUCM350-SMCzZ Additional Switch Mux Config daughterboard if required (1 supplied in EvaFADuCM350 kit) $50.00 Yes Production EVAL-ADUCM350EBZ Evaluation Kit for ADuM350 $299.00 Yes Production Os ieee ema eek Pricing displayed is based on 1-piece. The USA list pricing shown is for budgetary use only, shown in United States dollars (FOB USA per unit), and is subject to change. International prices may vary due to local duties, taxes, fees and exchange rates. PEt LANGUAGES NEWSLETTERS About ADI Partners Sa ei Interested in the latest news and articles about ADI Peni rte Careers Pies ed eK Ore LU Cp esac acd Ce Ua Che, ems TUCO es aed gaa d= ae fet ere m Ly Rm crit tn ie ae SMO Mt ea ed eet ea ee product area of interest, delivered monthly or Ae eT met eager | quarterly to your inbox. Tem OO eee eee et Sign Up 1995 - 2079 Analog Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved Sitemap | Privacy & Security | Privacy Settings | Tenms of use