LTC3874-1 PolyPhase Step-Down Synchronous Slave Controller with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing Features n n n n n n n n n n n n n Description Phase Extender for High Phase Count Voltage Rails Operates with Power Blocks, DrMOS or External Gate Drivers and MOSFETs Accurate Phase-to-Phase Current Sharing Sub-Milliohm DCR Current Sensing Phase-Lockable Fixed Frequency 250kHz to 1MHz Immediate Response to Master IC's Fault Up to 12-Phase Operation Wide VIN Range: 4.5 to 38V VOUT Range : Up to 3.5V (LOWDCR Pin High) Up to 5.5V (LOWDCR Pin Low) Proprietary Current Mode Control Loop Programmable CCM/DCM Operation Programmable Phase Shift Control 24-Lead (4mm x 4mm) QFN Package n n Effectively working with a master controller, the LTC3874-1 supports all the programmable features as well as fault protection. L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology, the Linear logo, PolyPhase and Module are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. Patents, including 5481178, 5705919, 5929620, 6144194, 6177787, 6580258, 5408150. Applications n The LTC(R)3874-1 is a dual PolyPhase(R) current mode synchronous step-down slave controller. It enables high current, multiphase applications when paired with a companion master controller by extending the phase count. Compatible master controllers include the LTC3884-1, LTC3774, LTC3875, LTC3877 and LTC3866. The LTC3874-1 employs a unique architecture that enhances the signal-to-noise ratio of the current sense signal, allowing the use of submilliohm DC resistance power inductors to maximize efficiency while reducing switching jitter. Its peak current mode architecture allows for accurate phase-to-phase current sharing even for dynamic loads. High Current Distributed Power Systems Telecom, Datacom and Storage Systems Intelligent Energy Efficient Power Regulation Typical Application High Efficiency, 4-Phase 1.8V/120A Step-Down Supply VIN 7V TO 14V DrMOS LTC3874-1 PWM0 PWM1 DrMOS 649 649 + 470F x2 100F x3 0.22F 0.22F 1.8V VSENSE0+ VSENSE1+ RUN0 RUN1 FAULT0 FAULT1 PGOOD0 PGOOD1 ITH0 ITH1 SYNC ISENSE0+ ISENSE0- ISENSE1+ ISENSE1- RUN0 RUN1 FAULT0 FAULT1 MODE0 MODE1 ITH0 ITH1 SYNC INTVCC VCC0 VCC1 PHASMD LDWDCR ILIM FREQ GND 4-Phase Efficiency and Power Loss vs Output Current, SubMilliohm DCR vs Traditional DCR VOUT 1.8V 120A 100F x3 + 470F x2 4.7F 100k VIN = 12V VOUT = 1.8V 95 fSW = 425kHz CCM 90 80 70 0 38741 TA01a 17 14 EFFICIENCY 11 85 75 REFER TO LTC3884-1 DATA SHEET FOR MASTER SETUP 20 100 POWER LOSS 8 POWER LOSS (W) LTC3884-1 (0.29m DCR) 0.215H EFFICIENCY (%) VIN (0.29m DCR) 0.215H 0.29m 1.5m 5 0.29m 1.5m 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LOAD CURRENT (A) 38741 TA01b PIN NOT USED IN THIS CIRCUIT: EXTVCC 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 1 LTC3874-1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration (Note 1) PWM0 FAULT1 FAULT0 LOWDCR ITH0 MODE0 TOP VIEW 24 23 22 21 20 19 + ISENSE0 1 18 VCC0 ISENSE0- 2 17 VIN RUN0 3 16 INTVCC 25 GND RUN1 4 15 EXTVCC ISENSE1- 5 14 VCC1 ISENSE1+ 6 PHASMD SYNC 9 10 11 12 ILIM 8 FREQ 7 ITH1 13 PWM1 MODE1 VIN.............................................................. -0.3V to 40V VCC0, VCC1..................................................... -0.3V to 6V ISENSE0+, ISENSE0 -, ISENSE1+, ISENSE1-..... -0.3V to INTVCC EXTVCC, INTVCC, RUN0, RUN1..................... -0.3V to 6V MODE0, MODE1, ILIM, LOWDCR, PHASMD, FREQ..................................... -0.3V to INTVcc SYNC, FAULT0, FAULT1, ITH0, ITH1.......... -0.3V to INTVcc INTVCC Peak Output Current.................................100mA Operating Junction Temperature Range (Note 2)................................................... -40C to 125C Storage Temperature Range................... -65C to 150C UF PACKAGE 24-LEAD (4mm x 4mm) PLASTIC QFN TJMAX = 125C, JA = 46.9C/W, JC_BOT = 4.5C/W EXPOSED PAD (PIN 25) IS GND, MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB Order Information LEAD FREE FINISH TAPE AND REEL PART MARKING* PACKAGE DESCRIPTION TEMPERATURE RANGE LTC3874EUF-1#PBF LTC3874EUF-1#TRPBF 38741 24-Lead (4mm x 4mm) Plastic QFN -40C to 125C LTC3874IUF-1#PBF LTC3874IUF-1#TRPBF 38741 24-Lead (4mm x 4mm) Plastic QFN -40C to 125C Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. *The temperature grade is identified by a label on the shipping container. For more information on lead free part marking, go to: For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: Some packages are available in 500 unit reels through designated sales channels with #TRMPBF suffix. 2 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Electrical Characteristics The l denotes the specifications which apply over the specified operating junction temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25C (Note 2). VIN = 12V, VRUN0,1 = 3.3V unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL PARAMETER VIN Input Voltage Range VOUT Output Voltage Range IQ Input DC Supply Current Normal Operation Shutdown VUVLO CONDITIONS MIN TYP 4.5 LOWDCR = INTVCC (Note 3) LOWDCR = 0V MAX UNITS 38 V 3.5 5.5 V V VRUN0,1 = 3.3V VRUN0,1 = 0V 4.6 1.8 mA mA Undervoltage Lockout Threshold VINTVCC Falling VINTVCC Rising 3.5 3.8 V V ISENSE Pins Bias Current VISENSE0,1 < (VINTVCC - 3.3V) VISENSE0,1 > (VINTVCC - 3.3V) Control Loop IISENSE0,1 VISENSE(MAX) Maximum Current Sense Threshold (Table 3) ILIM = INTVCC, LOWDCR = INTVCC, VISENSE0,1 = 1.2V, VITH = 2.18V l 0.15 1 0.4 3 A A l 26.8 28.8 30.8 mV ILIM = 0V, LOWDCR = INTVCC, VISENSE0,1 = 1.2V, VITH = 2.18V l 14.5 16 17.5 mV ILIM = INTVCC, LOWDCR = 0V, VISENSE0,1 = 1.2V, VITH = 2.18V l 65 72 79 mV ILIM = 0V, LOWDCR = 0V, VISENSE0,1 = 1.2V, VITH = 2.18V l 33 40 47 mV l l VCC - 0.2 0.2 5 V V A PWM Outputs PWM PWM Output High Voltage PWM Output Low Voltage PWM Output Current in Hi-Z State ILOAD = 500A ILOAD = -500A tON(MIN) Minimum On-Time (Note 4) -5 60 ns INTVCC Regulator VINTVCC Internal VCC Voltage No Load 6V < VIN < 38V VLDO INT INTVCC Load Regulation ICC = 0mA to 20mA VEXTVCC EXTVCC Switchover Voltage VEXTVCC Ramping Positive (Note 5) VLDO EXT EXTVCC Voltage Drop ICC = 20mA, VEXTVCC = 5V VLDOHYS EXTVCC Hysteresis 5.25 l 4.5 5.5 5.75 V 0.5 2 % 100 mV 4.7 50 V 300 mV Oscillator and Phase-Locked Loop fRANGE PLL SYNC Range l 250 VFREQ = 0.9V 1000 500 kHz fNOM Nominal Frequency IFREQ Frequency Setting Current SYNC- 0 SYNC to Ch0 Phase Relationship Based on the Falling Edge of SYNC and Rising Edge of PWM0 PHASMD = 0 PHASMD = 1/3 * INTVCC PHASMD = 2/3 * INTVCC PHASMD = INTVCC 180 60 120 90 Deg Deg Deg Deg SYNC- 1 SYNC to Ch1 Phase Relationship Based on the Falling Edge of SYNC and Rising Edge of PWM1 PHASMD = 0 PHASMD = 1/3 * INTVCC PHASMD = 2/3 * INTVCC PHASMD = INTVCC 0 300 240 270 Deg Deg Deg Deg 9 10 kHz 11 A Digital Inputs RUN0, RUN1, MODE0, MODE1, FAULT0, FAULT1, LOWDCR VIH Input High Threshold Voltage l VIL Input Low Threshold Voltage l 2.0 1.4 V V 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 3 LTC3874-1 Electrical Characteristics Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime. Note 2: The LTC3874-1 is tested under pulsed load conditions such that TJ TA. The LTC3874E-1 is guaranteed to meet specifications from 0C to 85C junction temperature. Specifications over the -40C to 125C operating junction temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. The LTC3874I-1 is guaranteed over the -40C to 125C operating junction temperature range. Note that the maximum ambient temperature consistent with these specifications is determined by specific operating conditions in conjunction with board layout, the related package thermal impedance and other environmental factors. The junction temperature TJ is calculated from the ambient temperature TA and power dissipation PD according to the following formula: TJ = TA + (PD * 46.9C/W) Note 3: Output voltage is set and controlled by master controller in multiphase operations. Note 4: The minimum on-time condition corresponds to an inductor peak-to-peak ripple current 40% of IMAX (see Minimum On-Time Considerations in the Applications Information section). Note 5: EXTVCC is enabled only if VIN is higher than 6.5V. Typical Performance Characteristics 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 VIN = 12V VOUT = 1.8V fSW = 425kHz 40 30 20 10 0 VIN = 12V VOUT = 1.8V 95 fSW = 425kHz CCM 60 VIN = 12V VOUT = 1.2V fSW = 425kHz 50 40 30 20 CCM DCM CCM DCM 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LOAD CURRENT (A) 0 4 14 EFFICIENCY 11 85 80 POWER LOSS 8 0.29m 1.5m 5 0.29m 1.5m 2 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LOAD CURRENT (A) 38741 G2 Load Step (Forced Continuous Mode) 4-Phase with Master Controller LTC3884-1 38741 G3 Load Step (Discontinuous Conduction Mode) 4-Phase with Master Controller LTC3884-1 ILOAD 50A/DIV ILOAD 50A/DIV IL(MASTER0) 10A/DIV I(MASTER0) 10A/DIV IL(SLAVE0) 10A/DIV I(SLAVE0) 10A/DIV VOUT AC-COUPLED 50mV/DIV VOUT AC-COUPLED 50mV/DIV 50s/DIV 90 17 75 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LOAD CURRENT (A) 38741 G1 V IN = 12V V OUT = 1.2V ILOAD 0A TO 20A 20 100 EFFICIENCY (%) 100 EFFICIENCY (%) 100 50 Efficiency and Power Loss vs Output Current (4-Phase with Master Controller LTC3884-1) Efficiency vs Output Current and Mode (4-Phase with Master Controller LTC3884-1) POWER LOSS (W) EFFICIENCY (%) Efficiency vs Output Current and Mode (4-Phase with Master Controller LTC3884-1) (TA = 25C unless otherwise specified) 38741 G04 VIN = 12V VOUT = 1.2V ILOAD 0A TO 20A 50s/DIV 38741 G05 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Typical Performance Characteristics (TA = 25C unless otherwise specified) Start-Up Into a Prebiased Load 2-Phase Operation LTC3884-1 and LTC3874-1 Inductor Current at Light Load RUN ALL RUN PINS TIED TOGETHER 2V/DIV FORCED CONTINUOUS MODE 5A/DIV VOUT IN CCM 500mV/DIV DISCONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE 5A/DIV 1s/DIV 2ms/DIV 38741 G06 VIN = 12V VOUT = 1.2V Quiescent Current vs Temperature without EXTVCC Current Sense Threshold vs ITH Voltage INTVCC Line Regulation 6 100 6 4 60 4 VISENSE (mV) INTVCC VOLTAGE (V) SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 5 3 2 0 150 4.1 ILIM = INTVCC 0 10 ILIM = GND 10 5 0 20 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 40 -40 Undervoltage Lockout Threshold (INTVCC vs Threshold) LOWDCR = H, RANGE = H 0 0.5 1 6 1.5 VITH (V) 2 2.5 3 38741 G10 Quiescent Current vs Input Voltage without EXTVCC RISING 3.9 UVLO THRESHOLD (V) CURRENT SENSE THRESHOLD (mV) 30 15 LOWDCR = H, RANGE = L 38741 G9 Maximum Current Sense Threshold vs Common Mode Voltage (LOWDCR = INTVCC, VITH = 2.18V) 20 20 -20 38741 G8 25 40 3.7 3.5 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 50 100 TEMPERATURE (C) LOWDCR = L, RANGE = L 0 1 0 LOWDCR = L, RANGE = H 80 5 3 -50 38741 G07 VIN 12V VOUT = 1.2V FALLING 3.3 3.1 2.9 5 4 2.7 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 VISENSE COMMON MODE VOLTAGE (V) 38741 G11 2.5 -50 -5 45 125 95 TEMPERATURE (C) 38741 G12 3 0 10 20 30 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 40 38741 G13 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 5 LTC3874-1 Pin Functions + + - - ISENSE0 /ISENSE1 (Pin 1/Pin 6): Current Sense Comparator Inputs. The (+) inputs to the current comparators are normally connected to DCR sensing networks. ISENSE0 /ISENSE1 (Pin 2/Pin 5): Current Sense Comparator Inputs. The (-) inputs to the current comparators are connected to the outputs. RUN0/RUN1 (Pin 3/Pin 4): Enable Run Inputs. Logic high on the RUN pin enables the corresponding channel. MODE0/MODE1(Pin 24/Pin 7): DCM/CCM Mode Control Pins. Each channel runs in forced continuous mode if the mode pin is logic high. There is an internal 500k pull-down resistor on the mode pin. To select discontinuous conduction mode, float or pull down the mode pin. ITH0/ITH1(Pin 23/Pin 8): Current Control Threshold. Each associated channel's current comparator tripping threshold increases with its ITH voltage. These pins must be connected to the master controller's ITH pins. FREQ(Pin 9): Frequency Set Pin. There is a precision 10A current flowing out of this pin. A resistor to ground sets a voltage which in turn programs the frequency. This pin sets the default switching frequency when there is no external clock on the SYNC pin. See the application section for detailed information. ILIM(Pin 10): Current Comparators Sense Voltage Limit. Program a DC voltage at this pin to set the maximum current sense threshold for the current comparators. SYNC (Pin 11): External Clock Synchronization Input. If an external clock is present at this pin, the switching frequency will be synchronized to the falling edge of external clock. Tie this pin to GND if not used. PHASMD (Pin 12): Phase Set Pin. This pin determines the relative phases between the external clock on pin SYNC and the internal controllers. See Table 1 in the Operation section for details. PWM0/PWM1(Pin 19/Pin 13): (Top) Gate Signal Outputs. This signal goes to the PWM or top gate input of the external driver, integrated driver MOSFET or power block. This 6 is a three-state compatible output. To support three-state mode, an external resistor divider is typically used from VCC0/VCC1 to ground. VCC0/VCC1(Pin 18/Pin 14): PWM Pin Driver Supplies. Decouple this pin to GND with a capacitor (0.1F) to an external supply or tie this pin to the INTVCC pin. PWM0/ PWM1 signal swing is from ground to VCC0/VCC1. EXTVCC(Pin 15): External Power Input to an Internal Switch Connected to INTVCC. The switch closes and supplies the IC power, bypassing the internal low dropout regulator, whenever EXTVCC is higher than 4.7V and VIN is greater than 7V. Do not exceed 6V on this pin. INTVCC(Pin 16): Internal 5.5V Regulator Output. The control circuits are powered from this voltage. Decouple this pin to GND with a minimum of 4.7F low ESR tantalum or ceramic capacitor. VIN (Pin 17): Main Input Supply. Decouple this pin to GND with a capacitor (0.1F to 1F). FAULT0/FAULT1 (Pin 21/Pin 20): Master Controller Fault Inputs. Connect these pins to the master chip fault indicator pins to respond to the fault signals from the master controller. When a FAULT pin is floating or low, the PWM pin of the corresponding channel is in three-state. There is an internal 500k pull-down resistor on each FAULT pin. LOWDCR(Pin 22): Sub-milliohm DCR Current Sensing Enable Pin. There is an internal 500k pull-up resistor between the LOWDCR pin and INTVCC. Floating or pulling this pin logic high will enable the sub-milliohm DCR current sensing. Pulling this pin logic low will disable the sub-milliohm DCR current sensing. GND(Exposed Pad Pin 25): Ground. Connect this pad, through vias, to a solid ground plane under the circuit. The sources of the bottom N-channel MOSFETs, the (-) terminal of CINTVCC, and the (-) terminal of CIN should connect to this ground plane as closely as possible to the IC. All small-signal components and compensation components should also connect to this ground plane. 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Functional Block Diagram 10A SYNC PHASMD One of Two Channels (CH0) Shown EXTVCC 4.7V FREQ PLL-SYNC - + ICMP VIN - + SYNC/PHASE DETECT + 5.5V REG OSC S R IREV 5K - + VCC0 ON UVLO ILIM RANGE SELECT HI: 1:1 LO: 1:1.8 FAULTB 1 5k FCNT DC AMP RUN SWITCH LOGIC AND ANTISHOOTTHROUGH PWM0 DrMOS SLOPE COMPENSATION INTVCC CIN INTVCC Q REV + COUT0 ISENSE0+ ISENSE0- UVLO 38741 BD + - + - INTVCC + - 1 60k + - ILIM VIN 1.7V REF ITH0 LOWDCR MODE0 RUN0 FAULT0 SGND 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 7 LTC3874-1 Operation Main Control Loop The LTC3874-1 is a constant frequency, LTC proprietary current mode step-down slave controller for parallel operation with master controllers. During normal operation, each top MOSFET is turned on when the clock for that channel sets the RS latch, and turned off when the main current comparator, ICMP, resets the RS latch. The peak inductor current at which ICMP resets the RS latch is controlled by the voltage on the ITH pin, which is the output of the master controller. When the load current increases, the master controller increases the ITH voltage, which in turn causes the peak current in the corresponding slave channels to increase, until the average inductor current matches the new load current. After the top MOSFET has turned off, the bottom MOSFET is turned on until the beginning of the next cycle in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) or until the inductor current starts to reverse, as indicated by the reverse current comparator IREV, in Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). The LTC3874-1 slave controllers DO NOT regulate the output voltage but regulate the current in each channel for current sharing with the master controllers. Output voltage regulation is achieved through the voltage feedback control loop in the master controllers. Sub-Milliohm DCR Current Sensing The LTC3874-1 employs a unique architecture to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio that enables it to operate with a small sense signal of a sub-milliohm value inductor DCR to improve power efficiency and reduce jitter due to switching noise. Floating or pulling the LOWDCR pin high will enable submilliohm DCR current sensing. The LTC3874-1 can sense a DCR value as low as 0.2m with careful PCB layout. The proprietary signal processing circuit provides a 14dB signal-to-noise ratio improvement. As with conventional 8 current mode architectures, the current limit threshold is still a function of the inductor peak current and the DCR value, and can be accurately set with the ILIM and ITH pins. INTVCC/EXTVCC Power Power for most internal circuitry is derived from the INTVCC pin. When the EXTVCC pin is left open or tied to a voltage less than 4.7V, an internal 5.5V linear regulator supplies INTVCC power from VIN. If EXTVCC is taken above 4.7V and VIN is higher than 7V, the 5.5V regulator is turned off and an internal switch is turned on connecting EXTVCC. EXTVCC can be applied before VIN. Using the EXTVCC allows the INTVCC power to be drawn from an external source. Start-Up and Shutdown (RUN0, RUN1) The two channels of the LTC3874-1 can be independently shut down using the RUN0 and RUN1 pins. Pulling either of these pins below 1.4V shuts down the main control circuits for that channel. During shutdown, the PWM pin is in three-state mode. Pulling either of these pins above 2V enables the controller. The RUN0/1 pins are actively pulled down until the INTVCC voltage passes the undervoltage lockout threshold of 3.8V. For multiphase operation, the RUN0/1 pins must be connected together and driven by the RUN pins on the master controller. Because a large RC filter in the LTC3874-1 needs to settle during initialization, the RUN pins can only be pulled up 4ms after VIN is ready. Do not exceed the Absolute Maximum Rating of 6V on these pins. The start-up of each channel's output voltage VOUT is controlled by the master controller. After the RUN pins are released, the master controller drives the output based on the programmed delay time and rise time. The slave controller LTC3874-1 follows the ITH voltage set by the master to supply the same current to the output during startup. 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Operation Light Load Current Operation (Discontinuous Conduction Mode, Continuous Conduction Mode) The LTC3874-1 can operate either in discontinuous conduction mode or forced continuous conduction mode. To select forced continuous mode, tie the MODE pin to a DC voltage above 2V (e.g., INTVCC). To select discontinuous conduction mode, tie the MODE pin to a DC voltage below 1.4V (e.g., GND).In forced continuous mode, the inductor current is allowed to reverse at light loads or under large transient conditions. The peak inductor current is determined by the voltage on the ITH pin. In this mode, the efficiency at light loads is lower than in discontinuous mode. However, continuous mode has the advantages of lower output ripple and less interference with audio circuitry. When the MODE pin is connected to GND, the LTC3874-1 operates in discontinuous mode at light loads. At very light loads, the current comparator ICMP may remain tripped for several cycles and force the external top MOSFET to stay off for the same number of cycles (i.e., skipping pulses). This mode provides higher light load efficiency than forced continuous mode and the inductor current is not allowed to reverse. There is a 500k pull-down resistor internally connected to the MODE pin. If the MODE0/1 pins are left floating, both channels are in discontinuous conduction mode by default. Multichip Operations (PHASMD and SYNC Pins) The PHASMD pin determines the relative phases between the internal channels as well as the external clock signal on SYNC pin as shown in Table 1. The phases tabulated are relative to zero degree phase being defined as the falling edge of the clock on SYNC pin. Table 1 PHASMD CHANNEL 0 PHASE CHANNEL 1 PHASE GND 180 0 1/3 INTVCC 60 300 2/3 INTVCC or Float 120 240 INTVCC 90 270 The SYNC pin is used to synchronize switching frequency between the master and slave controllers. Input capacitance ESR requirements and efficiency losses are substantially reduced because the peak current drawn from the input capacitor is effectively divided by the number of phases used and power loss is proportional to the RMS current squared. A two stage, single output voltage implementation can reduce input path power loss by 75% and radically reduce the required RMS current rating of the input capacitor(s). Single Output Multiphase Operation The LTC3874-1 is configured for single output multiphase converters with a master controller by making these connections * Tie all the ITH pins of paralleled channels together for current sharing between masters and slaves; * Tie all SYNC or PLLIN pins of paralleled channels together or tie the master chip's CLKOUT pin to the slave chip's SYNC pin for switching frequency synchronization among channels. * Tie all the RUN pins of paralleled channels together for startup and shutdown at the same time. * Tie the fault indictor pin of the master controller if available to the FAULT pin of the slave controller for fault protection. * The LTC3874-1 MODE pin can be tied to the master chip PGOOD pin for start-up control. During soft-start, the LTC3874-1 operates in DCM mode. When the soft-start interval is done, the LTC3874-1 operates in CCM mode. Examples of single output multiphase converters are shown in Figure 1. The Typical Application on the first page of this data sheet is a basic LTC3874-1 application circuit configured as a slave controller. In paralleled operation, the current sensing scheme and circuit parameters in the LTC3874-1 have to be the same as the master controller to achieve balanced current sharing between masters and slaves. Input and output capacitors are selected based on RMS current rating, ripple and transient specs. 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 9 LTC3874-1 Operation 3 PHASE OPERATION 3 PHASE + 1 PHASE OPERATION CH0 0 CH1 240 CH1 CH2 0 120 CH1 60 300 LTC3866 LTC3874-1 LTC3884-1 LTC3874-1 CLKOUT SYNC SYNC SYNC PHASMD = 1/3 INTVCC PHASMD = 1/3 INTVCC 4 PHASE OPERATION CH1 CH2 0 4 PHASE OPERATION CH0 180 CH1 90 CH1 270 CH2 0 CH0 180 CH1 90 270 LTC3774 LTC3874-1 LTC3884-1 LTC3874-1 CLKOUT SYNC SYNC SYNC PHASMD = FLOAT PHASMD = GND PHASMD = INTVCC 6 PHASE OPERATION 6 PHASE OPERATION CH1 CH2 0 CH0 180 120 CH0 CH1 240 60 CH0 CH1 180 300 CH1 CH2 0 180 CH0 CH1 60 300 CH0 CH1 120 240 LTC3774 LTC3874-1 LTC3874-1 LTC3884-1 LTC3874-1 LTC3874-1 CLKOUT SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC PHASMD = INTVCC PHASMD = GND PHASMD = 2/3 INTVCC PHASMD = 1/3 INTVCC PHASMD = 2/3 INTVCC 38741 F01 Figure 1. Multiphase Operation Frequency Selection and Phase-Locked Loop (FREQ and SYNC Pins) The selection of switching frequency is a trade-off between efficiency and component size. Low frequency operation increases efficiency by reducing MOSFET switching losses, but requires larger inductance and/or capacitance to maintain low output ripple voltage. The switching frequency of the LTC3874-1 controllers can be selected using the FREQ pin. If the SYNC pin is not being driven by an external clock source, the FREQ pin can be used to program the controller's operating frequency from 250kHz to 1MHz. There is a precision 10A current 10 flowing out of the FREQ pin, so the user can program the controller's switching frequency with a single resistor to GND. A curve is provided later in the application section showing the relationship between the voltage on the FREQ pin and switching frequency (Figure 5). A phase-locked loop (PLL) is integrated in the LTC3874-1 to synchronize the internal oscillator to an external clock source on the SYNC pin. The PLL loop filter network is integrated inside the LTC3874-1. The phase-locked loop is capable of locking to any frequency within the range of 250kHz to 1MHz. The frequency setting resistor should always be present to set the controller's initial switching frequency before locking to the external clock. 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Applications Information Current Limit Programming Table 3. Current Sense Threshold vs ITH Voltage (continued) To match the master controller current limit, each channel of the LTC3874-1 can be programmed separately with the ILIM and LOWDCR pins. The 4-level logic input pin ILIM setup summary is shown in Table 2. When ILIM is grounded, both channels are set to be low current range. When ILIM is tied to INTVCC, both channels are set to be high current range. Which setting should be used? For balanced load current sharing, use the same current range setting as in the master controller. Note, the LTC3874-1 does not have active clamping circuit on ITH pin for peak current limit and over current protection. Over current protection relies on the master controller to drive the ITH pin not to exceed the clamped voltage. The relationship between the current sense threshold and ITH voltage can be found in Table 3. Table 2. ILIM vs Range ILIM CHANNEL 0 CURRENT LIMIT CHANNEL 1 CURRENT LIMIT GND Range Low Range Low 1/3 INTVCC Range High Range Low 2/3 INTVCC or Float Range Low Range High INTVcc Range High Range High Table 3. Current Sense Threshold vs ITH Voltage CURRENT SENSE THRESHOLD (mV) LOWDCR = H LOWDCR = L CURRENT SENSE THRESHOLD (mV) LOWDCR = H LOWDCR = L ITH (V) RANGE = H RANGE = L RANGE = H RANGE = L 1.58 18.9 10.5 47.2 26.2 1.51 17.7 9.9 44.3 24.6 1.45 16.6 9.2 41.5 23.0 1.38 15.5 8.6 38.6 21.4 ISENSE+ and ISENSE- Pins ISENSE+ and ISENSE- are the inputs to the current comparators. When the LOWDCR pin is high, their common mode input voltage range is 0V to 3.5V. ISENSE- should be connected directly to VOUT of the master controller. ISENSE+ is connected to an R * C filter with time constant one-fifth of L/DCR of the output inductor. Care must be taken not to float these pins during normal operation. Filter components, especially capacitors, must be placed close to the LTC3874-1, and the sense lines should run close together to a Kelvin connection underneath the current sense element. The LTC3874-1 is designed to be used with a sub-milliohm DCR value; without proper care, parasitic resistance, capacitance and inductance will degrade the current sense signal integrity, making the programmed current limit unpredictable. In Figure 2, resistor R must be placed close to the output inductor and capacitor C close to the IC pins to prevent noise coupling to the sense signal. ITH (V) RANGE = H RANGE = L RANGE = H RANGE = L 2.40 32.5 18.1 81.3 45.1 2.33 31.4 17.4 78.4 43.6 2.26 30.2 16.8 75.6 42.0 2.20 29.1 16.2 72.7 40.4 2.18 28.8 16.0 72.0 40.0 2.13 28.0 15.5 69.9 38.8 2.06 26.8 14.9 67.1 37.3 1.99 25.7 14.3 64.2 35.7 The LTC3874-1 can also be used like any conventional current mode controller by disabling the LOWDCR pin, connecting it to ground. An RC filter can be used to sense the output inductor signal and connects to the ISENSE+ pin. Its time constant, R * C, should equal to L/DCR of the output inductor. By pulling down the LOWDCR pin, the current limit increases by 2.5 times. See Table 3 for details. In these applications, the common mode operating voltage range of ISENSE+, ISENSE- is from 0V to 5.5V. 1.92 24.6 13.6 61.4 34.1 Table 4. Output Voltage Range vs LOWDCR Pin 1.85 23.4 13.0 58.5 32.5 LOWDCR 1.79 22.3 12.4 55.7 30.9 Low 0V to 5.5V 1.72 21.1 11.7 52.8 29.4 High 0V to 3.5V 1.68 20.4 11.3 51.0 28.4 OUTPUT VOLTAGE 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 11 LTC3874-1 Applications Information VIN VIN INDUCTANCE LTC3874-1 DrMOS PWM ISENSE+ ISENSE- L DCR VOUT Typically, C is selected in the range of 0.047F to 0.47F. This forces R to around 2k, reducing error that might have been caused by the ISENSE pins' 1uA current. R C 38741 F02 Figure 2 Inductor DCR Current Sensing Inductor DCR Current Sensing The LTC3874-1 is specifically designed for high load current applications requiring the highest possible efficiency; it is capable of sensing the signal of an inductor DCR in the sub-milliohm range (Figure 2). The DCR is the DC winding resistance of the inductor's copper, which is often less than 1m for high current inductors. In high current and low output voltage applications, conduction loss of a high DCR or a sense resistor will cause a significant reduction in power efficiency. For a specific output requirement, choose the inductor with the DCR that satisfies the maximum desirable sense voltage, and use the relationship of the sense pin filters to output inductor characteristics as depicted below. DCR = VISENSE(MAX) I IMAX + L 2 RC = L/DCR when the LOWDCR pin is low where: VISENSE(MAX): Maximum sense voltage for a given ITH voltage IMAX: Maximum load current IL: Inductor ripple current L, DCR: Output inductor characteristics 12 There will be some power loss in R that relates to the duty cycle. It will be highest in continuous mode at maximum input voltage: PLOSS (R) = ( VIN(MAX) - VOUT ) * VOUT R Ensure that R has a power rating higher than this value. However, DCR sensing eliminates the conduction loss of a sense resistor; it will provide a better efficiency at heavy loads. To maintain a good signal-to-noise ratio for the current sense signal, using a minimum VISENSE of 2mV for duty cycles less than 40% is desirable when the LOWDCR pin is high; use a minimum VISENSE of 10mV for duty cycles less than 40% when the LOWDCR pin is low. The actual ripple voltage will be determined by the following equation: VISENSE = VOUT VIN - VOUT VIN R C * fOSC Inductor Value Calculation RC = L/(5 * DCR) when the LOWDCR pin is high R, C: Filter time constant To ensure that the load current will be delivered over the full operating temperature range, the temperature coefficient of the DCR resistance, approximately 0.4%/C, should be taken into consideration. Given the desired input and output voltages, the inductor value and operating frequency, fOSC, directly determine the inductor's peak-to-peak ripple current: IRIPPLE = VOUT VIN - VOUT VIN fOSC * L Lower ripple current reduces core losses in the inductor, ESR losses in the output capacitors, and output voltage ripple. Thus, highest efficiency operation is obtained at low frequency with a small ripple current. Achieving this, however, requires a large inductor. A reasonable starting point is to choose a ripple current that is about 40% of IOUT(MAX). Note that the largest ripple 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Applications Information current occurs at the highest input voltage. To guarantee that ripple current does not exceed a specified maximum, the inductor should be chosen according to: L VIN - VOUT VOUT * fOSC *IRIPPLE VIN Inductor Core Selection Once the inductance value is determined, the type of inductor must be selected. Core loss is independent of core size for a fixed inductor value, but it is very dependent on inductance selected. As inductance increases, core losses go down. Unfortunately, increased inductance requires more turns of wire and therefore copper losses will increase. Ferrite designs have very low core loss and are preferred at high switching frequencies, so design goals can concentrate on copper loss and preventing saturation. Ferrite core material saturates "hard," which means that inductance collapses abruptly when the peak design current is exceeded. This results in an abrupt increase in inductor ripple current and consequent output voltage ripple. Do not allow the core to saturate! Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode (Optional) Selection When we use discrete gate driver and MOSFETs, at least two external power MOSFETs need to be selected: One N-channel MOSFET for the top (main) switch and one or more Nchannel MOSFET(s) for the bottom (synchronous) switch. The number, type and on-resistance of all MOSFETs selected take into account the voltage step-down ratio as well as the actual position (main or synchronous) in which the MOSFET will be used. A much smaller and much lower input capacitance MOSFET should be used for the top MOSFET in applications that have an output voltage that is less than one-third of the input voltage. In applications where VIN >> VOUT , the top MOSFETs' on-resistance is normally less important for overall efficiency than its input capacitance at operating frequencies above 300kHz. MOSFET manufacturers have designed special purpose devices that provide reasonably low on-resistance with significantly reduced input capacitance for the main switch application in switching regulators. The peak-to-peak MOSFET gate drive levels are set by the internal regulator voltage, VINTVCC, requiring the use of logic-level threshold MOSFETs in most applications. Pay close attention to the BVDSS specification for the MOSFETs as well; many of the logic-level MOSFETs are limited to 30V or less. Selection criteria for the power MOSFETs include the on-resistance, RDS(ON), input capacitance, input voltage and maximum output current. MOSFET input capacitance is a combination of several components but can be taken from the typical gate charge curve included on most data sheets (Figure 3). The curve is generated by forcing a constant input current into the gate of a common source, current source loaded stage and then plotting the gate voltage versus time. VIN VGS MILLER EFFECT a V b QIN CMILLER = (QB - QA)/VDS + VGS - +V DS - 38741 F03 Figure 3. Gate Charge Characteristic The initial slope is the effect of the gate-to-source and the gate-to-drain capacitance. The flat portion of the curve is the result of the Miller multiplication effect of the drain-to-gate capacitance as the drain drops the voltage across the current source load. The upper sloping line is due to the drain-to-gate accumulation capacitance and the gate-to-source capacitance. The Miller charge (the increase in coulombs on the horizontal axis from a to b while the curve is flat) is specified for a given VDS drain voltage, but can be adjusted for different VDS voltages by multiplying the ratio of the application VDS to the curve specified VDS values. A way to estimate the CMILLER term is to take the change in gate charge from points a and b on a manufacturer's data sheet and divide by the stated VDS voltage specified. CMILLER is the most important selection criteria for determining the transition loss term in the top MOSFET but is not directly specified on MOSFET data sheets. CRSS and COS are specified sometimes but 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 13 LTC3874-1 Applications Information definitions of these parameters are not included. When the controller is operating in continuous mode the duty cycles for the top and bottom MOSFETs are given by: Main Switch Duty Cycle = VOUT VIN V -V Synchronous Switch Duty Cycle = IN OUT VIN The power dissipation for the main and synchronous MOSFETs at maximum output current are given by: PMAIN = ( ) (1+ )RDS(ON) + VOUT IMAX VIN 2 IMAX (RDR )(CMILLER ) * 2 ( VIN )2 The term (1 + ) is generally given for a MOSFET in the form of a normalized RDS(ON) vs temperature curve, but = 0.005/C can be used as an approximation for low voltage MOSFETs. An optional Schottky diode across the synchronous MOSFET conducts during the dead time between the conduction of the two large power MOSFETs. This prevents the body diode of the bottom MOSFET from turning on, storing charge during the dead time and requiring a reverse-recovery period which could cost as much as several percent in efficiency. A 2A to 8A Schottky is generally a good compromise for both regions of operation due to the relatively small average current. Larger diodes result in additional transition loss due to their larger junction capacitance. INTVCC Regulators and EXTVCC where is the temperature dependency of RDS(ON), RDR is the effective top driver resistance (approximately 2 at VGS = VMILLER), VIN is the drain potential and the change in drain potential in the particular application. VTH(MIN) is the data sheet specified typical gate threshold voltage specified in the power MOSFET data sheet at the specified drain current. CMILLER is the calculated capacitance using the gate charge curve from the MOSFET data sheet and the technique described above. The LTC3874-1 features a PMOS LDO that supplies power to INTVCC from the VIN supply. INTVCC powers most of the LTC3874-1's internal circuitry. The linear regulator regulates the voltage at the INTVCC pin to 5.5V when VIN is greater than 6V. EXTVCC connects to INTVCC through another P-channel MOSFET and can supply the needed power when its voltage is higher than 4.7V and VIN is higher than 7V. Each of these can supply a peak current of 100mA and must be bypassed to ground with a minimum value of 4.7F ceramic capacitor or low ESR electrolytic capacitor. No matter what type of bulk capacitor is used, an additional 0.1F ceramic capacitor placed directly adjacent to the INTVCC and GND pins is highly recommended. Good bypassing is needed to prevent interaction between the channels. Both MOSFETs have I2R losses while the topside N-channel equation includes an additional term for transition losses, which peak at the highest input voltage. For VIN < 20V, the high current efficiency generally improves with larger MOSFETs, while for VIN > 20V, the transition losses rapidly increase to the point that the use of a higher RDS(ON) device with lower CMILLER actually provides higher efficiency. The synchronous MOSFET losses are greatest at high input voltage when the top switch duty factor is low or during a short-circuit when the synchronous switch is on close to 100% of the period. For applications where the main input power is 5V, tie the VIN and INTVCC pins together and tie the combined pins to the 5V input with a 1 or 2.2 resistor as shown in Figure 4 to minimize the voltage drop caused by the gate charge current. This will override the INTVCC linear 1 1 + *f VINTVCC - VTH(MIN) VTH(MIN) 2 V -V PSYNC = IN OUT IMAX (1+ )RDS(ON) VIN ( ) 14 When the voltage applied to EXTVCC rises above 4.7V and VIN above 7V, the INTVCC linear regulator is turned off and the EXTVCC is connected to INTVCC. Using the EXTVCC allows the MOSFET driver and control power to be derived from other high efficiency sources such as +5V rails in the system. Do not apply more than 6V to the EXTVCC pin. 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Applications Information regulator and will prevent INTVCC from dropping too low due to the dropout voltage. Make sure the INTVCC voltage is at or exceeds the RDS(ON) test voltage for the MOSFET, which is typically 4.5V for logic-level devices. LTC3874-1 VIN INTVCC RVIN 1 CINTVCC 4.7F + 5V CIN 38741 F04 Figure 4. Setup for a 5V Input The relationship between the voltage on the FREQ pin and the operating frequency is shown in Figure 5 and specified in the Electrical Characteristic table. If an external clock is detected on the SYNC pin, the internal switch mentioned above will turn off and isolate the influence of the FREQ pin. Note that the LTC3874-1 can only be synchronized to an external clock whose frequency is within the range of the LTC3874-1's internal VCO. This is guaranteed to be between 250kHz and 1MHz. A simplified block diagram is shown in Figure 6. 1600 Undervoltage Lockout 1400 The LTC3874-1 has a precision UVLO comparator constantly monitoring the INTVCC voltage. It locks out the switching action and pulls down RUN pins when INTVCC is below 3.5V. In multiphase operation, when the LTC3874-1 is in undervoltage lockout, the RUN pin is pulled down to disable the master's switching action. To prevent oscillation when there is a disturbance on the INTVCC, the UVLO comparator has 300mV of precision hysteresis. Phase-Locked Loop and Frequency Synchronization The LTC3874-1 has a phase-locked loop (PLL) comprised of an internal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and a phase detector. This allows the internal clock to be locked to the falling edge of an external clock signal applied to the SYNC pin. The turn-on of the top MOSFET is synchronized or out-of-phase with the falling edge of external clock. The phase detector is an edge sensitive digital type that provides zero degrees phase shift between the external and internal oscillators. This type of phase detector does not exhibit false lock to harmonics of the external clock. The output of the phase detector is a pair of complementary current sources that charge or discharge the internal filter network. There is a precision 10A of current flowing out of the FREQ pin. This allows the user to use a single resistor to GND to set the switching frequency when no external clock is applied to the SYNC pin. The internal switch between the FREQ pin and the integrated PLL filter network is ON, allowing the filter network to be precharged to the same voltage potential as the FREQ pin. FREQUENCY (kHz) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 FREQ PIN VOLTAGE (V) 2.5 38741 F05 Figure 5. Relationship Between Oscillator Frequency and Voltage at the FREQ Pin 2.4V 5.5V RSET 10A FREQ EXTERNAL OSCILLATOR SYNC DIGITAL SYNC PHASE/ FREQUENCY DETECTOR VCO 38741 F06 Figure 6. Phase-Locked Loop Block Diagram 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 15 LTC3874-1 Applications Information If the external clock frequency is greater than the internal oscillator's frequency, fOSC, then current is sourced continuously from the phase detector output, pulling up the filter network. When the external clock frequency is less than fOSC, current is sunk continuously, pulling down the filter network. If the external and internal frequencies are the same but exhibit a phase difference, the current sources turn on for an amount of time corresponding to the phase difference. The voltage on the filter network is adjusted until the phase and frequency of the internal and external oscillators are identical. At the stable operating point, the phase detector output is high impedance and the filter capacitor holds the voltage. Typically, the external clock (on the SYNC pin) input high threshold is 2V, while the input low threshold is 1.4V. Fault Protection and Response Master controllers monitor system voltage, current, temperature and provide many protection features during all kinds of fault conditions. The LTC3874-1 slave controllers do not provide as many fault protections as master controllers but respond to the fault signal from the master controller. FAULT0 and FAULT1 pins are designed to share the fault signal between masters and slaves. In a typical parallel application, connect the fault pins on LTC3874-1 to the master fault indictor pins, so that the slave controller can respond to all fault signals from the master. When the FAULT pin is pulled below 1.4V, the PWM pin in the corresponding channel is in three-state. When the FAULT pin voltage is above 2V, the corresponding channel is back to normal operation. During fault conditions, all internal circuits in the LTC3874-1 are still running so the slave controllers can immediately return to normal operation when the FAULT pin is released. The LTC3874-1 has internal thermal shutdown protection which forces the PWM pin three-state when the junction temperature is higher than 160C. The thermal shutdown has 10C of hysteresis. In thermal shutdown, the FAULT0 and FAULT1 pins are also pulled low. The RUN pins are not internally pulled low. There is a 500k pull-down resistor on each FAULT pin which sets the default voltage on the FAULT pins low if the FAULT pins are floating. 16 Transient Response and Loop Stability In a typical parallel operation, the LTC3874-1 cooperates with master controllers to supply more current. To achieve balanced current sharing between master and slave, it is recommended that each slave channel copies the power stage design from the master channel. Select the same inductors, same MOSFET driver, same power MOSFETs, and same output capacitors between the master and slave channels. Control loop and compensation design on the ITH pin should start with the single phase operation of the master controller. The multiphase transient response and loop stability is almost the same as the single phase operation of the master by tying the ITH pins together between master and slaves. For example, design the compensation for a single phase 1.8V/20A output using LTC3884-1 with a 0.33H inductor and 530F output capacitors. To extend the output to 1.8V/40A, simply parallel one channel of LTC3874-1 with the same inductor and output capacitors (total output capacitors are 1060F) and tie the ITH pin of LTC3874-1 to the master ITH. The loop stability and transient responses of the two phase converter are very similar to the single phase design without any extra compensator on the ITH pin of the slave controller. Furthermore, LTpowerCAD is provided on the LTC website as a free download for transient and stability analysis. To minimize the high frequency noise on the ITH trace between master and slave ITH pins, a small filter capacitor in the range of tens of pF can be placed closely at each ITH pin of the slave controller. This small capacitor normally does not significantly affect the closed-loop bandwidth but increases the gain margin at high frequency. Mode Selection and Pre-Biased Startup There may be situations that require the power supply to start up with a pre-bias on the output capacitors. In this case, it is desirable to start up without discharging the output capacitors. The LTC3874-1 can be configured to operate in DCM mode for pre-biased start-up. The master chip's PGOOD pin can be connected to the MODE pins of the LTC3874-1 to ensure the DCM operation at startup and CCM operation in steady state. 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Applications Information Minimum On-Time Considerations MOSFET Driver Selection Minimum on-time tON(MIN) is the smallest time duration that the LTC3874-1 is capable of turning on the top MOSFET. It is determined by internal timing delays and the gate charge required to turn on the top MOSFET. Low duty cycle applications may approach this minimum on-time limit and care should be taken to ensure that: Gate driver ICs, DrMOSs and power blocks with an interface compatible with the LTC3874-1's three-state PWM outputs should be used. tON(MIN) < VOUT VIN * f If the duty cycle falls below what can be accommodated by the minimum on-time, the controller will begin to skip cycles. The output voltage will continue to be regulated, but the ripple voltage and current will increase. The minimum on-time for the LTC3874-1 is approximately 60ns, with reasonably good PCB layout, minimum 30% inductor current ripple and at least 2mV - 3mV (10mV - 15mV when the LOWDCR pin is low) ripple on the current sense signal. The minimum on-time can be affected by PCB switching noise in the current loop. As the peak sense voltage decreases the minimum on-time gradually increases to 100ns. This is of particular concern in forced continuous applications with low ripple current at light loads. If the duty cycle drops below the minimum on-time limit in this situation, a significant amount of cycle skipping can occur with correspondingly larger current and voltage ripple. PWM Pins The PWM output pins are three-state compatible outputs, designed to drive MOSFET drivers, DrMOSs, etc. which do not represent a heavy capacitive load. An external resistor divider may be used on the PWM pins to set the voltage to mid-rail while in the high impedance state. The VCC pin is the corresponding PWM pin driver supply. Decouple this pin to GND with a capacitor (0.1F) or tie this pin to the INTVCC pin. If the VCC pin is connected to an external supply, make sure it comes first before the RUN pin goes high. PC Board Layout Checklist When laying out the printed circuit board, the following checklist should be used to ensure proper operation of the IC. Figure 7 illustrates the current waveforms present in the various branches of the 2-phase synchronous regulators operating in the continuous mode. Check the following in the PC layout: 1. Are the signal and power grounds kept separate? The combined IC signal ground pin and the ground return of CINTVCC must return to the combined COUT (-) terminals. The ITH traces should be as short as possible. The CIN capacitor should have short leads and PC trace lengths. The output capacitor (-) terminals should be connected as close as possible to the (-) terminals of the input capacitor by placing the capacitors next to each other. 2. Are the ISENSE+ and ISENSE- leads routed together with minimum PC trace spacing? The filter capacitor between ISENSE+ and ISENSE- should be as close as possible to the IC. Ensure accurate current sensing with Kelvin connections at the sense resistor or inductor, whichever is used for current sensing. 3. Is the INTVCC decoupling capacitor connected close to the IC, between the INTVCC and the ground pins? This capacitor carries the MOSFET drivers current peaks. An additional 1F ceramic capacitor placed immediately next to the INTVCC and GND pins can help improve noise performance substantially. 4. Keep the switching nodes (SW1, SW0), away from sensitive small-signal nodes, especially from the opposite channel's current sensing feedback pins. All of these nodes have very large and fast moving signals and therefore should be kept on the output side of the LTC3874-1 and occupy minimum PC trace area. If DCR sensing is used, place the resistor (Figure 2, "R") close to the switching node. 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 17 LTC3874-1 Applications Information SW1 L1 D1 VOUT1 COUT1 RL1 VIN RIN CIN SW0 BOLD LINES INDICATE HIGH SWITCHING CURRENT. KEEP LINES TO A MINIMUM LENGTH. D0 L0 VOUT0 COUT0 RL0 38741 F07 Figure 7. Recommended Printed Circuit Layout Diagram 5. Use a modified star ground technique: a low impedance, large copper area central grounding point on the same side of the PC board as the input and output capacitors with tie-ins for the bottom of the INTVCC decoupling capacitor, the bottom of the voltage feedback resistive divider and the GND pin of the IC. PC Board Layout Debugging Start with one controller at a time. It is helpful to use a DC-50MHz current probe to monitor the current in the inductor while testing the circuit. Monitor the output switching node (SW pin) to synchronize the oscilloscope to the internal oscillator and probe the actual output voltage 18 as well. Check for proper performance over the operating voltage and current range expected in the application. The frequency of operation should be maintained over the input voltage range down to dropout and until the output load drops below the low current operation threshold. The duty cycle percentage should be maintained from cycle to cycle in a well-designed, low noise PCB implementation. Variation in the duty cycle at a subharmonic rate can suggest noise pickup at the current or voltage sensing inputs or inadequate loop compensation. Overcompensation of the loop can be used to tame a poor PC layout if regulator bandwidth optimization is not required. Only after each controller is checked for its individual performance should 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Applications Information both controllers be turned on at the same time. A particularly difficult region of operation is when one controller channel is nearing its current comparator trip point when the other channel is turning on its top MOSFET. This occurs around 50% duty cycle on either channel due to the phasing of the internal clocks and may cause minor duty cycle jitter. Reduce VIN from its nominal level to verify operation of the regulator in dropout. Check the operation of the undervoltage lockout circuit by further lowering VIN while monitoring the outputs to verify operation. Investigate whether any problems exist only at higher output currents or only at higher input voltages. If problems coincide with high input voltages and low output currents, look for capacitive coupling between the BOOST, SW, TG, and possibly BG connections and the sensitive voltage and current pins. The capacitor placed across the current sensing pins needs to be placed immediately adjacent to the pins of the IC. This capacitor helps to minimize the effects of differential noise injection due to high frequency capacitive coupling. If problems are encountered with high current output loading at lower input voltages, look for inductive coupling between CIN, Schottky and the top MOSFET components to the sensitive current and voltage sensing traces. In addition, investigate common ground path voltage pickup between these components and the GND pin of the IC. The master chip LTC3884-1 design can be found in the LTC3884-1 data sheet (Design Example section). The LTC3884-1 SYNC pin is connected to the LTC3874-1 SYNC pin for switching frequency synchronization. The LTC3874-1 PHASMD pin is tied to INTVCC to form a PolyPhase configuration. The slave chip LTC3874-1 should use the same inductor, DrMOS, CIN, and COUT as the master chip. DCR sensing is also used for the slave chip. The LTC3884-1 ITH pins and the LTC3874-1 ITH pins are connected together. The LTC3874-1 LOWDCR pin is pulled high and the ILIM pin is forced to INTVCC to obtain the same current limit as LTC3884-1. The LTC3884-1 RUN pins and the LTC3874-1 RUN pins are connected together. The LTC3884-1 FAULT pins are connected to LTC3874-1 FAULT pins so the LTC3874-1 will be disabled if the LTC3884-1 is under any fault event. The LTC3874-1 MODE pins are tied to the LTC3884-1 PGOOD pins for start-up control. During soft-start, the LTC3874-1 operates in DCM mode. When the soft-start interval is done, the LTC3874-1 operates in CCM mode. Design Example Using master controller LTC3884-1 and slave controller LTC3874-1 for a single-output, 4-phase high current regulator, assume VIN = 12V (nominal), and VIN = 15V (maximum), VOUT = 1.05V, IMAX = 120A, and f = 500kHz (see Figure 8). 38741f For more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 19 LTC3874-1 Applications Information 0.47F 1m 649 1 VIN 7V TO 14V 4.7F 2.2F VIN VOUT 10nF 5k 5k 5k 5k VDD33 4.7F + - IIN IIN PWM0 VSENSE1+ ISENSE0+ VSENSE0- ISENSE0- VSENSE1- ISENSE1- WP ISENSE1+ TSNS1 BOOT PHASE VIN TDA21470 SW EN 22F x4 VDR 5V TOUT/FLT VDRV PGND 4.7F LGND + 330pF 4.7F 220nF VOUT 1.05 V 120A COUT2 470F x2 2.5V PWM1 ITH0 SDA ITH ITH1 SCL ITHR0 SHARE_CLK ITHR1 ALERT VDD25 VDD33 VOUT 0_CFG VCC0 VOUT 1_CFG 330pF 6.8nF 0.47F VIN1 24.9k 20k 24.9k BOOT PHASE VIN TDA21470 SW EN 22F x4 1F 17.8k 5.76k VDR 5V PGOOD0 EXTVCC PGOOD1 PHAS_CFG PWM TOUT/FLT VDRV PGND VCC 4.7F FREQ_CFG SYNC 0.215H, L2 COUT3 100F x3 6.3V VOS ASEL0 RUN1 0 649 7.32k RUN0 5k PWM VCC FAULT1 5k COUT1 100F x3 6.3V VOS FAULT0 5k 0.215H, L1 LTC3884-1 VCC1 5k VIN1 220nF INTVCC VSENSE0+ TSNS0 10nF 0 VIN1 LGND 330pF 4.7F GND 0.47F COUT4 470F x2 2.5V + 0 2 VIN 7V TO 14V VIN INTVCC RUN0 PHASM0 LTC3874-1 RUN1 ILIM 0.1F SYNC VIN1 4.7F PWM0 PWM TOUT/FLT MODE1 ISENSE0+ VDRV PGND VDR 5V 220nF FAULT0 VCC0 VCC1 47pF ITH1 VCC 4.7F LGND 4.7F PWM1 COUT5 100F x3 6.3V + COUT6 470F x2 2.5V 330pF + ISENSE1 649 ISENSE1- ITH0 ITH 0.215H, L3 VOS MODE0 FAULT1 1F 22F x4 LOWDCR ISENSE0- VDD33 BOOT PHASE VIN TDA21470 SW EN FREQ 100k 0.47F GND VIN1 PIN NOT USED IN CIRCUIT LTC3884-1: ASEL1 PIN NOT USED IN CIRCUIT LTC3874-1: EXTVCC BOOT PHASE VIN TDA21470 SW EN 22F x4 0.215H, L4 COUT7 100F x3 6.3V VOS PINS NOT USED IN CIRCUITS TDA21470: REFIN , GATEL, IOUT, OCSET COUT1, 3, 5, 7: MURATA GRM32ER60J107ME20L (100F, 6.3V, X5R, 1210) COUT2, 4, 6, 8: PANASONIC ETPF470M5H (470F, 2.5V) L1, L2, L3, L4: EATON FP1007R3-R22-R (0.215H, DCR = 0.29m) VDR IS FROM EXTERNAL 5V POWER SUPPLY 0 220nF VDR 5V PWM TOUT/FLT VDRV PGND VCC 4.7F LGND 4.7F + COUT8 470F x2 2.5V 3874 F08 330pF 649 Figure 8. High Efficiency 500kHz 4-Phase 1.05V Step-Down Converter 20 38741f For more information LTC3874-1 Package Description Please refer to for the most recent package drawings. UF Package 24-Lead Plastic QFN (4mm x 4mm) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1697 Rev B) 0.70 0.05 4.50 0.05 2.45 0.05 3.10 0.05 (4 SIDES) PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.25 0.05 0.50 BSC RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD PITCH AND DIMENSIONS 4.00 0.10 (4 SIDES) BOTTOM VIEW--EXPOSED PAD R = 0.115 TYP 0.75 0.05 PIN 1 NOTCH R = 0.20 TYP OR 0.35 x 45 CHAMFER 23 24 PIN 1 TOP MARK (NOTE 6) 0.40 0.10 1 2 2.45 0.10 (4-SIDES) (UF24) QFN 0105 REV B 0.200 REF 0.00 - 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.50 BSC NOTE: 1. DRAWING PROPOSED TO BE MADE A JEDEC PACKAGE OUTLINE MO-220 VARIATION (WGGD-X)--TO BE APPROVED 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS 4. DIMENSIONS OF EXPOSED PAD ON BOTTOM OF PACKAGE DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH, IF PRESENT, SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15mm ON ANY SIDE, IF PRESENT 5. EXPOSED PAD SHALL BE SOLDER PLATED 6. SHADED AREA IS ONLY A REFERENCE FOR PIN 1 LOCATION ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF PACKAGE 38741f Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representaFor of more information www.linear/LTC3874-1 tion that the interconnection its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 21 LTC3874-1 Typical Application High Efficiency Dual 1.0V/1.5V Step-Down Converter VIN 7V TO 14V VIN (0.29m DCR) 0.215H VOUT0 1V 60A + 470F x2 100F x3 DrMOS (0.29m DCR) 0.215H 649 0.22F LTC3884-1 1V VOUT1 DrMOS 649 0.22F REFER TO LTC3884-1 DATA SHEET FOR MASTER SETUP LTC3874-1 PWM0 PWM1 1.5V VSENSE0+ VSENSE1+ RUN0 RUN1 FAULT0 FAULT1 PGOOD0 PGOOD1 ITH0 ITH1 SYNC ISENSE0+ ISENSE0- ISENSE1+ ISENSE1- RUN0 RUN1 FAULT0 FAULT1 MODE0 MODE1 ITH0 ITH1 SYNC INTVCC VCC0 VCC1 PHASMD LDWDCR ILIM PIN NOT USED IN THIS CIRCUIT: EXTVCC FREQ GND VOUT1 1.5V 60A 100F x3 + 470F x2 4.7F 100k 3874 TA02 Related Parts PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LTM4676A Dual 13A or Single 26A Step-Down DC/DC Module Regulator 4.5V VIN 17V; 0.5V VOUT (0.5%) 5.5V, I2C/PMBus Interface, with Digital Power System Management 16mm x 16mm x 5mm, BGA Package LTM4675 Dual 9A or Single 18A Module Regulator with Digital Power System Management 4.5V VIN 17V; 0.5V VOUT (0.5%) 5.5V, I2C/PMBus Interface, 11.9mm x 16mm x 5mm, BGA Package LTM4677 Dual 18A or Single 36A Module Regulator with Digital Power System Management 4.5V VIN 16V; 0.5V VOUT (0.5%) 1.8V, I2C/PMBus Interface, 16mm x 16mm x 5.01mm, BGA Package LTC3884/ LTC3884-1 Dual Output Multiphase Step-Down Controller with Sub m DCR Sensing Current Mode Control and Digital Power System Management 4.5V VIN 38V, 0.5V VOUT (0.5%) 5.5V, 70ms Start-Up, I2C/ PMBus Interface, Programmable Analog Loop Compensation, Input Current Sense LTC3887/ LTC3887-1 Dual Output Multiphase Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management, 70ms Start-Up 4.5V VIN 24V, 0.5V VOUT0,1 (0.5%) 5.5V, 70ms Start-Up, I2C/ PMBus Interface, -1 Version Uses DrMOS or Power Blocks LTC3882/ LTC3882-1 Dual Output Multiphase Step-Down DC/DC Voltage Mode Controller with Digital Power System Management 3V VIN 38V, 0.5V VOUT1,2 5.25V, 0.5% VOUT Accuracy I2C/ PMBus Interface, Uses DrMOS or Power Blocks LTC3866 Single Output Current Mode Synchronous Step-Down Controller with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing 4.5V VIN 38V, 0.6V VOUT 3.5V, with Remote VOUT Sense, 4mm x 4mm, QFN-24, TSSOP-24 Packages LTC3883/ LTC3883-1 Single Phase Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management VIN Up to 24V, 0.5V VOUT 5.5V, Input Current Sense Amplifier, I2C/ PMBus Interface with EEPROM and 16-Bit ADC, 0.5% VOUT Accuracy LTC3875 Dual, Multiphase Current Mode Synchronous Step-Down Controller with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing, Up to 12 Phases 4.5V VIN 38V, 0.6V VOUT 3.5V, with Remote Sense LTC3774 Dual, Multiphase Current Mode Synchronous Step-Down Controller with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing, Up to 12 Phases VIN Up to 40V, 0.6V VOUT 3.5V, Very High Output Current Applications with Accurate Current Share Between Phases Supporting LTC3880/-1, LTC3883/-1, LTC3886, LTC3887/-1 LTC3877 Dual Phase Step-Down Synchronous Controller with 6-Bit VID Output Voltage Programming and Low Value DCR Sensing 4.5V VIN 38V, 0.6V VOUT 1.23V with VID in 10mV Steps, 0.6V VOUT 5V without VID, Up to 12-Phase Operation 22 (R) 38741f LT 0917 * PRINTED IN USA For more information LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 2017