Performance characteristics
Acquisition modes
Peak Detect
Displays sampled data directly to the screen in real time
Selectable from 2, 4, 8,16, 32, 64, 128 or 256
Selectable 1 to 1,000 acquisition frames can be recorded, played back and stored in the scope memory or
external USB memory
Captures high-frequency glitches as narrow as 10 nsec (A models) and 20 nsec (B models) when viewing
signals at slow sweep speeds
Waveform display rolls from right to left. minimum horizontal scale setting is 50 msec/div.
Interpolation Sin (x)/x
Trigger coupling AC, DC, LF reject, HF reject
Trigger modes
Pulse width
Triggers immediately when front panel button is pressed
Triggers on the positive and/or negative slope on any channel
Triggers on NTSC, PAL or SECAM video signals
Triggers on pulse width greater than, equal to or less than a specific time limit, ranging from
20 nsec to 10 sec (A models) and 50ns to 10 sec (B models)
Triggers on two non-synchronized active channels
Trigger source Ch 1, 2, Ext, Ext/5, AC Line (edge only) (2 channel A models)
Ch 1, 2, Ext, AC Line (edge only) (B Models)
Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, Ext, Ext/5, AC Line (edge only) (4-channel A models)
Trigger sensitivity1≥5 mV/div: 1 div from DC to 10 MHz, 1.5 div from 10 MHz to full bandwidth
<5 mV/div: 1 div from DC to 10 MHz, 1.5 div from 10 MHz to 20 MHz
Cursor measurement Manual, track waveform or automatic measurement selections. Manual and track waveform selections provide
readout of Horizontal (X, DX) and Vertical (Y, DY)
Auto measurement
Maximum, minimum, peak-to-peak, top, base, amplitude, average, RMS, overshoot, preshoot
Period, frequency, rise time, fall time, + width, - width, +duty cycle, -duty cycle, delay A-->B (rising edge),
delay A-->B (falling edge), phase A-->B (rising edge) and phase A-->B (falling edge)Integrated 6-digit
frequency counter on any channel. Counts up to the scope’s bandwidth
Display all measurements Mode to display all single-channel automatic measurements simultaneously on the display
Math Functions A+B, A-B, AxB, FFT
Source channel selection for A and B can be any combination of oscilloscope channels 1 and 2
(or 3 and 4 on 4 channel A models).
Auto Scale Finds and displays all active channels, sets edge trigger modes on highest numbered channels, sets vertical
sensitivity on channels, time base to display ~2 periods. Requires minimum voltage >20 mVpp, 1% duty cycle
and minimum frequency >50 Hz
Display persistence
Display types
5.7 inch diagonal color QVGA TFT LCD display with 300 cd/m2 backlight intensity
OFF, Infinite
Dots, Vectors
Waveform update rate 400 waveforms/sec (A models)
200 wfm/sec (B models)
Save/Recall internal 10 setups and 10 waveforms can be saved and recalled using internal non-volatile memory locations. 1 refer-
ence waveform can be saved and recalled using an internal volatile memory location for visual comparisons.
Save/Recall external Setups: STP saved and recalled (Note: setups not transferable between A and B models)
Waveforms: WFM saved and recalled, CSV saved
Reference waveforms: REF saved and recalled for visual comparisons
Images: 8-bit BMP, 24-bit BMP, PNG saved
1. Denotes warranted specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10°C from firmware calibration temperature.
11 | Keysight | DSO1000A/B Series Portable Oscilloscopes - Data Sheet