PA015018-33 Narrow Band Power Amplifier 1.5 to 1.9GHz PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION FEATURES Our new innovative Power Amplifier designs provide better performance and reliability at half the cost of traditional designs. Our team of engineers can custom design Power Amplifiers using latest CAD Simulation software to meet even the most demanding specifications. 2 Watt CW Output Power Low Noise - Less than 4 dB 50% Cost Savings over Traditional Designs High Reliability and Better Thermal Performance Packaging - Hermetic / Non-Hermetic SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings1 PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS Operating Temperature - Case TMO -40 +85 C Storage Temperature - Case TMS -40 +125 C Negative Supply Voltage V-SS -7 - V Positive Supply Voltage V+SS - +15 V 1. Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximums Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Nominal Operating Conditions PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNITS Temperature, TO Full Range -40 +75 C Positive Supply Voltage, VPS +12 +15 V Negative Supply Voltage, VNS -6.25 -5.75 V SCD10003 Rev D Aeroflex Plainview SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Characteristics PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT 1.5 - 1.9 GHz 3dB Compression Point +33 +34 +35 dBm Over Frequency, Temperature and RF Input Power -1 - +1 dBm Gain 45 - - dB Gain Flatness -1 - +1 dB Noise Figure - - 4 dB Frequency Range Power Output Power Output Variation RF Input Return Loss Reference to 50 ohms - 1.5 :1 2.0 :1 RF Output Return Loss Reference to 50 ohms - 1.5 :1 2.0 :1 J2 < +28dBm J2 > +28dBm - - - - Supply Voltage Positive Negative +12 - -6 +15 - V V Supply Current +12v, +15V -6V - 950 30 - mA mA Fault Monitor Output (DET pin) TTL "0" TTL "1" S-PARAMETERS SCD10003 Rev D Aeroflex Plainview 2 OUTLINE DRAWING ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL NUMBER PA015018-33H HERMETICITY PACKAGE Hermetic 3.4L x 1.5W x .50Ht ISOMETRIC VIEW PA015018-33 Non Hermetic PLAINVIEW, NEW YORK Toll Free: 800-THE-1553 Fax: 516-694-6715 INTERNATIONAL Tel: 805-778-9229 Fax: 805-778-1980 NORTHEAST Tel: 603-888-3975 Fax: 603-888-4585 SE AND MID-ATLANTIC Tel: 321-951-4164 Fax: 321-951-4254 WEST COAST Tel: 949-362-2260 Fax: 949-362-2266 CENTRAL Tel: 719-594-8017 Fax: 719-594-8468 www. a e ro fl e x. com i nfo- a ms@ a e rofl e x. com Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions reserves the right to change at any time without notice the specifications, design, function, or form of its products described herein. All parameters must be validated for each customer's application by engineering. No liability is assumed as a result of use of this product. No patent licenses are implied. Our passion for performance is defined by three attributes represented by these three icons: solution-minded, performance-driven and customer-focused SCD10003 Rev D 3