RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 E-mail: info@rfm.com Page 1 of 2
RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 http://www.rfm.com
©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. RF1172-102401
TO39-3 Case
Ideal Front-End Filter for European Wireless Receivers
Low-Loss, Coupled-Resonator Quartz Design
Simple External Impedance Matching
Rugged TO39 Hermetic Package
The RF1172 is a low-loss, compact and economical surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) filter designed to provide
front-end selectivity in 433.92MHz receivers. Receiver designs using this filter include superhet with
10.7MHz or 500kHz IF, direct conversion and superregen. Typical applications of these receivers are wire-
less remote-control and security devices operating in Europe under ETSI I-ETS 300 220.
This coupled-resonator filter (CRF) uses selective null placement to provide suppression, typically greater
than 40 dB, of the LO and image spurious responses of superhet receivers with 10.7 MHz IF. RFM’s
advanced SAW design and fabrication technology is utilized to achieve high performance and very low loss
with simple external impedance matching (not included). Quartz construction provides excellent frequency
stability over a wide temperature range.
433.92 MHz
SAW Filter
CAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling.
1. Unless noted otherwise, all measurements are made with the filter installed in the specified test fixture which is connected to a 50 test system with
VSWR 1.2:1. The test fixture L and C are adjusted for minimum insertion loss at the filter center frequency, fc. Note that insertion loss, bandwidth,
and passband shape are dependent on the impedance matching component values and quality.
2. The frequency fc is defined as the midpoint between the 3dB frequencies.
3. Where noted, specifications apply over the entire specified operating temperature range.
4. The turnover temperature, TO, is the temperature of maximum (or turnover) frequency, fo. The nominal frequency at any case temperature, Tc, may
be calculated from: f=fo[1-FTC(To-Tc)2].
5. Frequency aging is the change in fc with time and is specified at +65°C or less. Aging may exceed the specification for prolonged temperatures
above +65°C. Typically, aging is greatest the first year after manufacture, decreasing significantly in subsequent years.
6. The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this device are subject to change without notice.
7. One or more of the following U.S. Patents apply: 4,54,488, 4,616,197, and others pending.
8. All equipment designs utilizing this product must be approved by the appropriate government agency prior to manufacture or sale.
Electrical Characteristics
Characteristic Sym Notes Minimum Typical Maximum Units
Center Frequency at 25°C Absolute Frequency fc1, 2 433.92 MHz
Tolerance from 433.92 MHz fC±80 kHz
Insertion Loss IL 13.0 5.0 dB
3 dB Bandwidth BW31, 2 500 600 800 kHz
Rejection at fc - 21.4 MHz (Image)
140 50 dBat fc - 10.7 MHz (LO) 15 30
Ultimate 80
Temperature Operating Case Temp. TC
3, 4
-40 +85 °C
Turnover Temperature TO15 25 35 °C
Turnover Frequency fOfcMHz
Freq. Temp. Coefficient FTC 0.032 ppm/°C2
Frequency Aging Absolute Value during the First Year |fA| 510 ppm/yr
External Impedance Series Inductance L147 nH
Shunt Capacitance C11 pF
Lid Symbolization (in addition to Lot and/or Date Codes) RFM RF1172
433.92 MHz SAW Filter
RF Monolithics, Inc. Phone: (972) 233-2903 Fax: (972) 387-8148 E-mail: info@rfm.com Page 2 of 2
RFM Europe Phone: 44 1963 251383 Fax: 44 1963 251510 http://www.rfm.com
©1999 by RF Monolithics, Inc. The stylized RFM logo are registered trademarks of RF Monolithics, Inc. RF1172-102401
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Typical Filter Response
Typical filter responses are shown below. The actual response is depen-
dent on external impedance matching and circuit layout. Illustrated fre-
quencies and minimum rejection for LO and IMAGE are shown only for
superhet receivers with
10.7 MHz IF.
Electrical Connections
Typical Test Circuit
Case Design
Rating Value Units
Incident RF Power +13 dBm
DC Voltage Between Any Two Pins (Observe ESD Precautions) ±30 VDC
Case Temperature5-40 to +85 °C
-80 5 MHz/div
Amplitude Response
Bottom View
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin Connection
1Input or Output
2Output or Input
3Case Ground
From 50
To 50
Dimensions Millimeters Inches
Min Max Min Max
A9.40 0.370
B3.18 0.125
C2.50 3.50 0.098 0.138
D0.46 Nominal 0.018 Nominal
E5.08 Nominal 0.200 Nominal
F2.54 Nominal 0.100 Nominal
G2.54 Nominal 0.100 Nominal
H1.02 0.040
J1.40 0.055
-8 150 KHz/div
Amplitude Response
Min 3dB
at 25 C
(2 places)
(3 places)