3M™ Embossed Tin-Plated Copper Foil Tape 1345
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Shelf Life
& Storage
This product has a 5-year shelf life from date of manufacture when stored in a
humidity controlled storage (10°C/50°F to 27°C/80°F and <75% relative humidity).
Availability This 1345 Tape is available in 1/4” to 23” widths, standard length is 18 yards, longer
lengths are available. Check with Customer Service.
Please contact your local distributor; available from 3M.com/electrical [Where to
Buy] or call 1-866-357-2737 or call 1-800-245-3573.
Important Notice All statements, technical information, and rec ommendations related to 3M’s products are based on information believed
to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness is not guar anteed. Before using this product, you must evaluate it and
determine if it is suitable for your intended application. You assume all risks and liability associ ated with such use. Any
statements related to the product, whic h are not contained in 3M’s current publications, or any contrary statements
contained on your purchase order, shall have no force or ef fect unless expressly agreed upon, in writing, by an
authorized officer of 3M.
Warranty; Limited
Remedy; Limited
This product will be free from defects in material and manufacture at the time of purchase. 3M MAKES NO OTHER
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. If this product is defective within the warranty period stated above, your
exclusive remedy shall be, at 3M’s option, to replace or r epair the 3M product or refund the purchase price of the 3M
product. Except where prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or
consequential loss or damage arising from this 3M product, regardless of the legal theory asserted.
3M is a trademark of 3M Company.
Electrical Markets Division
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000
866 676 8381
FAX: 800 828 9329
Please recycle
© 3M 2014 All rights reserved
78-8124-4709-8 Rev C
Typical Propertie s
Not for specifications. Values are typical, not to be considered minimum or maximum. Properties measured
at room temperature 73°F (~23°C) unless otherwise stated.
Property (Test Method) Typical Value
US units (metric)
Tin (foil may have a slight color variation)
Adhesive Acrylic
Type of Backing Tin–Plated Copper
Backing Thickness 1.4 mil (0.04 mm)
Total Thickness (ASTM D1000) 4.0 mils (0.101 mm)
Electrical Resistance
0.001 Ω
Flame Retardancy
Breaking Strength (ASTM D3759) 25 lbs/in (44N/10 mm)
Adhesion Strength (ASTM D3330) 45 oz/in (4.98N/10 mm)
Temperature Range -40ºC to +130ºC
Shielding Effectiveness (
STM 4935) 75dB to 95 dB, 30 MHz to 1 GHz
1. Mil-STD-202 Method 303 maintained at 5 psi (3.4N/cm
) measured over 1 in
surface area. The edges of the embossing pattern in the foil backing
penetrate through the nonconductive adhesive to make metal-to-metal
contact with the application substrate.
2. UL Recognized for flame retardancy per UL 510, Product Category OANZ2,
File E17385