2 of 2 found this helpful:
Good starting point for wearable tech experimentation
about 3 years ago by Member #506855 verified purchaser
One of the first challenges of trying to learn how to integrate electronics with textiles is how to provide power to
the electronics system. This little product is inexpensive yet practical for this kind of application, so I plan to
include it as a component of instructional kits for “wearable tech” classes in the future.
2 of 2 found this helpful:
Economical way to get started with e-textiles
about 3 years ago by Member #625334 verified purchaser
I sponsor a STEM related craft club at my elementary school. Our culminating project was to make a simple
LED bracelet with snaps as the on/off switch. These were ¼ the price of the Lilypad coin cell battery holder
with the actual switch. They worked just fine. You will need to use a size 7 embroidery needle because the
holes on either end of the battery holder used to secure the your fabric are tiny. The end that looks like an “E”
is the positive.
Great with tiny holes
about 3 years ago by Member #633705 verified purchaser
You probably have no control over the size of those holes I’m guessing! Otherwise this little battery holder is
works great
about 2 years ago by ErikvR verified purchaser
Been using these in elementary school for a textiles project (led bracelet, probably similar to what another
reviewer uses them for).
In 2003, CU student Nate Seidle blew a power supply in his dorm room
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