1. Dimensions are in inches.
2. Metric equivalents are given for information only.
3. Socket contact shall accom modate .041/.039 (1.04/0.99 m m) diameter pin for size 20 contacts and .0305/.0295
(.775/.749 mm) diameter pin for s i z e 22D contacts.
4. Point of electrical engagement. Use .0393/, 0390 (1.00/0.99 mm) diameter square ended test pin.
5. Applicabl e insert patterns see MIL-DTL-24308, appendix A.
6. Copyright notice. All inform ation disclosed in this military specification sheet which is or may be copyright ed by
ITT Cannon Electric is reproduced herein with the expressed permission of the copyright owner.
7. The 90 ° bracket s hall be one piece flame resistant glass-filled nylon, polyester or two piece metal and nylon of
which the metal pieces shall be coated with a material in accordance with IP C-CC-830.
8. The 90 ° bracket s hall be furnished as an integral part of the connector assembly.
9. Spacers will be supplied with connectors (not attached to t he c onnector).
10. Layout sho wn for reference only to locate CL. S ee applicable insert arrangement.
11. Requirement for contact retention shall be 3.5 lbs. for right angle printed circuit board mount connectors.
Connectors may be fastened to board for test.
12. Unless otherwise specified, tolerance is ± .010 inch (0.25 m m ).
13. In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification sheet and the references cited herein, the text of
this specification sheet sh al l take precede nc e.
14. Referenced Governments doc uments of the iss ue li s ted in ASSIST Online database at http://assist.daps.dla.mil/
specified in the solicitation form a part of this standard to the extent specif ied herein.
15. Indentati on on the ends of the termination side of the shell, for the purpose of securing the insu l ator in the shell,
is permitted. This may result i n the “F” dimension being undersiz ed in these areas. However the “F ” di m ension
shall be maint ained for the remainder of the connector.
16. For classes M, N and D use table I for applicable dash numbers.
FIGURE 1. Shell, receptacle, printed wiring boar d type - Continued.