MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/OPTO) 256 D) Ml b3b7255 0080700 & wa 7-37-21 PN Unijunction Transistors Silicon PN Unijunction Transistors .. designed for use in pulse and timing circuits, sensing circuits and thyristor trigger circuits. These devices feature: 2N2646 2N2647 @ Low Peak Point Current 2 A (Max) PN UJTs Low Emitter Reverse Current 200 nA (Max) Passivated Surface for Reliability and Uniformity B2 E By I CASE 22A-01 STYLE 1 *MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 26C unless otherwise noted.) Rating ; . Symbol Value Unit Power Dissipation, Note 1 oe Pp 300. mw RMS Emitter Current le(RMS) 50 mA Peak Pulse Emitter Current, Note 2 . ig 2 Amps Emitter Reverse Voltage - ; Va2E 30 Volts Interbase Voltage ; Ve2B81 35 Volts Operating Junction Temperatura Range i Ty ~66 to +125 Storage Temperature Range Tstg 65 to +150 C Indicates JEDEC Registared Data. Notes: 1. Derate 3 mWPC increase in ambient temperature. Tha total power dissipation (available power to Emitter and Base-Two) must be limited by the external circuitry. 2. Capacitor discharge 10 uF or less, 30 volts or legs. Tea tg z = TERE 2 OIE VTP Beene 2 a a Le MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-19MOTOROLA SC (DIODES/0OPTO) 25E D 2N2646 @ 2N2647 *ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25C unless otherwise noted.) M@@ 6367255 0040901 46 T-3 7-8! He MOTOROLA THYRISTOR DEVICE DATA 3-20 Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Intrinsic Standoff Ratio : _ (Vp2B1 = 10 V}, Note 1 2N2646 0.56 ad 0.75 2N2647 0.68 - 0.82 Interbase Resistance "BB 47 7 9.1 k ohms (Vg2B81 = 3 V, le = 0) Interbase Resistance Temperature Coefficient gp 0.1 _ 0.9 PC (Vp281 = 3V. le = 0, Ta = 85C to + 126C) - Emitter Saturation Voltage VEBILsat) - 3.5 _~ Volts (Vg2p1 = 10 V, le = 50 mA), Note 2 Modulated Interbase Current IB2(mod) - 15 - mA (Vg281 = 10 V, le = 50 mA} Emitter Reverse Current lep20 pA (Vg2E = 30 V, 1g7 = 0) 2N2646 = 0.005 12 2N2647 = 0.005 0.2 Peak Point Emitter Current Ip uA (Vg2B1 = 25 V) 2N2646 - 1 5 2N2647 _ 1 2 Valley Point Current ly mA (Vg2B1 = 20 V, Rag = 100 ohms), Note 2 2N2648 4 6 - 2N2647 8 10 18 . Base-One Peak Pulsa Voltage . VOB1i Voits (Note 3, Figure 3) 2N2646 3 5 2N2647 6 7 =_ *Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. . Notes: 1. Intrinsic standoff ratio, 2. Use pulse techniques: PW ~ 300 us, duty cycle < avold n. is definad by equation: internal heating due to intarbase modulation which may result in Vp Ve erroneous readings. Veo 3. Base-One Peak Pulse Voltage is measured in circuit of Figure 3. This B2Bt specification is used to ansura minimum pulse amplituda for Where Vp = Peak Point Emitter Voltage applications in SCR firing circuits and other types. of pulse circults. Ve2B1 = Interbase Voitage Vp = Emitter to Base-One Junction Diode Drop {~ 0.45 V @ 10 pA) FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 ; UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR SYMBOL STATIC EMITTER CHARACTERISTIC FIGURE 3 ~ Vogi TEST CIRCUIT AND NOMENCLATURE CURVES (Typical Relaxation Oscillator) (Exaggerated to Show Details) 'g2 Ve + A Nagstive V4 Oo Cutotf fi- Resistance -i Saturation q Region I Region i Region + i vp WS peak Point | le | > Bo ' Emitter To ! Base-1 I | \ ) I Characteristic Ve By Ve2ni y Valley Point | EB1(sat) 44 a Ve > Vv +4 -_.> I Ip ly E q | ee go