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Category: MOSFET CIRCUIT IDEAS FOR DESIGNERS Schematic no. fet_11100.0
MOSFET Inverter Circuit
This circuit shows a basic MOSFET (or EPAD MOSFET) inverter circuit. The drain terminal is the
output and the gate terminal is the input. The output voltage VO is determined by the input voltage
and the output loading R. VO can be a voltage either above or below threshold voltage, which
depends on the drain current Ids as controlled by the gate voltage, and which in turn depends on R
value. The drain current is given by Ids = (V+ - VDS)/R.
At very high R values, the drain current may decrease to such a low level that leakage current
becomes a significant factor. The drain leakage current is a function of ambient temperature, and it
ranges from nA to a few pA, depending on the ambient temperature range of operation considered
and the device selected.
Recommended Components
¼ ALD1108xx, ½ ALD1109xx, or any of the EPAD MOSFETs
Other Related Circuit Ideas
Schematic no. fet_11101.0 Basic MOSFET/EPAD MOSFET Diode-Connected Circuit