For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at www.hittite.com
Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or apps@hittite.com
17 - 27 GHz
Functional Diagram
The HMC997LC4 is a GaAs MMIC PHEMT analog
variable gain amplier and/or driver amplier which
operates between 17 and 27 GHz. Ideal for microwave
radio applications, the amplier provides up to 20.5
dB of gain, output P1dB of up to +24 dBm, and up to
+31 dBm of output IP3 at maximum gain, while
requiring only 170 mA from a +5V supply. A gain
control voltage (Vctrl) is provided to allow variable
gain control up to 15 dB. Gain atness is excellent
making the HMC997LC4 ideal for EW, ECM and radar
applications. The HMC997LC4 is housed in a RoHS
compliant 4 x 4 mm ceramic QFN leadless package
and is compatible with high volume surface mount
Typical Applications Features
General Description
The HMC997LC4 is ideal for:
• Point-to-Point Radio
• Point-to-Multi-Point Radio
• EW & ECM Subsystems
• Ka-Band Radar
• Test Equipment
Wide Gain Control Range: 15 dB
Single Control Voltage
Output IP3 @ Max Gain: +31 dBm
Output P1dB: +24 dBm
No External Matching
24 Lead 4 x 4 mm SMT Package: 16 mm2
Electrical Specications, TA = +25 °C, Vdd1, 2, 3 = 5V, Vctrl = -4.5V, Idd = 170 mA*
Parameter Min. Ty p . Max. Min. Ty p . Max. Units
Frequency Range 17 - 21 21 - 27 GHz
Gain 1 7. 0 20 16 19 dB
Gain Flatness ±0.3 ±0.7 dB
Gain Variation Over Temperature 0.02 0.02 dB/ °C
Gain Control Range 12 15 12 14 dB
Noise Figure 4.0 3.5 dB
Input Return Loss 13 12 dB
Output Return Loss 17 19 dB
Output Power for 1 dB Compression (P1dB) 21 24 21 24 dBm
Saturated Output Power (Psat) 25 24.5 dBm
Output Third Order Intercept (IP3) 31 30 dBm
Total Supply Current (Idd) 170 170 mA
*Set Vctrl = -4.5V and then adjust Vgg1, 2 between -2V to 0V to achieve Idd = 170 mA typical.