Technical Data 10554 Effective August 2016
Supersedes July 2016
TV Supercapacitors
Cylindrical cells
Eaton supercapacitors are high reliability, high
power, ultra-high capacitance energy storage
devices utilizing electrochemical double layer
capacitor (EDLC) construction combined with
proprietary materials and processes. This
combination of advanced technologies allows
Eaton to offer a wide variety of capacitor solutions
tailored to applications for backup power, pulse
power and hybrid power systems. They can
be applied as the sole energy storage or in
combination with batteries to optimize cost, life
time and run time. System requirements can
range from a few microwatts to megawatts. All
products feature low ESR for high power density
with environmentally friendly materials for a
green power solution. Eaton supercapacitors are
maintenance-free with design lifetimes up to 20
years and operating temperatures down to -40 °C
and up to +85 °C.
3.0 V operating voltage for high power and
high energy
Ultra low ESR for high power density
Large capacitance for high energy density
UL recognized
Electric, Gas, Water smart meters
RF radio pulse power
Storage server
Industrial backup / ride through
Pulse power
Solar capture
Technical Data 10554
Effective August 2016
TV supercapacitors
Cylindrical cells
Capacitance 6 F to 100 F
Maximum working voltage 3.0 V
Surge voltage 3.3 V
Capacitance tolerance -10% to +30% (+20 °C)
Operating temperature range -40 °C to +65 °C
Extended temperature range -40 °C to +85 °C (with linear voltage derating to 2.5 V @ +85 °C)
Capacitance (F)
Part Number
Initial ESR1
(µA) Stored Energy3
(mWh) Peak
Power4 (W)
(A) Continuous
Current6 (A)
Rth (°C/W)
6 TV1020-3R0605-R 0.035 13 7.5 64.3 7.4 2.4 73 86
10 TV1030-3R0106-R 0.026 25 12.5 86.5 12 3.7 40 115
15 TV1325-3R0156-R 0.024 35 18.8 94 17 3.4 53 125
25 TV1625-3R0256-R 0.018 60 31.3 125 26 4.2 47 167
34 TV1245-3R0346-R 0.016 75 42.5 141 33 6.5 22 188**
35 TV1635-3R0356-R 0.015 90 43.8 150 34 5.1 39 200**
60 TV1840-3R0606-R 0.013 135 75 173 51 6.7 26 231**
100 TV1860-3R0107-R 0.011 225 125 205 71 11.7 10 273**
** Repeated short circuit current will permanently damage the leads.
Parameter Capacitance change
(% of initial value) ESR
(% of maximum initial value)
Lifetime: (1000 hours at maximum temperature and voltage) 30% 200%
Charge/Discharge Cycles9: (500,000 at +20 °C) 30% 200%
Storage: (3 years, uncharged, <35 °C) 5% 10%
1. Capacitance, Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and Leakage current are measured according to IEC62391-1 with current in milliamps (mA) = 8 x C x V.
2. Leakage current at +20 °C after 72 hour charge and hold.
3. Stored Energy (mWh) = 0.5 x C x V2
4. Peak Power (W) = V2
4 x ESR
5. Pulse current for 1 second from full rate voltage to half voltage.(A) = 0.5 x V x C
(1 + ESR x C)
6. Continuous current with a 15 °C temperature rise. Continuous current (A) =
7. Thermal resistance (Rth) cell body temperature to ambient in open air in degrees C per Watt (°C/W).
8. Short circuit current is for safety information only. Do not use as operating current.
9. Cycling between rated voltage and half voltage, 3 second rest at +20 °C.
Safety and Certifications
Regulatory UL810a, RoHS, REACH
Shock and vibration MIL-STD 202G
Warnings Do not overvoltage, do not reverse polarity
Shipping No restrictions, per UN3499 with all cells <0.3 watt-hours
x 1000
Technical Data 10554
Effective August 2016
TV supercapacitors
Cylindrical cells
Part numbering system
TV 1860 –3R0 60 6 -R
Family code Size reference (mm) Voltage (V)
R = decimal
Capacitance (μF)
Value Multiplier RoHS compliant
TV = Family Code Diameter = 18 Length = 60 3R0 = 3.0 V Example 606= 60 x 106 μF o r 60 F
Packaging information
Standard packaging: Bulk, 100 parts per bag
(10 mm–13 mm diameter)
16 mm–18 mm diameter products: Bulk package
quantity varies by size.
Dimensions (mm) and Mass (g)
Part Number ØD maximum L maximum F ±0.5 Ød ±0.02 C minimum C’ minimum Mass (typical)
TV1020-3R0605-R 10.5 22.3 5 0.6 20 25 2.3
TV1030-3R0106-R 10.5 31.5 5 0.6 20 25 3.2
TV1325-3R0156-R 13.5 28.4 5 0.6 20 25 4.5
TV1625-3R0256-R 16.5 28.4 7.5 0.8 20 25 7.3
TV1245-3R0346-R 12.9 49 5 0.6 20 25 8
TV1635-3R0356-R 16.5 38 7.5 0.8 20 25 9.3
TV1840-3R0606-R 18.5 42 7.5 0.8 20 25 13
TV1860-3R0107-R 18.5 60.5 7.5 0.8 20 25 20
Part marking
Eaton logo
Capacitance value (F)
Max operating voltage (V)
TV Supercapacitors
Polarity mark
UL recognition Ru symbol
date code ywwyddd-nn
y=year code for cell build (z=2016)
ww=work week for cell build
y=year code for electrode (z=2016)
ddd=serial day of year for electrode build
nn=number of lot in the day
Longer lead is positive
Technical Data 10554
Effective August 2016
TV supercapacitors
Cylindrical cells
Temperature vs. Capacitance and ESR
-60 -40 -20 020406
Change from 20 °C Value
Temperature (°C)
TV supercapacitors
Cylindrical cells
Technical Data 10554
Effective August 2016
Electronics Division
1000 Eaton Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44122
United States
© 2016 Eaton
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA
Publication No. 10554 BU-MC16106
August 2016
Eaton is a registered trademark.
All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.
Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express written
approval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly
used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.
Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also
reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.
Wave solder profile
Profile Feature Standard SnPb Solder Lead (Pb) Free Solder
Preheat and soak • Temperature max. (Tsmax)100 °C 100 °C
• Time max. 60 seconds 60 seconds
D preheat to max Temperature 160 °C max. 160 °C max.
Peak temperature (TP)* 220 °C – 260 °C 250 °C – 260 °C
Time at peak temperature (tp)10 seconds max
5 seconds max each wave
10 seconds max
5 seconds max each wave
Ramp-down rate ~ 2 K/s min
~3.5 K/s typ
~5 K/s max
~ 2 K/s min
~3.5 K/s typ
~5 K/s max
Time 25 °C to 25 °C 4 minutes 4 minutes
Manual solder
+350 °C, 4-5 seconds. (by soldering iron), generally manual, hand soldering is not recommended.
Avoid cleaning of circuit boards, however if the circuit board must be cleaned use static or ultrasonic immersion in a standard circuit board
cleaning fluid for no more than 5 minutes and a maximum temperature of +60 °C. Afterwards thoroughly rinse and dry the circuit boards. In
general, treat supercapacitors in the same manner you would an aluminum electrolytic capacitor.
First Wave Second Wave
Preheat area Cool down area