U7100 Pressure Transducer Performance standard for on and off highway engine & vehicle OEMs Rugged for heavy equipment and outdoor use such as HVAC refrigeration systems Designed specifically for high volume applications Stainless steel wetted surfaces Low pressure ranges CE Approved UL Certified Gage, absolute, sealed gage DESCRIPTION The U7100 pressure transducer from the UltraStableTM line of MEAS sets a new price performance standard for demanding engine and vehicle, and industrial applications. This transducer is suitable for measurement of liquid or gas pressure, even for difficult media such as contaminated water, steam and corrosive fluids. The transducer pressure cavity is constructed of 316L stainless steel and there are no internal o-rings or organics exposed to the pressure media. Having excellent durability, it is available with a variety of leak-proof, all metal pressure connections. The U7100 is an automotive grade pressure transducer with hermetic pressure ports and an integral electrical connector with standard pressure ranges from 0 to 15, up to 150psi (10Bar). This pressure sensor exceeds the latest industrial CE requirements and includes automotive electronics requirements such as surge protection, as well as being overvoltage protected to 16Vdc in both positive and reverse polarity. FEATURES APPLICATIONS Hermetic Pressure Ports Integral Electrical Connector Survives High Vibration 0.25% Accuracy Water Resistant 1M Immersion On and Off Highway Engines and Vehicles HVAC Refrigeration Controls Compressors Hydraulics Energy and Water Management STANDARD RANGES U7100 Range (psi) Range (Bar) Gage Absolute Sealed Gage 0 to 015 0 to 001 0 to 030 0 to 002 0 to 050 0 to 100 0 to 3.5 0 to 007 0 to 150 0 to 010 www.meas-spec.com 1/6 April 2015 U7100 Pressure Transducer PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Ambient Temperature: 25C (unless otherwise specified) PARAMETERS MIN Load Resistance TYP MAX UNITS 10 NOTES k Accuracy (combined linearity, hysteresis & repeatability) -0.25 0.25 %Span 1 Total Error Band -1.0 1.0 %Span 2 Compensated Temperature -20 +85 C Operating Temperature -40 +125 C Storage Temperature -40 +125 C Insulation Resistance (500Vdc) 100 M Short Circuit Protected 3 4 Yes Output Noise @ 1kHZ 10 mV Response Time (10% to 90%) 1.0 ms Long Term Stability -0.25 0.25 %Span/Year Notes 1. Best fit straight line. 2. TEB includes all accuracy errors, thermal errors, span and zero tolerances over the compensated temperature range. 3. Temperature range for product with standard cable is -20C to +105C. 4. Between sensor body to any pins of connector. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Ambient Temperature: 25C (unless otherwise specified) PARAMETERS MIN MAX UNITS Humidity (@40C) 93 %RH Pressure Overload 3X Rated 5 Pressure Burst 4X Rated 6 Pressure Cycle TYP 10M NOTES Cycles 20g, 10 ~ 2000Hz MIL-STD-810C, Method 514.2, Curve L Mechanical Vibration Mechanical Shock Half-Sine, Peak: 50g, 11ms MIL-STD-202, Method 213B, Condition A Package Protection IP67 (IEC60529) Notes 5. The maximum pressure that can be applied without changing the transducer's performance or accuracy. 6. The maximum pressure that can be applied to a transducer without rupture of either the sensing element or transducer. Agency Approvals RoHS: RoHS 2 (Directive 2011/65/EU) UL 508 Certified: Industrial Control Equipment, CSA 22.2 No. 14-10 EMC Performance Criteria: Output Change < 1.5% FSO IEC61000-4-2 ESD: 8kV Contact / 15kV Air; Discharge Rate > 10s IEC61000-4-3 EM Field: 100V/m, 1kHz 80% Modulation, 80 ~ 1000MHz IEC61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient: Level 2, 1KV each line, Capacitance coupling IEC61000-4-5 Surge: Level 2, 42 Impedance, Figure 11 (L-L 500V, L-E 1KV) IEC61000-4-6 Conducted RF: Level 2, 3V/130dB, 150KHz ~ 80MHz, 2s Dwell, Clamp Injection IEC61000-4-9 Pulse Magnetic Field: Level 3, 100A/m, 10 Second pulse interval IEC55022 Emission: Class B, 30dB @ 30-230MHz, 37dB @ 230-1000MHz U7100 www.meas-spec.com 2/6 April 2015 U7100 Pressure Transducer Pressure Port Options Dim A Tightening Torque (Nm) 2 = G1/4, BS5380, Male .43 [11.0] 30~35 4 = 7-16-20 UNF, SAE J1926-2, Male, w/ O-Ring .36 [9.1] 18~20 5 = 1/4-18 NPT Male .56 [14.2] 2~3 T.F.F.T. 6 = 1/8-27 NPT Male .38 [9.7] 2~3 T.F.F.T. E = R1/4-19, Male .56 [14.2] 2~3 T.F.F.T. F = G1/4-19, BS5380, Female .64 [16.3] 30~35 P = 7/16-20UNF Female w/ Integral Valve Depressor; .64 [16.3] 15~16 Q = M10 x 1.0, ISO 6149-2, Male .37 [9.5] 15~16 S = M12 x 1.5, ISO 6149-2, Male .43 [11.0] 28~30 G = M14 x 1.5, ISO 6149-2, Male .43 [11.0] 30~35 U = G1/4, DIN 3852-E, Male .47 [12.0] 30~35 1/4 Flare Gasket SAE J513C, Copper Notes: Installation *T.F.F.T.: Turns From Finger Tight Transducers can be installed by either spanner or deep socket. Torque values provided are for reference: actual torque depends upon mating port material, surface finish, lubrication and sealing mechanism. Transducers calibration and/or zero may shift if part is over-torqued during installation. Check for a zero shift after installing. Connector Packard Metri-Pack 150 Series Sumitomo HV040 Series AMP Econoseal-J Mark II 070 Series Connector, Pin Plating Connector, Mating powerandsignal.com 0.003 - 0.005 mm Sn sumitomokenki.com 0.003 mm Sn over Housing P/N: 6189-6907 0.0005 - 0.001 mm Cu Terminals P/N: 8100-3067/8 0.0004 mm Au over Housing P/N: 174357 0.0013 mm Ni Terminals P/N: 171630 Housing P/N: 12065287 Terminals P/N: 12103881 te.com Notes: Connector Do not apply torque to the connector housing of transducer. To ensure proper environmental sealing and electrical connection when using a mating connector, follow the manufacturer's installation guidelines. U7100 www.meas-spec.com 3/6 April 2015 U7100 Pressure Transducer DIMENSIONS U7100 www.meas-spec.com 4/6 April 2015 U7100 Pressure Transducer CHARTS Pressure Transfer Function Supply = 5V OEM Custom Calibration High/Low Rail values can be adjusted by circuit Output Type Vs. Supply Output Type (Code) 3 Supply Voltage 4.75 ~ 5.25V* Supply Current 4.0 ~ 10.0mA Output Voltage 0.5 ~ 4.5V* Reverse Voltage 16V Overvoltage Protection 16V * Output Ratiometric to Supply Voltage U7100 www.meas-spec.com 5/6 April 2015 U7100 Pressure Transducer ORDERING INFORMATION U71 3 Model Output Type U71 3 = 0.5 - 4.5V Ratiometric 8 - 100P G Connection Type - Pressure Range Pressure Type 1 = Cable 2 ft 2 = Cable 4 ft 3 = Cable 10 ft 7 = AMP070 Connector 8 = Sumitomo HV040 Connector 9 = Packard Connector D = M12 Connector M = Cable 1 m N = Cable 2 m P = Cable 5 m R = Cable 10 m - 015P* 030P 050P 100P 150P 001B* 002B 3.5B 007B 010B G* = Gage A = Absolute S = Sealed Gage - 2 W - Pressure Port Port Material 2 = G1/4, BS5380, Male 4 = 7/16-20 UNF, SAE J1926-2, Male, w/ O-Ring 5 = 1/4-18 NPT Male 6 = 1/8-27 NPT Male E = R1/4-19, Male F = G1/4-19, BS5380, Female P = 7/16-20 UNF Female w/ Integral Valve Depressor; 1/4 Flare Gasket SAE J513C, Copper Q = M10 x 1.0, ISO 6149-2, Male S = M12 x 1.5, ISO 6149-2, Male G = M14 x 1.5, ISO 6149-2 Male U = G1/4, DIN 3852-E Male W = 316L ST STL - NORTH AMERICA EUROPE Measurement Specialties 45738 Northport Loop West Fremont, CA 94538 Tel: 1-800-767-1888 Fax: 1-510-498-1578 Sales: pfg.cs.amer@meas-spec.com Measurement Specialties (Europe), Ltd. 26 Rue des Dames 78340 Les Clayes-sous-Bois, France Tel: +33 (0) 130 79 33 00 Fax: +33 (0) 134 81 03 59 Sales: pfg.cs.emea@meas-spec.com 0000 ASIA Measurement Specialties (China), Ltd. No. 26 Langshan Road Shenzhen High-Tech Park (North) Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518057 China Tel: +86 755 3330 5088 Fax: +86 755 3330 5099 Sales: pfg.cs.asia@meas-spec.com The information in this sheet has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assum ed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the purchaser of such devices any license under the patent rights to the manufacturer. Measurement Specialties, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein. Measurement Specialties, Inc. makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its product for any particular purpose, nor does Measurement Specialties, Inc. assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit and specif ically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Typical parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Measurement Specialties, Inc. does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. U7100 www.meas-spec.com 6/6 April 2015 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: TE Connectivity: U7139-150PA-5W0000