Alcatel 1926 SDH SDH / SONET integrated modules Multi-Source Compact Receiver STM-16 / OC-48 Description These integrated modules are intended to be used at SDH and SONET bit rates. The Alcatel 1926 SDH family is a range of compact transmitter modules and compact receiver modules, providing convenient and flexible interfaces for SDH / SONET systems operating at 2.488 Gbit/s and compliant with ITU-T G.957 & G.783 and Telcordia GR-253-CORE standards. The receiver module contains an in-house PIN or III-V APD detector module with preamplifier, a main amplifier ASIC, clock and data recovery functions. The module is housed in a space-saving 24-pin package, providing the same electrical access for overall applications. Features * New International Standard * Multisource Optical Interfaces * Space-saving package and minimizing cost * Upward compatibility with different features * Operating 1.3 m and 1.5 m wavelengths * Full performance in case temperature range - 5 C to + 75 C and - 40 C to + 85 C * Single power supply + 5V * Power consumption 1.3 W typical * Alcatel Reliability and Qualification Program for built in quality * PIN or APD detector * Bit rate transparent version * Clock recovery & Data retiming version * - 30.5 dBm to +1 dBm input power * Digital incoming optical power detect alarm * Analog photodetector monitoring data Applications Used in transmission systems for Long Haul, Metro, Enterprise and Access markets, the Alcatel 1900 SDH family operates at SONET OC-3, OC-12 and OC-48 rates as well as at ITU-T SDH rates of STM-1, STM-4 and STM-16. Covering all types of SDH / SONET optical interfaces (tributaries and aggregates) the Alcatel 1900 SDH modules are suitable for line systems, local loop systems, Add Drop Multiplexers and digital cross-connects as well as ATM systems. As part of the Alcatel 1900 SDH family, the Alcatel 1926 SDH module is suited for all types of STM-16 (Intra-Office, Short Haul, Long Haul, Very Long Haul) and OC-48 (Short-Reach, IntermediateReach and Long-Reach) optical interfaces. These modules ensure ease of use and offer new flexibility to system designers. Finally, Alcatel 1926 SDH module is the ideal solution for the exploding 2.5 Gbit/s market. Optical characteristics Condition Symb Min Typical Max Min Typical Max Min Typical Max Unit ITU / SONET I-16/SR-1 S-16.1/IR-1 L-16.1/LR-1 Optical budget 0 7 0 12 10 24 dB Pigtail type Note 1 RNOM MMF 50/125 MMF 50/125 SMF 10/125 Receiver sensitivity Note 2 RNOM -22.5 -18.5 -22.5 -18.5 - 29.5 - 27.5 dBm Receiver overload Note 3 0 +1 0 +1 -8 -7 dBm Reflectance -27 -27 -27 dB Note 1: MMF pigtail allows a user friendly optical connection (no optical loss). Note 2: Measured at BER 10-10 with ER = 8.2 dB. Measured at the connector interface. Provision of 0.5 dB is taken for R point measurement in case of SMF pigtail. Note 3: Measured with ER = 15 dB and back to back. All parameters are specified End-of-Life within the overall relevant operating temperature range. The typical values are referenced to + 25 C, nominal power supply, beginning of life. Electrical characteristics Parameter Condition Symbol Min Typical Max Positive supply voltage VCC 4.75 5 5.25 270 340 Positive supply current ICC Power consumption PC 1.3 1.8 Output data & clock level single ended Note 4 OLS 0.4 0.6 0.8 Output data & clock level single differential Note 4 0.8 1.2 1.6 Logic output TTL compatible Note 4: Externally AC coupled and externally loaded by 50 . All parameters are specified End-of-Life within the overall relevant operating temperature range. The typical values are referenced to + 25 C, nominal power supply, beginning of life. Unit V mA W Vpp Vpp Absolute maximum ratings Parameter Symbol Min Max Maximum optical input power +1 Positive supply voltage VCC 0 +6 Digital output voltage 0 VCC Analog output voltage 0 VCC Storage temperature Indoor TSTG -25 +75 Outdoor -40 +85 Storage 72h max TSTG72 -40 +85 Operating temperature Indoor TOP -5 +75 Outdoor -40 +85 Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. + 3 dBm for S-16.1 / IR-1 version. Unit dBm V V V C C C Outline drawing Pin description DO Serial Data Output True : Must be AC externally coupled and externally loaded by 50 . A high electrical level corresponds to a high optical level DO Serial Data Output False : Must be AC externally coupled and externally loaded by 50 . A high electrical level corresponds to a low optical level. CKO Serial Recovered Clock Output True: Must be AC externally coupled and externally loaded by 50 . The falling edge is in the middle of the data pattern. CKO Serial Recovered Clock Output False: Must be AC externally coupled and externally loaded by 50 . The rising edge is in the middle of the data pattern. LPA Loss of Power Alarm: TTL compatible output. Set when the incoming optical power level cross the alarm threshold/ A logical high level indicates an input optical power too low. OIL Optical Input Level: Analog information. Voltage is proportional to the optical input power.. NUC No User Connection: this lead must be left open. NIC No Internal Connection. Pin out N Symb Description N 1 NIC No Internal Connection 24 2 NUC No User Connection 23 3 LPA Loss of Power Alarm 22 Ground 21 4 GND 5 CKO False clock output 20 True clock output 19 6 CKO 7 GND Ground 18 Positive Power Supply 17 8 VCC 9 GND Ground 16 True data output 15 10 DO 11 DO False data output 14 Ground 13 12 GND Package is at same potential as GND. Pins become NIC without clock recovery feature. BER Symb NUC OIL VCC NUC GND GND NIC GND GND GND GND NIC -40C, b to b -40C, 130ps 25C, b to b 1,E-02 25C,130ps 85C, b to b 85C, 130ps 1,E-03 1,E-04 1,E-05 1,E-06 1,E-07 1,E-08 1,E-09 1,E-10 1,E-11 1,E-12 1,E-13 1,E-14 -27 -25 -23 -21 -19 -17 Popt Description No User Connection Optical Input Level Positive Power Supply No User Connection Ground Ground No Internal Connection Ground Ground Ground Ground No Internal Connection August 2000 Copyright (c) 2000 Alcatel Optronics Ordering information Alcatel 1926 SDH ITU-T / SONET I-16.1/SR-1 (m) 1.3 Budget (dB) 0...7 Dispersion (ps/nm) 12 Temp (C) -5...+75 -40...+85 Transmitter part number 3CN 00326 ## 3CN 00327 ## Receiver part number 3CN 00336 ## 3CN 00337 ## S-16.1/IR-1 1.3 0...12 100 -5...+75 40...+85 3CN 00328 ## 3CN 00329 ## 3CN 00336 ## 3CN 00337 ## L-16.1/LR-1 1.3 10...24 250 -5...+75 40...+85 3CN 00330 ## 3CN 00331 ## 3CN 00338 ## 3CN 00339 ## Options Transmitter ## Customized versions are available for large quantities. Performance figures contained in this document must be specifically confirmed in writing by Alcatel Optronics before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. Alcatel Optronics reserves the right to make changes to the products or information contained herein without notice. Options Receiver ## Connector : AFC/PC BSC/PC Connector : AFC/PC BSC/PC Function : AStandard Function : A2R B3R 2.5 G C3R 2.7 G EUROPE Route de Villejust F-91625 NOZAY CEDEX Tel : (+33) 1 64 49 44 39 Fax : (+33) 1 64 49 49 61 USA 12030 Sunrise Valley Drive RESTON - VA 22091-3495 Tel : (+1) 703 715 3922 Fax : (+1) 703 860 1183 JAPAN Dai-Tokyo Kasai Shinjuku Building 13F 3-25-3, Yoyogi, Shibuya-Ku TOKYO 151 - 0053 Tel : (+81) 3 5302 4341 Fax : (+81) 3 5302 4331 Standards Compliant with ITU-T G.957 & G.783 & G.691 Telcordia GR-253-CORE Optical fiber according to ITU-T G.652 Environment according to IEC 68-2 and MIL STD 883 Telcordia TR-EOP-000063 LASER RADIATION AVOID EXPOSURE TO BEAM Class 3A laser product ATTENTION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVE DEVICES