Addendum to Datasheet
This document is an addendum for the Smart Card Interface block concerning the “Ini-
tia lizati on Pr ocedu re” se ctio n of the AT8x C5122 /3 da tashe et, av ailab le on t he A tme l
web site.
Notes: 1. 1 is recommended and 0 is allowed.
Figu re 1. MODE bit start procedure
Refer to scib_hw_dcdcstart function in scib_lib.c & config.h from
scib_hid_usb_2_2_4.zip pack age.
Table 1. DCCKP S.7 (S:BFh) : MODE bit management
CVCC DC/DC Output voltage
LI pin MODE bit 5V 3V 1.8V
With Induct or Star t 0 1 / 0(1) 1 / 0(1)
After VCARDOK = 1 0 1 1
No inductor Star t 1 1 1
After VCARDOK = 1 1 1 1
MODE = 1
VCARD[1:0]= 5V
MODE = 0
Induct or ?
Rev. 4372A–SCR–08/04
Smart Card
Reader ICs
Pr inted o n rec ycled paper.
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