10 G SFP+ 850 NM Limiting Transceiver, 10 Gigabit Ethernet Compliant
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Section 4 Related Information
Other information related to the SFP+ optical transceiver
Section 4.1 Digital diagnostic monitoring and serial ID
Section 4.2 Package and handling instructions
Section 4.3 ESD discharge (ESD)
Section 4.4 Laser safety
4.1 Digital Diagnostic Monitoring and Serial ID Operation
The PLRXPL-Sx-S43-22-N optical transceiver is equipped with a
two-wire serial EEPROM that is used to store specic information
about the type and identication of the transceiver as well as
real-time digitized information relating to the transceiver’s
performance. See the Small Form Factor Committee document
number SFF-8472 Revision 10.3, dated December 1, 2007 for
memory/address organization of the identication data and
digital diagnostic data. The enhanced digital diagnostics feature
monitors ve key transceiver parameters which are internally
calibrated and should be read as absolute values and interpreted
as follows:
Transceiver Temperature in degrees Celsius: Internally measured.
Represented as a 16 bit signed two’s complement value in
increments of 1/256°C from −40 to +85°C with LSB equal to
1/256°C. Accuracy is ± 3°C over the specied operating
temperature and voltage range.
Vcc/Supply Voltage in Volts: Internally measured. Represented as
a 16-bit unsigned integer with the voltage dened as the full
16-bit value (0 – 65535) with LSB equal to 100 uV with a
measurement range of 0 to +6.55 V. Accuracy is ± three percent
of nominal value over the specied operating temperature and
voltage ranges.
TX Bias Current in mA: Represented as a 16-bit unsigned integer
with current dened as the full 16-bit value (0 – 65535) with LSB
equal to 2 uA with a measurement range of 0 – 131 mA. Accuracy
is ± 10 percent of nominal value over the specied operating
temperature and voltage ranges.
TX Output Power in mW: Represented as a 16-bit unsigned
integer with the power dened as the full 16-bit value
(0 – 65535) with LSB equal to 0.1 uW. Accuracy is ± 2 dB over
the specied temperature and voltage ranges over the range of
−7 dBm to −1 dBm. Data is not valid when transmitter is disabled.
RX Received Optical Power in mW: Represented as average
power as a 16-bit unsigned integer with the power dened as the
full 16-bit value (0 – 65535) with LSB equal to 0.1 uW. Accuracy
is ± 3 dB over the specied temperature and voltage ranges over
the power range of -12 dBm to 0 dBm.
Reading the data
The information is accessed through the SCL and SDA connector
pins of the module. The SFF-8431 Revision 3.2 specication
contains all the timing and addressing information required for
accessing the data in the EEPROM.
The device address used to read the Serial ID data is
1010000X(A0h), and the address to read the diagnostic data is
1010001X(A2h). Any other device addresses will be ignored.
MOD_ABS, pin 6 on the transceiver, is connected to Logic 0
(Ground) on the transceiver.
SCL, pin 5 on the transceiver, is connected to the SCL pin of
SDA, pin 4 on the transceiver, is connected to the SDA pin of
The EEPROM Write Protect pin is internally tied to ground with
no external access, allowing write access to the customer-
writable eld (bytes 128 – 247 of address 1010001X).
Note: address bytes 0 – 127 are not write protected and may
cause diagnostic malfunctions if written over.
Decoding the data
The information stored in the EEPROM, including the organization
and the digital diagnostic information, is dened in the Small
Form Factor Committee document SFF-8472 Revision 10.3, dated
December 1, 2007.
Data Field Descriptions
Serial ID Information;
Dened by SFP MSA
Reserved for SFP MSA
Alarm and Warning Limits
Reserved for External
Calibration Constants
Real Time Diagnostic
Nonvolatile, customerwriteable,
eld-writeable area
Address( 1010000X)(A0h) Address( 1010001X)(A2h)
Lumentum-Specic Information
Lumentum-Specic Information