Weidmuller Product Datasheet
Discrete Relays
EG2R, Combi-foot, TS 35/32
Representative Photo
Technical Information
Rail Type Combi Foot
Input Voltage 24 VDC
Module Type Enclosed
Number of Channels 1
Contact Current/Resistive Load (continuous
in Amps) 3 A
Relay Contact Type SPST NO Form A
LED Color Green
Housing Type EG2R
Additional Data
Input Voltage Tolerance ± 10%
Input Current 15 mA
Power Consumption (Watts/DC) 360 mW
Drop OFF (Voltage/Current) 1.5 mA
Operative Time ON < 5.3 ms
Operative Time OFF < 8.3 ms
Status Indicator (LED) Green
Voltage Output 240 VAC / 100 VDC
Continuous Current for Resistive Loads 3 A
Switching Frequency Maximum 50 Hz
Contact Arrangement (Style) SPNO
Contact Material AgNi, gold-plated
Mechanical Operations > 107
Electrical Operations > 6x105
Dielectric Strength Input to Output 2 kV
Dielectric Strength Terminals to DIN-Rail 4 kV
Storage Temperature Range -40°C...+60°C
Operating Temperature Range -25°C...+40°C
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Weidmuller Product Datasheet
Wire Size #20...12 AWG
0.5...2.5 mm²
Clamp Screw Tightening Torque Nm (lb.in.) 0.5 (4.38)
Mechanical Dimensions (WxLxH) mm (in.) 20/58/63 (.79"/2.28"/2.48")
Insulation Stripping Length mm (in.) 12 (.47")
Certifications CE, CSA
Suggested Accessories
End bracket
Markers (SchT)
Marking pens
Marking tags (DEK)
Mounting brackets
Product Liability The above information describes our products. It does not constitute guaranteed properties and is not intended to affirm the
suitability of a product for a particular application. Regrettably, omissions and exceptions cannot be completely ruled out. Technical data are always
specified by their average values. Exact data and the tolerances which apply to our processes can be requested from:
Weidmüller - North America
United States 001 (800) 849-9343
Canada 001 (800) 268-4080
Weidmüller - Germany
Telephone operator 0049 (-5252) 960-0
http://catalog.weidmuller.com/asp/datasheet.asp?PN=0133660000 (2 of 2)4/26/2005 6:50:37 PM