ZX360 Series●USB3.0 Micro-B Connector
■Product Specifi cations
Ratings Rated
1A/contact : When all contacts (No. 1 to 10) are for signal
1.8A/contact : for power contact (No. 1 & 5) and 0.5A/contact
for others (No. 2 to 4, 6 to 10).
Rated Voltage 30V AC
Operating Temp. Range -30°C to +85°C (Note 1)
Storage Temp. Range −30℃〜 +60℃
Items Specifi cations Conditions
1. Contact
resistance 30mø max. Measured at 100mA
2. Withstand voltage No fl ashover or breakdown 100V AC / 1min
3. Capacitance 2 pF or less Between adjacent contacts with 1,000Hz
alternative voltage
4. Durability Contact resistance : Increase by 10mø or less
from the initial value 10,000mating cycles
5. Overall insertion/
extraction forces
Insertion : 35N max.
Extraction : 10N min.(Initial)
8N min.(After durability cycles)
Measured with applicable connector
Note 1 : Includes temperature rise caused by current fl ow.
Note 2 : The above specifi cations are representative of this series.
Hirose does not guarantee specifi ed performance when mating with other maker's parts.
■Materials / Finish
Parts Materials Color/Finish
Insulator LCP Black/UL94V-0
Contact Copper alloy Gold plating (nickel under plating) or Nickel-palladium plating
Shell Stainless steel Tin plating
Parts Materials Color/Finish
Insulator LCP Black/UL94V-0
Contact Copper alloy Gold plating (nickel under plating) or Nickel-palladium plating
Lock spring Stainless steel −
Shield Stainless steel Nickel plating
Note : This is a halogen-free product.
(Maximum content of Br, Cl and Br+Cl total are 900ppm, 900ppm and 1500ppm, respectively.)
Note : The above data is representative of this series. Data may vary according to specifi cations.
■Product Number Structure
Refer to the chart below when determining the product specifications from the product number.
Please select from the product numbers listed in this catalog when placing orders.
ZX 3 60 D − B − 10 P
❶❷❸❹ ❺ ❻❼
ZX 3 60 − B − 10 S − UNIT
❶❷❸ ❺ ❻❼ ❽
ZX 3 60 − B − SLD*
❶❷❸ ❺ ❽
❶Series name ZX
❷Supported transmission
USB 2.0 compliant
USB 3.0 compliant
❸Wiring style
60 Right angle SMT
❹Mounting form of
receptacle shell D Dip style
❺Mating key shape B Micro-B
❻No. of contacts 10 contacts
❼Contact type P
Receptacle (male contacts)
Plug connector (female contacts)
❽Plug components UNIT
Plug unit
Plug shield (Note 1)
Note 1 : * contains type symbol such as A, B or number.