First Edit ion Jul 9, 2001 LCD Module Technical Specification Final Revision O PTREX ****** Type No. DMC-50747NF-AK Approved by (Product ion Div.) ) Checked by (Qualit y Assurance Div.) Checked by (Design Engineering Div.) ) Prepared by (Product ion Div.) Table of Contents 1. General Specificat ions.....................................................................................................................................................2 2. Elect rical Specificat ions.................................................................................................................................................3 3. Opt ical Specificat ions ......................................................................................................................................................7 4. I/ O Terminal ............................................................................................................................................................................9 5. Test ..............................................................................................................................................................................................11 6. Appearance St andards ..................................................................................................................................................12 7. Code Syst em of Product ion Lot ............................................................................................................................15 8. Applying Precaut ions ......................................................................................................................................................15 9. Precaut ions Relat ing Product Handling............................................................................................................16 10 . Warrant y ................................................................................................................................................................................17 Revision History Rev. Dat e Page DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 Comment OPTREX CORPORATION Page 1/ 17 1. Gener al Spec if ic at ions Operat ing Temp. : min. 0C ~ max. 50C St orage Temp. : min. - 20C ~ max. 70C Display Format : 16 charact ers x 2 lines Display Font s : 5 x 7 dots ( 1 charact er ) Viewing Area : 60.2 (W) x 16.6 (H) mm Out line Dimensions : 64.2 (W) x 27.6 (H) x 2.2 max. (D) mm * Wit hout FPC Weight : 10g max. LCD Type : NRD- 17533 ( F- STN / Black &Whit e- mode / Reflect ive ) Viewing Angle : 6:00 Dat a Transfer : 8- bit parallel dat a t ransfer Backlight : None Addit ional Spec. : I/ O FPC Type Drawings : Dimensional Out line UE- 310783 DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 2/ 17 2.Elec t r ic al Spec if ic at ions 2.1.Absolut e Maximum Rat ings VSS=0V Paramet er Symbol Condit ions Min. Max. Unit s Supply Volt age VDD- VSS - - 0.3 6.0 V VDD- VOUT V5=VOUT - 0.3 16.0 V VI - - 0.3 VDD+0.3 V (Logic) Supply Volt age (LCD Drive) Input Volt age 2.2.DC Charact erist ics Ta=25C, VSS=0V Paramet er Symbol Condit ions Min. Typ. Max. Unit s Supply Volt age VDD- VSS - 2.4 3.0 3.6 V (Logic) Supply Volt age VDD- VOUT Shown in 3.1 V (LCD Drive) High Level VIH VDD=3.0V10% 0.8VDD - VDD V VIL VDD=3.0V10% 0 - 0.2VDD V IDD VDD- VSS=3.0V - 0.05 0.1 mA Input Volt age Low Level Input Volt age Supply Current Note.1 Note.1 : Triple boost ing st at e and checker pat t ern. DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 3/ 17 2.3.AC Charact erist ics 2.3.1.Syst em Bus Writ e Charact erist ics 1 (80 series MPU) VDD=3.0V10% Paramet er Symbol Min. Max. Unit s t CYC t AW t AH t DS t DH t CC 500 - ns 60 - ns 30 - ns 100 - ns 50 - ns Syst em Cycle Time Address Set up Time Address Hold Time Dat a Set up Time Dat a Hold Time Cont rol Pulse Width 100 ns Note 1 : For t he rise and fall of an input signal, set a value not exceeding 25ns. Note 2 : Every t iming is specified on t he basis of 20%and 80%of VDD. tAH A0, CS tAW tCYC tCC WR tDS tDH D0~D7 DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 4/ 17 2.3.2.Syst em Bus Writ e Charact erist ics 2 (68 series MPU) VDD=3.0V10% Paramet er Syst em Cycle Time Address Set up Time Address Hold Time Dat a Set up Time Dat a Hold Time Symbol Min. Max. Unit s t CYC t AW t AH t DS t DH t CC 500 - ns 60 - ns 30 - ns 100 - ns 50 - ns Cont rol Pulse Width 100 ns Note 1 : For t he rise and fall of an input signal, set a value not exceeding 25ns. Note 2 : Every t iming is specified on t he basis of 20%and 80%of VDD. tCYC E tAW tEW tAH A0, CS tDS tDH D0~D7 DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 5/ 17 2.3.3.Reset Timing VDD=3.0V10% Paramet er Reset Time Reset Pulse Width Symbol Condit ions Min. Max. Unit s tR t RW t RES Note 1 1.0 - ms Note 2 10 - ms Reset St art Time Note 2 50 ns Note 1 : t R ( Reset Time ) indicat es t he internal circuit reset completion t ime from t he edge of t he RES signal. Accordingly, it usually ent ers t he operat ing st at e aft er t R. Note 2 : Specifies t he minimum pulse width of t he RES signal. It is reset when a signal having t he pulse width great er t han t RW is ent ered. VDD Power Supply VSS tRES tRW tR VDD RES VSS All signal timings are based on 20% and 80% of VDD signals. DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 6/ 17 3.Opt ic al Spec if ic at ions 3.1.LCD Driving Volt age Paramet er Symbol Recommended LCD Driving Volt age VDD- VOUT Condit ions Min. Typ. Max. Unit s Ta= 0C - - 7.3 V Ta=25C 6.2 6.5 6.8 V Note 1 Ta=50C 5.7 V Note 1 : Volt age (Applied act ual waveform t o LCD Module) for t he best cont rast . The range of minimum and maximum shows t olerance of t he operat ing volt age. The specified cont rast rat io and response t ime are not guarant eed over t he ent ire range. 3.2.Opt ical Charact erist ics Ta=25C, 1/ 16 Dut y, 1/ 5 Bias, VD=6.5V (Note 4), q= 0, f= - Paramet er Cont rast Rat io Symbol Condit ions Min. Typ. Max. CR q= 0, f= - - 7 - Note 1 Viewing Angle Response Unit s Shown in 3.3 Rise Note 2 TON - - 50 100 ms Time Decay Note TOFF 85 170 ms Note 1 : 3 Cont rast rat io is definded as follows. CR = LOFF / LON LON : Luminance of t he ON segment s LOFF : Luminance of t he OFF segment s Note 2 : The t ime t hat t he luminance level reaches 90%of t he sat urat ion level from 0%when ON signal is applied. Note 3 : The t ime t hat t he luminance level reaches 10%of t he sat urat ion level from 100%when OFF signal is applied. Note 4 : Definit ion of Driving Volt age VD Assuming t hat t he t ypical driving waveforms shown below are applied t o t he LCD Panel at 1/ A Dut y - 1/ B Bias ( A : Dut y Number, B : Bias Number ). Driving volt age VD is definded as follows. VD = (Vt h1+Vt h2) / 2 Vt h1 :The volt age VO- P t hat should provide 50%of t he sat urat ion level in t he luminance at t he segment which t he ON signal is applied t o. Vt h2 :The volt age VO- P t hat should provide 50%of t he sat urat ion level in t he luminance at t he segment which t he OFF signal is applied t o. VO-P ( B-2 ) VO-P / B 1 / ( fF A ) DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 1 / fF OPTREX CORPORATION Page 7/ 17 3.3.Definit ion of Viewing Angle and Opt imum Viewing Area * Point * shows t he point where cont rast rat io is measured. : q= 0, f= - * Driving condit ion : 1/ 16 Dut y, 1/ 5 Bias, VD=6.5V, f F=100Hz 90 45 135 q f 10 20 30 40 50 180 90 (f = 0) q f 180 225 0 315 270 270 * Area shows t yp. CR2 3.4.Syst em Block Diagram Temperature Chamber Rotation Table ( q,f ) Photometer #1980A WB f LCD Optical Fiber q Computer Control Unit & Waveform Generator Halogen bulb DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 8/ 17 4.I/ O T er minal 4.1.Pin Assignment CN1 No. Symbol Level 1 A0 H/ L H : D0~D7 are display dat a. L : D0~D7 are a command. 2 WR H/ L 80 family MPU : WR Signal Input (E) Funct ion L : Act ive 68 family MPU : Enable Clock Input 3 CS H/ L Chip select signal. L : Act ive 4 D7 H/ L Dat a Bus Line 5 D6 H/ L Dat a Bus Line 6 D5 H/ L Dat a Bus Line 7 D4 H/ L Dat a Bus Line 8 D3 H/ L Dat a Bus Line / Non- connect ion at 4- bit operat ion 9 D2 H/ L Dat a Bus Line / Non- connect ion at 4- bit operat ion 10 D1 H/ L Dat a Bus Line / Non- connect ion at 4- bit operat ion 11 D0 H/ L Dat a Bus Line / Non- connect ion at 4- bit operat ion 12 VDD - Supply Volt age + 3V 13 VSS - Supply Volt age 0V (GND) 14 V5 - Connect t o VDD and a capacit or of 0.1~4.7mF(Cf.chap.4.2) 15 V4 - Connect t o a capacit or of 0.1~4.7mF (Cf.chap.4.2) 16 V3 - Connect t o a capacit or of 0.1~4.7mF (Cf.chap.4.2) 17 V2 - Connect t o a capacit or of 0.1~4.7mF (Cf.chap.4.2) 18 V1 - Connect t o a capacit or of 0.1~4.7mF (Cf.chap.4.2) 19 VOUT - Supply Volt age (LCD Drive) 20 VSS - Supply Volt age 0V ( GND) 21 VDD - Supply Volt age + 3V 22 P/ S H/ L H : Parallel Dat a Transfer, L : Serial Dat a Transfer 23 IF H/ L Int erface Dat a Lengt h Select .H : 8- bit Parallel,L : 4- bit Parallel 24 RES H/ L In case of a 68 series MPU,init ializat ion can be performed by changing RES . In case of an 80 series MPU,init ializat ion can be performed by changung . A reset operat ion is performed by edge sensing of t he RES signal. An interfase t ype for t he 68/ 80 seriees MPU is select ed by Input level aft er init ializat ion. L : 68 series MPU interface. H : 80 series MPU interface. DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 9/ 17 4.2.Example of Power Supply It is recommended t o apply a potent iomet er for t he cont rast adjust due t o t he t olerance of t he driving volt age and it s t emperat ure dependence. VDD MODULE VDD (+3V) VSS GND (0V) VR VSS V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 VOUT (-7V) C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 VR=10~20KW C1~C5:0.1~4.7 m F 4.3.Block Diagram DB7 8 ~ DB0 COM 14 RES LCDP 16 Characters 2 Lines IF SEG 80 P/S Control LSI CS WR SED1233DGB A0 VOUT 5 V1~V5 VDD VSS DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 10/ 17 5.T est No change on display and in operat ion under t he following t est condit ion. Condit ions: No. Unless otherwise specified, t est s will be conduct ed under t he following condit ion. Temperat ure: 205C Humidit y : 655%RH t est s will be not conduct ed under funct ioning st at e. Paramet er Condit ions Notes 1 High Temperat ure Operat ing 50C2C, 96hrs (operat ion st at e) 2 Low Temperat ure Operat ing 0C2C, 96hrs (operat ion st at e) 2 3 High Temperat ure St orage 70C2C, 96hrs 3 4 Low Temperat ure St orage - 20C2C, 96hrs 2,3 5 Damp Proof Test 40C2C,90~95%RH, 96hrs 2,3 6 Heat Shock Test - 25C (30min) (R) 25C (5min) (R) 70C (30min) 1 2 (R) 25C (5min) 5 cycles 7 Vibrat ion Test Total fixed amplit ude : 1.5mm 4 Vibrat ion Frequuency : 10~55HZ One cycle 60seconds t o 3direct ions of X,Y,Z for Each 15 minut es Note 1 : It shhould be checked at t he act ual driving condit ion under t he high t emperat ure. Note 2 : No dew condensat ion t o be observed. Note 3 : The funct ion t est shall be conduct ed aft er 4 hours st orage at t he normal t emperat ure and humidit y aft er removed from t he t est chamber. Note 4 : Vibrat ion t est will be conduct ed t o t he product it self wit hout put t ing it in a cont ainer. DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 11/ 17 6.Appear anc e St andar ds 6.1.Inspect ion condit ions The LCD shall be inspect ed under 40W whit e fluorescent light . The dist ance bet ween t he eyes and t he sample shall be more t han 30cm. All direct ions for inspect ing t he sample should be wit hin 45against perpendicular line. 45 6.2.Definit ion of applicable Zones X X X A Zone B Zone X C Zone X : Maximum Seal Line A Zone : Act ive display area B Zone : Out of act ive display area ~ Maximum seal line C Zone : Rest part s A Zone + B Zone = Validit y viewing area DMC- 50747NF- AK (AK) No. 2001- 0124 OPTREX CORPORATION Page 12/ 17 6.3.St andards No. 1 Paramet er Black and Crit eria (1) Round Shape Whit e Spots, Foreign Zone Accept able Number Dimension (mm) A B C * * * 0.1 < D 0.2 5 5 * 0.2 < D 0.3 0 1 * 0.3 < D 0 0 * D 0.1 Subst ances D = ( Long + Short ) / 2 * : Disregard (2) Line Shape Zone X(mm) Y(mm) Accept able Number A B C - 0.02W * * * 2.0L 0.03W 3 3 * 1.0L 0.04W 1 2 * 1.0L 0.05W 0 2 * - 0.05