Sine-Wave-Generation Techniques
Typical Typical Typical
Type Frequency Distortion Amplitude Comments
Range (%) Stability
Phase Shift 10 Hz–1 MHz 1–3 3 (Tighter Simple, inexpensive technique. Easily amplitude servo
with Servo controlled. Resistively tunable over 2:1 range with
Control) little trouble. Good choice for cost-sensitive, moderate-
performance applications. Quick starting and settling.
Wein Bridge 1 Hz–1 MHz 0.01 1 Extremely low distortion. Excellent for high-grade
instrumentation and audio applications. Relatively
difficult to tune — requires dual variable resistor with
good tracking. Take considerable time to settle after
a step change in frequency or amplitude.
LC 1 kHz–10 MHz 1–3 3 Difficult to tune over wide ranges. Higher Q than RC
Negative types. Quick starting and easy to operate in high
Resistance frequency ranges.
Tuning Fork 60 Hz–3 kHz 0.25 0.01 Frequency-stable over wide ranges of temperature and
supply voltage. Relatively unaffected by severe shock
or vibration. Basically untunable.
Crystal 30 kHz–200 MHz 0.1 1 Highest frequency stability. Only slight (ppm) tuning
possible. Fragile.
Triangle- <1 Hz–500 kHz 1–2 1 Wide tuning range possible with quick settling to new
Driven Break- frequency or amplitude.
Point Shaper
Triangle- <1 Hz–500 kHz 0.3 0.25 Wide tuning range possible with quick settling to new
Driven frequency or amplitude. Triangle and square wave also
Logarithmic available. Excellent choice for general-purpose
Shaper requirements needing frequency-sweep capability with
low-distortion output.
DAC-Driven <1 Hz–500 kHz 0.3 0.25 Similar to above but DAC-generated triangle wave
Logarithmic generally easier to amplitude-stabilize or vary. Also,
Shaper DAC can be addressed by counters synchronized to a
master system clock.
ROM-Driven 1 Hz–20 MHz 0.1 0.01 Powerful digital technique that yields fast amplitude
DAC and frequency slewing with little dynamic error. Chief
detriments are requirements for high-speed clock (e.g.,
8-bit DAC requires a clock that is 256 x output sine
wave frequency) and DAC glitching and settling, which
will introduce significant distortion as output
frequency increases.
Low Distortion Oscillation
In many applications the distortion levels of a phase shift
oscillator are unacceptable. Very low distortion levels are
provided by Wein bridge techniques. In a Wein bridge stable
oscillation can only occur if the loop gain is maintained at
unity at the oscillation frequency. In Figure 2a this is
achieved by using the positive temperature coefficient of a
small lamp to regulate gain as the output attempts to vary.
This is a classic technique and has been used by numerous
circuit designers*to achieve low distortion. The smooth
limiting action of the positive temperature coefficient bulb in
combination with the near ideal characteristics of the Wein
network allow very high performance. The photo of Figure 3
shows the output of the circuit of Figure 2a. The upper trace
is the oscillator output. The middle trace is the downward
slope of the waveform shown greatly expanded. The slight
aberration is due to crossover distortion in the FET-input
LF155. This crossover distortion is almost totally responsible
for the sum of the measured 0.01% distortion in this oscilla-
tor. The output of the distortion analyzer is shown in the
bottom trace. In the circuit of Figure 2b, an electronic equiva-
lent of the light bulb is used to control loop gain. The zener
diode determines the output amplitude and the loop time
constant is set by the 1M-2.2 µF combination.
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