ACMD-7402 Electrical Specifications, Z0 = 50 Ω, TC [1,2] as indicated
– 30°C[2] +25°C[2] +85°C[2]
Symbol Parameter Units Min Typ[3] Max Min Typ[3] Max Min Typ[3] Max
Antenna Port to Receive Port
S23 Insertion Loss in Receive Band dB 3.8 1.5 3.5 3.5
(1930.5 – 1989.5 MHz)
∆S23 Ripple (p-p) in Receive Band dB 3.0 1.5 2.6 2.6
S22 Return Loss of Receive Port dB 9.5 9.5 17 9.5
in Receive Band
S23 Attenuation in Transmit Band dB 52 52 56 52
(1850.5 – 1909.5 MHz)
S23 Attenuation 0 – 1600 MHz dB 20 31
S23 Attenuation in Receive 2nd dB 18 19
Harmonic Band
(3861 – 3979 MHz)
Transmit Port to Antenna Port
S31 Insertion Loss in Transmit Band dB 3.0 1.1 3.0 3.5[4]
(1850.5 – 1909.5 MHz)
∆S31 Ripple (p-p) in Transmit Band dB 2.3 0.9 2.3 2.8
S11 Return Loss of Transmit Port dB 9.5 9.5 20 9.5
in Transmit Band
S31 Attenuation in Receive Band dB 43 43 48 43
(1930.5 – 1989.5 MHz)
S31 Attenuation 0 – 1600 MHz dB 22 34
S31 Attenuation in Transmit 2nd dB 8 13
Harmonic Band
(3701 – 3819 MHz)
Antenna Port
S33 Return Loss of Antenna Port in dB 9 9 16 9
Receive Band
(1930.5 – 1989.5 MHz)
S33 Return Loss of Antenna Port in dB 9 9 19 9
Transmit Band
(1850.5 – 1909.5 MHz)
Isolation Transmit Port to Receive Port
S21 Tx-Rx Isolation in Receive Band dB 45 45 48 45
(1930.5 – 1989.5 MHz)
S21 Tx-Rx Isolation in Transmit Band dB 54 54 58 54
(1850.5 – 1909.5 MHz)
1. TC is the case temperature and is defined as the temperature of the underside of the Duplexer where it makes contact with the circuit
2. Min/Max specifications are guaranteed at the indicated temperature with the input power to the Tx ports equal to or less than +29 dBm
over all Tx frequencies unless otherwise noted.
3. Typical data is the average value of the parameter over the indicated band at the specified temperature. Typical values may vary over time.
Refer to “Characterization” section for measurement details.
4. At Tx input power between +26 dBm and +29 dBm, the Insertion Loss at the upper edge of the Tx band (1907– 1909.5 MHz) will be slightly
degraded. From 1907 to 1909.5 MHz, the maximum Insertion Loss specification at Tc = +85°C is guaranteed to +26 dBm input power.