AMD Processor
Evaluation Guide
Mark W. Welker
One AMD Place
Sunnyvale, CA 94088
Publication #
30579 Revision: 3.1
Issue Date:
September 2003
© 2003 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced
Micro Devices, Inc. (“AMD”) products. AMD makes no representations or
warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of
this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and
product descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express,
implied, arising by estoppel, or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights
are granted by this publication. Except as set forth in AMD’s Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sale, AMD assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims
any express or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not
limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right.
AMD’s products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use
as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in
other applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other
application in which the failure of AMD’s product could create a situation
where personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage
may occur. AMD reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its
products at any time without notice.
AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Athlon, and combinations thereof, and 3DNow!, are trademarks of
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Business Winstone and Content Creation Winstone are registered trademarks of Ziff Davis, Inc.
SYSmark is a trademark of Business Applications Performance Corporation.
3DMark is a trademark of, Ltd.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Other product names and company names used in this publication are for identification purposes
only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Table of Contents 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................... 3
List of Figures..................................................................................... 5
List of Tables ...................................................................................... 6
Revision History ................................................................................. 7
About This Document ......................................................................... 8
AMD64 Processor Architecture ........................................................... 8
AMD’s Benchmarking Methodology................................................... 11
Office Productivity.......................................................................... 11
Digital Media.................................................................................11
3D Gaming ................................................................................... 12
Optimal System Configuration............................................................12
BIOS Configuration for the AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor 3200+ ................16
BIOS Configuration for the AMD Athlon 64 FX-51 Processor.................... 17
Operating System Configuration .........................................................18
Operating System Setup................................................................. 18
Benchmark Configuration and Testing .................................................21
AMD’s Results................................................................................... 30
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
4 Table of Contents
AMD’s Performance Analysis Tools................................................... 32
Analysis Tools Benchmarks................................................................ 32
DivX Encoder ................................................................................ 32
Mini-GZIP..................................................................................... 32
RSA ....................................................................................... 32
Streams....................................................................................... 32
Benchmark Configuration and Testing ................................................. 33
Mini-Gzip ..................................................................................... 34
RSA ....................................................................................... 34
Benchmark Results .......................................................................... 36
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
List of Figures 5
List of Figures
Figure 1 AMD64 Processor Architecture ....................................................9
Figure 2 HyperTransport™ Technology Block Diagram .............................. 10
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
6 List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1 AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor System Configuration ........................ 13
Table 2 AMD Athlon 64 Processor System Configuration ........................... 13
Table 3 AMD Athlon 64 FX-51 Processor System Configuration .................. 14
Table 4 Intel Pentium® 4 3.20 GHz (800 FSB) System Configuration ......... 15
Table 5 Intel Pentium 4 3.20 GHz (800 FSB) System Configuration ............ 15
Table 6 AMD Athlon 64 Processor Raw Benchmarking Results.................... 30
Table 7 AMD Athlon 64 FX-51 Processor Raw Benchmarking Results .......... 31
Table 8 Analysis Tools Benchmarking Results – AMD64 32-Bit Versus
64-Bit .................................................................................... 36
Table 9 Analysis Tools Benchmarking Results – AMD 64-Bit Versus
Intel 32-Bit............................................................................. 37
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Revision History
Revision History
Date Rev Description
September 2003 3.1 Revision to include NVIDIA video driver and ASUS chipset
September 2003 3.0 Initial Public release.
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
About This Document 8
About This Document
This document is intended for use by those, particularly in the hardware review
community, who are interested in evaluating AMD64 performance, as demonstrated
by the AMD Athlon™ 64 and AMD Athlon 64 FX processors.
AMD64 Processor Architecture
Optimal benchmarking of AMD’s processors does not require detailed knowledge of
processor or system architecture. However, knowledge of the benefits of AMD64
processor-based systems will help enable benchmarks to show the different ways of
how this processor performs relative to its competition. AMD designed a 64-bit PC
processor that offers industry-leading performance and native compatibility with
current 32-bit applications. Architectural improvements specifically designed to
increase instructions per clock (IPC) include:
When utilizing the AMD64 Instruction Set Architecture, 64-bit mode is designed to offer:
Support for 64-bit operating systems to provide full, transparent, and simultaneous 32-bit and 64-bit
platform application multitasking.
A physical address space that can support systems with up to one terabyte of installed RAM, shattering
the 4 gigabyte RAM barrier present on all current x86 implementations.
Sixteen 64-bit general-purpose integer registers that quadruple the general purpose register space
available to applications and device drivers.
Sixteen 128-bit XMM registers for enhanced multimedia performance to double the register space of any
current SSE/SSE2 implementation.
Integrated DDR memory controller, as shown in Figure 1 on page 9.
This feature allows for a reduction in memory latency, thereby increasing overall system
Benchmarks like Business Winstone®, WinACE and WinRAR Data compression, and Aquamark
will all help show the benefit of reduced latency.
An advanced HyperTransport™ link, as shown in Figure 2 on page 10.
This feature dramatically improves the I/O bandwidth, enabling much faster access to
peripherals such as hard drives, USB 2.0, and Gigabit Ethernet cards.
HyperTransport technology enables benchmark programs like Business Winstone and WinACE
and WinRAR Data compression to indicate higher processor performance due to a reduced I/O
interface throttle.
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September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
AMD64 Processor Architecture 9
Very large level one (L1) and level 2 (L2) on-die cache.
With 128 kbytes of L1 cache and 1 Mbyte of L2 cache, the AMD Athlon 64 processor is able to
excel at performing matrix calculations on arrays.
Programs that use intensive large matrix calculations will benefit from fitting the entire matrix in
the L2 cache.
Processor core clock-for-clock improvements, including larger TLB (Translation
Look-Aside Buffers) with reduced latencies and improved branch prediction
through four times the number of bimodal counters in the global history counter,
as compared to seventh-generation processors.
These features drive improvements to the IPC, by delivering a more efficient pipeline for CPU-
intensive applications.
CPU-intensive games like Comanche 4 and Unreal Tournament benefit from these core
Introduction of the SSE2 instruction set, which along with support of 3DNow!™
Professional, (SSE and 3DNow! Enhanced) completes support for all industry-
standard 32-bit instruction set extensions.
64-bit processing
A 64-bit address and data set enables the processor to process in the terabyte space.
Many applications improve due to the removal of the 32-bit collar.
DDR Memory
AMD64 Processor
DDR Memory
AMD64 Processor
Figure 1 AMD64 Processor Architecture
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
10 AMD64 Processor Architecture
Figure 2 HyperTransport™ Technology Block Diagram
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
AMD’s Benchmarking Methodology 11
AMD’s Benchmarking Methodology
AMD assembled a suite of industry standard benchmarks and applications that we
believe reflects typical end user applications. Specifically, AMD has identified three
usage models which we believe best exemplify the commercial and consumer end-
user PC experience:
Office Productivity Digital Media Gaming
From this list, AMD chose the following benchmarks and applications to represent
these end-user experiences. AMD recommends the use of the following benchmarks
below for proper, balanced, real-world performance analysis.
Office Productivity
AMD Athlon™ 64 and AMD Athlon 64 FX processors with HyperTransport technology
run multiple tasks very efficiently. Work productivity may increase because you can
perform more tasks and wait less for an application to deliver a response. The
following applications simulate a workload likely to be seen in an office workplace
Business Winstone® 2001
Microsoft® Office 2000 (Access, Excel,
FrontPage, PowerPoint, Word)
Microsoft Project 98
Lotus Notes R5
NicoMak WinZip
Norton AntiVirus
Netscape Communicator
Business Winstone 2002
Microsoft Office 2002 (Access, Excel,
FrontPage, PowerPoint, Word)
Microsoft Project 2000
Lotus Notes
WinZip 8.0
Norton AntiVirus
Netscape Communicator
SYSmark™ 2001, Office Productivity
Microsoft Office 2000 (Access, Excel,
Outlook, PowerPoint, Word)
Netscape Communicator 6.0
Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred
WinZip 8.0
McAfee VirusScan 5.13
Digital Media
AMD64 processor-based systems take advantage of the newly-designed system
features and deliver outstanding performance for digital creation and playback.
Content Creation Winstone® 2002
Adobe Photoshop 6.01, Adobe Premiere 6.0
Macromedia Director 8.5, Macromedia
Dreamweaver UltraDev 4
Microsoft Windows Media Encoder
Netscape Navigator 6/6.01, Sonic Foundry
Sound Forge 5.0c
Content Creation Winstone 2003
Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Adobe Premiere
Macromedia Director 8.5.1, Macromedia
Dreamweaver UltraDev 4
Microsoft Windows® Media Encoder, Netscape Navigator
Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 6.0,
LightWave 3D 7.5
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
12 AMD’s Benchmarking Methodology
SYSmark™ 2001, Internet Content
Adobe Photoshop 6.0, Adobe Premiere 6.0
Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0, Macromedia
Flash 5
Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 7
Mpeg2 conversion
BBmpeg to convert 640 MB raw
AVI(AustinMontageLong.avi) to Mpeg2
Mpeg2 to Mpeg4
XMPEG 5.0 and DivX 5.03 used to
convert from Mpeg2 to Mpeg4
3D Gaming
The high performance benefits will amaze 3D gamers. The following benchmarks
focus on the three dimensional capabilities of a system. Note that 3D gaming may
reveal limitations in a graphics card and does not truly represent relative processor
3DMark™ 2001 (Hardware)
3DMark 2001 (Software)
3DMark 2003 (Hardware)
3DMark 2003 (Software)
Comanche 4
Half-Life Smokin’
Quake III
Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3D
Serious Sam: Second Encounter
Splinter Cell (tests 1_1_1 and 1_1_2)
Star Wars – Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Unreal Tournament 2003
(Flyby and Botmatch)
Optimal System Configuration
This section describes the configurations that AMD used to perform the benchmarks.
Systems that conform to the configurations shown in Table 1 on page 13, Table 2 on
page 13, Table 3 on page 14, Table 4 on page 15, and Table 5 on page 15 are the
most likely to obtain optimal system performance.
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September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Optimal System Configuration 13
Table 1 AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor System Configuration
Component Manufacturer Model Description
Processor AMD AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+ Clock Frequency: 2.0 GHz
System Microsoft Windows® XP Professional Version 2002 (Service Pack 1a)
Motherboard MSI 6702, BIOS V1.0Ba *
Via K8T800, Onboard SATA drive SATA
driver Promise technologies
Hard Drive Seagate
Barracuda 7200.7
ST3120026AS 120 GB Serial ATA disk drive 8 MB cache
RAM Memory Corsair CMX512-3500LL Qty (2) 512 MB DIMM PC3500 Module
Video Card ATI Radeon 9800 128 MB 128 MB Onboard DDR RAM,
Video Driver
* This BIOS is not publicly available at the time of printing.
Table 2 AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor System Configuration
Component Manufacturer Model Description
Processor AMD AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+ Clock Frequency: 2.0 GHz
System Microsoft Windows® XP Professional Version 2002 (Service Pack 1a)
Motherboard MSI 6702, BIOS V1.0Ba *
Via K8T800, Onboard SATA drive SATA
driver Promise technologies
Hard Drive Seagate
Barracuda 7200.7
ST3120026AS 120 GB Serial ATA disk drive 8 MB cache
RAM Memory Corsair CMX512-3500LL Qty (2) 512 MB DIMM PC3500 Module
Video Card NVIDIA FX5900 Ultra 256 MB 256 MB Onboard DDR RAM,
Video Driver
* This BIOS is not publicly available at the time of printing.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
14 AMD’s Benchmarking Methodology
Table 3 AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-51 Processor System Configuration
Component Manufacturer Model Description
Processor AMD AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-51 Clock Frequency: 2.2 GHz
Windows® XP Professional Version 2002 (Service Pack 1a)
System Microsoft® Windows XP Professional
64-Bit Edition Build 1039 (Notes 2, 3)
NVIDIA NForce3 Chipset, SATA Driver:
Promise Technologies
Motherboard ASUS SK8N, BIOS 1002.10
(Note 1) SATA Driver: Promise Technologies
1.00.1450.372 (Note 2)
Hard Drive Western Digital Raptor (2x) SATA RAID 10k RPM 36.0 GB
RAM Memory Corsair Legacy Electronics
2 x 512 MB Registered 2.5 ns DIMM
256 MB Onboard DDR RAM,
Video Driver
Video Card NVIDIA FX5900 Ultra 256 MB
Video Driver
(Note 2)
1. This BIOS is not publicly available at the time of printing.
2. This version is for use in the Windows 64-Bit operating environment.
3. This build of the operating system is not publicly available.
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September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Optimal System Configuration 15
Table 4 Intel Pentium® 4 3.20 GHz (800 FSB) System Configuration
Component Manufacturer Model Description
Processor Intel Intel Pentium® 4 processor
with HT technology
Clock Frequency: 3.2 GHz, 800 MHz
System Bus
System Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Version 2002 (Service Pack 1a)
Motherboard Intel D875PBZ, BIOS
Intel i875 Chipset, EIDE Driver: Intel,
Version 5.0.1007.0 1.15.2003
Hard Drive Western Digital Raptor (2x) SATA RAID 10k RPM 36.0 GB
RAM Memory Corsair CMX512-3500LL 2 x 512 MB XMS3500 DIMM Module
Video Card NVIDIA FX5900 256MB 256 MB Onboard DDR RAM,
Video Driver
Table 5 Intel Pentium® 4 3.20 GHz (800 FSB) System Configuration
Component Manufacturer Model Description
Processor Intel Intel Pentium® 4 processor with
HT technology
Clock Frequency: 3.2 GHz, 800 MHz
System Bus
System Microsoft Windows® XP Professional Version 2002 (Service Pack 1a)
Motherboard Intel
Intel i865 Chipset, SATA Driver:
Intel, Version 5.0.1007.
Hard Drive Western Digital Barracuda 7200.7 120 GB Serial ATA disk drive 8M
RAM Memory Corsair CMX512-3500LL 2 x 512 MB XMS3500 DIMM Module
Video Card ATI Radeon 9800 128 MB
128 MB Onboard DDR RAM,
Video Driver
The following sections detail how to set up the BIOS, the operating system, and
show you which settings AMD uses for running each benchmark.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
16 AMD’s Benchmarking Methodology
BIOS Configuration for the AMD Athlon™ 64
Processor 3200+
The setup instructions below apply to the AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+.
Modifications should be made to any other configuration where applicable.
Use the following steps to set up the BIOS for optimal operation with the AMD Athlon
64 FX-51 processor. To navigate through the BIOS screens, use the arrow keys (Î,
Í, Ï, and Ð) to select menus and to highlight specific options to change. For most
options, use the <+> and <–> keys to change the setting.
1. Press <DEL> to enter the BIOS setup screens.
2. Reset the system options.
a. Press the Î key, select the EXIT menu,
and press <Enter>.
b. Press the Ð key to Load Setup Default
and press <Enter>.
A dialog box opens that says “Load Optimized
Defaults (Y/N): Y”. Ensure the “Y” is
highlighted, and press <Enter>.
3. Set the Main options.
a. Press the Î key, select the Main menu,
and press <Enter>.
b. Use the <+>, and <–> keys to set the
System Date to August 19, 2003 Tue.
4. Set the Advanced board options.
a. Press the Î key, select the Advanced
menu and press <Enter>.
b. Press the Ð key to Chipset and press
c. Press the Ð key to Northbridge and press
d. Press the Ð key to Memory
Configuration and press <Enter>.
Press the Ð key to Memclock Mode. Set
the mode to Manual.
Press the Ð key to CAS Latency. Set the
value to 2.0.
Press <Esc> to go to the Northbridge
e. Press <Esc> to exit to the Chipset menu.
5. Press the Ð key to the Southbridge menu,
and press <Enter>.
a. Press the Ð key to AGP and press
b. Press the Ð key to AGP Aperture Size
and select 256 MB.
c. Press <Esc> to exit to the Southbridge
d. Press <Esc> to exit to the Chipset menu.
e. Press <Esc> to exit to the Advanced
6. Press the Ð key to Integrated Peripherals
and press <Enter>.
a. Press the Ð key to Serial Port 1 and
select Disabled.
b. Press the Ð key to Serial Port 2 and
select Disabled.
c. Press the Ð key to VT8327 SATA – IDE
Controller and select Disabled.
d. Press the Ð key to Onboard LAN
Controller and select Enabled.
e. Press the Ð key to Onboard Promise
SATA and press <Enter>.
f. Press the Ð key to Onboard Promise
SATA and select SATA.
g. Press <Esc> to exit to the Onboard
Promise menu.
h. Press <Esc> to exit to the Advanced
7. Press <F10> to Save and Exit Setup.
8. Press <Enter> to continue booting the
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
BIOS Configuration for the AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-51 Processor 17
BIOS Configuration for the AMD Athlon™ 64
FX-51 Processor
The following setup instructions apply to the AMD Athlon 64 FX-51 processor.
Modifications should be made to any other configuration where applicable. Use the
following steps to set up the BIOS for optimal operation with the AMD Athlon 64 FX-
51 processor. To navigate through the BIOS screens, use the arrow keys (Î, Í, Ï,
and Ð) to select menus and to highlight specific options to change. For most
options, use the <+> and <–> keys to change the setting.
1. Press <DEL> to enter the BIOS setup screens.
2. Reset the system options.
a. Press the Î key, select the EXIT menu,
and press <Enter>.
b. Press the Ð key to Load Setup Default
and press <Enter>
3. A dialog box opens that reads “Load
Optimized Defaults (Y/N): Y”. Ensure the
“Y” is highlighted, and press <Enter>.
4. Set the Main options.
a. Press the Î key, select the Main menu,
and press <Enter>
b. Use the <+>, and <–> keys to set the
System Date to August 19, 2003 Tue.
Note: The only IDE drive is the CD-ROM. The
hard drive must be set up on a serial ATA
port. If the BIOS detects the hard drive as
an IDE drive, turn the power off, and
recheck the drive connections.
5. Set the Advanced board options.
a. Press the Î key, select the Advanced
menu and press <Enter>.
b. Press the Ð key to Chipset and press
c. Press the Ð key to Northbridge and press
d. Press the Ð key to Memory
Configuration and press <Enter>.
e. Press the Ð key to Memclock Mode. Set
the mode to Manual.
f. Press the Ð key to Memclock Value. Set
the value to 400 MHz.
g. Press the Ð key to CAS Latency. Set the
value to 2.5.
h. Press the Ð key to TRCD. Set the value
to 3 CLK.
i. Press the Ð key to TRAS. Set the value to
5 CLK.
j. Press the Ð key to TRP. Set the value to
3 CLK.
Do not change any other settings.
Note: These settings will not display properly in
the higher menu until all settings are saved,
and the BIOS menus are restarted.
6. Press <Esc> to go to the Northbridge menu.
a. Press the Ð key to DRAM 2.5 Voltage.
Set the value to 2.6 V.
b. Press <Esc> to exit to the Chipset menu.
c. Press the Ð key to the Southbridge
menu, and press <Enter>.
d. Press the Ð key to USB Configuration
and press <Enter>.
7. Press the Ð key to USB Function, and select
8. Press <Esc> to exit to the Southbridge
a. Press the Ð key to AGP and press
b. Press the Ð key to AGP Aperture Size
and select 256 MB.
c. Press the Ð key to Primary Video and
select AGP.
d. Press <Esc> to exit to the Southbridge
e. Press <Esc> to exit to the Chipset menu.
f. Press <Esc> to exit to the Advanced
9. Press the Ð key to Onboard Devices and
press <Enter>.
a. Press the Ð key to Serial Port 1 and
select Disabled.
b. Press the Ð key to Serial Port 2 and
select Disabled.
c. Ensure that the Parallel Port Address is
set to 378.
d. Press the Ð key to Parallel Port Mode
and select Normal.
e. Press the Ð key to IEEE 1394 and select
f. Press the Ð key to Onboard Promise and
press <Enter>.
g. Press the Ð key to Operating mode and
select RAID.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
18 Operating System Configuration
h. Press <Esc> to exit to the Onboard
Devices menu.
10. Press the Ð key to PCIPnP Configurations
a. Press the Ð key to Plug and Play Aware
O/S and select Yes.
b. Press <Esc> to exit to the Onboard
Devices menu.
c. Press <Esc> to exit to the Advanced
11. Press <F10> to Save and Exit Setup.
12. Press <Enter> to continue booting the
13. The Fasttrak™ 378 BIOS screen now
appears. Press <CTRL-F> to enter Fasttrak
14. Press <1> to select Auto Setup.
Note: Optimize Array should be set to
Performance. If it is not, press either the
<+> or <> key to select Performance.
15. Press <CTRL-Y> to save.
16. A dialog box opens that reads “Do you want
to quick initialize or create only?
(Yes/No)”. Press <Y>.
17. Press <Enter>.
18. Press any key to reboot.
Operating System Configuration
The following setup instructions apply to all processors. The operating system should
be installed on the platform using an NTFS partition. The default settings should be
used during the installation. The system setup instructions below can be followed to
fully achieve optimal system performance.
Operating System Setup
1. During boot up, hit “Enter” to boot from CD-
2. Hit “F6” to install drivers for serial ATA.
3. Hit “S” to specify additional device.
4. Insert floppy disk with the downloaded ATA
Note: Leave disk in the drive until the procedure
asks you to reboot. The disk is needed
during the initial setup sequence.
5. Hit “Enter” to continue.
6. For MSI motherboards, choose “WINXP
Promise SATA378™ Controller”.
7. For ASUS motherboards, choose “WinXP
Promise FastTrak 376/378 ™ Controller”.
8. Hit “Enter” to continue.
9. Hit “Enter” to continue the installation of
Windows® XP Evaluation software”.
10. Hit “Enter” to continue setup of XP.
11. Hit “F8” to agree to license agreement.
12. Hit “ESC=Don’t Repair” to install fresh copy of
Windows® XP without repairing.
13. Hit “D=Delete Partition” to delete all existing
Note: If there are no existing partitions, this step
will not appear.
14. Hit “C” to create a partition.
a. Type in a partition size of 57232 for the
first partition, and press <Enter>.
b. Press Ð to the unpartitioned space and
press “C” to create this partition.
c. Press <Enter> to accept the default
value. There will be 8 Mbytes of
unpartitioned space.
d. Press <Enter> to install the operating
system. Drive C:\ (the 57232 MB
partition) should be the default.
15. Select “Format the partition using the
NTFS (Quick) file system” and hit “Enter
16. Click “Yes” to verify installations of serial ATA
17. Click “Next” to continue on “Regional and
Language Options”.
18. Type in name and organization.
19. Type in valid Windows XP product key and
click “Next”.
20. Type administrator password twice and click
Next” Password is left blank.
21. Click “Next” on “Date and Time Settings”.
22. Click “Next” on “Networking Settings” to
confirm “Typical Settings”.
23. Click “Next” on “Workgroup and Computer
24. Click “Ok” to confirm display settings.
25. Click “Ok” to confirm new monitor settings.
26. Click “Next” to continue on “Welcome to
Microsoft Windows®”.
27. Click “Skip” to skip “Networking Settings”.
28. Select “No” to not “Activate Windows” and
click “Next”.
29. Type in user name and click “Next”.
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Operating System Configuration 19
30. Click “Finish”.
31. Open “My Computer”.
32. Right click on “Drive D”.
33. Click “Format”.
34. Select “Quick format”.
35. Click “Start”.
36. Click “Ok” to confirm format.
37. On desktop, right click “My Computer”.
38. Select “Properties” and click the “Advanced
39. Click “Performance Options”.
40. Click “Settings” and click “Advanced”.
41. Click “Change for Virtual Memory”.
42. Select drive “C” and select “No paging file
under “Change virtual memory (paging
43. Click “Set”.
44. Select drive “D” select “Custom size”.
45. Type “1536” MB for “Initial Size”.
46. Type “3072” MB for “Maximum Size”.
47. Click “Set”.
48. Click “Ok” and restart computer.
49. On desktop right click “My Computer”.
50. Select “Properties” and click “Automatic
51. Select “Turn off Automatic Updating. I
want to update my computer manually”.
52. Click “Apply”.
53. Click “System Restore” and select “Turn off
System Restore on all drives”.
54. Click “Apply”.
55. Click “Yes” to verify Turn Off System Restore.
56. On desktop right click “My Computer”.
57. Select “Properties” and click the “Advanced
58. Click “Settings” under “Performance”.
59. Select “Adjust for best performance”.
60. Click “Apply”.
61. Right click on task bar and select
62. Deselect “Keep the taskbar on top of other
63. Click “Apply”.
64. Open “Control Panel” and double click
Power Options”.
65. Select “Always On” from “Power Schemes
and select “Never” to “Turn off monitor”.
66. Click “Apply”.
67. Right click on desktop select “Properties”.
68. Click “Screen Saver” and select “None”.
69. Click “Apply”.
Install XP Service Pack 1A
From the disk, install Microsoft Windows XP
Service Pack 1A Network Installation:
1. Install Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1a
Network Installation “xpsp1a_en_x86.exe
self-extracting cabinet (version
2. Click “Next” to continue.
3. Select “I agree” and click “Next”.
4. Select “Do not archive files” and click
5. Click “Finish” to restart computer.
Install MSI Motherboard Drivers
1. Install “VIAHyperion4in1448V.exe” chipset
2. Double click on the .exe file.
3. Click “Next” to start install.
4. Click “Yes” to agree to license.
5. Select “Normal installation” and Click
6. Click “Next” to install default components.
7. Select “Install VIA PCI IDE Bus Driver” and
click “Next”.
8. Select “Install AGP driver” and click Next”.
9. Select “Yes, I want to restart the
computer” and click “Ok”.
Install ASUS Motherboard Drivers
Note: ASUS motherboard drivers are not publicly
1. Extract the version 353 driver files from the
AMD install CD or download the latest drivers
2. Double click on “Setup.exe”.
3. Click “Next” to continue.
4. If the VGA driver install wizard appears, click
on “Cancel” to install the VGA drivers after
the motherboard drivers are installed.
5. Click “Next” after reviewing the latest
information for the IDE drivers.
6. Click “Yes” to install the NVIDIA IDE SW
7. If the drivers are not WHQL approved, each
driver will ask if you wish to continue installing
the software. Click “Continue Anyway” for
each driver in this sequence.
8. Click “Next” to install the NVIDIA nForce™
Audio Device.
9. Click “Finish” to close the audio device
10. Click “Finish” to restart the computer.
DirectX 9.0A
1. Install “DirectX 9A_redist.exe” from CD.
2. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
20 Operating System Configuration
3. Click “Unzip” to specified location (for
example c:\dX9) and click “Unzip”.
4. Install DirectX from “c:\dX9\dxsetup.exe”.
5. Click “Next” to accept “License Agreement”.
6. Click “Next” to install DirectX 9.0.
7. Click “Finish” to restart computer.
Note: DX9.0A must be installed before performing
the video card setup
ATI Video Card Setup
1. Install file from download, “wxp-w2k-
2. Double click on the .exe file.
3. Click “Next” to begin installation.
4. Click “Next” to confirm location of the file.
5. Click “Yes to All” to overwrite protection (if
DX9 was not setup before video).
6. Click “Next” to install shield wizard.
7. Click to “Yes” to agree to license.
8. Click on “Express” Installation.
9. Click “Yes” to restart computer.
10. Right click on desktop and select “Properties
sub-menu item.
11. Choose “Settings” tab.
12. Change “Screen Resolution” to “1024 by
768 pixels”.
13. Click “Apply” to implement settings.
14. Click “Yes” to save settings.
15. Click “Advanced” button on settings tab.
16. Choose “Monitor” tab and choose “85 Hertz
for “Set Screen Refresh”.
17. Choose “Display” tab.
18. Set “Maximum Resolution” to “1024 by
19. Set “Maximum Refresh” to 85 Hz.
20. Click on “Open GL” tab.
21. Change “Wait for Vertical Sync” to “Always
22. Click on “Direct3D” tab.
23. Change “Wait for Vertical Sync” to “Always
24. Click “Apply” and “Yes” to save settings.
25. Click “Ok” to close all dialog boxes.
NVIDIA Video Card Setup
Note: The supplied driver for the NVIDIA card is
not publicly available. These steps assume
you wish to install a publicly-available
1. Download the latest video card driver from
2. Double click the .exe file.
3. Click “Yes” to continue when asked if antivirus
software has been installed.
4. Select the radio button next to “I accept the
terms in the license agreement”.
5. Click “Next” to accept the license agreement
6. Allow the install to place files in the default
location, like “C:\NVIDIA\WinXP-
Note: The install directory may be different if you
have a different version of the driver files.
7. Click “Next” to install the shield wizard.
8. Click “Next” to continue the setup.
9. Click “Yes” to accept the license.
10. Click “Yes” to restart the computer.
11. Right-click on the desktop and select
Properties” sub-menu item.
12. Choose “Settings” tab.
13. Change color depth to 32-bit.
14. Change “Screen Resolution” to “1024 by
768 pixels”.
15. Click “Apply” to implement settings.
16. Click “Yes” to save settings.
17. Choose “Monitor” tab and choose “85 Hz” for
Set Screen Refresh”.
18. Choose “GeForce FX 5900 Ultra” tab. Select
OpenGL Settings” under “Performance
and Quality Settings”.
19. Next to “Vertical Sync”, click on the down
arrow, and select “Always Off”.
Do not change other OpenGL settings.
AMD SSE Setup for Windows Media
1. During boot up, hit “F8” to go into Safe Mode.
2. Replace “wmvdmoe.dll” in
3. Click “Yes” to “replace existing file”.
Direct X Setup Using DXDIAG
1. Run “DXDIAG” from the command line.
2. Click “Yes” to run DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
3. Select the “More Help” tab.
4. Click “Override” and select “Override Value
type “85”.
5. Click “Ok”.
6. Click “Exit” and restart computer.
7. Deselect “Show this screen next time you
start Windows” when “Desktop Help for
ATI” window appears.
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Benchmark Configuration and Testing 21
WCPUID v3.1 Setup
1. Download “wcpuid v3.1” from
2. Install “wcpuid31Ao c:\wcpuid”.
3. Run “c:\wcpuid\wcpuid.exe”.
4. Ensure that “AGP Data Rate” is set to “8x
under the chipset tab.
Your operating system should now be
configured properly.
Benchmark Configuration and Testing
With a properly configured system, benchmarking can begin. Each installation
program is located on your install disk, and is subject to the licensing terms
contained therein. The following procedures are recommended to achieve optimal
and accurate benchmark scores:
AquaMark (1024x768x32)
1. Install AquaMark: AquaMark_22.exe
(version 0.4455.0.0).
2. Click “Next” to install AquaMark.
3. Click “Next” for “Read Me File”.
4. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
5. Click “Next” to install to default “Program
Manager Group”.
6. Click “Next” to “Start Installation”.
7. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute “AquaMark” from Windows “Start
2. Choose “Programs” and “AquaMark”.
3. Hit “Enter” to launch test.
BAPCO SYSmark™ 2001 Internet
Content Creation and Office
Note: Results for both Internet Content Creation
and Office Productivity are generated during
each run of the benchmark.
1. Install SM2001CD1.exe, unzip to default
directory and unzip.
2. Install SM2001CD2.exe, unzip to default
directory, unzip, and select “Finish”.
3. Run setup to install SYSmark 2001:
4. Click “Next” to install SYSmark 2001.
5. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
6. Click “Next” to confirm “Customer
7. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
8. Click “Next” to install to default “Program
9. Click “Yes” to move the program files to the
alternate key.
10. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
11. Install SYSmark 2001 patch:
a. Click “Yes” to install SYSmark 2001Patch
b. Click “Finish” to complete patch
12. Execute “Netscape” from desktop.
a. Click “Ok” to acknowledge “Alert”.
b. Click “Ok” to acknowledge “Alert”.
c. Click “View” and deselect “My Sidebar”.
d. Click “Edit” and select “Preferences”.
e. Click “Blank Page” under “When
Navigator starts up, display” and click
f. Close “Netscape”.
13. Install Windows Media Encoder:
a. Click “Yes” to accept “License
b. Click “Next” to install Windows Media
Encoder 7.
c. Click “Finish” to install default
Installation Directory”.
d. Click “Yes” to create “Program Folder”.
e. Select “Exit Setup” and click “Ok”.
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute SYSmark 2001 from Windows “Start
2. Click “Run”.
3. Click on “Official Run”.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
22 Benchmark Configuration and Testing
4. Type project name and click “Ok”.
bbmpeg (raw AVI to MPEG2)
1. Open folder “bbmpg12418”.
2. Extract “bbmpg12418.exe” to c:\bbmpg
folder on the desktop.
3. Copy “AustinMontageLong.avi” to desktop.
4. Execute “avimpg2” from c:\bbmpg.
5. When the dialog box opens do the following:
a. Click “ADD” and choose
AustinMontageLong” from desktop.
b. Click “MPEG filename”.
c. Type filename “testfile”.
d. Click “Save” to continue.
e. Unclick “Preview with frame
f. Click “Start Encoding” and then
g. Under “General Settings” tab, change
MMX modes” to “*SSE-fastest
(Pentium III and Athlon).
h. Under “Video Stream Settings”, click on
MPEG-2” and Click “Ok”.
To run the benchmark:
1. Click “Start” immediately after the above
Comanche 4 Demo (1024x768x32)
1. Install Comanche 4: C4DEMOX.exe.
2. Click “Next” to install Comanche 4.
3. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
4. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
5. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute Comanche 4 Demo Benchmark Test.
2. Select “Disable Audio”.
3. Select “1024x768” for Screen Resolution
4. Creates an output file. Rename it to
Comanche Run 1”.
Note: For the first time run, the system performs
a system check.
5. Click “Run Benchmark”.
6. Click “Ok” to select “Video Card”.
7. Click “Ok” for “Resolution Test”.
8. Click “Ok” for “Resolution Test Complete”.
eTesting Labs Inc. Business
Winstone™ 2001
1. Click “Business Winstone™ 2001” and click
Next” to install.
2. Click “Next” to install in default “Destination
3. Click “Yes” to create directory.
4. Select “Copy Business support files” and
click “Next”.
5. Click “Next” to install in default “Program
6. Click “Next” to “Start Copying Files”.
7. Click “Finish” to complete setup.
To run the benchmark:
1. Select Ziff Davis Media Benchmarks from
Windows “Start” menu.
2. Choose “Ziff Davis Media Business
Winstone 2001”.
3. Click “Proceed” to accept “License
4. Click “OK” to accept “Business Winstone
Registration License Agreement”.
5. Click “Run” Business Winstone 2001.
6. Click “Next” to run “System Configuration
Problem analysis”.
7. Click “Next” for “Minimum Resource
8. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
9. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
10. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
11. Click “Next” for “Business Winstone
12. Click “Finish” for “System Configuration
13. Click “Ok” for “Automated Defrag”.
eTesting Labs Inc. Business
Winstone™ 2002
1. Click “Business Winstone™ 2002” and click
Next” to install.
2. Click “Next” to install in default “Destination
3. Click “Yes” to create directory.
4. Select “Copy Business support files” and
click “Next”.
5. Click “Next” to install in default “Program
6. Click “Next” to “Start Copying Files”.
7. Click “Finish” to complete setup.
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Benchmark Configuration and Testing 23
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute “PC Magazine Benchmarks” from
Windows “Start” menu.
2. Choose “PC Magazine Business Winstone
3. Click “Proceed” to accept “License
4. Click “Yes” to accept “Business Winstone
Registration License Agreement”.
5. Click “Run” Business Winstone 2002.
6. Click “Next” to run “System Configuration
Problem Analysis”.
7. Click “Next” for “Minimum Resource
8. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
9. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
10. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
11. Click “Next” for “Business Winstone
12. Click “Finish” for “System Configuration
13. Click “Ok” for “Automated Defrag”.
eTesting Labs Inc. Content Creation
Winstone™ 2002
1. Click “Content Creation Winstone 2002
and click “Next” to install.
2. Click “Next” to install in default “Destination
3. Click “Yes” to create directory.
4. Select “Copy Content Creation support
files” and click “Next”.
5. Click “Next” to install in default “Program
6. Click “Next” to “Start Copying Files”.
7. Click “Finish” to complete setup.
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute “Ziff Davis Media Content Creation
Winstone 2002” from Windows “Start
2. Choose “Ziff Davis Media Content Creation
Winstone 2002”.
3. Click “Proceed” to accept “License
4. Click “Yes” to accept “Content Creation
Winstone 2002 Registration License
5. Click “Run” Content Creation Winstone 2002.
6. Click “Next” to run “System Configuration
Problem Analysis”.
7. Click “Next” for “Minimum Resource
8. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
9. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
10. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
11. Click “Next” for “Content Creation
Winstone Requirements”.
12. Click “Finish” for “System Configuration
13. Click “Ok” for “Automated Defrag”.
eTesting Labs Inc. Content Creation
Winstone™ 2003
1. Click “Content Creation Winstone 2003
and click “Next” to install.
2. Click “Next” to install in default “Destination
3. Click “Yes” to create directory.
4. Select “Copy Content Creation support
files” and click “Next”.
5. Click “Next” to install in default “Program
6. Click “Next” to “Start Copying Files”.
7. Click “Yes” to install Windows Media Encoder
8. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
9. Click “Next” to install Windows Media Encoder
10. Click “Finish” complete installation.
11. Click “Yes” to create “Windows Media
Encoder directory”.
12. Select “Exit Setup” and click “Ok”.
13. Click “Ok” to complete setup.
14. Click “Finish” to complete setup.
15. Double Click Install patch for Windows Media
Encoder: WM312125.exe.
16. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute “PC Magazine Media Content
Creation Winstone 2003” from “Start
2. Choose “PC Magazine Business Winstone
3. Click “Proceed” to accept “License
4. Click “Yes” to acknowledge you have read the
license agreement.
5. Click “Run” Multimedia Content Creation
Winstone 2003.
6. Click “Next” to run “System Configuration
Problem Analysis”.
7. Click “Next” for “Minimum Resource
8. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
9. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
24 Benchmark Configuration and Testing
10. Click “Next” for “Other Requirements”.
11. Click “Next” for “Content Creation
Winstone Requirements”.
12. Click “Finish” for “System Configuration
13. Click “Ok” for “Automated Defrag”.
Futuremark Corporation 3DMark™
2001 – Second Edition
1. Click “Next” to install 3Dmark2001 SE Pro.
2. Enter Registration code and click “Next”.
3. Click “Ok” registration code confirmation.
4. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
5. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
6. Click “Next” to start “Coping Files”.
7. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
8. Install patch: 3Dmark2001SE_patch.exe
9. Click “Next” to install 3Dmark2001 SE patch.
10. Click “Ok” to confirm installation.
To run the software benchmark:
1. Execute “3Dmark2001 SE Pro”.
2. Click “Change” in “Display and CPU
3. Select “D3D Software T&L” under
Rendering Pipeline”.
4. Click “Ok”.
5. Click “Change” under “Selected Test”.
6. Select only the first four game tests under
Game Performance”.
7. Deselect the remaining test.
8. Click “Ok”.
9. Click “Benchmark” to launch test.
Note: After each run, exit and restart the
To run the hardware benchmark:
1. Execute “3Dmark2001 SE Pro”.
2. Click “Change” in “Display and CPU
3. Ensure that “Double buffering” is set to
4. Select “D3D Hardware T&L” under
Rendering Pipeline”.
5. Click “Ok”.
6. Click “Change” under “Selected Test”.
7. Select only the first four game tests under
Game Performance”.
8. Deselect the remaining test.
9. Click “Ok”.
10. Click “Benchmark” to launch test.
Note: After each run, exit and restart the
Futuremark Corporation 3DMark™
1. Execute 3DMark 2003: mg-3dmark03.exe
2. Click “Next” to install 3Dmark03.
3. Select “I accept the terms of the license
agreement” and click “Next”.
4. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
5. Click “Install” to “Install the Program”.
6. Enter registration code and click “Next”.
7. Click “Ok” registration code confirmation.
8. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
9. Install patch 3Dmark03_patch330.exe
10. Click “OK” for information box about DX9
11. Click “Next” to install 3Dmark2001 SE patch.
12. Click “Finish” to confirm installation.
To run the software benchmark:
1. Execute “3DMark03”.
2. Select “Do not show this dialog again” and
click “Close”.
3. Click “Select” under “Tests”.
4. Select first four games under “Game Test
and deselect the other test.
5. Click “Ok”.
6. Click “Change” under “Settings”.
7. Click “Force Software Vertex Shaders” box.
8. Click “Ok”.
9. Click “Run 3Dmark”.
To run the hardware benchmark:
1. Execute “3DMark03”.
2. Click “Select” under “Tests”.
3. Select first four games under “Game Test”.
4. Deselect the remaining test.
5. Click “Ok”.
6. Click “Run 3Dmark”.
Half-Life Smokin' (1024x768x32)
1. Click “Install Half-Life” and click “Yes” if you
heard a sound (click “Yes” if no speakers).
2. Click “Next” to install Half-Life.
3. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
4. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Benchmark Configuration and Testing 25
5. Click “Ok” to begin setup.
6. Click “Ok” to complete setup.
7. Click “No” to not check for available updates.
8. Click “Ok” to register now and click “Register
9. Click “Next” “Select Components”.
10. Click “Finish” to complete setup.
11. Go to Windows “Start” menu and select
12. Click on “Don’t show me again”.
13. Click “Continue” to acknowledge compatibility
14. Type in registration code and click “Finish”.
15. Execute “Half-Life Console”.
16. Click “Configuration,” “Video,” and “Video
17. Select “Open GL” and click “Ok”.
18. Click “Cancel” for “New Connection
19. Select “1024x768” and click “Ok”.
20. Click “Done” to exit video menu.
21. Click “Done” to exit menu.
22. Click “Quit” to exit game.
23. Click “Ok” to confirm exit.
24. Install Half-Life patch: “10051009.exe”.
a. Click “Next” to install Half-Life Update
b. Click “I Agree” to accept “License
c. Click “Next” for “Read Me File”.
d. Click “Next” to install to default
Destination Location”.
e. Click “Next” to “Start Installation”.
f. Click “Next” to place shortcut on desktop.
g. Click “Finish” to compete installation.
25. Move “smoking.dem” to “c:\SIERRA\Half-
26. Move the maps folder to “c:\SIERRA\Half-
To run the benchmark:
1. Insert CD in CD-Rom.
2. Execute “Half-Life Console” from start menu.
3. Click “Console”.
4. Eject CD from CD-Rom so that music does not
5. Type “timedemo smoking”.
6. Hit “Enter” to launch demo.
Quake III Demo2 (1024x768x32)
1. Install Quake III: Q3Ademo.exe.
2. Click “Next” to install Quake 3 Arena Demo.
3. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
4. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
5. Click “Next” to install.
6. Click “Close” to complete setup.
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute “Quake3” from desktop.
2. Click “Setup”.
3. Click “System”.
4. Click “Video Mode” to select “1024x768”.
5. Click “Color Depth” to select “32 Bit”.
6. Click “Accept”.
7. Hit "~" for console command view. Type the
following commands to configure and run the
a. s_initsound 0
b. snd_restart
c. Hit “~
d. com_maxfps 0
e. vid_restart
f. Hit “~
g. timedemo 1
h. demo demo002
8. Hit “Enter” to launch demo.
9. Hit "~" to view results.
1. Install “ezcddax6.exe” to convert ripping CD
to wav format.
2. Click “Next” to continue ripping from “Easy
CD-DA Extractor Setup”.
3. Click “Next” to install program into default
4. Click “Finish”.
5. Insert “Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Audio CD into drive.
6. Go to “Start”, “Programs”, “Easy CD-DA
Extractor 6”, and “Easy CD-DA Extractor”.
7. Click “Evaluate the Software”.
a. Select “Device” to “Hitachi GD-2000
1000” to reflect the CDROM is installed on
the computer.
b. Select all tracks.
c. Click “Copy” to continue.
d. In the dialog box, change output folder to
C:\Pink Floyd”.
e. Go to “Integrated Formats” tab; choose
.wav (standard)” in the first drop down
f. Click “Start Copying” to copy files.
8. Burn the raw files to another CD.
9. Input the burned CD into the computer.
10. Choose folder “Pink Floyd”.
11. Copy folder from CD to desktop.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
26 Benchmark Configuration and Testing
12. Install “lamewin32”.
13. Click “I Agree” to license agreement.
14. Click “Next” to install “LAME Mp3”.
15. Click “Install” to continue install.
16. Clicks “Close”.
17. Open “RazorLame” shortcut on desktop.
18. Drag the “Pink Floyd” folder track items into
Razor Lame 1.1.5”.
19. Go to “Edit” menu, Choose “Lame Options”.
20. Under “General” tab “Increase Bit rate” to
21. Under “Advanced” tab, change
Optimization” to “Quality”.
22. Under “VBR” tab, “Enable” “Variable
BitRate” and change “Quality Number” to
23. Click “Ok” to close dialog box.
To run the benchmark:
1. Click “Encode” to run benchmark.
To view results, Go to “View”, “Last log”, and
scroll down to end of file. Before running a second
run, delete all files from the RazorLame and re-
copy prior to starting run. You do not need to
reset the options.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3D
1. Click “Install” and clickNext” to install
Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
2. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
3. Click “Next” for “Minimum System
4. Enter registration key and click “Ok”.
5. Click “Ok” to confirm registration key.
6. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
7. Click “Next” to install to default “Program
8. Click “Install” to “Start Installation”.
9. Click “Ok” for “Hardware Detected”.
10. Click “Yes” to create shortcut on desktop.
11. Select “Register Laterand clickNext”.
12. Click “Finish” to complete setup.
13. Install patch: “wolf_1_1.exe”.
14. Click “Next” to install Return to Castle
Wolfenstein Patch.
15. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
16. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
17. Click “Next” to “Start Installation”.
18. Click “Ok” to continue installation.
19. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
20. Create a directory called “demos” in the
c:\Program Files\Return to Castle
Wolfenstein\Main\Demos” and extract
checkpoint.dem_57” to that directory.
21. Execute “Wolfenstein (Multiplayer)” from
22. Click “Options,” “System,” and “Graphics”.
23. Select “Video mode” to “1024x768”.
24. Select “Texture detail” to “High”.
25. Click “Apply”.
26. Click “Yes” to apply video settings.
27. Under “Options,” “Game Options,” and
a. Select “Wall Mark Lifetime” to “Long”.
b. Select “Ejecting Brass” to “High”.
c. Select “Dynamic Lights” to “Yes”.
d. Select “Corona Dist” to “Extreme”.
28. Under “Options/Game Options/View”:
a. Select “Cursor Hints” to “Off”.
b. Select “Show Compass” to “Off”.
c. Select “Team Overlay” to “Off”.
29. Hit “Esc” to return to main menu.
30. Click “Quit” to exit game.
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute “Wolfenstein (Multiplayer)” from
2. Go into “Options,” “Game Options,”
Performance,” and set “Corona Dist” to
3. Hit "~" to open console.
4. Type “Timedemo 1”.
5. Type “Demo checkpoint”.
6. Type "~" to view demo results.
Serious Sam: Second Encounter –
Demo Version (1024x768x32)
1. Double Click to Install Serious Sam:
2. Click “Next” to install Serious Sam: The
Second Encounter Demo.
3. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
4. Click “Next” for “Information text”.
5. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
6. Click “Next” to install to default “Program
7. Click “Next” to install default name for “Enter
8. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
9. Execute Serious Sam.
10. Click “Ok” to start Serious Sam for the first
11. Hit “Esc” to enter main menu.
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Benchmark Configuration and Testing 27
12. Click “Options,” and “Video Options”.
13. Select “Resolution” to “1024x768”.
14. Select “Bits per pixel” to32”.
15. Select “Preferences” to Speed”.
16. Click “Apply”.
17. Click “Yes” to keep settings.
18. Click “Esc” to return to main menu.
To run the benchmark:
1. Launch Serious Sam Second Encounter demo
from desktop.
2. Hit “ESC” to get to main menu.
3. Hit "~" to enter console.
4. Type “dem_bprofile=1”.
5. Hit "~" to return to main menu.
6. Click “Demo”.
7. Select “Little Trouble” demo and hit “Enter”.
8. Following the demo, hit "~".
Splinter Cell
1. Install Splinter Cell from CD.
2. Click “Next” to continue.
3. Click “No” to update current version of DX9.0.
4. Click “Next” to accept license agreement.
5. Click “Next” to continue.
6. Click “Next” to continue.
7. Click “Next” to continue.
8. Insert Disc 2 and click “OK”.
9. Insert Disc 3 and click “OK”.
10. Click “Next” to continue.
11. Chose “Never Register” and Click “Cancel”.
12. Click “Finish”.
13. Double click to Install patch
scus_CA_Patch_1.2B” (version
14. Click “Ok” to finish patch completion.
15. Go to “C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Splinter
16. Right click on “sclow.bat” and select sub
menu item “Edit”.
17. Ensure the “sclow.bat” file reads as follows:
splintercell.exe 1_1_1Tbilisi.scl PLAYTIMEDEMO=1_1_1TbilisiDemo.bin -NOSOUND RESOLUTION=1024X768
splintercell.exe 1_1_1Tbilisi.scl PLAYTIMEDEMO=1_1_1TbilisiDemo.bin -NOSOUND RESOLUTION=1024X768
splintercell.exe 1_1_1Tbilisi.scl PLAYTIMEDEMO=1_1_1TbilisiDemo.bin -NOSOUND RESOLUTION=1024X768
splintercell.exe 1_1_2Tbilisi.scl PLAYTIMEDEMO=1_1_2TbilisiDemo.bin -NOSOUND RESOLUTION=1024X768
splintercell.exe 1_1_2Tbilisi.scl PLAYTIMEDEMO=1_1_2TbilisiDemo.bin -NOSOUND RESOLUTION=1024X768
splintercell.exe 1_1_2Tbilisi.scl PLAYTIMEDEMO=1_1_2TbilisiDemo.bin -NOSOUND RESOLUTION=1024X768
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
AMD’s Benchmarking Methodology 28
To run the benchmark:
1. Create a shortcut to the batch files stored in
the directory noted above.
2. Input Splinter Cell CD3 into drive.
3. Double click the file on the desktop.
Star Wars – Jedi Knight II: Jedi
Outcast (1024x768x32)
1. Click “Install” to install Jedi Knight II.
2. Click “Next” to install Jedi Knight II: Jedi
3. Click “Yes” to accept “License Agreement”.
4. Click “Automatic” installation.
5. Click “Yes” to confirm automatic installation.
6. Click “Exit” installation.
7. Install patch “Jkiiup104.exe”.
8. Click “Continue” to install.
9. Click “OK” to continue.
10. Unzip “assets2.pak3” found in
GameData\Base folder.
11. Extract the file “jk2ffa.dm_15” to the
Base\Demos folder and then rename the
demo to “jk2ffa.dm_16”.
12. Copy renamed demo file to a new directory,
Demos” off of the path c:\program
files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi
13. Create shortcut to desktop for Jedi Knight II
Multi Player: c:\Program
Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi
14. Right click “Shortcut to jk2mp” from desktop
and select “Properties”.
15. Type “+set sv_cheats 1” at the end of the
Target Location” for example “c:\Program
Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi
Outcast\GameData\jk2mp.exe” “+set
sv_cheats 1”.
16. Click “Ok” to close shortcut.
17. Run demo from the command line in the
multiplayer game by typing "timedemo 1"
and then "demo jk2ffa".
To run the benchmark:
1. Execute Shortcut to jk2mp from desktop.
2. Click “Setup”.
3. Click “Video”.
4. Select “1024x768x32” for “Video Mode” and
32-bit” “Color Depth”.
5. Click “Apply Changes”.
6. Click “Yes” to continue to Main Menu.
7. Hit “Shift ~”.
8. Type “timedemo 1”.
9. Type “demo jk2ffa”.
10. Hit “Enter”.
11. Hit “Shift ~” and scroll up to see score.
Unreal Tournament 2003
1. Install Unreal Tournament 2003
2. Click ““Next”” to install Unreal Tournament
3. Click “I Agree” to accept “License
4. Click “Next” to install to default “Destination
5. Click “Next” to install default components.
6. Click “Install” to install Unreal Tournament
7. Click “Finish” to complete installation.
To run the benchmark:
1. Run
2. Select “1024x768” and click “Start” to launch
1. Install “ActivePerl-
2. Click on “Next” to begin install.
3. Choose “I accept the terms in the license
agreement” and click “Next”.
4. Click “Next” for default install.
5. Click “Next” to privacy policy.
6. Click “Next” to default options.
7. Click “Install” to continue.
8. Click “Finish” to complete install.
9. Install “winrar320” from CD.
10. Click “Install” to continue.
11. Click “Ok” to default setup.
12. Click “Done” to complete install.
13. Go to “My computer” and select “C:\ Drive
14. Click “File” menu, choose “New folder” and
create “rartest”.
15. Copy “rartestpl” file from CD to new folder.
To run the benchmark:
1. Double click on the “rartestpl” file which
creates a directory with a text file with the test
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September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Benchmark Configuration and Testing 29
1. Install DIVX from CD folder “DIVX5.03pro”.
2. Click “Next” to begin installation.
3. Click “Next” to “Welcome” note.
4. Click “Next” to “Requirements” note.
5. Click “Yes” to license agreement.
6. Click “Yes” twice to “Gator” privacy
7. Select “Custom” for “Type of Setup
Program” and click “Next”.
8. Click “Next” to continue.
9. Click “Next” to select default location.
10. Click “Next” to install.
11. Click “Close” upon install.
12. Reboot the system.
13. Install “xmpeg50final” from CD.
14. Choose “English” and click “Next” for
language selection.
15. Click “Next” to “Welcome” note.
16. Click “Next” to “Readme” information.
17. Click “Next” to choose destination location for
18. Click “Next” to default folder settings.
19. Click “Next” to start file copy.
20. Click “Finish” to complete file copy.
21. Click “Ok” to illegal information.
22. Click “Cancel” to stop video conversion wizard
for manual start.
23. Click on reel icon to the left hand side of the
XMPEG” title bar.
24. Select “Open”.
25. Go to desktop and open the “testfile” that
was created under AVI MPG (See the bbmpeg
section on page 22).
26. Click “Ok”.
27. Select “Options” from the menu.
28. Under “Video” tab, unclick “Auto” and click
on “YUY2”.
29. Under “Audio” tab, deselect “Same as Input
and select “48000Hz”.
30. Go to menu and choose “Set Plug-In
31. Under “Advanced” tab, select “benchmark
mode” and type in “5400” for “Number of
frames asked”.
32. Click “Ok”.
To run the benchmark:
1. Go to menu and choose “Start Conversion”.
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
30 AMD’s Results
AMD’s Results
Using the system configuration and benchmark configuration and testing methods
recommended on page 13, AMD’s results are in Table 6 and Table 7 on page 31.
Contact AMD if you have any questions about the performance of any AMD
microprocessor. Table 6 uses the configurations shown in Table 1 AMD Athlon™ 64
Processor System Configuration on page 13 and Table 5 Intel Pentium® 4 3.20 GHz
(800 FSB) System Configuration on page 15.
Table 6 AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Raw Benchmarking Results
30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
AMD’s Results 31
Table 7 uses the configurations shown in Table 2 AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor System
Configuration” on page 13, Table 3 AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-51 Processor System
Configuration” on page 14, and Table 4 Intel Pentium® 4 3.20 GHz (800 FSB)
System Configuration” on page 15.
Table 7 AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-51 Processor Raw Benchmarking Results
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
32 AMD’s Performance Analysis Tools
AMD’s Performance Analysis Tools
This is the first in a series of releases of AMD performance analysis tools and is
intended to help measure and analyze the 32-bit and 64-bit performance of AMD
Athlon™ 64 and AMD Athlon 64 FX processor-based systems using Microsoft®
Windows® operating system products. The 32 bit benchmarks are run on Windows
XP service pack 1A and a beta release of Windows 64. The 64-bit applications are
run under the Beta release of the Windows 64 operating system.
Analysis Tools Benchmarks
AMD’s performance analysis tools use various standard benchmarks to obtain
relative performance numbers. When combined with the suggested setup
configurations, reviewers and enthusiasts alike should be able to recreate AMD’s
reported results.
DivX Encoder
The DivX encoder benchmark contains both a 32-bit and a 64-bit benchmark that
measures the performance of raw video encoding of the AMD optimized DivX video
encoder version 503. The encoder has been optimized for AMD Athlon 64 and AMD
Athlon 64 FX systems (both 32-bit and 64-bit).
The Mini-GZIP benchmark contains a 64-bit benchmark that measures the
performance of an AMD64-optimized version of ZLIB. It also contains a 32-bit
benchmark implemented with the standard (unmodified) ZLIB. The source code for
this benchmark is included on the CD.
The RSA benchmarks consist of a set of 32-bit and 64-bit executables that measure
the performance of key RSA cryptography routines. The 64-bit executables use RSA
code that has been optimized for AMD64. There are a set of 32-bit executables that
have also been optimized for AMD64 and a set of 32-bit executables using the
standard RSA library routines.
The Streams benchmarks consist of 32-bit and 64-bit executables that have been
optimized for AMD64. Note that these executables have not been optimized for any
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AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
AMD’s Performance Analysis Tools 33
other microprocessor and do not run on processors without SSE2 support (such as
the AMD Athlon XP processor).
Benchmark Configuration and Testing
To install the benchmarks:
1. Place the CD in the drive and double click
2. Click next to go to the license screen.
3. Read the license and click the accept or
decline radio button (Declining the license
agreement will not allow you to continue).
4. Click next to get to the installation folder
5. Click next to accept the installation directory
or browse to change the directory. (All
instructions are written as if you accepted the
default installation directory. (The DivX, RSA,
and streams benchmark will install in the
C:\AMDPATR1 directory.
6. On the ready to install screen click next to
install, the files will be copied to the
destination folder.
7. Click finish to complete the installation.
To install mini_GZIP
1. Copy the mini_GZIP folder from the CD to the
same installation folder as the above step.
To install the Video clip to use for DIVX
1. Copy the file AustinMontageShort.avi to the
When you have completed the above steps you
should have a folder in the root directory named
AMDPATR1. That folder should contain four
folders named DivXEncoderBenchmark, RSA,
Streams, and mini_gzip.
To run the DivX Encoder benchmark
First create a file that can be encoded by the DivX
1. Boot the system in 32-bit Windows mode.
2. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
3. Type c: press <Enter>.
4. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 press <Enter>.
5. Change to the DivX directory.
a. Type cd DivXencoderBenchmark press
6. Convert the video clip.
a. Type in yuvcvt ausitnmontage.avi and
press <Enter>.
To execute the 32-bit version of DivX
1. Boot the system in 32-bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start , Run
a. Type in cmd and click OK
3. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: press <Enter>
4. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 and press <Enter>.
5. Change to the DivX directory.
a. Type cd DivXEncoderBenchmark press
Run the benchmark.
1. Type em503-32 –d32bit.txt
AustinMontageShort.yuv and press
To execute the 64 bit version of MiniGzip
1. Boot the system in 64 bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start , Run.
a. Type in cmd and click OK.
3. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: press <Enter>.
4. Change the active directory to the installation
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 press <Enter>
5. Change to the DivX directory.
a. Type cd DivXencoderBenchmark press
Run the benchmark
1. Type em503-64 –d64bit.txt
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide 30579 Rev. 3.1
September 2003
34 AMD’s Performance Analysis Tools
To execute the 32 bit version of Mini-Gzip:
1. Boot the system in 32 bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start , Run.
a. Type in cmd and click OK.
3. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: press <Enter>.
4. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 and press <Enter>.
5. Change to the Streams directory.
a. Type CD minigzip and press <Enter>.
Run the benchmark
1. Type minigzip32 data.txt
To execute the 64 bit version of MiniGzip
1. Boot the system in 64-bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start , Run.
a. Type in cmd and click OK.
3. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: press <Enter>.
4. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 press <Enter>.
5. Change to the Streams directory
a. Type CD streams press <Enter>.
Run the benchmark
1. Type minigzip64 data.txt and press
Each RSA benchmark simply runs from the
command line. No command line parameters or
input files are necessary. The benchmarks send
their output to the console.
To execute the 32 bit version of RSA
1. Boot the system in 32 bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start, Run.
a. Type in cmd and click OK.
3. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: press <Enter>.
4. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 and press <Enter>.
5. Change to the RSA directory
a. Type CD RSA press <Enter>.
6. Change to the 32 bit directory.
b. Type 32-bit and press <Enter>.
7. Run the standard library RSA benchmarks.
a. AES-128 Encrypt / Decrypt.
i. Type aesperf603.exe and press
b. Triple-DES Encrypt/Decrypt.
i. Type desperf603.exe and press
c. RC4 Encrypt/Decrypt.
Type rc4perf603.exe and press <Enter>.
d. RSA Encrypt/Decrypt.
i. Type rsaperf603.exe and press
e. SHA-1 Digest.
i. Type sha1perf603.exe and press
8. Run the AMD Athlon 64 Processor optimized
library RSA benchmarks.
a. AES-128 Encrypt / Decrypt.
i. Type aesperf61.exe and press
b. Triple-DES Encrypt/Decrypt.
i. Type desperf61.exe and press
c. RC4 Encrypt/Decrypt.
i. Type rc4perf61.exe and press <Enter>
d. RSA Encrypt/Decrypt.
i. Type rsaperf61.exe and press <Enter>
e. SHA-1 Digest.
Type sha1perf61.exe and press <Enter>.
To execute the 64-bit version of RSA
1. Boot the system in 64 bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start , Run
3. Type in cmd and click OK.
4. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: press <Enter>
5. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 and press <Enter>.
6. Change to the RSA directory.
a. Type cd RSA press <Enter>
7. Change to the 64 bit directory
a. Type 64-bit press<Enter>.
8. Run the RSA benchmarks.
9. AES-128 Encrypt / Decrypt.
a. Type aesperf.exe and press <Enter>.
10. Triple-DES Encrypt/Decrypt.
a. Type desperf.exe and press <Enter>.
11. RC4 Encrypt/Decrypt.
a. Type rc4perf.exe and press <Enter>.
12. RSA Encrypt/Decrypt.
a. Type rsaperf.exe and press <Enter>.
13. SHA-1 Digest.
30579 Rev. 3.1
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AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
AMD’s Performance Analysis Tools 35
a. Type sha1perf.exe and press <Enter>.
This benchmark is very simple to run and requires
no command line parameters or input files. Simply
run stream_d32.exe and stream_d64.exe from
the command line.
To execute the 32 bit version of Streams:
1. Boot the system in 32-bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start, Run.
a. Type in cmd and click OK.
3. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: press <Enter>.
4. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 and press <Enter>.
5. Change to the Streams directory.
a. Type cd streams press <Enter>.
6. Run the benchmark.
a. Type in Stream_d32.exe and press
To execute the 64 bit version of Streams
1. Boot the system in 64-bit Windows mode.
2. Click on Start , Run
a. Type in cmd and click OK
3. Change to the drive where the benchmarks are
a. Type c: and press <Enter>.
4. Change directory to the installation folder.
a. Type cd AMDPATR1 and press <Enter>.
5. Change to the Streams directory.
a. Type cd streams and press <Enter>.
6. Run the benchmark
a. Type in Stream_d64.exe and press
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September 2003
AMD Processor Performance Evaluation Guide
Benchmark Results 36
Benchmark Results
AMD’s analysis tools results are shown here. AMD used the system and operating
system configurations shown earlier in this document to achieve these results. Table
8 uses the configurations shown in Table 3 AMD Athlon™ 64 FX-51 Processor System
Configuration, on page 14 in Microsoft® Windows® in both 32- and 64-bit
computing environments. Contact AMD if you have any questions about the
performance of any AMD microprocessor.
Table 8 Analysis Tools Benchmarking Results – AMD64 32-Bit Versus