Philips Components Product specification Precision chip resistors sizes 1206, 0805, 0603 and 0402 FEATURES Low assembly costs High component and equipment reliability Excellent performance at high frequency, especially the RC32. TC 50 in thick film technology Complete precision SMD family. APPLICATIONS All general purpose applications. QUICK REFERENCE DATA DESCRIPTION The resistors are constructed on a high grade ceramic body (aluminium oxide). Internal metal electrodes are added at each end and connected by a resistive paste which is applied to the top surface of the substrate. The composition of the paste is adjusted to give the approximate resistance required and the value is trimmed to within tolerance, by laser cutting of this resistive layer. RC02/12/22/32 1% The resistive layer is covered with a protective coat and printed with the resistance value (no printing on RC22H and RC32). Finally, the two external end terminations are added. For ease of soldering the outerlayer of these end terminations is a lead/tin alloy. VALUE DESCRIPTION RCO02H RC02G RC12H RC12G RC22H RC32 Size code 1206 (3216) 0805 (2012) 0603 (1608) | 0402 (1005) Resistance range 1 Oto 90 to 1 Oto 90 to 1Q to 6.8 to 10 MQ 2.74 MQ 10 MQ 2.74 MO 10 MQ 2.2 MQ Resistance tolerance and +1%; E24/E96 series E-series Temperature coefficient; note 1: 1Q 0% OOL A OL OOL = HS Oy OL A-OxNOL > H> 0% | AlL-OXL >? Y>0 OOL A0:-0 00l >> OL AlLO:OOL7UY MLE XB WOU yy (%0O1-/0+) ebeljoa pardde gouejsisel SY (L} 614 ees) 98GB] ees (wil) eBneb SUOISUSWIP ZUPy uolyeulwexe aBewep aiqisiA ou eoeLins uBalo sajoy ou jensiA Lv? 8-SLLOQ UOHeoI|Gnd D3] Jo ajnpayos ay} YJIM soUepsOd0e Ul S}saL GOHLAI ZEOU H2zou | 9ZLOY | HZLOY | 9Z09H | HZ00u isa, | 2SAVIS aundaso0udd 1ssl . 8-SLLO9 "89009 et SLNAWSYINOAY Al *XN|} PAYBAOR A/pjILW YIM pewojied ese s}se] BuLepjos |IV BulAjloeds Jo POUJeW INO JO} AIBSSEdEU B1EM SUOITEPUSLULUODEJ D3] @U} WO} SUOITeIAep S8OUP}SU! 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