Macro Cores
AVR™ (8-bit RISC) Microcontroller (8515)
The AVR RISC Microcontroller is a true 8-bit RISC
Architecture, ideally suited for embedded control
applications. The AVR is offered as a gate level, soft
macro in the ATL60 family.
The AVR supports a powerful set of 120 instructions. The
AVR pre-fetches an instruction during prior instruction
execution, enabling the execution of one instruction per
clock cy cl e.
The Fast Access RISC register file consists of 32 general
purpose working registers. These 32 registers eliminate
the data transfer delay in the traditional program code
intensive accumulator architectures.
The AVR can incorporate up to 8k x 8 program memory
(ROM) and 64k x 8 data memory (SRAM). Also included
are several optional peripherals: UART, 8-bit timer/
counter, 16 bit timer/counter, external and internal
interrupts and programmable watchdog timer.
Embedded Microcontroller Core
The ARM7TDMI (Advanced RISC Machines) is a
powerful 32-bit processor offere d as an emb edded cor e in
the ATL60 series arrays.
The ARM7TDMI is a member of the Advanced RISC
Machines (ARM) family of general purpose 32-bit
microprocessors, which offer high performance for very
low power consumption.
The ARM architecture is based on Reduced Instruction
Set Computer (RISC) principles, and the instruction set
and related decode mechanism are much simpler than
those of microprogrammed Complex Instruction Set
Computers. This simplicity results in a high instruction
throughput and impressive real-time interrupt response
from a smal l and cost- effe ctive chip.
Pipelining is employed so that all parts of the processing
and memory systems can operate continuously.
Typically, while one instruction is being executed, its
successor is being decoded, and a third instruction is being
fetched from memory.
The ARM memory interface has been designed to allow
the performance potential to be realized without incurring
high costs in the m emory system. Speed cr itical control
signal s are pipelin ed to allow syste m control functi ons to
be implemented in standard low-power logic, and these
control signals facilitate the exploitation o f th e fast local
access modes offered by industry standard dynamic
The ARM7TDMI core includes several optional
peripheral macros. The options offered are Real Time
Clock, DMA Controller, USART, External Bus Interface,
Interrupt, Timer and Advanced Power Management and
Atmel’s embedded OakDSPCore is a 16-bit, general-
purpose low-power, low-voltage and high-speed Digital
Signal Processor (DSP).
OAK is designed for mid-to-high-end telecommunica-
tions and consumer electronics applications, where low-
power a nd portability are m ajor requirements. Among the
applica tions supported are digi tal cellular tele phones, fas t
modems, advanced facsimile machines and hard disk drives.
OAK is available as a DSP core in Atmel’s Gate Array cell
library, to be utilized as an engine for DSP-based Gate
Array/Embe dded Array. It is specified with several levels
of modularity in SRAM, ROM, I/O blocks, allowing
effi ci en t D SP-bas ed G at e Array /Embed d ed A rray deve l-
OAK is aimed at achieving the best cost-performance
factor for a given (small) silicon area . As a key element
of a system-on-chip, it takes into account such
requirements as program size, data memory size, glue
logic, power management , etc.
The OAK core consists of three main execution units
operating in parallel: the Computation/B it-Manipulation
Unit (CBU), the Data Addressing Arithmetic Unit
(DAAU) and the Program Control Unit (PCU).
The Core also contains ROM and SRAM addressing units,
and Program Control Logic (PCL). All other peripheral
blocks, which are appl icati on specif ic, ar e defined a s par t
of the user-specific logic, implemented around the DSP
core on the same s ilicon die.
OAK has an enhanced set of DSP and general
microprocessor functions to meet the application
requirements. The OAK programming model and
ins tructio n s et are aime d at straight fo rw ard generation of
effi ci en t an d co mp act co d e.