ID Dark Current M = 100 (see note 2) --- 0.5 1.5 nA
C Capacitance M = 100 (see note 2) --- 0.8 --- pF
VBR Breakdown Voltage (see note 1) ID = 2 µA 160 240 --- V
Temperature Coefficient of VBR --- 1.55 --- V/K
Responsivity M = 100; = 0 V; = 905 nm 55 60 --- A/W
3dB Bandwidth -3dB --- 0.6 --- GHz
Rise Time M = 100 --- 500 --- ps
Optimum Gain 50 60 ---
“Excess Noise” factor M = 100 --- 2.5 ---
“Excess Noise” index M = 100 --- 0.2 ---
Noise Current M = 100 --- 0.5 --- pA/Hz1/2
Max Gain 200 ---
NEP Noise Equivalent Power M = 100; = 905 nm --- 1.0 X 10-14 --- W/Hz1/2
Note 1: The following different breakdown voltage ranges are available: (160 – 200 V), (200 – 240 V).
Note 2: Measurement conditions: Setup of photo current 1 nA at M = 1 and irradiated by a 880 nm, 80 nm bandwidth LED. Increase the photo
current up to 100 nA, (M = 100) by internal multiplication due to an increasing bias voltage.
(Vcc = +3.0 V to 5.5 V, TA = 0°C to 70°C, 100Ω load between OUT+ and OUT-. Typical values are at TA = 25°C, Vcc = +3.3 V)
Supply Voltage 3 5 6 V
Supply Current --- 34 63 mA
Transimpedance Differential, measured with 40 µA p-p signal 2.10 2.75 3.40 K
Output impedance Single ended per side 48 50 52
Maximum Differential Output Voltage Input = 2 mA p-p with 100 differential termination 220 380 575 mV p-p
AC Input Overload 2 --- --- mA p-p
DC Input Overload 1 --- --- mA
Input Referred RMS Noise TO-5 package, see note 4 --- 490 668 nA
Input Referred Noise Density See note 4 --- 11 --- pA/Hz1/2
Small signal bandwidth Source capacitance = 0.85 pF, see note 3 1.525 2.00 --- GHz
Low Frequency Cutoff -3 dB, input < 20 µA DC --- 30 --- KHz
Transimpedance Linear Range Peak to peak 0.95 < linearity < 1.05 40 --- --- µA p-p
Power Supply Rejection Ratio
Output referred, f < 2 MHz, PSSR = -20 Log (∆Vout /
--- 1.0 X 10-14 ---
Note 3: Source capacitance for AD230-9-400M-TO5 is the capacitance of APD.
Note 4: Input referred noise is calculated as RMS output noise/ (gain at f = 10 Mhz). Noise density is (input referred noise)/√bandwidth.
The circuit used is an avalanche photodiode directly coupled to a high speed data handling transimpedance amplifier. The output of the APD
(light generated current) is applied to the input of the amplifier. The amplifier output is in the form of a differential voltage pulsed signal.
The APD responsivity curve is provided in Fig. 2. The term Amps/Watt involves the area of the APD and can be expressed as
Amps/mm2/Watts/mm2, where the numerator applies to the current generated divided by the area of the detector, the denominator refers to the
power of the radiant energy present per unit area. As an example assume a radiant input of 1 microwatt at 850 nm. The APD’s corresponding
responsivity is 0.4 A/W.
If energy in = 1 µW, then the current from the APD = (0.4 A/W) x (1 x 10-6W) = 0.4 µA. We can then factor in the typical gain of the APD
of 100, making the input current to the amplifier 40 µA. From Fig. 5 we can see the amplifier output will be approximately 40 mV p-p.
The AD230-9-400M-TO5 is a high speed optical data receiver. It incorporates an internal transimpedance amplifier with an avalanche
This detector requires +3.5 V to +5.0 V voltage supply for the amplifier and a high voltage supply (100-240 V) for the APD. The internal APD
follows the gain curve published for the AD230-9-TO52-S1 avalanche photodiode. The transimpedance amplifier provides differential output
signals in the range of 200 millivolts differential.
In order to achieve highest gain, the avalanche photodiode needs a positive bias voltage (Fig. 1). However, a current limiting resistor must be
placed in series with the photodiode bias voltage to limit the current into the transimpedance amplifier. Failure to limit this current may
result in permanent failure of the device. The suggested initial value for this limiting resistor is 390 KOhm.
When using this receiver, good high frequency placement and routing techniques should be followed in order to achieve maximum frequency
response. This includes the use of bypass capacitors, short leads and careful attention to impedance matching. The large gain bandwidth
values of this device also demand that good shielding practices be used to avoid parasitic oscillations and reduce output noise.