GTC –08 / 11
Descriptive Information
Genteq Capacitors
Capacitors for Motor Run Applications
Metallized film capacitors are unsurpassed in terms of size, weight, performance, and reliability for
A C applications. Regal-Beloit brings over 60 year of capacitor manufacturing experience to the
product lines described in this publication. These capacito rs represent t he best in product design
for long-term reliability and safe operation. Regal-Beloit’s materials, product, and process
development work cont inue to provide capacitor users with outstanding t o tal value.
The GEM III Moto r Run Capacitors are widely used with permanent split phase capacitor motors
for the more efficient use of electricity. These motors are used in heating and cooling
equipment, appliances, business machines, office equipment, and a wide variety of light
commercial and industrial equipment.
GEM III Construction
Regal-Beloit’s GEM III capacitors are manufactured with
high-grade me tallized polypropylene f ilm. This f ilm is in the
range o f 5 to 10 microns thick, depending on the
application, voltage, and conditions. The metallized
electrode is several hundred angstroms thick.
The film is wound into capacito r ro lls on high-speed, high-
precision machines. The winding is extremely t ight so that
there is not enough space betw een the layers for corona
( localized pa rtial electrica l dischar ges) to occur. The rolls
are sprayed on both ends with metal to m ak e the
connection t o th e ex t remely thin edges of the metallized
electro des. This process is critical to the quality and
performance of the capacitors.
The rolls are assembled in metal cases, Regal-Beloit’s
proprie tar y D ielektro l V I liquid is intro duced und er
vacuum, and the capacitors are sealed. They are then
subjected to 100% electrical testing for capacitance,
dissipat ion factor , an d high po ten tial e lectr ical withs tan d,
both terminal-to-terminal and terminal-to-case.